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Edit detail for SandBoxFisher revision 3 of 11

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2009/03/23 14:11:48 GMT-7
Note: Fix formatting of REDUCE code












How useful are the different CAS languages for implementing numerical routines? Prompted by a comparison of R and C for implementing Fisher's exact test for 2x2 tables (http://fluff.info/blog/arch/00000172.htm), I thought that it would be interesting to implement this particular test in Spad, Boot, Reduce and Common Lisp (see below). Each set of code was required to implement a univariate root finder and the hypergeometric distribution to calculate the p-value under different alternatives, together with the 95% confidence interval and the maximum likelihood estimator for the odds ratio. The reference implementation is R, where the code and output would be:

LatexWiki Image

As a caveat: I have little experience with these programs. Any changes or improvements to the programs would be welcomed.

To summarise, all four languages (Spad, Boot, Reduce and Common Lisp) provide arbitrary length integers and fractions, ensuring that the hypergeometric distribution was straightforward to implement. The Lisp and R implementations were very similar, which is not surprising, given that the two languages are closely related. In contrast, the nested functions in Spad seemed clunky, with the requirement to use the #1 and #2 argument references, although I did appreciate Spad's lexical scoping and facility to fall back to an symbolic analysis. An Aldor implementation would be cleaner than the Spad implementation. Boot's implementation was initially difficult, as I was unclear how to pass values to the nested functions with using function argument (which was not possible for the univariate root finder :-(). The use of the "$" prefix on derived variables seemed clunky - and I was surprised to find that function arguments were lexically scoped. Finally, my version of Fricas:Boot defaulted to single precision floats, which caused problems with precision. Type specification in OpenAxiom:Boot and more recent versions of Fricas would negate the need for explicit coercion to double-floats. For Reduce, the lack of nested procedures in the algebraic mode made progress slow; importantly, the switch to symbolic mode made the implementation quite straightforward, with reasonably good debugging.

This begs the question: when would one use any of these languages for mixed numerical/symbolic analysis? In my opinion, Boot is the least likely to be used, although it does play closely and well with Common Lisp (a la Reduce and Maxima). One could code for numerical analysis in Boot and Common Lisp - however Boot's lack of lexical scoping may be a detraction. Moreover, by my understanding, Lisp or Boot are unable to evaluate Spad or Axiom functions. Second, for an R user, Spad's type system seems fussy and debugging can be slow. The lack of ability to call Spad functions from Lisp or Boot is a major restriction, requiring that a large body of code in Lisp (or Fortran via f2cl), such as for optimisation, would need to be hand translated to Spad (see [SandBoxMLE]? for an example). Reduce provided a fairly polished environment worthy of further consideration. As a final note, Maxima would seem to address many of these needs - although it lacks an elegant type system and I haven't learnt to appreciate its scoping rules :-).

