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)abbrev domain INEQTY InEquality
++ Author: kfp
++ Date Created: Sun Oct 26 02:21:23 CEST 2014
++ License: BSD (same as Axiom)
++ Date Last Updated:
++ Basic Operations: 
++ Related Domains: 
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords: 
++ Examples:
++ References:
++ Description:
InEquality(S:Comparable) : Exports == Implementation where

OF ==> OutputForm

Exports == Join(Comparable , CoercibleTo OutputForm) with

"<" : (S,S) -> % ++ < means lesser than

"<=" : (S,S) -> % ++ <= means lesser than or equal

">" : (S,S) -> % ++ > means greater than

">=" : (S,S) -> % ++ >= means greater than or equal

eql : (S,S) -> % ++ = means equal

neq : (S,S) -> % ++ neq means not equal.

lhs : % -> S ++ lhs returns the left hand side of the inequality

rhs : % -> S ++ rhs returns the right hand side of the inequality

rel : % -> Symbol ++ rel returns the inequality (relation) symbol

converse : % -> % ++ converse inequality

coerce : % -> OF ++ coerce to output form

Implementation == add

Rep := Record(rel:Symbol , lhs : S, rhs : S)


l:S < r:S == [s.1, l, r]$Rep l:S <= r:S == [s.2, l, r]$Rep l:S > r:S == [s.3, l, r]$Rep l:S >= r:S == [s.4, l, r]$Rep eql(l:S,r:S) == [s.5, l, r]$Rep neq(l:S,r:S) == [s.6, l, r]$Rep

lhs x == x.lhs rhs x == x.rhs rel x == x.rel

converse x == x.rel = s.1 => [s.3, x.rhs, x.lhs]$Rep x.rel = s.2 => [s.4, x.rhs, x.lhs]$Rep x.rel = s.3 => [s.1, x.rhs, x.lhs]$Rep x.rel = s.4 => [s.2, x.rhs, x.lhs]$Rep x.rel = s.5 => [s.5, x.rhs, x.lhs]$Rep x.rel = s.6 => [s.6, x.rhs, x.lhs]$Rep

coerce(x:%):OF == hconcat [x.lhs::OF," ", x.rel::OF, " ", x.rhs::OF]

)abbrev domain PROP Prop ++ Prop is the domain of Propositions over a type T Prop(T:Comparable) : Exports == Implementation where

S ==> Symbol PI ==> PositiveInteger EQT ==> InEquality(T) TT ==> Union(S,T,PI,EQT)

Exports == with

assert : InEquality(T) -> % ++ assert an equation of type InEquality(T) assert : Equation(T) -> % ++ assert an equation of type Equation(T) (convenience) And : (%,%) -> % ++ And means the logical connective and Or : (%,%) -> % ++ Or means the logical connective or Imp : (%,%) -> % ++ Imp means the logical connective implies Eqv : (%,%) -> % ++ Eqv means the logical connective equivalent Not : % -> % ++ Not means negation not All : (Symbol,%) -> % ++ All means the universal quantifier forall Ex : (Symbol,%) -> % ++ Ex means the existential quantifier exists

coerce : % -> OutputForm ++ coerce to output form

qvars : % -> List(TT) ++ qvars lists all quantifier variables

nnf : % -> % ++ nnf means negation normal form nnf

Implementation == add
BinaryTree(TT) add

Rep := BinaryTree(TT)

-- map x in TT to Rep iD(x:TT):% == binaryTree(x)$Rep


Op id's -- 1 ..... and -- 2 ..... or -- 3 ..... implies -- 4 ..... equivalent -- 5 ..... not -- 6 ..... forall -- 7 ..... exists -- 8,9 .... reserved -- 10 ..... equality -- 11 ..... neq -- 12 ..... lt -- 13 ..... leq -- 14 ..... gt -- 15 ..... geq -----------------------

-- assert an element of type Equation(T) assert(s:Equation(T)):% == binaryTree(iD lhs s,10,iD rhs s)$Rep

assert(s:EQT):% == rel s = rs.1 => binaryTree(iD lhs s,12,iD rhs s)$Rep rel s = rs.2 => binaryTree(iD lhs s,13,iD rhs s)$Rep rel s = rs.3 => binaryTree(iD lhs s,14,iD rhs s)$Rep rel s = rs.4 => binaryTree(iD lhs s,15,iD rhs s)$Rep rel s = rs.5 => binaryTree(iD lhs s,10,iD rhs s)$Rep rel s = rs.6 => binaryTree(iD lhs s,11,iD rhs s)$Rep

-- variable, the only nodes without left/right var(x:S):% == binaryTree(x)$Rep

And(p:%,q:%):% == binaryTree(p,1,q)$Rep Or (p:%,q:%):% == binaryTree(p,2,q)$Rep Imp(p:%,q:%):% == binaryTree(p,3,q)$Rep Eqv(p:%,q:%):% == binaryTree(p,4,q)$Rep

