fricas (1) -> <spad>
---)lisp (setq |$inclAssertions| nil)
--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_algebra
fricas )abbrev category TENALGC TensorAlgebraCategory
TensorAlgebraCategory(R : CommutativeRing,
M : Module(R)) : Category == Module(R) with
tensor : (List M) -> %
++ \spad{tensor([x1, x2, ..., xn])} constructs the tensor
++ product of \spad{x1, x2, ..., xn}.
if M has Algebra(R) then Algebra(R)
TensorProductCategory(R, M, M)
tensor(a : M, b : M) : % ==
tensor [a, b]
fricas )abbrev domain TENSALG TensorAlgebra
TensorAlgebra(R : CommutativeRing, B : OrderedSet, _
M : FreeModuleCategory(R, B)) : TPcat == TPimp where
TPcat == Join(TensorAlgebraCategory(R, M), GradedAlgebra(R, M),
FreeModuleCategory(R, Vector(B))) with
tensor : List B -> %
coerce : B -> % --NEW
_* : (%,%) -> % --NEW
TERM1 ==> Record(k : B, c : R)
Bn ==> Vector B
Bntmp ==> List B
TERM ==> Record(k : Bn, c : R)
TERMtmp ==> Record(k : Bntmp, c : R)
GARM ==> GradedAlgebra(R, M) --NEW
TPimp == FreeModule(R, Bn) add
prodTERM2(a:TERM,b:TERM):% ==
la:List B:=entries(a.k)
lb:List B:=entries(b.k)
lab:List B:=concat(la,lb)
--NEW from GradedAlgebra
product(x:%,y:%):% ==
tx:=listOfTerms x
ty:=listOfTerms y
for a in tx repeat
for b in ty repeat
x*y == product(x,y)
coerce(b:B):% == tensor([b])
coerce(r:R):% == construct [[[],r]$TERM]
coerce(x : %) : OutputForm ==
zero? x => (0$R) :: OutputForm
le : List OutputForm := []
rec : TERM
for rec in reverse listOfTerms x repeat
if not empty?(rec.k) then --NEW
ko : OutputForm :=
reduce(tensor, [b::OutputForm for b in parts rec k])
ko : OutputForm := outputForm(1)$OutputForm --NEW
rec.c = 1 => le := cons(ko, le)
le := cons(rec.c :: OutputForm * ko, le)
partialTensor : (List B, List M)->List TERMtmp
partialTensor(bb : List B, xx : List M) : List TERMtmp ==
res : List TERMtmp
x1 : M := first xx
xr : List M := rest xx
s1 : List TERM1
tt : List TERMtmp
if empty? xr then
for s1 in listOfTerms x1 repeat
res := cons([ cons(s1.k, bb), s1.c], res)
for s1 in listOfTerms x1 repeat
for tt in partialTensor(cons(s1.k, bb), xr) repeat
res := cons([tt k, s1 c*tt c], res)
reverse res
tensor(bb : List B) : % == monomial(1, vector bb)
-- Always satisfied, but compiler is too weak to notice this
if Vector(B) has Comparable then
tensor(xx : List M) : % ==
--not size?(xx,n) => error "wrong size"
any?(zero?, xx) => 0
res : List TERM := []
tt : TERMtmp
for tt in partialTensor(empty()$(List B), xx) repeat
res := cons([vector reverse tt k, tt c], res)
constructOrdered reverse res
-- Multiplication in the algebra
-- We must reconstruct the elements of the factors. Take all terms,
-- extract the coefficients, take the product of the basis elements
-- in the algebras and tensorize.