)abbrev package TESTP TestPackage
R ==> Float
I ==> Integer
fisherRec ==> Record(PValue:R, CI:List R, Estimate:R)
TestPackage: with
   ridder: (R->R,R,R) -> R
   msign: (R,R) -> R
   choose:(I, I)->Fraction I 
   --chooseNew:(Integer, Integer)->Fraction Integer 
   dhyper:(I, I, I, I)->Fraction Integer
   phyper:(I, I, I, I, Boolean)->Fraction Integer
   fisherTest:(I,I,I,I, String, R, Boolean, R)-> fisherRec
   testTolerance:(R, R, R)->Boolean   
   test1: () -> Boolean
   test2: () -> Boolean
   test3: () -> Boolean
   test4: () -> Boolean
   test5: () -> Boolean
   test6: () -> Boolean
   test7: () -> Boolean
   test8: () -> Boolean
   test9: () -> Boolean
   test10: () -> Boolean
   alltests: () -> List Boolean
  == add
   import TrigonometricFunctionCategory -- for test1()
   --import OrderedCompletion(Float) for plusInfinity()$OrderedCompletion(Float)
   ridder(func, x1, x2) ==
    eps:= 1.0e-16::R
    maxit:= 30::Integer
    --verbose:= false
    fl:R := func x1
    fh:R := func x2
    xl:R := x1
    xh:R := x2
    ans:R := -1.11e30::R
    xnew:R := 0.0e0::R
    iterNum:= 0::Integer
    if fl=0.0::R then return x1
    else if fh=0.0::R then return x2
    else if (fl*fh) > 0.0::R then error "Initial points are not either side of zero."
    --if (fl*fh) < 0.0 then
    else repeat
                xm:= 0.5::R *(xl+xh)
                fm:= func xm
                ss:= sqrt((fm*fm) - (fl*fh))
                if ss =0.0::R then return ans
                xnew:= xm + (((xm - xl) * (if (fl>fh) then 1.0::R else -1.0::R) * fm) / ss)
                if abs(xnew-ans) <= eps then return ans
                ans:= xnew 
                fnew:= func ans
                if fnew=0.0::R then return ans
                if msign(fm,fnew) ~= fm then
                    xl:= xm 
                    fl:= fm 
                    xh:= ans 
                    fh:= fnew
                else if msign(fl, fnew) ~= fl then
                    xh:= ans 
                    fh:= fnew
                else if msign(fh, fnew) ~= fh then
                    xl:= ans 
                    fl:= fnew
                if iterNum >=maxit then 
                        error "Maximum iterations exceeded"
                --if verbose then FORMAT(true,"~,8f ~,8f ~,8f ~,8f~%", xl, xh, fl, fh)$Lisp
                if abs(xh-xl) <= eps then return ans
   msign(x, y) ==
    (abs x) * (if y>0.0::R then 1.0::R else if y<0.0::R then -1.0::R else 0.0::R)
   choose(n, x) ==
    total:Fraction Integer := 1/1
    for denom in 1..x repeat
        total:=total*((n-denom+1)/(denom))::Fraction Integer
    return total
   --chooseNew(n, x) == product((n-i+1)::Fraction Integer/i::Fraction Integer,i=1..x)
   dhyper(x, m, n, k) ==
    choose(m, x) * choose(n, k - x) / choose(m + n, k)
   phyper(x, m, n, k, lowerTail) ==
    --total:Fraction Integer:=0/1
    if lowerTail then 
        reduce("+",[dhyper(i, m, n, k) for i in 1..x])
        reduce("+",[dhyper(i, m, n, k) for i in (x+1)..k])
   fisherTest(a,b,c,d, alternative, OR, confInt, confLevel) ==
        m:I := a+c -- first column
        n:I := b+d -- second column
        k:I := a+b -- first row
        x00:I := a
        lo:I := max(0, k-n)
        hi:I := min(k, m)
        support:List I := [i for i in lo..hi]
        logdc:List R:= [log(dhyper(i, m, n, k)::R) for i in support]
        doubleEps:R := 1.0e-50::R 
        plusInfinity:R := 1.0e6::R -- arbitrary
        dnhyper:(R->List R) :=
             ncp:R := #1
             d:List R := [logdc(i)+log(ncp)*support(i)::R for i in 1..#logdc]
             maxd:R := reduce(max,d)
             d2:List R :=[exp(di-maxd) for di in d]
             sumd2:R := reduce("+",d2)
             [d2i/sumd2 for d2i in d2]
        mnhyper:(R->R) :=
             ncp:R := #1
             if ncp=0.0::R then lo::R
             --else if ncp=%plusInfinity then hi::R
                d:List R := dnhyper(ncp)
                reduce("+",[support(i)::R*d(i) for i in 1..#d])
        pnhyper:((Integer,R,Boolean)->R) :=
             q:I := #1
             ncp:R := #2
             upperTail:Boolean := #3
             if ncp=1.0 then 
                if upperTail then phyper(q-1, m, n, k, false)::R
                else phyper(q, m, n, k, true)::R
             else if ncp=0.0 then
                if upperTail then 
                    if q<=lo then 1.0::R else 0.0::R
                else if q>=lo then 1.0::R else 0.0::R
--           else if ncp=%plusInfinity then
--              if upperTail then 
--                  if q<=hi then 1.0::R else 0.0::R
--              else if q>= hi then 1.0::R else 0.0::R
                d:List R := dnhyper(ncp)
                if upperTail then
                      reduce("+",[d(i) for i in 1..#d | support(i)>=q])
                else reduce("+",[d(i) for i in 1..#d | support(i)<=q])
        mle:(I->R) :=
             x:I := #1
             if x=lo then 0.0::R
             else if x=hi then plusInfinity
                mu:R := mnhyper(1.0::R)
                if mu>x::R then 
                        f:(R->R) := mnhyper(#1) - x::R
                else if mu<x::R then
                        f:(R->R) := mnhyper(1/#1) - x::R
                else 1.0::R
        ncpU:(I,R)->R :=
             x:I := #1
             alpha:R := #2
             if x=hi then plusInfinity
                     p:R := pnhyper(x, 1.0::R, false)
                     if p<alpha then 
                        f:(R->R) := pnhyper(x,#1,false) - alpha
                        ridder(f, 0.0::R, 1.0::R)
                     else if p>alpha then 
                                f:(R->R) := pnhyper(x,1/#1,false) - alpha
                                1/ridder(f, doubleEps, 1.0::R)
                     else 1.0::R
        ncpL:(Integer, R)->R :=
             x:I := #1
             alpha:R := #2
             if x=lo then 0.0::R
                p:R := pnhyper(x, 1, true)
                if p>alpha then
                        f:(R->R) := pnhyper(x,#1,true) - alpha
                        ridder(f, 0,1)
                else if p<alpha then
                        f:(R->R) := pnhyper(x,1/#1,true) - alpha
