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Edit detail for SandBoxMLE revision 1 of 3

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Editor: Mark Clements
Time: 2008/12/04 15:48:13 GMT-8

I have recently been experimenting with using Axiom for maximum likelihood estimation,
borrowing code (with permission) from "Compact Numerical Methods" by Nash.

)abbrev package OPTIM OptimNash
++ Author: M. Clements
++ Date Created: 24 August 2008
++ Date Last Updated:
++ Basic Functions:
++ Related Constructors:
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classification:
++ Keywords:
++ References:
++ Description:
++ Numerical optimisation using methods from Nash
++ Permission granted by Nash to translate from his Pascal code to Axiom
axisResults ==> Record(X: Vector Float, Fmin:Float, Lowerfun: Boolean)
nmminResults ==> Record(X:Vector Float, Fmin:Float, Fail:Boolean)
OptimNash: Exports == Implementation where 
    Exports == with 
	Rosen: Vector Float -> Float
		++ Rosen(Bvec) returns the Rosen function
	nmmin: (Vector Float, (Vector Float -> Float), Float) -> nmminResults
		++ nmmin(Bvec, fminfn, intol) returns values for the optimised function
	axissrch :(Vector Float, Vector Float -> Float) -> axisResults
		++ axissrch(Bvec, fminfn) returns the axis search method
	demo: () -> nmminResults
		++ demo() returns the rsults of a simple demo using the Rosen function
	demo2: () -> nmminResults
		++ demo2() returns the results of a more complex demo
	--optimFun: (Expression Float,List Equation Expression Float) -> nmminResults
    Implementation == add 
	--writeln('Classical starting point (-1.2,1)')
	Rosen(Bvec: Vector Float):Float == 
	--nmmin(vector([11.0, 1.0]), Rosen$OPTIM, -1.0)$OPTIM
	nmmin(Bvec: Vector Float,
                fminfn: Vector Float -> Float,
	        intol: Float):nmminResults == 
		Pcol ==> 27
		Prow ==> 26
		alpha ==> 1.0
		beta ==> 0.5
		gamma ==> 2.0
		Calceps ==> 1.0e-35
		big ==> 1.0e35 -- as per R/src/main/optim.c
		n : Integer := #Bvec
		action    : String
		C         : Integer
		calcvert  : Boolean
		convtol   : Float
		f         : Float
		funcount  : Integer
		H         : Integer
		i         : Integer
		j         : Integer
		L         : Integer
		notcomp   : Boolean
		n1        : Integer
		oldsize   : Float
		P         : Matrix Float := new(Prow,Pcol,0.0)--[1..Prow,1..Pcol]
		shrinkfail: Boolean
		size      : Float
		step      : Float
		temp      : Float
		trystep   : Float
		VH,VL,VN  : Float
		VR        : Float
		x         : Vector Float := Bvec -- ugly declaration
		--writeln('Nash Algorithm 19 version 2 1988-03-17')
		--writeln('  Nelder Mead polytope direct search function minimiser')
		--writeln(confile,'Nash Algorithm 19 version 2 1988-03-17')
		--writeln(confile,'  Nelder Mead polytope direct search function minimiser')
		fail := false
		(f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false)
		if notcomp then
			--writeln('**** Function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters ****')
			--        '**** Function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters ****')
			fail := true
			--writeln('Function value for initial parameters = ',f)
			--writeln(confile,'Function value for initial parameters = ',f)
			if intol<0.0 then intol := Calceps
			funcount := 1
			convtol := intol*(abs(f)+intol)
			--writeln('  Scaled convergence tolerance is ',convtol)
			--writeln(confile,'  Scaled convergence tolerance is ',convtol)
			n1 := n+1  
			C := n+2  
			P(n1,1) := f
			for i in 1..n repeat P(i,1) := Bvec(i)
			L := 1
			size := 0.0
			step := 0.0
			for i in 1..n repeat if 0.1*abs(Bvec(i))>step then step := 0.1*abs(Bvec(i))
			--writeln('Stepsize computed as ',step)
			--writeln(confile,'Stepsize computed as ',step)
			for j in 2..n1 repeat
				action := "BUILD          "
				for i in 1..n repeat P(i,j) := Bvec(i)
				trystep := step
				while P(j-1,j)=Bvec(j-1) repeat
					P(j-1,j) := Bvec(j-1)+trystep 
					trystep := trystep*10.0
				size := size+trystep
			oldsize := size
			calcvert := true
			shrinkfail := false
				if calcvert then
					for j in 1..n1 repeat
						if j~=L then
							for i in 1..n repeat Bvec(i) := P(i,j)
							(f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false)
							if notcomp or f>=big then f := big 
							funcount := funcount+1  
							P(n1,j) := f
					calcvert := false
				VL := P(n1,L)
				VH := VL
				H := L
				for j in 1..n1 repeat
					if j~=L then
						f := P(n1,j)
						if f<VL then
							L := j 
							VL := f
						if f>VH then
							H := j 
							VH := f
				if VH>VL+convtol then
					--writeln(action,tstr,' ',VH,' ',VL)
					--writeln(confile,action,tstr,' ',VH,' ',VL)
					VN := beta*VL+(1.0-beta)*VH
					for i in 1..n repeat
						temp := -P(i,H)
						for j in 1..n1 repeat temp := temp+P(i,j)
						P(i,C) := temp/n
					for i in 1..n repeat
						Bvec(i) := (1.0+alpha)*P(i,C)-alpha*P(i,H)
					(f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false)
					if notcomp or f>=big then f := big
					funcount := funcount+1
					action := "REFLECTION     "
					VR := f
					if VR<VL then
						P(n1,C) := f
						for i in 1..n repeat
							f := gamma*Bvec(i)+(1-gamma)*P(i,C)
							P(i,C) := Bvec(i)
							Bvec(i) := f
						(f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false)
						if notcomp or f>=big then f := big 
						funcount := funcount+1
						if f<VR then
							for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := Bvec(i)
							P(n1,H) := f
							action := "EXTENSION      "
							for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := P(i,C)
							P(n1,H) := VR
						action := "HI-REDUCTION    "
						if VR<VH then
							for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := Bvec(i)
							P(n1,H) := VR
							action := "LO-REDUCTION    "
						for i in 1..n repeat Bvec(i) := (1-beta)*P(i,H)+beta*P(i,C)
						(f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false)
						if notcomp or f>=big then f := big 
						funcount := funcount+1
						if f<P(n1,H) then
							for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := Bvec(i)
							P(n1,H) := f
						   if VR>=VH then
							action := "SHRINK         "
							calcvert := true
							size := 0.0
							for j in 1..n1 repeat
								if j~=L then
								    for i in 1..n repeat
									P(i,j) := beta*(P(i,j)-P(i,L))+P(i,L)
									size := size+abs(P(i,j)-P(i,L))
							if size<oldsize then
								shrinkfail := false
								oldsize := size
								--writeln('Polytope size measure not decreased in shrink')
								--        'Polytope size measure not decreased in shrink')
								shrinkfail := true
				if ((VH<=VL+convtol) or shrinkfail ) then break -- repeat loop
		--writeln('Exiting from Alg19.pas Nelder Mead polytope minimiser')
		--writeln('    ',funcount,' function evaluations used')
		--writeln(confile,'Exiting from Alg19.pas Nelder Mead polytope minimiser')
		--writeln(confile,'    ',funcount,' function evaluations used')
		fmin := P(n1,L)
		for i in 1..n repeat x(i) := P(i,L)
		if shrinkfail then fail := true
		return [x, fmin, fail]

