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Time: 2007/11/18 18:43:30 GMT-8

This page is work in progress, to be continued ...


  Francois Maltey <fmaltey@nerim.fr> wrote on 09 Apr 2006 21:32:00 +0200::

    )trace EXPR
    imag (sin (%i))
      >> System error:
      Bind stack overflow.

Section 1. The Issues

  These are probably related to IssueTracker #232, #233 and some seem to be difficult to fix. You did the right thing using ')trace' but ')trace' is fickle. 

Summary findings so far:

<li>A simpler trigger '1::EXPR INT' shows the bug need not involve 'imag' or 'sin' 
or '%i'  or even 'EXPR' ; in [SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC] we showed '2/3::FRAC INT' 
also triggers similar problems.
<li>')trace' may be responsible for the bug (interfering with computation);
<li>Depending on the domains traced, using ')math' with ')trace' may give 
different traces and indeed different outputs (see [SandBox Trace with )math]); 
unfortunately, there are so many variations and dependencies 
that it is difficult to keep track and reproduce behaviors consistently;
<li>It is important to start with a new session, or at least a ')trace )off' , for
each experiment because after a Bind Stack Overflow, ')trace' may not be working 
the same; even a repeated ')trace' may alter the outcome.
<li>There are differences between Windows and Linux versions. Problem seems to be 
error in ')trace' : finding the wrong function names (see [SandBox Trace in Windows]).

Section 2. The ')trace' command

  The first two points are illustrated in [SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC]. This was discovered 
after what comes next was mostly written. But instead of trying to simplify, 
perhaps it has more relevance to the given question, and in any case, I would like
 to understand more about 'EXPR' . I also think tracing '2/3 ::FRAC INT' may shed 
some light on the problem since 'FRAC INT' is a much simpler domain.

To show the last two items, try, *with a new session*, the three ')trace' 
commands, with or without ')math' (16 cases, but not all different outcomes)::

  )set mess auto off
  )trace INT
  )trace EXPR INT
  )trace EXPR INT

Here are two sample outputs (cut and paste from terminal, with empty lines deleted 
to have the verbatim block working) from Windows (Version of Tuesday November 30, 
2004 at 21:11:14). Note the difference in responses both within the same example 
and between the examples.

<font size=3><b>Example 1</b></font>::

  (1) -> )set mess auto off
  (1) -> )trace INT )math 
     Parameterized constructors traced:
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT )math
  1<enter Integer.one?,26 : 1>exit  Integer.one?,26 :
  1<enter Integer.zero?,25
     >> Error detected within library code:
     bad functorName
  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT
  1<enter Integer.zero?,25
     >> Error detected within library code:
     bad functorName
  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)

<font size=3><b>Example 2</b></font>:: 

  (1) -> )set mess auto off
  (1) -> )trace INT
     Parameterized constructors traced:
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT
  1<enter Integer.one?,26 :
  1>exit  Integer.one?,26 : 0
  1<enter Integer.zero?,25 : 1
  1>exit  Integer.zero?,25 : NIL
     Packages traced:
        Integer, Expression Integer
     Parameterized constructors traced:
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT
     Packages traced:
        Integer, Expression Integer
     Parameterized constructors traced:

On Linux (FC2, Version: Axiom 3.0 Beta (February 2005)), same as Example 2, 
except 'Integer.one?' was not called.

