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Allow adding additional sub/superscripts to symbols.

(1) -> <spad>
)abbrev domain SYMBOL Symbol
++ Author: Stephen Watt
++ Date Created: 1986
++ Date Last Updated: 7 Mar 1991, 29 Apr. 1994 (FDLL)
++ Description:
++   Basic and scripted symbols.
++ Keywords: symbol.
Symbol() : Exports == Implementation where
  L ==> List OutputForm
  Scripts ==> Record(sub : L, sup : L, presup : L, presub : L, args : L)
Exports ==> Join(OrderedSet, ConvertibleTo InputForm, OpenMath, ConvertibleTo Symbol, ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer, ConvertibleTo Pattern Float, PatternMatchable Integer, PatternMatchable Float) with new : () -> % ++ new() returns a new symbol whose name starts with %. new : % -> % ++ new(s) returns a new symbol whose name starts with %s. conjugate : % -> % ++ conjugate(s) returns the symbolic conjugate of s. resetNew : () -> Void ++ resetNew() resets the internals counters that new() and ++ new(s) use to return distinct symbols every time. coerce : String -> % ++ coerce(s) converts the string s to a symbol. name : % -> % ++ name(s) returns s without its scripts. scripted? : % -> Boolean ++ scripted?(s) is true if s has been given any scripts. scripts : % -> Scripts ++ scripts(s) returns all the scripts of s. script : (%, List L) -> % ++ script(s, [a, b, c, d, e]) returns s with subscripts a, ++ superscripts b, pre-superscripts c, pre-subscripts d, ++ and argument-scripts e. Omitted components are taken to be empty. ++ For example, \spad{script(s, [a, b, c])} is equivalent to ++ \spad{script(s, [a, b, c, [], []])}. script : (%, Scripts) -> % ++ script(s, [a, b, c, d, e]) returns s with subscripts a, ++ superscripts b, pre-superscripts c, pre-subscripts d, ++ and argument-scripts e. subscript : (%, L) -> % ++ subscript(s, [a1, ..., an]) returns s ++ subscripted by \spad{[a1, ..., an]}. superscript : (%, L) -> % ++ superscript(s, [a1, ..., an]) returns s ++ superscripted by \spad{[a1, ..., an]}. argscript : (%, L) -> % ++ argscript(s, [a1, ..., an]) returns s ++ arg-scripted by \spad{[a1, ..., an]}. elt : (%, L) -> % ++ elt(s, [a1, ..., an]) or s([a1, ..., an]) returns s subscripted by \spad{[a1, ..., an]}. _^ : (%,L) -> % string : % -> String ++ string(s) converts the symbol s to a string. ++ Error: if the symbol is subscripted. sample : constant -> % ++ sample() returns a sample of %
Implementation ==> add
import from Character import from List(OutputForm) import from List(%)
count : Reference(Integer) := ref 0 xcount : AssociationList(%, Integer) := empty() istrings : PrimitiveArray(String) := construct ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"] -- the following 3 strings shall be of empty intersection nums:String := "0123456789" ALPHAS:String := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" alphas:String := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
writeOMSym(dev : OpenMathDevice, x : %) : Void == scripted? x => error "Cannot convert a scripted symbol to OpenMath" OMputVariable(dev, x pretend Symbol)
OMwrite(dev : OpenMathDevice, x : %, wholeObj : Boolean) : Void == if wholeObj then OMputObject(dev) writeOMSym(dev, x) if wholeObj then OMputEndObject(dev)
hd:String := "*" lhd := #hd ord0 := ord char("0")$Character pcnt ==> 4 conj:String := "*"
istring : Integer -> String syprefix : Scripts -> String syscripts : Scripts -> L conjugate? : % -> Boolean