	axissrch(Bvec: Vector Float, fminfn: Vector Float -> Float): axisResults ==
	    cradius, eps, f, fplus, step, temp, tilt, fmin: Float
	    i : Integer
	    --notcomp : Boolean
	--writeln('alg20.pas -- axial search')
	    --writeln(confile,'alg20.pas -- axial search')
	    Calceps   : Float := 1.0e-35
	    big       : Float := 1.0e35 -- as per R/src/main/optim.c
	    n :Integer := #(Bvec)::NonNegativeInteger::Integer
	    fmin := fminfn(Bvec)
	    eps := Calceps
	    eps := sqrt(eps)
	    --writeln('  Axis':6,' Stepsize  ':14,'function +  ':14,
            --    'function -  ':14,' rad. of curv.':14,'   tilt')
	    --writeln(confile,'  Axis':6,' Stepsize  ':14,'function +  ':14,
            --    'function -  ':14,' rad. of curv.':14,'   tilt')
	    lowerfn := false
	    for i in 1..n repeat
		    if (not lowerfn) then
			    temp := Bvec(i)
			    step := eps*(abs(temp)+eps)
			    Bvec(i) := temp+step
			    f := fminfn(Bvec)
			    if (f>=big) then f := big
			    --write(i:5,' ',step:12,'  ',f:12,'  ')
			    --write(confile,i:5,' ',step:12,'  ',f:12,'  ')
		    if f<fmin then lowerfn := true
		    if (not lowerfn) then
			    fplus := f
			    Bvec(i) := temp-step
			    f := fminfn(Bvec)
			    if f>=big then f := big
			    --write(f:12,'  ')  write(confile,f:12,'  ')
		    if f<fmin then lowerfn := true
		    if (not lowerfn) then
			    Bvec(i) := temp

