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The Core Axiom developers in alphabetical order

  • Tim DALY
    • The main developer who brought Axiom to open source.
    • Maintainer of the Golden Axiom Branch
    • Contact:
    • Interests: ???
  • Gabriel DOS REIS
    • Maintainer of the Silver Branch (the latest and hottest Axiom branch before patches turn golden)
    • Silver Axiom Branch: svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/axiom axiom/trunk/
    • Interests:
      • Mathematical Software, Programming Languages design and implementation, Geometry
      • Team sports, reading, biking, scifi
  • Waldek Hebisch
    • Active in the axiom-dev mailing list.
    • Interests:
      • Turning the Axiom library from SPAD to Aldor and producing a standalone symbolic library
      • Simplifying the learning curve for contributors of Axiom
      • Adding documentation tools (hyperlinking etc)
  • Frederic LEHOBEY
  • Camm MAGUIRE
  • Francois MALTEY
  • David MENTRE
  • Bill PAGE
    • active maintainer of Axioms webpages
    • computer systems contractor, Government of Canada
    • Contact:
      • Email: bill dot page1 at synthesis dot anikast dot ca
      • SkypeName?: billpageathome
    • Interests:
      • Theoretical physics, especially general relativity.
      • Mathematics, especially category theory.
      • Computer science, especially programming languages, symbolic computation (computer algebra), open source software.
    • Hobbies:
      • Ah well, computers, eh? :)
      • Hobby farm, horses, goats, llamma
  • Martin RUBEY
    • Very active in updating the FriCASWiki
    • Interests:
      • Combinatorics
      • Unifying the documentation formats, i.e. MathAction, Pamphlets and HyperDoc
  • William SIT
    • One of the early Axiom users (when Axiom was still called Scratchpad)
    • Active in the axiom-dev mailing list, mostly concerned with algebra aspects
    • Interests:
      • differential algebra (in particular, computational differential algebra)
      • one of the organizers of the Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra at the City University of New York
      • Rota-Baxter algebras
      • understanding Axiom and sharing
      • some big but vague algebra projects (TBA :-)
    • Hobbies:
      • piano, violin, crossnumber puzzles
  • Gregory VANUXEM
  • Clifford YAPP
    • Active on the axiom-dev mailing list.
    • Interests:
      • Units and Dimensions support in Axiom
      • Graphical interfaces for Axiom and CAS in general, especially lisp based

I certainly have forgotten people. So if you think that you are actively working for Axiom then put your name and coordinates (homepage) here and say a few things of why you are interested in Axiom or what your responsibilities are.

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