convert(s : %) : InputForm == --conjugate? s => prefix(outputForm 'conjugate,[conjugate(s) pretend OutputForm]) pretend InputForm conjugate? s => convert([convert('conjugate)@InputForm,conjugate(s) pretend InputForm]$List(InputForm))@InputForm scripted? s => sc:Scripts := scripts s convert([convert('script)@InputForm,name(s) pretend InputForm, _ convert([convert('construct)@InputForm, _ prefix(outputForm 'construct, sc.sub pretend List OutputForm) _ pretend InputForm, _ prefix(outputForm 'construct, sc.sup pretend List OutputForm) _ pretend InputForm, _ prefix(outputForm 'construct, sc.presub pretend List OutputForm) _ pretend InputForm, _ prefix(outputForm 'construct, sc.presub pretend List OutputForm) _ pretend InputForm, _ prefix(outputForm 'construct, sc.args pretend List OutputForm) _ pretend InputForm _ ]$List(InputForm))@InputForm _ ]$List(InputForm))@InputForm convert(s pretend Symbol)$InputForm convert(s : %) : Symbol == s pretend Symbol coerce(s : String) : % == VALUES(INTERN(s)$Lisp)$Lisp x = y == EQUAL(x, y)$Lisp hashUpdate!(hs, s) == update!(hs, SXHASH(s)$Lisp)$HashState x < y == GGREATERP(y, x)$Lisp
coerce(x : %) : OutputForm == not(scripted? x) => conjugate? x => overbar(outputForm(conjugate x pretend Symbol)) outputForm(x pretend Symbol) ss : Scripts := scripts x rsl : List(L) := [ss.presub, ss.presup, ss.sup, ss.sub] sl : L := [] for si in rsl repeat empty?(sl) and empty?(si) => "iterate" se := #si = 1 => first(si) commaSeparate(si) sl := cons(se, sl) if conjugate? x then x0 := scripts(outputForm(conjugate name(x) pretend Symbol), sl) else x0 := scripts(outputForm(name(x) pretend Symbol), sl) a := ss.args if not empty?(a) then x0 := prefix(x0, a) conjugate? x => overbar x0 x0
subscript(sy, lx) == script(sy, [lx, nil, nil(), nil(), nil()]) elt(sy, lx) == subscript(sy, lx) sy ^ lx == superscript(sy, lx) superscript(sy, lx) == script(sy, [nil(), lx, nil(), nil(), nil()]) argscript(sy, lx) == script(sy, [nil(), nil(), nil(), nil(), lx])
patternMatch(x : %, p : Pattern Integer, l : PatternMatchResult(Integer, %))== (patternMatch(x pretend Symbol, p, l pretend PatternMatchResult(Integer, Symbol))$PatternMatchSymbol(Integer)) pretend PatternMatchResult(Integer, %)
patternMatch(x : %, p : Pattern Float, l : PatternMatchResult(Float, %)) == (patternMatch(x pretend Symbol, p, l pretend PatternMatchResult(Float, Symbol))$PatternMatchSymbol(Float)) pretend PatternMatchResult(Float, %)
convert(x : %) : Pattern(Float) == coerce(x pretend Symbol)$Pattern(Float)
convert(x : %) : Pattern(Integer) == coerce(x pretend Symbol)$Pattern(Integer)
syprefix sc == ns : List Integer := [#sc.presub, #sc.presup, #sc.sup, #sc.sub] concat concat(concat(hd, istring(#sc.args)), [istring n for n in reverse! ns])
syscripts sc == all := sc.presub all := concat(sc.presup, all) all := concat(sc.sup, all) all := concat(sc.sub, all) concat(all, sc.args)
script(sy : %, ls : List L) == sc : Scripts := [nil(), nil(), nil(), nil(), nil()] if not null ls then (sc.sub := first ls; ls := rest ls) if not null ls then (sc.sup := first ls; ls := rest ls) if not null ls then (sc.presup := first ls; ls := rest ls) if not null ls then (sc.presub := first ls; ls := rest ls) if not null ls then (sc.args := first ls; ls := rest ls) script(sy, sc)
script(sy : %, sc : Scripts) == --scripted? sy => error "Cannot add scripts to a scripted symbol" oldsc:=scripts(sy) --output("symbol oldsc: ",oldsc::OutputForm)$OutputPackage newsc:Scripts := [concat(oldsc.sub,sc.sub), _ concat(oldsc.sup,sc.sup), _ concat(oldsc.presup,sc.presup), _ concat(oldsc.presub,sc.presub), _ concat(oldsc.args,sc.args)] --output("symbol newsc: ",newsc::OutputForm)$OutputPackage (concat(concat(syprefix newsc, string name sy)::% pretend OutputForm, syscripts newsc)) pretend %
