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Edit detail for SandBoxNonZeroInteger revision 2 of 4

1 2 3 4
Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/12/03 09:34:06 GMT-8
Note: "built-in" logic for SubDomain


  SandBoxNonZeroInteger is an attempt to define the domain
of Integers without 0 as a SubDomain.

-NonZeroInteger: Join(OrderedAbelianSemiGroup, Monoid, CommutativeStar,CoercibleTo(Integer)) with
NonZeroInteger: Join(OrderedAbelianSemiGroup, Monoid, CommutativeStar
                    ) with

-            retract:Integer->%
-            retractIfCan:Integer->Union(%,"failed")
-            retract:NonNegativeInteger->%
-            retractIfCan:NonNegativeInteger->Union(%,"failed")
-            convert:NonNegativeInteger->%

-     coerce(x):Integer == x pretend Integer
-     retract(z)== z pretend %
-     convert(nz):% == retract(nz)
-     retractIfCan(z) ==
-       zero?(z) => "failed"
-       retract(z)
-     retract(nz)== nz pretend %
-     retractIfCan(nz) ==
-       zero?(nz) => "failed"
-       retract(nz)
     --coerce(x):Integer == x pretend Integer
     --retract(z)== z pretend %
     --convert(nz):% == retract(nz)
     --retractIfCan(z) ==
     --  zero?(z) => "failed"
     --  retract(z)
     --retract(nz)== nz pretend %
     --retractIfCan(nz) ==
     --  zero?(nz) => "failed"
     --  retract(nz)


  There are at least two places where critical knowledge of
sub-domains is built into FriCAS.

In 'src/interp/i-util.boot' we must extend the 'subDomainList':
isSubDomain(d1,d2) ==
  -- d1 and d2 are different domains
  --subDomainList := '(Integer NonNegativeInteger PositiveInteger)
  subDomainList := '(Integer NonZeroInteger NonNegativeInteger PositiveInteger)
  ATOM d1 or ATOM d2 => nil
  l := MEMQ(CAR d2, subDomainList) =>
    MEMQ(CAR d1, CDR l)

In 'src/interp/daase.lisp' we need to make sure 'NonZeroInteger' is known to have a 'superdomain':
(defun getdatabase (constructor key)
 (declare (special $spadroot) (special *miss*))
 (when (eq *miss* t) (format t "getdatabase call: ~20a ~a~%" constructor key))
 (let (data table stream ignore struct)
  (declare (ignore ignore))
  (when (or (symbolp constructor)
          (and (eq key 'hascategory) (pairp constructor)))
  (case key
; note that abbreviation, constructorkind and cosig are heavy hitters
; thus they occur first in the list of things to check
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
      (setq data (database-abbreviation struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructorkind struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-cosig struct))))
    (setq stream *operation-stream*)
    (setq data (gethash constructor *operation-hash*)))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructormodemap struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructorcategory struct))
     (when (null data) ;domain or package then subfield of constructormodemap
      (setq data (cadar (getdatabase constructor 'constructormodemap))))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-operationalist struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-modemaps struct))))
    (setq table  *hasCategory-hash*)
    (setq stream *category-stream*)
    (setq data (gethash constructor table)))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-object struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-object struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-niladic struct))))
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
      (setq data (when (database-operationalist struct) t))))

   ;(superdomain ; only 2 superdomains in the world
   ; (case constructor
   ;  (|NonNegativeInteger|
   ;   (setq data '((|Integer|) (IF (< |#1| 0) |false| |true|))))
   ;  (|PositiveInteger|
   ;   (setq data '((|NonNegativeInteger|) (< 0 |#1|))))))
   (superdomain ; 3 superdomains in the world
    (case constructor
      (setq data '((|Integer|) (IF (< |#1| 0) |false| |true|))))
      (setq data '((|Integer|) (IF (= |#1| 0) |false| |true|))))
      (setq data '((|NonZeroInteger|) (< 0 |#1|))))))