                        1/ridder(f, doubleEps,1.0::R)
                else 1.0::R
        pValue:R :=
             if alternative="less" then pnhyper(x00, OR,false) 
             else if alternative="greater" then pnhyper(x00, OR,true)
             else if alternative="two-sided" then
                relErr:= 1+1.0e-7::R
                dn:= dnhyper(OR)
                dstar:= dn(x00-lo+1)*relErr
                reduce("+",[di for di in dn | di<dstar])
             else -1.0::R
        cInterval:List R :=
               if confInt then 
                   if alternative="less" then  [0.0::R, ncpU(x00, 1.0::R-confLevel)]
                   else if alternative="greater" then [ncpL(x00, 1.0::R-confLevel), plusInfinity]
                   else if alternative="two-sided" then 
                      [ncpL(x00, alpha), ncpU(x00, alpha)]
                else [-1.0::R,-1.0::R]
                --else []
        estimate:= mle(x00)
        [pValue, cInterval, estimate]
   testTolerance(x, y, atol) ==
    if abs(x-y) <= atol then true else false
   test1() ==
    testTolerance(2*ridder(cos,0.0::R,2.0::R),pi()$Pi::R, 1.0e-18)
   test2() == testTolerance(choose(100, 5)::R, 75287520::R, 0)
   test3() == testTolerance(dhyper(5, 10, 7, 8)::R, 0.3628137::R, 1.0e-7)
   test4() == testTolerance(log(dhyper(5, 10, 7, 8)::R),-1.013866::R,  1.0e-7)
   test5() == testTolerance(phyper(5, 10, 7, 8, true)::R,0.7821884::R, 1.0e-7)
   test6() == testTolerance(phyper(5, 10, 7, 8, false)::R,0.2178116::R, 1.0e-7) 
   test7() == testTolerance(fisherTest(10,10,10,20,"two-sided",1.0,true,0.95).PValue,
       0.2575, 1.0e-3)
   test8() == testTolerance(fisherTest(10,10,10,20,"two-sided",1.0,true,0.95).CI.1,
       0.5383996, 1.0e-6)
   test9() == testTolerance(fisherTest(10,10,10,20,"two-sided",1.0,true,0.95).CI.2,
       7.4363242, 1.0e-4)
   test10() == testTolerance(fisherTest(10,10,10,20,"two-sided",1.0,true,0.95).Estimate,
       1.971640, 1.0e-4)
   alltests() == [test1(), test2(), test3(), test4(), test5(), test6(),
       test7(), test8(), test9(), test10()]
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/303933172962875058-25px001.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   TESTP abbreviates package TestPackage 
   processing macro definition R ==> Float 
processing macro definition I ==> Integer
processing macro definition fisherRec ==> Record(PValue: R,CI: List R,Estimate: R)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB TESTP for TestPackage compiling into NRLIB TESTP importing TrigonometricFunctionCategory compiling exported ridder : (Float -> Float,Float,Float) -> Float Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling exported msign : (Float,Float) -> Float Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported choose : (Integer,Integer) -> Fraction Integer Time: 0.05 SEC.
compiling exported dhyper : (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Fraction Integer Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported phyper : (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Boolean) -> Fraction Integer Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported fisherTest : (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,String,Float,Boolean,Float) -> Record(PValue: Float,CI: List Float,Estimate: Float) Time: 0.21 SEC.
compiling exported testTolerance : (Float,Float,Float) -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported test1 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported test2 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported test3 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported test4 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.05 SEC.
compiling exported test5 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported test6 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported test7 : () -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported test8 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported test9 : () -> Boolean Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported test10 : () -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported alltests : () -> List Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |TestPackage| REDEFINED
;;; *** |TestPackage| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
Warnings: [1] ridder: xh has no value [2] ridder: xl has no value [3] fisherTest: The conditional modes (List (Float)) and (Integer) conflict
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TestPackage Time: 0.50 seconds
finalizing NRLIB TESTP Processing TestPackage for Browser database: --->-->TestPackage((ridder (R (Mapping R R) R R))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((msign (R R R))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((choose ((Fraction I) I I))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((dhyper ((Fraction (Integer)) I I I I))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((phyper ((Fraction (Integer)) I I I I (Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((fisherTest (fisherRec I I I I (String) R (Boolean) R))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((testTolerance ((Boolean) R R R))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test1 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test2 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test3 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test4 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test5 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test6 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test7 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test8 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test9 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((test10 ((Boolean)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage((alltests ((List (Boolean))))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->TestPackage(): Missing Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TestPackage is now explicitly exposed in frame initial TestPackage will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/TESTP.NRLIB/code