			    temp := 0.5*(fplus-f)/step
			    fplus := 0.5*(fplus+f-2.0*fmin)/(step*step)

			    if fplus~=0.0 then
				    cradius := 1.0+temp*temp
				    cradius := cradius*sqrt(cradius)/fplus
				cradius := big
			    tilt := 45.0*atan(temp)/atan(1.0)
			    --write(cradius:12,'  ',tilt:12)
			    --write(confile,cradius:12,'  ',tilt:12)
		    --writeln writeln(confile)
	    [Bvec, f, lowerfn]

	demo(): nmminResults ==
	    nmmin([-1.2, 1.0], Rosen, -1.0)
	demo2(): nmminResults ==
	    --banner:='dr1920.pas -- driver for Nelder-Mead minimisation'
	    --fminset(n,B,Workdata) {sets up problem and defines starting
	    --               values of B}
	    lowerfn:Boolean := false --{safety setting}
	    B:Vector Float := [-1.2,1.0] --initial values
	    mynmminResults :nmminResults
	    myaxisResults : axisResults
	    --n :Integer := #(B)::NonNegativeInteger::Integer
		    mytol:=-1.0 --Note: set the tolerance negative to indicate that
		    --procedure must obtain an appropriate value.
		    mynmminResults := nmmin(B,Rosen,mytol) --{minimise the function}
		    --writeln(' Minimum function value found =',Fmin)
		    --writeln(' At parameters')
		    --writeln(confile,' Minimum function value found =',Fmin)
		    --writeln(confile,' At parameters')
		    --for i in 1..n repeat 
		    --writeln(' B[',i,']=',X[i])
		    --writeln(confile,' B[',i,']=',X[i])
		    --} --{loop to write out parameters}
		    B := mynmminResults.X
		    myaxisResults := axissrch(B, Rosen)  --{alg20.pas}
		    lowerfn := myaxisResults.Lowerfun
		    if lowerfn then
			    B := myaxisResults.X
			    --writeln('Lower function value found')
			    --writeln(confile,'Lower function value found')
		    if (not lowerfn) then break
	    return mynmminResults
	    --flush(confile) close(confile)
	    --if infname<>'con' then close(infile)
	    --{dr1920.pas -- Nelder Mead minimisation with axial search}
-- 	optimFun(e:Expression Float,initial:List Equation Expression Float):nmminResults == 
-- 		vars := [lhs(x) for x in initial]
-- 		vals := [rhs(x) for x in initial]::Vector Float
-- 		nmmin(vals, (x +-> eval(e, vars, x)), -1)

Now, let's try this.

VF ==> Vector Float
nmminResults ==> Record(X:Vector Float, Fmin:Float, Fail:Boolean)
optimFun(e:Expression Float,initial:List Equation Expression Float):nmminResults == 
        vars := [lhs(x) for x in initial]
        vals := [rhs(x) for x in initial]::Vector Float
	nmmin(vals, (x +-> eval(e, vars, x)), -1)$OPTIM
optimFun((b-a**2)**2*100.0+(1.0-a)**2, [a=11.0,b=1.0])

As an aside: can we calculate an elasticity from logistic regression?


I have recently been experimenting with using Axiom for maximum likelihood estimation, borrowing code (with permission) from "Compact Numerical Methods" by Nash.