    (when (setq data (get constructor 'abbreviationfor))))
    (setq data (cadr (assoc constructor *defaultdomain-list*))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-ancestors struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-sourcefile struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructorform struct))))
    (setq data (cdr (getdatabase constructor 'constructorform))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-attributes struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-predicates struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-documentation struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-parents struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-users struct))))
    (setq stream *browse-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-dependents struct))))
   (otherwise  (warn "~%(GETDATABASE ~a ~a) failed~%" constructor key)))
  (when (numberp data)                 ;fetch the real data
   (when *miss* (format t "getdatabase miss: ~20a ~a~%" constructor key))
   (file-position stream data)
   (setq data (unsqueeze (read stream)))
   (case key ; cache the result of the database read
    (operation           (setf (gethash constructor *operation-hash*) data))
    (hascategory         (setf (gethash constructor *hascategory-hash*) data))
    (constructorkind     (setf (database-constructorkind struct) data))
    (cosig               (setf (database-cosig struct) data))
    (constructormodemap  (setf (database-constructormodemap struct) data))
    (constructorcategory (setf (database-constructorcategory struct) data))
    (operationalist      (setf (database-operationalist struct) data))
    (modemaps            (setf (database-modemaps struct) data))
    (object              (setf (database-object struct) data))
    (niladic             (setf (database-niladic struct) data))
    (abbreviation        (setf (database-abbreviation struct) data))
    (constructor         (setf (database-constructor struct) data))
    (ancestors           (setf (database-ancestors struct) data))
    (constructorform     (setf (database-constructorform struct) data))
    (attributes          (setf (database-attributes struct) data))
    (predicates          (setf (database-predicates struct) data))
    (documentation       (setf (database-documentation struct) data))
    (parents             (setf (database-parents struct) data))
    (users               (setf (database-users struct) data))
    (dependents          (setf (database-dependents struct) data))
    (sourcefile          (setf (database-sourcefile struct) data))))
   (case key ; fixup the special cases
     (when (and data (string= (directory-namestring data) "")
             (string= (pathname-type data) "spad"))

      (setq data
       (concatenate 'string $spadroot "/../../src/algebra/" data))))
    (asharp?                               ; is this asharp code?
     (if (consp data)
      (setq data (cdr data))
      (setq data nil)))
    (object                                ; fix up system object pathname
     (if (consp data)
       (setq data
             (if (string= (directory-namestring (car data)) "")
                 (concatenate 'string $spadroot "/algebra/" (car data)
                                        "." *lisp-bin-filetype*)
               (car data)))
      (when (and data (string= (directory-namestring data) ""))
       (setq data (concatenate 'string $spadroot "/algebra/" data
                                          "." *lisp-bin-filetype*)))))))


i:NZINT := (1::Integer)
i:NZINT := 1
j:NZINT := -1


SandBoxNonZeroInteger? is an attempt to define the domain of Integers without 0 as a SubDomain?.