string e == not scripted? e => PNAME(e)$Lisp error "Cannot form string from non-atomic symbols."
-- Scripts ==> Record(sub: L, sup: L, presup: L, presub: L, args: L) latex e == s : String := (PNAME(name e)$Lisp) pretend String if #s > 1 and s.1 ~= char "\" then s := concat("\mbox{\it ", concat(s, "}")$String)$String not scripted? e => s ss : Scripts := scripts e lo : List OutputForm := ss.sub sc : String if not empty? lo then sc := "__{" while not empty? lo repeat sc := concat(sc, latex first lo)$String lo := rest lo if not empty? lo then sc := concat(sc, ", ")$String sc := concat(sc, "}")$String s := concat(s, sc)$String lo := ss.sup if not empty? lo then sc := "^{" while not empty? lo repeat sc := concat(sc, latex first lo)$String lo := rest lo if not empty? lo then sc := concat(sc, ", ")$String sc := concat(sc, "}")$String s := concat(s, sc)$String lo := ss.presup if not empty? lo then sc := "{}^{" while not empty? lo repeat sc := concat(sc, latex first lo)$String lo := rest lo if not empty? lo then sc := concat(sc, ", ")$String sc := concat(sc, "}")$String s := concat(sc, s)$String lo := ss.presub if not empty? lo then sc := "{}__{" while not empty? lo repeat sc := concat(sc, latex first lo)$String lo := rest lo if not empty? lo then sc := concat(sc, ", ")$String sc := concat(sc, "}")$String s := concat(sc, s)$String lo := ss.args if not empty? lo then sc := "\left( {" while not empty? lo repeat sc := concat(sc, latex first lo)$String lo := rest lo if not empty? lo then sc := concat(sc, ", ")$String sc := concat(sc, "} \right)")$String s := concat(s, sc)$String s
anyRadix(n : Integer, s : String) : String == ns:String := "" repeat qr := divide(n, #s) n := qr.quotient ns := concat(s.(qr.remainder+minIndex s), ns) if zero?(n) then return ns
new() == sym := anyRadix(count()::Integer, ALPHAS) count() := count() + 1 concat("%",sym)::%
new x == n : Integer := (u := search(x, xcount)) case "failed" => 0 inc(u::Integer) xcount(x) := n xx := not scripted? x => string x string name x xx := concat("%",xx) xx := (position(xx.maxIndex(xx), nums)>=minIndex(nums)) => concat(xx, anyRadix(n, alphas)) concat(xx, anyRadix(n, nums)) not scripted? x => xx::% script(xx::%, scripts x)
resetNew() == count() := 0 for k in keys xcount repeat remove!(k, xcount) void
scripted? sy == not ATOM(sy)$Lisp
of_list(x : %) : L == x pretend L
name sy == not scripted? sy => sy str := string(first(of_list(sy)) pretend %) si := lhd + pcnt + 2 str(si..#str)::%
conjugate? sy == str:=string(name sy) str(#str..#str)=conj
conjugate sy == str:=string(name sy) if conjugate? sy then str:=str(1..#str-1) else str:=concat(str,conj) str not scripted? sy => str::% script(str::%, scripts sy)
scripts sy == not scripted? sy => [nil(), nil(), nil(), nil(), nil()] nscripts : List NonNegativeInteger := [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lscripts : List L := [nil(), nil(), nil(), nil(), nil()] str := string(first(of_list(sy)) pretend %) nstr := #str m := minIndex nscripts for i in m.. for j in (lhd + 1)..(lhd + pcnt + 1) repeat nscripts.i := (ord(str.j) - ord0)::NonNegativeInteger -- Put the number of function scripts at the end. nscripts := concat(rest nscripts, first nscripts) allscripts := rest(of_list(sy)) m := minIndex lscripts for i in m.. for n in nscripts repeat #allscripts < n => error "Improper script count in symbol" lscripts.i := first(allscripts, n) allscripts := rest(allscripts, n) [lscripts.m, lscripts.(m+1), lscripts.(m+2), lscripts.(m+3), lscripts.(m+4)]