Using this code in Axiom:

-- test code is correct
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: List Boolean
-- show the example
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: Record(PValue?: Float,CI: List Float,Estimate: Float)

The Boot translation was more fiddly - but, then again, I had never used Boot before.

doubleFloat(x) == COERCE(x,'DOUBLE_-FLOAT)
ridder(func, x1, x2) ==
    eps:= DF(1.0e-16)
    maxit:= 30
    fl := DF(FUNCALL(func,x1))
    fh := DF(FUNCALL(func,x2))
    xl := x1
    xh := x2
    ans := DF(-1.11e20)
    xnew := 0.0e0
    iterNum:= 0
    if fl=0.0 then return x1
    else if fh=0.0 then return x2
    else if (fl*fh) > 0.0 then error "Initial points are not either side of zero."
    --if (fl*fh) < 0.0 then
    else repeat
                xm:= 0.5 *(xl+xh)
                fm:= FUNCALL(func,xm)
                ss:= SQRT((fm*fm) - (fl*fh))
                if ss =0.0 then return ans
                xnew:= xm + (((xm - xl) * (if (fl>fh) then 1.0 else -1.0) * fm) / ss)
                if ABS(xnew-ans) <= eps then return ans
                ans:= xnew 
                fnew:= DF(FUNCALL(func,ans))
                if fnew=0.0 then return ans
                if msign(fm,fnew) ^= fm then
                    xl:= xm 
                    fl:= fm 
                    xh:= ans 
                    fh:= fnew
                else if msign(fl, fnew) ^= fl then
                    xh:= ans 
                    fh:= fnew
                else if msign(fh, fnew) ^= fh then
                    xl:= ans 
                    fl:= fnew
                if iterNum >=maxit then 
                        error "Maximum iterations exceeded"
                --if verbose then FORMAT(true,"~,8f ~,8f ~,8f ~,8f~%", xl, xh, fl, fh)$Lisp
                if ABS(xh-xl) <= eps then return ans
msign(x, y) ==
    (ABS x) * (if y>0.0 then 1.0 else if y<0.0 then -1.0 else 0.0)
choose(n, x) ==
    total := 1
    for denom in 1..x repeat
    return total
   --chooseNew(n, x) == product((n-i+1)::Fraction Integer/i::Fraction Integer,i=1..x)
dhyper(x, m, n, k) ==
    DF(choose(m, x) * choose(n, k - x)) / choose(m + n, k)
-- reduce(func,list) == 
--      value := list.0
--      for i in 1..(#list-1) repeat
--              value:=FUNCALL(func,value,list.i))
--      value
phyper(x, m, n, k, lowerTail) ==
    --total:Fraction Integer:=0/1
    if lowerTail then 
        +/[dhyper(i, m, n, k) for i in 1..x]
        +/[dhyper(i, m, n, k) for i in (x+1)..k]
dnhyper(ncp,logdc,support) ==
     d := [DF(logdc.i+LOG(ncp)*support.i) for i in 0..(#logdc-1)]
     maxd := APPLY(FUNCTION(MAX),d)
     d2 :=[EXP(di-maxd) for di in d]
     sumd2 := +/d2
     [d2i/sumd2 for d2i in d2]
testTolerance(x, y, atol) ==
    if ABS(x-y) <= atol then true else false
test1() == testTolerance(2*ridder('COS,0.0,2.0),3.1415926535897932385, 1.0e-7)
test2() == testTolerance(choose(100, 5), 75287520, 0)
test3() == testTolerance(dhyper(5, 10, 7, 8), 0.3628137, 1.0e-7)
test4() == testTolerance(LOG(dhyper(5, 10, 7, 8)),-1.013866,  1.0e-7)
test5() == testTolerance(phyper(5, 10, 7, 8, true),0.7821884, 1.0e-7)
test6() == testTolerance(phyper(5, 10, 7, 8, false),0.2178116, 1.0e-7) 
fisherTest(a,b,c,d, alternative, OR, confInt, confLevel) == main where
  main() ==
        $m := a+c -- first column
        $n := b+d -- second column
        $k := a+b -- first row
        $x00 := a
        $lo := MAX(0, $k-$n)
        $hi := MIN($k, $m)
        $support := [i for i in $lo..$hi]
        $logdc := [LOG(dhyper(i, $m, $n, $k)) for i in $support]
        $doubleEps := 1.0e-10
        $plusInfinity := 1.0e10
        pvalue :=
                if alternative='"less" then pnhyper($x00, OR,false) 
                else if alternative='"greater" then pnhyper($x00, OR,true)
                else if alternative='"two-sided" then
                        relErr:= 1+1.0e-7
                        d:= dnhyper(OR,$logdc,$support)
                        dstar:= ELT(d,$x00-$lo)*relErr