Not(p:%):% == binaryTree(p,5,empty())$Rep

All(x:S,p:%):% == binaryTree(var x,6,p)$Rep Ex (x:S,p:%):% == binaryTree(var x,7,p)$Rep

coerce(p) == OF ==> OutputForm lp:OF:="(" rp:OF:=")" lb:OF:="{" rb:OF:="}" lk:OF:="[" rk:OF:="]" of:OF:="" s0:OF:="." s1:OF:=" & " s2:OF:=" | " s3:OF:=" => " s4:OF:=" <=> " s5:OF:="~" s6:OF:="\" s7:OF:="?" s10:OF:=" = " s11:OF:=" ~= " s12:OF:=" < " s13:OF:=" <= " s14:OF:=" > " s15:OF:=" >= " empty? p => of val:= value p val=1 => of:=hconcat [of,lp,coerce(left p),s1,coerce(right p),rp] val=2 => of:=hconcat [of,lp,coerce(left p),s2,coerce(right p),rp] val=3 => of:=hconcat [of,lp,coerce(left p),s3,coerce(right p),rp] val=4 => of:=hconcat [of,lp,coerce(left p),s4,coerce(right p),rp] val=5 => of:=hconcat [of,s5,lp,coerce(left p),rp] val=6 => of:=hconcat [of,s6,coerce(left p),s0,lk,coerce(right p),rk] val=7 => of:=hconcat [of,s7,coerce(left p),s0,lk,coerce(right p),rk] val=10=> of:=hconcat [of,lb,coerce(left p),s10,coerce(right p),rb] val=11=> of:=hconcat [of,lb,coerce(left p),s11,coerce(right p),rb] val=12=> of:=hconcat [of,lb,coerce(left p),s12,coerce(right p),rb] val=13=> of:=hconcat [of,lb,coerce(left p),s13,coerce(right p),rb] val=14=> of:=hconcat [of,lb,coerce(left p),s14,coerce(right p),rb] val=15=> of:=hconcat [of,lb,coerce(left p),s15,coerce(right p),rb] of:=hconcat[of,val::OF] of

--local mvNot(p:%):% == val := value p val=1 => Or(Not(left p),Not(right p))::Rep val=2 => And(Not(left p),Not(right p))::Rep val=3 => And(left p, Not(right p))::Rep val=4 => Not(Or(And(left p,right p),And(Not(left p),Not(right p)))) val=5 => (left p)::Rep val=6 => Ex(value(left p)::S, Not(right p))::Rep val=7 => All(value(left p)::S, Not(right p))::Rep val=10 => binaryTree(left p,11,right p)$Rep val=11 => binaryTree(left p,10,right p)$Rep val=12 => binaryTree(left p,15,right p)$Rep val=13 => binaryTree(left p,14,right p)$Rep val=14 => binaryTree(left p,13,right p)$Rep val=15 => binaryTree(left p,12,right p)$Rep p::Rep

nnf(p:%):% == empty? p => p::Rep val := value p val=1 => And(nnf(left p),nnf(right p)) val=2 => Or(nnf(left p),nnf(right p)) val=3 => nnf(Or(Not(left p),right p)) val=4 => nnf(And(Or(left p,Not(right p)),Or(Not(left p),right p))) val=5 => nnf(mvNot(left p)) val=6 => All(value(left p)::S, nnf(right p)) val=7 => Ex(value(left p)::S, nnf(right p)) p::Rep

qvars(p:%):List(TT) == L:List(TT):=[] empty? p => []::List(TT) val := value p if (val case S) then L:=append(L,[val]) else L:=append(L,qvars(left p)) L:=append(L,qvars(right p)) L

)abbrev domain SUBSET SubsetOf ++ Author: kfp ++ Date Created: Mon Nov 03 20:41:24 CET 2014 ++ License: BSD (same as Axiom) ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ ++ Description: ++ ++ SubsetOf(T:Comparable) : Exports == Implementation where

OF ==> OutputForm

Exports == Join(Comparable , CoercibleTo OutputForm) with

setOfAll : (List Symbol, Prop T ) -> %

member? : (List T,%) -> Boolean

coerce : % -> OutputForm

Implementation == Prop(T) add

Rep := Record(s:List Symbol, p:Prop T)

setOfAll(ls,P) == [ls,P]::Rep

member?(t,ss) == false

coerce(ss:%):OF == r:=ss::Rep sym:OF:=(r.s)::OF prop:OF:=(r.p)::OF hconcat [Set of all , sym, such that , prop]



\begin{axiom} )set output tex off )set output algebra on x>0 x^2+y^2<1 a+b<=2 sin(x)+y>=1+y eql(x,y) neq(x,y) P1:=sin(x)+y>=1+y lhs P1 rhs P1 rel P1 converse P1 \end{axiom}


\begin{axiom} assert(P1) R ==> EXPR INT A:=assert(x::R + y + z >=1) B:=assert(z::R<1/2) C:=assert(x+y=4::R) And(A,B) Or(A,B) Imp(A,C) Eqv(B,C) Not(A) Not(C) All(x,A) All(y,Ex(z,A)) All(x,All(y,Imp(assert(x=y),assert(y=x)))) \end{axiom}


\begin{axiom} m1:=assert(m>1::R) m2:=assert(m


\begin{axiom} setOfAll([x,y,z],assert(x^2+y^2+z^2<=1)) setOfAll([x,y],And(assert(x^2c))) \end{axiom}

-- continue with NatDed/Solve/RSPACE/Cell/Interval/Surface(k) , requires: CAD

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ogreek, ancientgreek, hungarian, italian, latin, mongolian, norsk, icelandic, i
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