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Edit detail for SandBox Aldor Category Theory 5 revision 3 of 7

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2007/11/20 20:47:22 GMT-8

-+++  Cartesian Closed Categories
-define CartesianClosedCategory(Obj:Category):Category == MathCategory Obj with _
-                                                              Product Obj with _
-                                                          Exponential Obj 

-+++  Direct Product of objects and morphisms
-define Product(Obj:Category):Category == with
-    Product: (A:Obj,B:Obj) -> ( AB:Obj, AB->A, AB->B, (X:Obj)->(X->A,X->B)->(X->AB) )
-    Product: (A1:Obj,B1:Obj,  A2:Obj,B2:Obj) -> (AB1:Obj,AB2:Obj,(A1->A2,B1->B2)->(AB1->AB2))
-    *:(Obj,Obj)-> with Obj
-    default
-        Product(A1:Obj,B1:Obj,A2:Obj,B2:Obj):(AB1:Obj,AB2:Obj,(A1->A2,B1->B2)->(AB1->AB2)) ==
-	    (ab1:Obj,pa1:ab1->A1,pb1:ab1->B1, product1: (X:Obj) -> (X->A1,X->B1) -> (X->ab1)) == Product(A1,B1)
-	    (ab2:Obj,pa2:ab2->A2,pb2:ab2->B2, product2: (X:Obj) -> (X->A2,X->B2) -> (X->ab2)) == Product(A2,B2)
-	    (f:A1->A2)*(g:B1->B2):(ab1->ab2) == product2 ( ab1 )( (x:ab1):A2 +-> f pa1 x, (x:ab1):B2 +-> g pb1 x )
-	    (ab1,ab2,*)
-        (A:Obj)*(B:Obj): with Obj == 
-            (AB:Obj,pa:AB->A,pb:AB->B,product:(X:Obj)->(X->A,X->B)->(X->AB)) == Product(A,B)
-            AB add
-+++  Direct Sum
-define CoProduct(Obj:Category):Category == with
-    CoProduct: (A:Obj,B:Obj) -> ( AB:Obj, A->AB, B->AB, (X:Obj)->(A->X,B->X)->(AB->X) )
-    CoProduct: (A1:Obj,B1:Obj, A2:Obj,B2:Obj) -> (AB1:Obj,AB2:Obj,(A2->A1,B2->B1)->(AB2->AB1))
-    +:(Obj,Obj)-> with Obj
-    default
-        CoProduct(A1:Obj,B1:Obj,A2:Obj,B2:Obj):(AB1:Obj,AB2:Obj,(A2->A1,B2->B1)->(AB2->AB1)) == 
-	    (ab1:Obj,ia1:A1->ab1,ib1:B1->ab1, sum1: (X:Obj) -> (A1->X,B1->X) -> (ab1->X)) == CoProduct(A1,B1)
-	    (ab2:Obj,ia2:A2->ab2,ib2:B2->ab2, sum2: (X:Obj) -> (A2->X,B2->X) -> (ab2->X)) == CoProduct(A2,B2)
-	    (f:A2->A1)+(g:B2->B1):(ab2->ab1) == sum2 ( ab1 ) ( (x:A2):ab1 +-> ia1 f x, (x:B2):ab1 +-> ib1 g x )
-	    (ab1,ab2,+)
-        (A:Obj)+(B:Obj): with Obj == 
-            (AB:Obj,ia:A->AB,ib:B->AB,product:(X:Obj)->(A->X,B->X)->(AB->X)) == CoProduct(A,B)
-            AB add
-+++  Multiple Direct Product of a Single Object
-define MultiProduct(Obj:Category):Category == with
-    Product:(A:Obj,n:Integer)   -> (Prod:Obj,Integer->(Prod->A),(X:Obj)->(Tuple (X->A))->(X->Prod))
-    ^:(Obj,Integer) -> with Obj
-    default
-        (A:Obj)^(n:Integer): with Obj ==
-	    (Prod:Obj,project:Integer->(Prod->A),product:(X:Obj)->(Tuple (X->A))->(X->Prod)) == Product(A,n)
-	    Prod add
-+++  Multiple Direct Sum of a Single Object
-define CoMultiProduct(Obj:Category):Category == with
-    CoProduct:(A:Obj,n:Integer) -> ( Sum:Obj,Integer->(A->Sum),(X:Obj)->(Tuple (A->X))->(Sum->X))
-    ..:(Obj,Integer) -> with Obj
-    default
-        (A:Obj)..(n:Integer): with Obj == 
-	    (Sum:Obj,insert:Integer->(A->Sum),sum:(X:Obj)->(Tuple (A->X))->(Sum->X)) == CoProduct(A,n)
-	    Sum add
-+++  Quotients
-define Quotient(Obj:Category):Category == with
-    Quotient:  (A:Obj,B:Obj) -> (A->B) -> (Quo:Obj,A->Quo,(X:Obj)->(A->X)->(Quo->X))
-    /:(A:Obj,B:Obj) -> ((A->B)->Obj)
-    default
-        (A:Obj)/(B:Obj):((A->B)->Obj) ==
-	    (f:A->B):Obj +-> 
-	        (Q:Obj,insert:A->Q,quo:(X:Obj)->(A->X)->(Q->X)) == Quotient(A,B)(f)
-		Q add
-+++   Subobjects (the dual of Quotients)
-define Subobject(Obj:Category):Category == with
-    Subobject: (A:Obj,B:Obj) -> (B->A) -> (Sub:Obj,Sub->A,(X:Obj)->(X->A)->(X->Sub))
-    \:(A:Obj,B:Obj)->((B->A)->Obj)
-    default
-        (A:Obj)\(B:Obj):(B->A)->Obj == 
-	    (f:(B->A)):Obj +->
-	        (S:Obj,include:S->A,sub:(X:Obj)->(X->A)->(X->S)) == Subobject(A,B)(f)
-		S add 