                        +/[di for di in d | di<dstar]
                else -1.0 -- no match
        estimate :=
                if $x00=$lo then 0
                -- else if $x00=hi then return($plusInfinity)
                        mu:= mnhyper(1)
                        if mu>$x00 then ridder(FUNCTION(f1),0,1) 
                        else if mu<$x00 then 1/ridder(FUNCTION(f2),$doubleEps,1) 
                        else 1
        interval :=
               if confInt then 
                        $alpha := 1 - confLevel
                        if alternative='"less" then [0, ncpU($x00)]
                        else if alternative='"greater" then [ncpL($x00), $plusInfinity]
                        else if alternative='"two-sided" then 
                                $alpha :=(1-confLevel)/2.0
                                [ncpL($x00), ncpU($x00)]
                        else [-1,-1] 
                else [-2,-2]
  pnhyper (q,ncp,upperTail) ==
             if ncp=1 then 
                if upperTail then phyper(q-1, $m, $n, $k, false)
                else phyper(q, $m, $n, $k, true)
             else if ncp=0 then
                if upperTail then 
                    if q<=$lo then 1 else 0
                else if q>=$lo then 1 else 0
--           else if ncp=$plusInfinity then
--              if upperTail then 
--                  if q<=hi then return(1) else return(0)
--              else if q>= hi then return(1) else return(0)
                d:= dnhyper(ncp, $logdc, $support)
                if upperTail then
                      +/[d.i for i in 0..(#d-1) | $support.i>=q]
                else +/[d.i for i in 0..(#d-1) | $support.i<=q]
  mnhyper(ncp) ==
             if ncp=0.0 then $lo
             --if ncp=$plusInfinity then return(hi::R)
                d := dnhyper(ncp,$logdc,$support)
                +/[si*di for di in d for si in $support]
  f1(u) == mnhyper(u) - $x00
  f2(u) == mnhyper(1/u) - $x00
  ncpU x ==
             --if x=$hi then $plusInfinity
             p:= pnhyper(x, 1.0, false)
             if p<$alpha then 
             else if p>$alpha then 
                1/ridder(FUNCTION(fu2), $doubleEps,1)
             else 1
  fu1 u == pnhyper($x00,u,false) - $alpha
  fu2 u == pnhyper($x00,1/u,false) - $alpha
  ncpL x == 
             if x=$lo then 0
                p:= pnhyper(x, 1, true)
                if p>$alpha then ridder(FUNCTION(fl1), 0,1)
                else if p<$alpha then 1/ridder(FUNCTION(fl2), $doubleEps,1)
                else 1
  fl1 u == pnhyper($x00,u,true) - $alpha
  fl2 u == pnhyper($x00,1/u,true) - $alpha
test7() == fisherTest(10,10,10,20,'"two-sided",1,true,0.95)
alltests() == [test1(), test2(), test3(), test4(), test5(), test6()]
Value = T
; (DEFUN |fisherTest,fl2| ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable |$x00| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
;; The variable |$alpha| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
; (DEFUN |fisherTest,ncpL| ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable |$lo| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
;; The variable |$doubleEps| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
; (DEFUN |fisherTest,mnhyper| ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable |$logdc| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
;; The variable |$support| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
; (DEFUN |fisherTest,pnhyper| ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable |$m| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
;; The variable |$n| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
;; The variable |$k| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
; (DEFUN |fisherTest| ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable |$hi| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
;; The variable |$plusInfinity| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
Value = 17616