)trace )off
)trace INT )math
)trace EXPR INT )math
)trace EXPR INT

Before going on, open 'expr.spad' , 'fraction.spad' , 'multpoly.spad' , 
'kl.spad' , and 'integer.spad' as references. I don't know why 'Integer.one?' 
and 'Integer.zero?' appeared or why using ')math' made a difference (I don't 
know how to trace ')trace' itself.) However, I think understanding the 
following sequence might be useful for later. My interpretation may be wrong.
<li>To instantiate '0\$(EXPR INT)', the code is: '0\$Rep' .
<li>The 'Rep' for 'EXPR INT' is 'FRAC SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' ;  
(yes, it is circular! or if you prefer, recursively constructed)
<li>To instantiate '0\$Rep' , we use '0' and '1' from 'SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' 
to build the fraction '0/1' (see domain 'Localise' in 'fraction.spad' );
<li>These two constants are given by the code: '0 = 0\$R::%' and '1 = 1\$R::%' , 
where 'R' is 'INT' .
<li>This requires first coercing '0\$INT' and '1\$INT' to 'SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' .
<li>These coercions are given by the code: 'coerce(n) == n::R::%' (see 'SMP' in 
'multpoly.spad' ). Here 'coerce' on the left has signature 
'coerce: Integer -> SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' .
<li>When 'R' is 'INT', the code 'coerce(n) == n::R::%' looks like it is circular but I believe it is 
*not* since at compile time, 'R' is not 'INT'. (*This raises a general question 
on boundary cases for parameters*). Moreover, I believe 'Integer' is *not* 'INT' 
when the domain constructor 'INT' is compiled. This is weird, I know, that's why 
I am using the word *believe*; 'Integer' is some domain in Lisp, whereas 'INT' 
is the Axiom domain we usually call 'Integer'; in a sense, the Lisp 'Integer' 
is extended, a la Aldor, by the domain constructor 'Integer', whose abbreviation 
is 'INT'. 

{Aside: can we use this technique to simulate 'extend' in Axiom? That is, can we simply 
redefine a domain or domain constructor using its former self?}

I'll continue to use 'INT' to mean the Axiom domain and 'Integer' 
for the Lisp domain *in this paragraph*. Assuming this, 'n::R' refers to the 
'coerce: Integer->INT' which is implemented in integer.spad by
'coerce(m:Integer):% == m pretend %' (note that the domain INT has no Rep, 
and this is, in a sense, saying 'Rep' is 'Integer' of Lisp).  Continuing, 'R::%' 
has signature 'coerce:R ->%', and is implemented in 'SMP' by
'coerce(c) == c::%', where the interpretation of '%' is 'Rep' of 'SMP(INT, ...)', 
which in turn is 'Union(R, ...)'. To cut this short, 'n::R::%' is what we expect.

Section 3. Coercing '1::EXPR INT'

  First we establish that '1::EXPR INT' works as expected without ')trace' .

)trace )off
coerce(1$INT)@(EXPR INT)

Now if we add the following ')trace' command, then we obtain the Bind Stack Overflow. 
This establishes the claims (1) and (2) in Section 1.

)trace EXPR )math

To trace this error, I used the following (recall from Section 1 that ')trace' is 
fickle and differs in Windows and Linux; also, the output would be fairly long)::

  )trace INT 
  )trace EXPR INT

but we need a new session, and there are many lines of output. So I set up a new page 
in [SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC]. Here's a sample ([SandBox Trace in Windows]) of an abbreviated output (that page is 
subject to experimentation, so you will find the following only if the code 
above is run there at the top)::

  1<enter Expression.coerce,34 : 1
   1<enter Fraction.*,60 : 1\((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.coerce,77 : 1
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.coerce,77 : (0 . 1)
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : (0 . 1)\(0 . 1)
     1<enter Integer.=,64 : 1\1
     1>exit  Integer.=,64 : T
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : T
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,65 : (0 . 1)\(0 . 1)
     1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,90 : 1\(0 . 1)
      1<enter Integer.=,64 : 1\1
      1>exit  Integer.=,64 : T
     1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,90 : (0 . 1)
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,65 : (0 . 1)
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.zero?,17 : (0 . 1)
     1<enter Integer.zero?,25 : 1
     1>exit  Integer.zero?,25 : NIL
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.zero?,17 : NIL
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : (0 . 1)\(0 . 1)
     1<enter Integer.=,64 : 1\1
     1>exit  Integer.=,64 : T
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : T
   1>exit  Fraction.*,60 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
  1>exit  Expression.coerce,34 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
  1<enter Expression.coerce,397 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
   2<enter Expression.coerce,397 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)

Now let's follow the trace above.

