#include "axiom"
#library lBasics ""
import from lBasics
define AutomorphismCategory(Obj:Category,A:Obj):Category == Groups with
aut: (A->A,A->A) -> % -- create an automorphism from a morphism and it's inverse
aut: % ->(A->A,A->A) -- create a morphism and it's inverse from an automorphism
+++ If X is an object in any category, Aut X given below is the group
+++ of automorphisms. If the category has Set and CountablyInfinite,
+++ autmorphisms are said to be equal if they have equal values at each
+++ point in their domain.
define Automorphism(Obj:Category):Category == with
Aut: (A:Obj) -> AutomorphismCategory (Obj,A)
Aut(A:Obj):AutomorphismCategory(Obj,A) ==
WW0:AutomorphismCategory(Obj,A) == add
Rep == Record(iso:A->A,isi:A->A); import from Rep
1:% == per [(a:A):A +-> a, (a:A):A +-> a]
(x:%)=(y:%):Boolean ==
A has CountablyFinite with Set =>
import from A
forall? ( ((rep x).iso)(a) = ((rep y).iso)(a) for a in (elements$A)() )
error "Equality is not available for these automorphisms."
import from o(Obj,A,A,A)
(g:%)*(f:%):% == per [ ((rep g).iso) ** ((rep f).iso) , ((rep f).isi) ** ((rep g).isi) ]
inv(f:%):% == per [ (rep f).isi, (rep f).iso ]
aut(isomorphism:A->A,isomorphismInverse:A->A):% == per [isomorphism,isomorphismInverse]
aut(f:%):(A->A,A->A) == explode rep f
coerce(f:%):OutputForm == message "[Automorphism]"
WW0 add
define EndomorphismCategory(Obj:Category,A:Obj):Category == Monoids with
end: (A->A) -> % -- create an endomorphisms from a morphism
end: % -> (A->A) -- create a morphism from an endomorphism
+++ If X is an object in any category, End X given below is the monoid
+++ of endomorphisms. If the category has Set and CountablyInfinite,
+++ endomorphisms are computed to be equal if they have equal values at
+++ each point in their domain.
define Endomorphism(Obj:Category):Category == with
End: (A:Obj) -> EndomorphismCategory(Obj,A)
End(A:Obj):EndomorphismCategory(Obj,A) ==
WW1:EndomorphismCategory(Obj,A) == add
Rep ==> A->A
1:% == per ( (a:A):A +-> a )
import from o(Obj,A,A,A)
(x:%)=(y:%):Boolean ==
A has CountablyFinite with Set =>
import from A
forall? ( (rep x) a = (rep y) a for a in (elements$A)() )
error "Equality is not available for endomorphisms."
(g:%)*(f:%):% == per ( (rep g)**(rep f) )
end(f:A->A):% == per f
end(f:%):(A->A) == rep f
coerce(f:%):OutputForm == message "[Endomorphism]"
WW1 add
define Morphisms(Obj:Category):Category == Automorphism Obj with Endomorphism Obj
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/ using
AXIOM-XL compiler and options
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
Compiling Lisp source code from file
Issuing )library command for 1389579592771181608-25px001
Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/1389579592771181608-25px001.asy
Morphisms is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Morphisms will be automatically loaded when needed from
Endomorphism is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Endomorphism will be automatically loaded when needed from
AutomorphismCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
AutomorphismCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
EndomorphismCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
EndomorphismCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
Automorphism is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Automorphism will be automatically loaded when needed from