We want to compute characters of wreath product Z_3^(Z_3)*Z_3
First, we represent the group in computer giving generators as permutations:
(1) -> pG := Permutation(Integer)
Type: Type
g1 := cycle([1,2,3])$pG
Type: Permutation(Integer)
g2 := cycle([1,4,7])$pG*cycle([2,5,8])$pG*cycle([3,6,9])$pG
Type: Permutation(Integer)
gens := [1$pG, g1, g2]
Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
Check the order:
Now, we compute list of elements. We will repeatedly multiply pending list of elements by
generators. Due to length we do no print results.
mul_sets(s1, s2) ==
l := [[g1*g2 for g1 in s1] for g2 in s2]
removeDuplicates(reduce(append, l))
Type: Void
ls := gens;
Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
for i in 1..20 repeat
ls := mul_sets(ls, gens)
Compiling function mul_sets with type (List(Permutation(Integer)),
List(Permutation(Integer))) -> List(Permutation(Integer))
Type: Void
Check that we obtained all elements:
Now, we want to compute conjugacy classes. rl
below is list
of remaining elements to process.
classes : List(List(Permutation(Integer))) := []
Type: List(List(Permutation(Integer)))
rl := ls;
Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
while not(empty?(rl)) repeat
cl := removeDuplicates([g^(-1)*rl(1)*g for g in ls])
classes := cons(cl, classes)
rl := setDifference(rl, cl)
Type: Void
-- reverse for more natural order
classes := reverse!(classes);
Type: List(List(Permutation(Integer)))
-- check for correct number of classes
Now we want to compute multiplication table for classes.
-- Auxiliary function to multiply element g1 by class cl1.
-- Input:
-- g1 - element
-- cl1 - class
-- lcl - list of all classes
product_of_classes(g1, cl1, lcl) ==
res := []$List(Integer)
els := [g1*g2 for g2 in cl1]
for cl2 in lcl repeat
sum := 0$Integer
for g2 in els repeat
if member?(g2, cl2) then sum := sum + 1
res := cons(sum, res)
Type: Void
-- Auxiliary function to multiply class cl1 by class cl2
-- Input:
-- cl1 and cl2 - classes
-- lcl - list of all classes
-- ncll - list of cardinalities of classes in lcl
product_of_classes2(cl1, cl2, lcl, nlcl) ==
res1 : List(Integer) := product_of_classes(cl1(1), cl2, lcl)
n := #cl1
[((k*n) exquo l)::Integer for k in res1 for l in nlcl]
Type: Void
-- remember cardinalities of classes for future use
nlcl := [#cl for cl in classes]
Type: List(NonNegativeInteger
-- empty multiplication table
mt := []$List(Matrix(Integer))
Type: List(Matrix(Integer))
-- Fill the multiplication table
for i in 1.. for cl1 in classes repeat
mti := new(17, 17, 0)$Matrix(Integer)
for j in 1.. for cl2 in classes repeat
pl := product_of_classes2(cl1, cl2, classes, nlcl)
for k in 1.. for coeff in pl repeat
mti(k, j) := coeff
mt := cons(mti, mt)
Compiling function product_of_classes with type (Permutation(Integer
), List(Permutation(Integer)), List(List(Permutation(Integer))))
-> List(Integer)
Compiling function product_of_classes2 with type (List(Permutation(
Integer)), List(Permutation(Integer)), List(List(Permutation(
Integer))), List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> List(Integer)
Type: Void
mt := reverse!(mt);
Type: List(Matrix(Integer))
Computation of characters will be done over finite field, in particular
for p = 1459 we have all needed roots of unity. We will produce
matrix of multiplication by random element and compute its eigenvectors.