<li> 'coerce\$EXPR INT' is implemented as<br>
     'coerce(n:Integer) ==  coerce(n)\$Rep@Rep::%'
<li> We already know that 'Rep' (from '\$Rep') for 'EXPR INT' is 
<li> We also know that the 'Rep' (from '@Rep') is the 'Rep' for 
'FRAC SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' and hence is a pair from 'SMP(...)' . 
So eventually, the '::%' is the coercion from 'FRAC SMP(...)' back to 'EXPR INT' .
<li> This is done via the coercion from 'SMP(...)' to 'EXPR INT' . 
This is possible because 'SMP(...)' belongs to 'POLYCAT' .
<li> All the above worked fine, ending in the trace line:
'1>exit  Expression.coerce,34 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)' . That is, '1::EXPR INT' 
results in the object represented internally as '((0 . 1) 0 . 1)' . 
It is a list with two items, the first is a list '(0 . 1)', representing 
the constant polynomial 1, and the other '0 . 1' without the parenthesis 
represent the constant 1, and '1' . It simply represents 
<li> The infinite loop comes when the previous result is passed to 'Expression.coerce, 397' .
This last 'coerce' is 'coerce:%-> OutputForm' and is implemented in 'EXPR' by calling 
'coerce\$Rep' . (I found this out by recompiling expr.spad and looking at the file 
'index.KAF' in 'EXPR.NRLIB').
<li> 'coerce\$(FRAC SMP(...)' is implemented as::

      coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
        ((xd:=x.den) = 1) => (x.num)::OutputForm
        (x.num)::OutputForm / (xd::OutputForm)

<li> So the output is finally done by calling
'coerce\$SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' , which is implemented as::

     coerce(p):OutputForm ==
        p case R => (p::R)::OutputForm
<li> The 'Rep' for 'SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' is 'Union(R, V)' where 'V' is ::

(again, this is circular).

<li> The 'Rep' for 'SUP(R)' where 'R' is any ring, is just a list of its terms, that is::

   Term := Record(k:NonNegativeInteger,c:R)
   Rep  := List Term

<li> So '((0 . 1) 0 . 1)' means a list 
but this means the representation of 'EXPR INT' is to be a fraction, whose 
numerator and denominator are written as a p
<li> It seems to me that when ')trace' is not on, the first line of 'coerce' 
succeeds for input '((0 . 1) 0 . 1)' (as it should) but fails when ')trace' is on.
<li> The function 'outputForm' is taken from 'SUP(SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT))' 
(more generally, from 'SUP(R)' for any ring 'R' . It is implemented as::

   outputForm(p:%,v:OutputForm) ==
     l: List(OutputForm)
     l:=[toutput(t,v) for t in p]
     null l => (0\$Integer)::OutputForm -- else FreeModule 0 problems


To be continued.

This page is work in progress, to be continued ...


Francois Maltey <fmaltey@nerim.fr> wrote on 09 Apr 2006 21:32:00 +0200:

    )trace EXPR
    imag (sin (%i))
      >> System error:
      Bind stack overflow.

Section 1. The Issues

These are probably related to IssueTracker? #232, #233 and some seem to be difficult to fix. You did the right thing using )trace but )trace is fickle.

Summary findings so far:

  1. A simpler trigger 1::EXPR INT shows the bug need not involve imag or sin or %i or even EXPR ; in [SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC]? we showed 2/3::FRAC INT also triggers similar problems.
  2. )trace may be responsible for the bug (interfering with computation);
  3. Depending on the domains traced, using )math with )trace may give different traces and indeed different outputs (see [SandBox Trace with )math]?); unfortunately, there are so many variations and dependencies that it is difficult to keep track and reproduce behaviors consistently;
  4. It is important to start with a new session, or at least a )trace )off , for each experiment because after a Bind Stack Overflow, )trace may not be working the same; even a repeated )trace may alter the outcome.
  5. There are differences between Windows and Linux versions. Problem seems to be error in )trace : finding the wrong function names (see [SandBox Trace in Windows]?).

Section 2. The )trace command

The first two points are illustrated in [SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC]?. This was discovered after what comes next was mostly written. But instead of trying to simplify, perhaps it has more relevance to the given question, and in any case, I would like to understand more about EXPR . I also think tracing 2/3 ::FRAC INT may shed some light on the problem since FRAC INT is a much simpler domain.

To show the last two items, try, with a new session, the three )trace commands, with or without )math (16 cases, but not all different outcomes):

  )set mess auto off
  )trace INT
  )trace EXPR INT
  )trace EXPR INT

Here are two sample outputs (cut and paste from terminal, with empty lines deleted to have the verbatim block working) from Windows (Version of Tuesday November 30, 2004 at 21:11:14). Note the difference in responses both within the same example and between the examples.