)abbrev domain NZINT NonZeroInteger
NonZeroInteger: Join(OrderedAbelianSemiGroup, Monoid, CommutativeStar
                    ) with
            gcd: (%,%) -> %
              ++ gcd(a,b) computes the greatest common divisor of two
              ++ positive integers \spad{a} and b.
            _-: % -> %
 == SubDomain(Integer,#1 ~= 0) add
     Rep == Integer
     -x == (-(x pretend Integer)) pretend %
     x+y ==
      (z:=(x pretend Integer)+(y pretend Integer)) = 0 => error "zero"
      z pretend %
--coerce(x):Integer == x pretend Integer --retract(z)== z pretend % --convert(nz):% == retract(nz) --retractIfCan(z) == -- zero?(z) => "failed" -- retract(z) --retract(nz)== nz pretend % --retractIfCan(nz) == -- zero?(nz) => "failed" -- retract(nz)
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/3042217120178961765-25px001.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   NZINT abbreviates domain NonZeroInteger 
   initializing NRLIB NZINT for NonZeroInteger 
   compiling into NRLIB NZINT 
   compiling exported - : $ -> $
      NZINT;-;2$;1 is replaced by - 
Time: 0.07 SEC.
compiling exported + : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |NonZeroInteger| REDEFINED
;;; *** |NonZeroInteger| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor NonZeroInteger Time: 0.08 seconds
--------------non extending category---------------------- .. NonZeroInteger of cat (|Join| (|OrderedAbelianSemiGroup|) (|Monoid|) (|CommutativeStar|) (CATEGORY |domain| (SIGNATURE |gcd| ($ $ $)) (SIGNATURE - ($ $)))) has no (|IntegerNumberSystem|) finalizing NRLIB NZINT Processing NonZeroInteger for Browser database: --------(gcd (% % %))--------- --->-->NonZeroInteger((- (% %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->NonZeroInteger(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->NonZeroInteger(): Missing Description ; (DEFUN |NonZeroInteger| ...) is being compiled. ;; The variable |$ConstructorCache| is undefined. ;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NonZeroInteger is now explicitly exposed in frame initial NonZeroInteger will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/NZINT.NRLIB/NZINT


There are at least two places where critical knowledge of sub-domains is built into FriCAS?.

In src/interp/i-util.boot we must extend the 'subDomainList':

isSubDomain(d1,d2) ==
  -- d1 and d2 are different domains
  --subDomainList := '(Integer NonNegativeInteger PositiveInteger)
  subDomainList := '(Integer NonZeroInteger NonNegativeInteger PositiveInteger)
  ATOM d1 or ATOM d2 => nil
  l := MEMQ(CAR d2, subDomainList) =>
    MEMQ(CAR d1, CDR l)
Value = T
Value = 472

In src/interp/daase.lisp we need to make sure NonZeroInteger is known to have a 'superdomain':