pF := PrimeField(1459)
Type: Type
A := reduce(_+, [(random()$pF)*m::Matrix(pF) for m in mt]);
Type: Matrix(PrimeField
-- check if eigenvalues are distinct
-- list of eigenvectors
le1 := [eir.eigvec for eir in eigenvectors(A)];
Type: List(List(Matrix(Fraction(Polynomial(PrimeField
-- convert to right type
le := [column(first(ev)::Matrix(PrimeField(1459)), 1) for ev in le1];
Type: List(Vector(PrimeField
By normalizing and pass from g to g^(-1) we get characters from eigenvectors
-- Compute table of inverses for classes
inv := new(17, 0)$Vector(Integer);
Type: Vector(Integer)
for i in 1.. for cl1 in classes repeat
g1 := first(cl1)^(-1)
for j in 1.. for cl2 in classes repeat
if member?(g1, cl2) then
inv(i) := j
Type: Void
-- Auxiliary function to compute scalar product <f, f> of central function
-- f with itself. Input
-- f - function as vector of values corresponding to classes
-- inv - table of inverses for classes
-- nlcl - list of cardinalities of classes
skalar_product(f, inv, nlcl) ==
n : Integer := 0
s : pF := 0
for i in 1..17 for k in nlcl repeat
n := n + k
s := s + f(i)*f(inv(i))*(k::pF)
Type: Void
-- Auxiliary function to normalize eigenvectors so that <f, f> = 1 and
-- value at e is positive. Input
-- le - list of eigenvectors
-- inv - table of inverses
-- nlcl - list of cardinalities of classes
normalize_vectors(le, inv, nlcl) ==
res := []$List(Vector(pF))
il := parts(inv)
-- needed for computation of roots
g := primitiveElement()$pF
for ev in le repeat
sp := skalar_product(ev, inv, nlcl)
k1 := discreteLog(sp)
odd?(k1) => error "sp always is a square"
a1 := g^(-(k1 quo 2))
n := ev(1)*a1
-- We choose root so that value at e is positive, that is less than p/2. Since values are much
-- smaller than that we can use 700 in test below.
if (n::Integer) > 700 then a1 := -a1
ev1 := ev*a1
res := cons(vector([ev1(k) for k in il])$Vector(pF), res)
Type: Void
Here we get list of characters
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
lch := normalize_vectors(le, inv, nlcl);
Compiling function skalar_product with type (Vector(PrimeField(1459)
), Vector(Integer), List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> PrimeField(1459)
Compiling function normalize_vectors with type (List(Vector(
PrimeField(1459))), Vector(Integer), List(NonNegativeInteger))
-> List(Vector(PrimeField(1459)))
Type: List(Vector(PrimeField
[[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 439, 0, 1017, 3],
[1, 339, 339, 1, 1119, 1, 1119, 1119, 1119, 339, 1, 339, 339, 1, 1119, 1, 1]
[1, 1119, 1, 1119, 1, 1, 1119, 1, 339, 1, 339, 1, 339, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[3, 0, 679, 0, 780, 1017, 0, 341, 0, 1118, 0, 1121, 0, 0, 338, 0, 439],
[1, 1, 1119, 339, 339, 1, 1119, 339, 1, 1119, 1119, 1119, 339, 1, 339, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 339, 1119, 1119, 1, 339, 1119, 1, 339, 339, 339, 1119, 1, 1119, 1, 1]
[1, 339, 1119, 1119, 339, 1, 1, 339, 1119, 1119, 339, 1119, 1, 1, 339, 1, 1]
[1, 339, 1, 339, 1, 1, 339, 1, 1119, 1, 1119, 1, 1119, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[3, 0, 1118, 0, 338, 1017, 0, 780, 0, 1121, 0, 679, 0, 0, 341, 0, 439],
[1, 1119, 1119, 1, 339, 1, 339, 339, 339, 1119, 1, 1119, 1119, 1, 339, 1, 1]
[1, 1119, 339, 339, 1119, 1, 1, 1119, 339, 339, 1119, 339, 1, 1, 1119, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[3, 0, 780, 0, 679, 439, 0, 1121, 0, 338, 0, 341, 0, 0, 1118, 0, 1017],
[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1017, 0, 439, 3],
[3, 0, 1121, 0, 341, 1017, 0, 338, 0, 679, 0, 1118, 0, 0, 780, 0, 439],
[3, 0, 341, 0, 1121, 439, 0, 1118, 0, 780, 0, 338, 0, 0, 679, 0, 1017],
[3, 0, 338, 0, 1118, 439, 0, 679, 0, 341, 0, 780, 0, 0, 1121, 0, 1017]]
Type: List(Vector(PrimeField
-- Check that squares of dimensions sum to correct value
reduce(_+, [ch(1)^2 for ch in lch])
(32) 81
Comment: Using characters over finite field we could also compute values of characters over complex numbers, but we stop here.