Example 1:

  (1) -> )set mess auto off
  (1) -> )trace INT )math 
     Parameterized constructors traced:
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT )math
  1<enter Integer.one?,26 : 1>exit  Integer.one?,26 :
  1<enter Integer.zero?,25
     >> Error detected within library code:
     bad functorName
  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT
  1<enter Integer.zero?,25
     >> Error detected within library code:
     bad functorName
  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)

Example 2:

  (1) -> )set mess auto off
  (1) -> )trace INT
     Parameterized constructors traced:
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT
  1<enter Integer.one?,26 :
  1>exit  Integer.one?,26 : 0
  1<enter Integer.zero?,25 : 1
  1>exit  Integer.zero?,25 : NIL
     Packages traced:
        Integer, Expression Integer
     Parameterized constructors traced:
  (1) -> )trace EXPR INT
     Packages traced:
        Integer, Expression Integer
     Parameterized constructors traced:

On Linux (FC2, Version: Axiom 3.0 Beta (February 2005)), same as Example 2, except Integer.one? was not called.

)trace )off
Nothing is traced now.
)trace INT )math
Parameterized constructors traced: INT
)trace EXPR INT )math
1<enter Integer.zero?,25 : arg1= 1 1>exit Integer.zero?,25 : false
Packages traced: Integer, Expression(Integer) Parameterized constructors traced: INT
)trace EXPR INT
Packages traced: Integer, Expression(Integer) Parameterized constructors traced: INT

Before going on, open expr.spad , fraction.spad , multpoly.spad , kl.spad , and integer.spad as references. I don't know why Integer.one? and Integer.zero? appeared or why using )math made a difference (I don't know how to trace )trace itself.) However, I think understanding the following sequence might be useful for later. My interpretation may be wrong.

  1. To instantiate 0$(EXPR INT), the code is: 0$Rep .
  2. The Rep for EXPR INT is FRAC SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) ; (yes, it is circular! or if you prefer, recursively constructed)
  3. To instantiate 0$Rep , we use 0 and 1 from SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) to build the fraction 0/1 (see domain Localise in fraction.spad );
  4. These two constants are given by the code: 0 = 0$R::% and 1 = 1$R::% , where R is INT .
  5. This requires first coercing 0$INT and 1$INT to SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) .
  6. These coercions are given by the code: coerce(n) == n::R::% (see SMP in multpoly.spad ). Here coerce on the left has signature coerce: Integer -> SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) .
  7. When R is INT, the code coerce(n) == n::R::% looks like it is circular but I believe it is not since at compile time, R is not INT. (This raises a general question on boundary cases for parameters). Moreover, I believe Integer is not INT when the domain constructor INT is compiled. This is weird, I know, that's why I am using the word believe; Integer is some domain in Lisp, whereas INT is the Axiom domain we usually call 'Integer'; in a sense, the Lisp Integer is extended, a la Aldor, by the domain constructor Integer, whose abbreviation is INT.

    {Aside: can we use this technique to simulate extend in Axiom? That is, can we simply redefine a domain or domain constructor using its former self?}

    I'll continue to use INT to mean the Axiom domain and Integer for the Lisp domain in this paragraph. Assuming this, n::R refers to the coerce: Integer->INT which is implemented in integer.spad by coerce(m:Integer):% == m pretend % (note that the domain INT has no Rep, and this is, in a sense, saying Rep is Integer of Lisp). Continuing, R::% has signature coerce:R ->%, and is implemented in SMP by coerce(c) == c::%, where the interpretation of % is Rep of SMP(INT, ...), which in turn is Union(R, ...). To cut this short, n::R::% is what we expect.

Section 3. Coercing 1::EXPR INT

First we establish that 1::EXPR INT works as expected without )trace .

)trace )off
Nothing is traced now.

Type: Expression(Integer)
coerce(1$INT)@(EXPR INT)

Type: Expression(Integer)

Now if we add the following )trace command, then we obtain the Bind Stack Overflow. This establishes the claims (1) and (2) in Section 1.