)abbrev package OPTIM OptimNash
++ Author: M. Clements
++ Date Created: 24 August 2008
++ Date Last Updated:
++ Basic Functions:
++ Related Constructors:
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classification:
++ Keywords:
++ References:
++ Description:
++ Numerical optimisation using methods from Nash
++ Permission granted by Nash to translate from his Pascal code to Axiom
axisResults ==> Record(X: Vector Float, Fmin:Float, Lowerfun: Boolean)
nmminResults ==> Record(X:Vector Float, Fmin:Float, Fail:Boolean)
OptimNash: Exports == Implementation where 
    Exports == with 
        Rosen: Vector Float -> Float
                ++ Rosen(Bvec) returns the Rosen function
        nmmin: (Vector Float, (Vector Float -> Float), Float) -> nmminResults
                ++ nmmin(Bvec, fminfn, intol) returns values for the optimised function
        axissrch :(Vector Float, Vector Float -> Float) -> axisResults
                ++ axissrch(Bvec, fminfn) returns the axis search method
        demo: () -> nmminResults
                ++ demo() returns the rsults of a simple demo using the Rosen function
        demo2: () -> nmminResults
                ++ demo2() returns the results of a more complex demo
        --optimFun: (Expression Float,List Equation Expression Float) -> nmminResults
    Implementation == add 
        --writeln('Classical starting point (-1.2,1)')
        Rosen(Bvec: Vector Float):Float == 
--nmmin(vector([11.0, 1.0]), Rosen$OPTIM, -1.0)$OPTIM nmmin(Bvec: Vector Float, fminfn: Vector Float -> Float, intol: Float):nmminResults == Pcol ==> 27 Prow ==> 26 alpha ==> 1.0 beta ==> 0.5 gamma ==> 2.0 Calceps ==> 1.0e-35 big ==> 1.0e35 -- as per R/src/main/optim.c n : Integer := #Bvec action : String C : Integer calcvert : Boolean convtol : Float f : Float funcount : Integer H : Integer i : Integer j : Integer L : Integer notcomp : Boolean n1 : Integer oldsize : Float P : Matrix Float := new(Prow,Pcol,0.0)--[1..Prow,1..Pcol] shrinkfail: Boolean size : Float step : Float temp : Float trystep : Float VH,VL,VN : Float VR : Float x : Vector Float := Bvec -- ugly declaration --writeln('Nash Algorithm 19 version 2 1988-03-17') --writeln(' Nelder Mead polytope direct search function minimiser') --writeln(confile,'Nash Algorithm 19 version 2 1988-03-17') --writeln(confile,' Nelder Mead polytope direct search function minimiser') fail := false (f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false) if notcomp then --writeln('**** Function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters ****') --writeln(confile, -- '**** Function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters ****') fail := true else --writeln('Function value for initial parameters = ',f) --writeln(confile,'Function value for initial parameters = ',f) if intol<0.0 then intol := Calceps funcount := 1 convtol := intol*(abs(f)+intol) --writeln(' Scaled convergence tolerance is ',convtol) --writeln(confile,' Scaled convergence tolerance is ',convtol) n1 := n+1 C := n+2 P(n1,1) := f for i in 1..n repeat P(i,1) := Bvec(i) L := 1 size := 0.0 step := 0.0 for i in 1..n repeat if 0.1*abs(Bvec(i))>step then step := 0.1*abs(Bvec(i)) --writeln('Stepsize computed as ',step) --writeln(confile,'Stepsize computed as ',step) for j in 2..n1 repeat action := "BUILD " for i in 1..n repeat P(i,j) := Bvec(i) trystep := step while P(j-1,j)=Bvec(j-1) repeat
P(j-1,j) := Bvec(j-1)+trystep trystep := trystep*10.0 size := size+trystep oldsize := size calcvert := true shrinkfail := false repeat if calcvert then for j in 1..n1 repeat if j~=L then for i in 1..n repeat Bvec(i) := P(i,j) (f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false) if notcomp or f>=big then f := big funcount := funcount+1 P(n1,j) := f calcvert := false VL := P(n1,L) VH := VL H := L for j in 1..n1 repeat if j~=L then f := P(n1,j) if f<VL then L := j VL := f if f>VH then H := j VH := f if VH>VL+convtol then --str(funcount:5,tstr) --writeln(action,tstr,' ',VH,' ',VL) --writeln(confile,action,tstr,' ',VH,' ',VL) VN := beta*VL+(1.0-beta)*VH for i in 1..n repeat temp := -P(i,H) for j in 1..n1 repeat temp := temp+P(i,j) P(i,C) := temp/n for i in 1..n repeat Bvec(i) := (1.0+alpha)*P(i,C)-alpha*P(i,H) (f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false) if notcomp or f>=big then f := big funcount := funcount+1 