(defun getdatabase (constructor key)
 (declare (special $spadroot) (special *miss*))
 (when (eq *miss* t) (format t "getdatabase call: ~20a ~a~%" constructor key))
 (let (data table stream ignore struct)
  (declare (ignore ignore))
  (when (or (symbolp constructor)
          (and (eq key 'hascategory) (pairp constructor)))
  (case key
; note that abbreviation, constructorkind and cosig are heavy hitters
; thus they occur first in the list of things to check
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
      (setq data (database-abbreviation struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructorkind struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-cosig struct))))
    (setq stream *operation-stream*)
    (setq data (gethash constructor *operation-hash*)))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructormodemap struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-constructorcategory struct))
     (when (null data) ;domain or package then subfield of constructormodemap
      (setq data (cadar (getdatabase constructor 'constructormodemap))))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-operationalist struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-modemaps struct))))
    (setq table  *hasCategory-hash*)
    (setq stream *category-stream*)
    (setq data (gethash constructor table)))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-object struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-object struct))))
    (setq stream *interp-stream*)
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
     (setq data (database-niladic struct))))
    (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
      (setq data (when (database-operationalist struct) t))))
;(superdomain ; only 2 superdomains in the world ; (case constructor ; (|NonNegativeInteger| ; (setq data '((|Integer|) (IF (< |#1| 0) |false| |true|)))) ; (|PositiveInteger| ; (setq data '((|NonNegativeInteger|) (< 0 |#1|)))))) (superdomain ; 3 superdomains in the world (case constructor (|NonNegativeInteger| (setq data '((|Integer|) (IF (< |#1| 0) |false| |true|)))) (|NonZeroInteger| (setq data '((|Integer|) (IF (= |#1| 0) |false| |true|)))) (|PositiveInteger| (setq data '((|NonZeroInteger|) (< 0 |#1|))))))
(constructor (when (setq data (get constructor 'abbreviationfor)))) (defaultdomain (setq data (cadr (assoc constructor *defaultdomain-list*)))) (ancestors (setq stream *interp-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-ancestors struct)))) (sourcefile (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-sourcefile struct)))) (constructorform (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-constructorform struct)))) (constructorargs (setq data (cdr (getdatabase constructor 'constructorform)))) (attributes (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-attributes struct)))) (predicates (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-predicates struct)))) (documentation (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-documentation struct)))) (parents (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-parents struct)))) (users (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-users struct)))) (dependents (setq stream *browse-stream*) (when (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) (setq data (database-dependents struct)))) (otherwise (warn "~%(GETDATABASE ~a ~a) failed~%" constructor key))) (when (numberp data) ;fetch the real data (when *miss* (format t "getdatabase miss: ~20a ~a~%" constructor key)) (file-position stream data) (setq data (unsqueeze (read stream))) (case key ; cache the result of the database read (operation (setf (gethash constructor *operation-hash*) data)) (hascategory (setf (gethash constructor *hascategory-hash*) data)) (constructorkind (setf (database-constructorkind struct) data)) (cosig (setf (database-cosig struct) data)) (constructormodemap (setf (database-constructormodemap struct) data)) (constructorcategory (setf (database-constructorcategory struct) data)) (operationalist (setf (database-operationalist struct) data)) (modemaps (setf (database-modemaps struct) data)) (object (setf (database-object struct) data)) (niladic (setf (database-niladic struct) data)) (abbreviation (setf (database-abbreviation struct) data)) (constructor (setf (database-constructor struct) data)) (ancestors (setf (database-ancestors struct) data)) (constructorform (setf (database-constructorform struct) data)) (attributes (setf (database-attributes struct) data)) (predicates (setf (database-predicates struct) data)) (documentation (setf (database-documentation struct) data)) (parents (setf (database-parents struct) data)) (users (setf (database-users struct) data)) (dependents (setf (database-dependents struct) data)) (sourcefile (setf (database-sourcefile struct) data)))) (case key ; fixup the special cases (sourcefile (when (and data (string= (directory-namestring data) "") (string= (pathname-type data) "spad"))
(setq data (concatenate 'string $spadroot "/../../src/algebra/" data)))) (asharp? ; is this asharp code? (if (consp data) (setq data (cdr data)) (setq data nil))) (object ; fix up system object pathname (if (consp data) (setq data (if (string= (directory-namestring (car data)) "") (concatenate 'string $spadroot "/algebra/" (car data) "." *lisp-bin-filetype*) (car data))) (when (and data (string= (directory-namestring data) "")) (setq data (concatenate 'string $spadroot "/algebra/" data "." *lisp-bin-filetype*))))))) data))
Value = 7352

LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: SExpression?
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: SExpression?
LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: SExpression?

)show NZINT
NonZeroInteger is a domain constructor Abbreviation for NonZeroInteger is NZINT This constructor is exposed in this frame. ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- ?*? : (%,%) -> % ?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> % ?**? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % ?+? : (%,%) -> % -? : % -> % ?<? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?<=? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?>? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?>=? : (%,%) -> Boolean 1 : () -> % ?^? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm gcd : (%,%) -> % hash : % -> SingleInteger latex : % -> String max : (%,%) -> % min : (%,%) -> % one? : % -> Boolean recip : % -> Union(%,"failed") sample : () -> % ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?**? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % ?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %

LatexWiki Image(4)
Type: NonZeroInteger?
i:NZINT := (1::Integer)
Compiling function G1444 with type Integer -> Boolean
LatexWiki Image(5)
Type: NonZeroInteger?
i:NZINT := 1
LatexWiki Image(6)
Type: NonZeroInteger?

j:NZINT := -1
LatexWiki Image(7)
Type: NonZeroInteger?

LatexWiki Image(8)
Type: NonZeroInteger?
LatexWiki Image(9)
Type: PositiveInteger?
LatexWiki Image(10)
Type: NonNegativeInteger?
>> Error detected within library code: zero

LatexWiki Image(11)
Type: PositiveInteger?
The function retractIfCan is not implemented in NonZeroInteger .