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Edit detail for Mathaction2Input revision 1 of 5

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/06/21 19:16:35 GMT-7
Note: new

\author{Bill Page and David Cyganski}
\date{5 July 2007}
This script converts the source text of a mathaction (Axiom Wiki) page
containing text, Axiom interpreter commands, SPAD, and Aldor library
# Name: mathaction2input
# Version: 0.2
# Authors: Bill Page and David Cyganski
# Date: 5 July 2007
# Description:
# This script converts the source text of a mathaction (Axiom Wiki) page
# containing text, Axiom interpreter commands, SPAD, and Aldor library
# code.
# Example:
# $ curl http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/SandBoxTest2/src | \
#        ./mathaction2input > test2.input
# ---page: SandBoxTest2 --------
# This is an example:
# \begin{axiom}
# integrate(sin(x),x)
# \end{axiom}
# We can also include SPAD
# \begin{spad}
# )abbrev package MYPACK MyPackage
# MyPackage(): with ...
# \end{spad}
# and Aldor routines
# \begin{aldor}[name]
# #include "axiom"
# ...
# ---end --------------------------------
# This will be converted to a form suitable for direct input to Axiom using
# the ')read test2.input' command. E.g.
# ---file: test2.input -------------------
# --This is an example:
# integrate(sin(x),x)
# --We can also include SPAD
# )compile MyPackage.spad
# --and Aldor routines
# )compile name.as
# ---end -------------------------------
# ---file: MyPackage.spad --------------
# )abbrev package MYPACK MyPackage
# MyPackage(): with ...
# ---end --------------------------------
# ---file: name.as ----------------------
# #include "axiom"
# ...
# ---end --------------------------------
# Related: input2mathaction

$axiomenv="";  # state variable indicates text/axiom/spad/aldor environment
$filename="";  # name for spad and aldor compiler files
srand(); $filenum=int(rand(99999999)); # used of anonymous aldor modules
while (<>) {
  if ($axiomenv eq "") { # currently in text comments
    if (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{axiom\}/) { # start axiom commands
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{spad\}/) { # start spad code
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{aldor\}[\t ]*\n/) { # start aldor code
      $axiomenv="aldor";                           # anonymous module
      while (-f "aldor-$filenum.as") { $filenum=int(rand(99999999)) };
      open(F,">$filename") or die "Can't write to: $filename\n";
      print ")compile $filename\n";
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{aldor\}[\t ]*\[(.*?)\][\t ]*\n/) {
      $axiomenv="aldor";                           # named aldor module
      open(F,">$filename") or die "Can't write to: $filename\n";
      print ")compile $filename\n";
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\end\{/) { #  does not belong here! 
      die ("Nested $_")
    } else {
      if ($_ ne "\n") {   # text become comments in input file
        print "--$_"
      } else {            # except blank lines
  } elsif ($axiomenv eq "axiom") {  # current in axiom commands
    if (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{/) {
      die ("nested $_")
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\end\{axiom\}/) {
      $axiomenv=""        # assume next mode is text
    } else {
      print               # axiom commands go to stdout
  } elsif ($axiomenv eq "spad") {  # currently in spad code section
    if (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{/) {
      die ("\nNested $_")
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\)abbrev (.*?) (.*?) (.*?)\n/) {
      $filename = "$3.spad";
      open(F,">$filename") or die "Can't write to: $filename\n";
      print F $_;
      print ")compile $filename\n";
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\end\{spad\}/) {
      $axiomenv="";           # assume next mode is text
    } else {
      if ($filename ne "") {  # code goes to a file
        print F $_
      } else {
        die "Missing )abbrev ...\n"
  } elsif ($axiomenv eq "aldor") {  # currently in aldor code section
    if (m/^[\t ]*\\begin\{/) {
      die ("\nNested $_")
    } elsif (m/^[\t ]*\\end\{aldor\}/) {
      $axiomenv="";           # assume next mode is text
    } else {
      if ($filename ne "") {  # code goes to a file
        print F $_
      } else {
        die "Program error: No aldor file name\n"
  } else {
    die ("\nProgram error: No $axiomenv\n")
die ("\nMissing \\end{$axiomenv}\n") if $axiomenv;

\bibitem{1} nothing

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