action := "REFLECTION " VR := f if VR<VL then P(n1,C) := f for i in 1..n repeat f := gamma*Bvec(i)+(1-gamma)*P(i,C) P(i,C) := Bvec(i) Bvec(i) := f (f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false) if notcomp or f>=big then f := big funcount := funcount+1 if f<VR then for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := Bvec(i) P(n1,H) := f action := "EXTENSION " else for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := P(i,C) P(n1,H) := VR else action := "HI-REDUCTION " if VR<VH then for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := Bvec(i) P(n1,H) := VR action := "LO-REDUCTION " for i in 1..n repeat Bvec(i) := (1-beta)*P(i,H)+beta*P(i,C) (f,notcomp) := (fminfn(Bvec),false) if notcomp or f>=big then f := big funcount := funcount+1 if f<P(n1,H) then for i in 1..n repeat P(i,H) := Bvec(i) P(n1,H) := f else if VR>=VH then action := "SHRINK " calcvert := true size := 0.0 for j in 1..n1 repeat if j~=L then for i in 1..n repeat P(i,j) := beta*(P(i,j)-P(i,L))+P(i,L) size := size+abs(P(i,j)-P(i,L)) if size<oldsize then shrinkfail := false oldsize := size else --writeln('Polytope size measure not decreased in shrink') --writeln(confile, -- 'Polytope size measure not decreased in shrink') shrinkfail := true if ((VH<=VL+convtol) or shrinkfail ) then break -- repeat loop --writeln('Exiting from Alg19.pas Nelder Mead polytope minimiser') --writeln(' ',funcount,' function evaluations used') --writeln(confile,'Exiting from Alg19.pas Nelder Mead polytope minimiser') --writeln(confile,' ',funcount,' function evaluations used') fmin := P(n1,L) for i in 1..n repeat x(i) := P(i,L) if shrinkfail then fail := true return [x, fmin, fail]
axissrch(Bvec: Vector Float, fminfn: Vector Float -> Float): axisResults == cradius, eps, f, fplus, step, temp, tilt, fmin: Float i : Integer --notcomp : Boolean --writeln('alg20.pas -- axial search') --writeln(confile,'alg20.pas -- axial search') Calceps : Float := 1.0e-35 big : Float := 1.0e35 -- as per R/src/main/optim.c n :Integer := #(Bvec)::NonNegativeInteger::Integer fmin := fminfn(Bvec) eps := Calceps eps := sqrt(eps) --writeln(' Axis':6,' Stepsize ':14,'function + ':14, -- 'function - ':14,' rad. of curv.':14,' tilt') --writeln(confile,' Axis':6,' Stepsize ':14,'function + ':14, -- 'function - ':14,' rad. of curv.':14,' tilt') lowerfn := false for i in 1..n repeat if (not lowerfn) then temp := Bvec(i) step := eps*(abs(temp)+eps) Bvec(i) := temp+step f := fminfn(Bvec) if (f>=big) then f := big --write(i:5,' ',step:12,' ',f:12,' ') --write(confile,i:5,' ',step:12,' ',f:12,' ') if f<fmin then lowerfn := true if (not lowerfn) then fplus := f Bvec(i) := temp-step f := fminfn(Bvec) if f>=big then f := big --write(f:12,' ') write(confile,f:12,' ') if f<fmin then lowerfn := true if (not lowerfn) then Bvec(i) := temp
temp := 0.5*(fplus-f)/step fplus := 0.5*(fplus+f-2.0*fmin)/(step*step)
if fplus~=0.0 then cradius := 1.0+temp*temp cradius := cradius*sqrt(cradius)/fplus else cradius := big tilt := 45.0*atan(temp)/atan(1.0) --write(cradius:12,' ',tilt:12) --write(confile,cradius:12,' ',tilt:12) --writeln writeln(confile) [Bvec, f, lowerfn]
demo(): nmminResults == nmmin([-1.2, 1.0], Rosen, -1.0)
demo2(): nmminResults == --banner:='dr1920.pas -- driver for Nelder-Mead minimisation' --startup --fminset(n,B,Workdata) {sets up problem and defines starting -- values of B} lowerfn:Boolean := false --{safety setting} B:Vector Float := [-1.2,1.0] --initial values mynmminResults :nmminResults myaxisResults : axisResults --n :Integer := #(B)::NonNegativeInteger::Integer repeat mytol:=-1.0 --Note: set the tolerance negative to indicate that --procedure must obtain an appropriate value. mynmminResults := nmmin(B,Rosen,mytol) --{minimise the function} --writeln --writeln(confile) --writeln(' Minimum function value found =',Fmin) --writeln(' At parameters') --writeln(confile,' Minimum function value found =',Fmin) --writeln(confile,' At parameters') --for i in 1..n repeat --{ --writeln(' B[',i,']=',X[i]) --writeln(confile,' B[',i,']=',X[i]) --} --{loop to write out parameters} B := mynmminResults.X myaxisResults := axissrch(B, Rosen) --{alg20.pas} lowerfn := myaxisResults.Lowerfun if lowerfn then B := myaxisResults.X --writeln('Lower function value found') --writeln(confile,'Lower function value found') if (not lowerfn) then break return mynmminResults --flush(confile) close(confile) --if infname<>'con' then close(infile) --{dr1920.pas -- Nelder Mead minimisation with axial search} -- optimFun(e:Expression Float,initial:List Equation Expression Float):nmminResults == -- vars := [lhs(x) for x in initial] -- vals := [rhs(x) for x in initial]::Vector Float -- nmmin(vals, (x +-> eval(e, vars, x)), -1)