#include "axiom" #pile #library lBasics "basics.ao" import from lBasics #library lMorphisms "morphisms.ao" import from lMorphisms #library lAdjoints "adjoints.ao" import from lAdjoints +++ +++ The Aldor category of mathematical categories +++ define MathCategory(Obj:Category):Category == Id Obj with Compose Obj with Morphisms Obj +++ +++ One sometimes needs the Hom-style categories where morphisms from A to B +++ are objects in Hom(A,B) rather than A->B. +++ define MathCategory(Obj:Category,Hom:(Obj,Obj)->Domain):Category == with id: (A:Obj) -> Hom(A,A) compose: (A:Obj,B:Obj,C:Obj) -> (Hom(A,B),Hom(B,C)) -> Hom(A,C) +++ +++ Identities +++ define Id(Obj:Category):Category == with id: (A:Obj) -> (A->A) default id(A:Obj):(A->A) == (a:A):A +-> a +++ +++ Composition of Morphisms +++ define Compose(Obj:Category):Category == with compose: (A:Obj,B:Obj,C:Obj) -> (A->B,B->C) -> (A->C) default compose(A:Obj,B:Obj,C:Obj)(f:A->B,g:B->C):(A->C) == (a:A):C +-> g f a +++ +++ Initial Objects +++ define Initial(Obj:Category):Category == with Zero: () -> Obj zero: (A:Obj) -> (Zero()->A) -- 0: Obj -- 0: (A:Obj)->(0->A) +++ +++ Final Objects +++ define Final(Obj:Category):Category == with One: () -> Obj one: (A:Obj) -> (A->One()) -- 1: Obj -- 1: (A:Obj)->(A->1) +++ +++ Equalizer +++ define Equalizer(Obj:Category):Category == with Equalizer: (A:Obj,B:Obj,A->B,A->B) -> (E:Obj,E->A) +++ +++ CoEqualizer +++ define CoEqualizer(Obj:Category):Category == with CoEqualizer: (A:Obj,B:Obj,B->A,B->A) -> (E:Obj,A->E) +++ +++ Pullback Square +++ define Pullback(Obj:Category):Category == with Pullback: (A:Obj,C:Obj,B:Obj) -> (A->C,B->C) -> ( Pullback:Obj, Pullback->A,Pullback->B,(X:Obj,X->A,X->B) -> (X->Pullback)) +++ +++ Pushout Square, the dual of a Pullback Square +++ define Pushout(Obj:Category):Category == with Pushout: (A:Obj,C:Obj,B:Obj) -> (C->A,C->B) -> ( Pushout:Obj, A->Pushout,B->Pushout, (X:Obj,A->X,A->X) -> ( Pushout->X)) +++ +++ Exponential object +++ define Exp(Obj:Category,E:Obj):Category == with rightProductFunctor: Obj -> Obj expFunctor: Obj -> Obj Adjoint(Obj,Obj,rightProductFunctor,expFunctor) define Exponential(Obj:Category):Category == with Exp: (E:Obj) -> Exp(Obj,E) define Hom(Obj:Category):Category == with Hom: (Obj,Obj) -> Obj define Hom?(Obj:Category):Category == with hom?: (Obj,Obj) -> Boolean -- hom?(A,B) answers "Are there any Homs from A to B?" +++ +++ Decategorification +++ define Isomorphic(Obj:Category):Category == with isomorphic?: (A:Obj,B:Obj) -> Boolean Decategorify: Set with { object: Obj -> % } default Decategorify: Set with { object: Obj -> % } == add Rep == Obj object(A:Obj):% == per A (A:%)=(B:%):Boolean == isomorphic? ( rep A, rep B) coerce(A:%):OutputForm == message "[Object]"
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/2878892845306364262-25px001.as using 
      AXIOM-XL compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
   Compiling Lisp source code from file 
   Issuing )library command for 2878892845306364262-25px001
   Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/2878892845306364262-25px001.asy
   Isomorphic is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Isomorphic will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Hom? is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Hom? will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Hom is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Hom will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Exponential is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Exponential will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Pushout is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Pushout will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Pullback is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Pullback will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   CoEqualizer is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   CoEqualizer will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Equalizer is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Equalizer will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Final is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Final will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Initial is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Initial will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Compose is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Compose will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Id is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Id will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   MathCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   MathCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Exp is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Exp will be automatically loaded when needed from 