)trace EXPR )math
Packages traced: Expression(Integer) Parameterized constructors traced: EXPR 1::EXPR INT
1<enter Expression.coerce,61 : arg1= 1 1>exit Expression.coerce,61 : 1
1<enter Expression.denom,102 : arg1= 1 1>exit Expression.denom,102 : 1 1<enter Expression.numer,100 : arg1= 1 1>exit Expression.numer,100 : 1

Type: Expression(Integer)

To trace this error, I used the following (recall from Section 1 that )trace is fickle and differs in Windows and Linux; also, the output would be fairly long):

  )trace INT 
  )trace EXPR INT

but we need a new session, and there are many lines of output. So I set up a new page in [SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC]?. Here's a sample ([SandBox Trace in Windows]?) of an abbreviated output (that page is subject to experimentation, so you will find the following only if the code above is run there at the top):

  1<enter Expression.coerce,34 : 1
   1<enter Fraction.*,60 : 1\((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.coerce,77 : 1
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.coerce,77 : (0 . 1)
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : (0 . 1)\(0 . 1)
     1<enter Integer.=,64 : 1\1
     1>exit  Integer.=,64 : T
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : T
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,65 : (0 . 1)\(0 . 1)
     1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,90 : 1\(0 . 1)
      1<enter Integer.=,64 : 1\1
      1>exit  Integer.=,64 : T
     1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,90 : (0 . 1)
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.*,65 : (0 . 1)
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.zero?,17 : (0 . 1)
     1<enter Integer.zero?,25 : 1
     1>exit  Integer.zero?,25 : NIL
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.zero?,17 : NIL
    1<enter SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : (0 . 1)\(0 . 1)
     1<enter Integer.=,64 : 1\1
     1>exit  Integer.=,64 : T
    1>exit  SparseMultivariatePolynomial.=,97 : T
   1>exit  Fraction.*,60 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
  1>exit  Expression.coerce,34 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
  1<enter Expression.coerce,397 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)
   2<enter Expression.coerce,397 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1)

Now let's follow the trace above.

  1. coerce$EXPR INT is implemented as
    coerce(n:Integer) == coerce(n)$Rep@Rep::%
  2. We already know that Rep (from $Rep) for EXPR INT is FRAC SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) .
  3. We also know that the Rep (from @Rep) is the Rep for FRAC SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) and hence is a pair from SMP(...) . So eventually, the ::% is the coercion from FRAC SMP(...) back to EXPR INT .
  4. This is done via the coercion from SMP(...) to EXPR INT . This is possible because SMP(...) belongs to POLYCAT .
  5. All the above worked fine, ending in the trace line: 1>exit Expression.coerce,34 : ((0 . 1) 0 . 1) . That is, 1::EXPR INT results in the object represented internally as ((0 . 1) 0 . 1) . It is a list with two items, the first is a list (0 . 1), representing the constant polynomial 1, and the other 0 . 1 without the parenthesis represent the constant 1, and 1 . It simply represents 1$SMP(...).
  6. The infinite loop comes when the previous result is passed to Expression.coerce, 397 . This last coerce is coerce:%-> OutputForm and is implemented in EXPR by calling coerce$Rep . (I found this out by recompiling expr.spad and looking at the file index.KAF in EXPR.NRLIB).
  7. coerce$(FRAC SMP(...) is implemented as:
          coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
            ((xd:=x.den) = 1) => (x.num)::OutputForm
            (x.num)::OutputForm / (xd::OutputForm)

  8. So the output is finally done by calling coerce$SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT) , which is implemented as:
         coerce(p):OutputForm ==
            p case R => (p::R)::OutputForm
    <li> The 'Rep' for 'SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)' is 'Union(R, V)' where 'V' is ::

    (again, this is circular).

  9. The Rep for SUP(R) where R is any ring, is just a list of its terms, that is:
       Term := Record(k:NonNegativeInteger,c:R)
       Rep  := List Term

  10. So ((0 . 1) 0 . 1) means a list but this means the representation of EXPR INT is to be a fraction, whose numerator and denominator are written as a p
  11. It seems to me that when )trace is not on, the first line of coerce succeeds for input ((0 . 1) 0 . 1) (as it should) but fails when )trace is on.
  12. The function outputForm is taken from SUP(SMP(INT, KERNEL EXPR INT)) (more generally, from SUP(R) for any ring R . It is implemented as:
       outputForm(p:%,v:OutputForm) ==
         l: List(OutputForm)
         l:=[toutput(t,v) for t in p]
         null l => (0$Integer)::OutputForm -- else FreeModule 0 problems

To be continued.