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Type-safe Objects in SPAD

)abbrev domain OBJ Object
Object(C:Type): CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with Type : % -> C new : (SExpression, None) -> % dom : % -> SExpression obj : % -> None
if C has BasicType then BasicType if C has Ring then _+ : (%,%) -> %
== add
Rep := Record(dm: SExpression, ob: None) import Rep
dom(x:%):SExpression == (x pretend Rep).dm
obj(x:%):None == (x pretend Rep).ob
Type(x:%):C == dom(x) pretend C
if C has BasicType then _=(x:%,y:%):Boolean == xR := x pretend Rep yR := y pretend Rep if xR.dm = yR.dm then D:BasicType := xR.dm pretend BasicType X:D := (obj x) pretend D Y:D := (obj y) pretend D (X=Y)$D else false
if C has Ring then _+(x:%,y:%):% == xR := x pretend Rep yR := y pretend Rep if xR.dm = yR.dm then D:= xR.dm pretend Ring X:D := (obj x) pretend D Y:D := (obj y) pretend D Z:= (X+Y)$D new(xR.dm,Z pretend None) else error "not possible"
coerce(x):OutputForm == xR := x pretend Rep obj1 : OutputForm := spad2BootCoerce(xR.ob, xR.dm, list("OutputForm"::Symbol)$List(Symbol))$Lisp dom1 := p:Symbol := prefix2String(xR.dm)$Lisp atom?(p pretend SExpression) => list(p)$List(Symbol) list(p)$Symbol hconcat cons(obj1, cons(":"::OutputForm, [a::OutputForm for a in dom1]))
new(domain:SExpression, object:None):% == (isValidType(domain)$Lisp)@Boolean => construct(domain, object)$Rep pretend % domains := devaluate(domain)$Lisp (isValidType(domains)$Lisp)@Boolean => construct(domains, object)$Rep pretend % error "must have a valid domain as first argument"
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   OBJ abbreviates domain Object 
   initializing NRLIB OBJ for Object 
   compiling into NRLIB OBJ 
   importing Rep
   compiling exported dom : $ -> SExpression
      OBJ;dom;$Se;1 is replaced by QCAR 
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported obj : $ -> None OBJ;obj;$N;2 is replaced by QCDR Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported Type : $ -> C Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: C already in scope augmenting C: (BasicType) compiling exported = : ($,$) -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: C already in scope augmenting C: (Ring) compiling exported + : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : $ -> OutputForm Semantic Errors: [1] =: pretend is not a known type [2] +: pretend is not a known type
Warnings: [1] dom: pretendRep -- should replace by @ [2] obj: pretendRep -- should replace by @ [3] =: pretendRep -- should replace by @ [4] =: dm has no value [5] +: pretendRep -- should replace by @ [6] +: dm has no value [7] coerce: pretendRep -- should replace by @ [8] coerce: ob has no value [9] coerce: dm has no value
****** comp fails at level 6 with expression: ****** error in function coerce
(SEQ (|:=| |xR| (|pretend| |x| |Rep|)) (|:=| (|:| |obj1| (|OutputForm|)) ((|Sel| |Lisp| |spad2BootCoerce|) (|xR| |ob|) (|xR| |dm|) ((|Sel| (|List| (|Symbol|)) |list|) (|::| "OutputForm" (|Symbol|))))) (|:=| |dom1| (SEQ (|:=| (|:| |p| (|Symbol|)) ((|Sel| |Lisp| |prefix2String|) (|xR| |dm|))) (|:=| (|:| #1=#:G672 (|Boolean|)) (|atom?| (|pretend| |p| (|SExpression|)))) (|exit| 1 (IF #1# ((|Sel| (|List| (|Symbol|)) |list|) |p|) | << | ((|Sel| (|Symbol|) |list|) |p|) | >> |)))) (|exit| 1 (|hconcat| (|cons| |obj1| (|cons| (|::| ":" (|OutputForm|)) (COLLECT (IN |a| |dom1|) (|::| |a| (|OutputForm|)))))))) ****** level 6 ****** $x:= ((Sel (Symbol) list) p) $m:= (List (Symbol)) $f:= ((((#:G672 # #) (|p| # #) (|obj1| # #) (|xR| #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error: NoValueMode is an unknown mode

)abbrev package HAS Has
Has(C:Type,S:C): with coerce : S -> Object(C) avail : Object(C) -> Union(S, "failed") is? : Object(C) -> Boolean get : Object(C) -> S
== add
Sexpr:SExpression := devaluate(S)$Lisp
is?(a:Object(C)):Boolean == dom(a) = Sexpr
coerce(s:S):Object(C) == new(Sexpr, s pretend None)
avail(a:Object(C)):Union(S,"failed") == is? a => obj(a) pretend S "failed"
get(a:Object(C)):S == is? a => obj(a) pretend S error "Cannot retract value."
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   HAS abbreviates package Has 
   initializing NRLIB HAS for Has 
   compiling into NRLIB HAS 
****** Domain: C already in scope
   compiling exported is? : Object C -> Boolean
   Semantic Errors: 
      [1]  Object is not a known type
Warnings: [1] is?: dom has no value
****** comp fails at level 2 with expression: ****** error in function is?
(= | << | (|dom| |a|) | >> | |Sexpr|) ****** level 2 ****** $x:= (dom a) $m:= $EmptyMode $f:= ((((|a| # #) (|Sexpr| # #) (|#| #) (= #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error: cannot compile (dom a)

)sh Object(SetCategory)
Object is an unknown constructor and so is unavailable. Did you mean to use -> but type something different instead?

Object is an unknown constructor and so is unavailable. Did you mean to use -> but type something different instead?

Object is an unknown constructor and so is unavailable. Did you mean to use -> but type something different instead?

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