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/3925042998800764367-25px001.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   OPTIM abbreviates package OptimNash 
   processing macro definition axisResults ==> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Lowerfun: Boolean) 
processing macro definition nmminResults ==> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Fail: Boolean)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB OPTIM for OptimNash compiling into NRLIB OPTIM compiling exported Rosen : Vector Float -> Float Time: 0.15 SEC.
compiling exported nmmin : (Vector Float,Vector Float -> Float,Float) -> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Fail: Boolean) processing macro definition Pcol ==> 27 processing macro definition Prow ==> 26 processing macro definition alpha ==> (elt (Float) float)(One,Zero,10) processing macro definition beta ==> (elt (Float) float)(5,-1,10) processing macro definition gamma ==> (elt (Float) float)(2,Zero,10) processing macro definition Calceps ==> (elt (Float) float)(One,-35,10) processing macro definition big ==> (elt (Float) float)(One,35,10) Time: 0.41 SEC.
compiling exported axissrch : (Vector Float,Vector Float -> Float) -> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Lowerfun: Boolean) Time: 0.08 SEC.
compiling exported demo : () -> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Fail: Boolean) Time: 0.08 SEC.
compiling exported demo2 : () -> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Fail: Boolean) Time: 0.01 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |OptimNash| REDEFINED
;;; *** |OptimNash| REDEFINED Time: 0.01 SEC.
Warnings: [1] nmmin: step has no value [2] nmmin: f has no value [3] nmmin: VH has no value [4] nmmin: H has no value [5] nmmin: funcount has no value [6] nmmin: shrinkfail has no value [7] nmmin: n1 has no value [8] nmmin: L has no value [9] axissrch: f has no value [10] axissrch: temp has no value [11] axissrch: step has no value [12] axissrch: fplus has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor OptimNash Time: 0.74 seconds
finalizing NRLIB OPTIM Processing OptimNash for Browser database: --------(Rosen ((Float) (Vector (Float))))--------- --------(nmmin (nmminResults (Vector (Float)) (Mapping (Float) (Vector (Float))) (Float)))--------- --------(axissrch (axisResults (Vector (Float)) (Mapping (Float) (Vector (Float)))))--------- --------(demo (nmminResults))--------- --------(demo2 (nmminResults))--------- --->-->OptimNash(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->OptimNash(): Missing Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OptimNash is now explicitly exposed in frame initial OptimNash will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/OPTIM.NRLIB/code

Now, let's try this.

VF ==> Vector Float
Type: Void
nmminResults ==> Record(X:Vector Float, Fmin:Float, Fail:Boolean)
Type: Void
optimFun(e:Expression Float,initial:List Equation Expression Float):nmminResults ==
        vars := [lhs(x) for x in initial]
        vals := [rhs(x) for x in initial]::Vector Float
        nmmin(vals, (x +-> eval(e, vars, x)), -1)$OPTIM
Function declaration optimFun : (Expression Float,List Equation Expression Float) -> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Fail: Boolean) has been added to workspace.
Type: Void
optimFun((b-a**2)**2*100.0+(1.0-a)**2, [a=11.0,b=1.0])
Compiling function optimFun with type (Expression Float,List 
      Equation Expression Float) -> Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,
      Fail: Boolean)
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: Record(X: Vector Float,Fmin: Float,Fail: Boolean)

As an aside: can we calculate an elasticity from logistic regression?

LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: Expression Integer
LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: Expression Integer
LatexWiki Image(4)
Type: Expression Integer