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Edit detail for WorkShopRISC2006 revision 1 of 2

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Time: 2007/11/10 00:17:33 GMT-8

will take place at the "Research Institute for Symbolic Computation":http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at
in "Hagenberg":http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/map, Austria from Thursday, April 27, 10 am, to Saturday, April 29, noon.
                          __ ___  ___  ___  _ __ ___
                         / _` \ \/ / |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
                        | (_| |>  <| | (_) | | | | | |
                         \__,_/_/\_\_|\___/|_| |_| |_|

         __          ______  _____  _  __ _____ _    _  ____  _____
         \ \        / / __ \|  __ \| |/ // ____| |  | |/ __ \|  __ \
          \ \  /\  / / |  | | |__) | ' /| (___ | |__| | |  | | |__) |
           \ \/  \/ /| |  | |  _  /|  <  \___ \|  __  | |  | |  ___/
            \  /\  / | |__| | | \ \| . \ ____) | |  | | |__| | |
             \/  \/   \____/|_|  \_\_|\_\_____/|_|  |_|\____/|_|

                            ___   ___   ___    __
                           |__ \ / _ \ / _ \  / /
                              ) | | | | | | |/ /_
                             / /| | | | | | | '_ \
                            / /_| |_| | |_| | (_) |
                           |____|\___/ \___/ \___/

\textbf{Domain Specific Packages and their Mathematics}

with a special focus on

\textbf{Discrete Mathematics}

"Axiom":http://www.axiom-developer.org is a Computer Algebra System with a long tradition.
It recently became free software. 

The workshop aims at a cooperation of Axiom developers with developers of
packages written for other Computer Algebra Systems or developers of stand-alone packages.
Furthermore, the workshop wants to make the potential of Axiom and Aldor 
more widely known in order to attract new users and new developers.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please send a message to
<a href="mailto:axiomize@yahoo.de">axiomize@yahoo.de</a>.

There will be time for a limited number of contributed talks. If you would like
to give a talk, please send us title and a short abstract as soon as possible.

There is no conference fee, but it is expected that participants pay
accommodation and meals themselves.  There is a limited number of rooms
available in Hagenberg for approximately 26 EUR/night. 
Contact "axiomize@yahoo.de":mailto:axiomize@yahoo.de for details.


Preliminary Program:

<DT>Thursday, April 27
<DT>10:00 <STRONG>Martin Rubey</STRONG>
<DD>Opening and Introduction to Axiom
<DT>11:00 <STRONG>Carsten Schneider</STRONG>
<DD>"Sigma":http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/cschneid/Sigma/Sigma.html - A
package for multi-summation
<DT>12:00 <STRONG>Lunch</STRONG>
<DT>14:00 <STRONG>Nicolas Thiery</STRONG>
<DD>Implementing Algebraic Combinatorics -
some experiences with "MuPAD-Combinat":http://mupad-combinat.sourceforge.net
<DT>15:00 <STRONG>Ralf Hemmecke</STRONG>
<DD>Introduction to Aldor I
<DT>16:00 <STRONG>Workshop I</STRONG>

<DT>Friday, April 28
<DT>10:00 <STRONG>Petr Hlineny</STRONG>
<DD>"MACEK":http://www.cs.vsb.cz/hlineny/MACEK - real structural computations with matroids

          An "overview of MACEK":MACEKOverview
<DT>11:00 <STRONG>Bernhard Gittenberger</STRONG>
<DD>Extended admissible functions
<DT>12:00 <STRONG>Lunch</STRONG>
<DT>14:00 <STRONG>Ralf Hemmecke</STRONG>
<DD>Introduction to Aldor II
<DT>15:00 <STRONG>Christian Aistleitner</STRONG>
<DT>15:30 <STRONG>Workshop II</STRONG>

<DT>Saturday, April 29
<DT> 9:00 <STRONG>Martin Rubey</STRONG>
<DD>"Guessing formulas for sequences":http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/GuessingFormulasForSequences
<DT>10:00 <STRONG>Antoine Hersen</STRONG>
<DD>Implementing a hierarchy for Recurrences
<DT>11:00 <STRONG>Workshop III:</STRONG> Presentation of Results


Organisers: "Ralf Hemmecke":http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/hemmecke and
"Martin Rubey":http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~rubey/martin.html

Email: "axiomize@yahoo.de":mailto:axiomize@yahoo.de

will take place at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation in Hagenberg, Austria from Thursday, April 27, 10 am, to Saturday, April 29, noon.

                          __ ___  ___  __<u>  </u> __ ___
                         / <u>` \ \/ / |/ </u> \| '<u> ` </u> \
                        | (<u>| |>  <| | (</u>) | | | | | |
                         \_<u>,</u>/_/\_\_|\___/|_| |_| |<u>|
                                   (_)<p>         __          ______  ____<u>  </u>  __ ____<u> </u>    _  ____  _____
         \ \        / / __ \|  __ \| |/ // ____| |  | |/ __ \|  __ \
          \ \  /\  / / |  | | |__) | ' /| (___ | |__| | |  | | |_<u>) |
           \ \/  \/ /| |  | |  </u>  /|  <  \___ \|  __  | |  | |  ___/
            \  /\  / | |__| | | \ \| . \ ____) | |  | | |__| | |
             \/  \/   \____/|_|  \_\_|\_\_____/|_|  |_|\____/|_|<p>                            ___   ___   ___    __
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                              ) | | | | | | |/ /</u>
                             / /| | | | | | | '_ \
                            / /_| |_| | |<u>| | (</u>) |
                           |____|\___/ \___/ \__<u>/

Axiom is a Computer Algebra System with a long tradition. It recently became free software.

The workshop aims at a cooperation of Axiom developers with developers of packages written for other Computer Algebra Systems or developers of stand-alone packages. Furthermore, the workshop wants to make the potential of Axiom and Aldor more widely known in order to attract new users and new developers.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please send a message to axiomize@yahoo.de.

There will be time for a limited number of contributed talks. If you would like to give a talk, please send us title and a short abstract as soon as possible.

There is no conference fee, but it is expected that participants pay accommodation and meals themselves. There is a limited number of rooms available in Hagenberg for approximately 26 EUR/night. Contact axiomize@yahoo.de for details.

Preliminary Program:

Thursday, April 27
10:00 Martin Rubey
Opening and Introduction to Axiom
11:00 Carsten Schneider
Sigma - A package for multi-summation
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Nicolas Thiery
Implementing Algebraic Combinatorics - some experiences with MuPAD?-Combinat
15:00 Ralf Hemmecke
Introduction to Aldor I
16:00 Workshop I

Friday, April 28
10:00 Petr Hlineny
MACEK - real structural computations with matroids

An overview of MACEK

11:00 Bernhard Gittenberger
Extended admissible functions
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Ralf Hemmecke
Introduction to Aldor II
15:00 Christian Aistleitner
15:30 Workshop II

Saturday, April 29
9:00 Martin Rubey
Guessing formulas for sequences
10:00 Antoine Hersen
Implementing a hierarchy for Recurrences
11:00 Workshop III: Presentation of Results

Organisers: Ralf Hemmecke and Martin Rubey

Email: axiomize@yahoo.de