if M has Algebra(R) then
(x1 : % * x2 : %) : % ==
res : List TERM := empty()
for t1 in listOfTerms x1 repeat
for t2 in listOfTerms x2 repeat
-- the coefficients
t1c : R := t1.c
t2c : R := t2.c
-- the basis elements
t1k : Bn := t1.k
t2k : Bn := t2.k
t1t2 : % := (t1 c)*(t2 c)*tensor([monomial(1, b1)*
monomial(1, b2) _
for b1 in parts t1 k for b2 in parts t2 k])
for t in listOfTerms t1t2 repeat
res := cons(t, res)
construct res</spad>
fricas Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
TENALGC abbreviates category TensorAlgebraCategory
initializing NRLIB TENALGC for TensorAlgebraCategory
compiling into NRLIB TENALGC
;;; *** |TensorAlgebraCategory| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
TENALGC- abbreviates domain TensorAlgebraCategory&
initializing NRLIB TENALGC- for TensorAlgebraCategory&
compiling into NRLIB TENALGC-
compiling exported tensor : (M,M) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |TensorAlgebraCategory&| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TensorAlgebraCategory&
Time: 0.01 seconds
finalizing NRLIB TENALGC-
Processing TensorAlgebraCategory& for Browser database:
--->-->TensorAlgebraCategory&(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--------(tensor (% (List M)))---------
--->-->TensorAlgebraCategory&(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TENALGC-.NRLIB/TENALGC-.lsp" (written 25 FEB 2025 05:20:53 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TENALGC-.NRLIB/TENALGC-.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
TensorAlgebraCategory& is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
TensorAlgebraCategory& will be automatically loaded when needed from
finalizing NRLIB TENALGC
Processing TensorAlgebraCategory for Browser database:
--->-->TensorAlgebraCategory(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--------(tensor (% (List M)))---------
--->-->TensorAlgebraCategory(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TENALGC.NRLIB/TENALGC.lsp" (written 25 FEB 2025 05:20:54 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TENALGC.NRLIB/TENALGC.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
TensorAlgebraCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
TensorAlgebraCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
TENSALG abbreviates domain TensorAlgebra
initializing NRLIB TENSALG for TensorAlgebra
compiling into NRLIB TENSALG
compiling local prodTERM2 : (Record(k: Vector B,c: R),Record(k: Vector B,c: R)) -> %
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported product : (%,%) -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : (%,%) -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : B -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : R -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local partialTensor : (List B,List M) -> List Record(k: List B,c: R)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tensor : List B -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: (Vector B) already in scope
augmenting (Vector B): (Comparable)
compiling exported tensor : List M -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: M already in scope
augmenting M: (Algebra R)
compiling exported * : (%,%) -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (Comparable)
****** Domain: (Vector B) already in scope
augmenting (Vector B): (Comparable)
****** Domain: (Vector B) already in scope
augmenting (Vector B): (Comparable)
****** Domain: M already in scope
augmenting M: (Algebra R)
(time taken in buildFunctor: 3637)
;;; *** |TensorAlgebra| REDEFINED
;;; *** |TensorAlgebra| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] prodTERM2: k has no value
[2] prodTERM2: c has no value
[3] *: signature of lhs not unique: chosen
[4] coerce: k has no value
[5] coerce: c has no value
[6] partialTensor: k has no value
[7] partialTensor: c has no value
[8] partialTensor: res has no value
[9] tensor: k has no value
[10] tensor: c has no value
[11] *: c has no value
[12] *: k has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TensorAlgebra
Time: 0.06 seconds
--------------non extending category----------------------
.. TensorAlgebra(#1,#2,#3) of cat
(|Join| (|TensorAlgebraCategory| |#1| |#3|) (|GradedAlgebra| |#1| |#3|)
(|FreeModuleCategory| |#1| (|Vector| |#2|))
(CATEGORY |domain| (SIGNATURE |tensor| (% (|List| |#2|)))
(SIGNATURE |coerce| (% |#2|)) (SIGNATURE * (% % %)))) has no
(IF (|has| |#1| (|CommutativeRing|))
(ATTRIBUTE (|Module| |#1|))
|noBranch|) finalizing NRLIB TENSALG
Processing TensorAlgebra for Browser database:
--->-->TensorAlgebra(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->TensorAlgebra((tensor (% (List B)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->TensorAlgebra((coerce (% B))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->TensorAlgebra((* (% % %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->TensorAlgebra(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TENSALG.NRLIB/TENSALG.lsp" (written 25 FEB 2025 05:20:54 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TENSALG.NRLIB/TENSALG.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.028
TensorAlgebra is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
TensorAlgebra will be automatically loaded when needed from
fricas B:=OrderedVariableList [e[i] for i in 1..3]
Type: Type
fricas e:=enumerate()$B
fricas R:=Expression Integer
Type: Type
fricas R has CommutativeRing
Type: Boolean
fricas M:=FreeModule(R, B)
Type: Type
fricas TA:=TensorAlgebra(R,B,M)
Type: Type
fricas --t1:=tensor([e.1,e.2,e.3,e.1,e.2])$TA
b:=[a::TA for a in e]
fricas T:=x*b.1+y*b.2-z*b.3
fricas S:=y^n*b.1-cos(x)*b.2
fricas U:=sin(x+y+z)*b.3
fricas p1:=product(T,T)
fricas p2:=product(product(S,T),U)
fricas p3:=tan(x)*1$TA
fricas s1:=p1+p2+p3
fricas TA has GradedAlgebra(R,M)
Type: Boolean
fricas T*S*U*T