istring n == n > 9 => error "Can have at most 9 scripts of each kind" istrings.(n + minIndex istrings)
sample() == "aSymbol"::%
--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</spad>
+ fricas
Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   SYMBOL abbreviates domain Symbol 
   initializing NRLIB SYMBOL for Symbol 
   compiling into NRLIB SYMBOL 
   importing Character
   importing List OutputForm
   importing List %
   compiling local writeOMSym : (OpenMathDevice,%) -> Void
;;; *** |SYMBOL;writeOMSym| REDEFINED Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling exported OMwrite : (OpenMathDevice,%,Boolean) -> Void
;;; *** |SYMBOL;OMwrite;Omd%BV;2| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
processing macro definition pcnt ==> 4 compiling exported convert : % -> InputForm
;;; *** |SYMBOL;convert;%If;3| REDEFINED Time: 0.47 SEC.
compiling exported convert : % -> Symbol SYMBOL;convert;2%;4 is replaced by s
;;; *** |SYMBOL;convert;2%;4| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : String -> %
;;; *** |SYMBOL;coerce;S%;5| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported = : (%,%) -> Boolean SYMBOL;=;2%B;6 is replaced by EQUAL
;;; *** |SYMBOL;=;2%B;6| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
************* USER ERROR ********** available signatures for hashUpdate!: hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|Character|)) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|List| (|OutputForm|))) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|List| %)) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|NonNegativeInteger|)) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|Integer|)) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|AssociationList| % (|Integer|))) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|String|)) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|PrimitiveArray| (|String|))) -> (|HashState|) hashUpdate!: ((|HashState|),(|List| (|String|))) -> (|HashState|) NEED hashUpdate!: (NIL,NIL) -> ? Semantic Errors: [1] hashUpdate!: argument hs of (hashUpdate! hs s) is not declared [2] hashUpdate!: argument s of (hashUpdate! hs s) is not declared
Warnings: [1] convert: pretend(List (OutputForm)) -- should replace by @ [2] convert: args has no value
****** comp fails at level 1 with expression: ****** ((DEF (|hashUpdate!| |hs| |s|) (NIL NIL NIL) ((|Sel| (|HashState|) |update!|) |hs| ((|Sel| |Lisp| SXHASH) |s|)))) ****** level 1 ****** $x:= (DEF (hashUpdate! hs s) (NIL NIL NIL) ((Sel (HashState) update!) hs ((Sel Lisp SXHASH) s))) $m:= $EmptyMode $f:= ((((|conjugate?| #) (|syscripts| #) (|syprefix| #) (|istring| #) ...) ((|writeOMSym| #) (|coerce| #) (|void| #) (|$DomainsInScope| # # #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error: unspecified error


conjugate x

\label{eq1}\overline x(1)
Type: Expression(Integer)
conjugate %

Type: Expression(Integer)
test(conjugate conjugate x = x)

\label{eq3} \mbox{\rm true} (3)
Type: Boolean
>> Error detected within library code: Cannot add scripts to a scripted symbol



\label{eq4}\left(conjugate \  x \right)(4)
Type: InputForm
There are 23 exposed and 12 unexposed library operations named convert having 1 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable. Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue )display op convert to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named convert with argument type(s) Expression(Integer)
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

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