Using this code in Axiom:

LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: SExpression?
LatexWiki Image(4)
Type: SExpression?

For Reduce (which was also my first Reduce program) [NB: formatting has been lost in the output]?:

on rounded;

symbolic procedure msign(x, y);
    (abs x) * (if y>0.0 then 1.0 else if y<0.0 then -1.0 else 0.0);

%% Numerical root finding using Ridders method
   %% (Exit criteria hacked: how can one return from a repeat .. until statement?) 
symbolic procedure ridders(func, x1, x2);
   begin scalar eps, maxit, fl, fh, xl, xh, ans, xnew, iterNum, fnew;
      eps:= 1.0e-12;
      maxit:= 100;
      fl := funcall(func, x1);
      fh := funcall(func, x2);
      xl := x1;
      xh := x2;
      ans := -1.0e30;
      xnew := 0.0e0;
      iterNum := 0;
      if (fl*fh) > 0.0 then rederr "Initial points are not either side of zero.";
      if fl=0.0 then x1
      else if fh=0.0 then x2
         %if (fl*fh) < 0.0 then
      else repeat begin scalar xm, fm, ss;
         xm:= 0.5*(xl+xh);
         fm:= funcall(func, xm);
         ss:= sqrt((fm*fm) - (fl*fh));
         %if ss =0.0 then return ans;
         xnew:= xm + (((xm - xl) * (if (fl>fh) then 1.0 else -1.0) * fm) / ss);
         %if abs(xnew-ans) <= eps then return ans;
         ans:= xnew;
         fnew:= funcall(func, ans);
         %if fnew=0.0 then return ans;
         if msign(fm,fnew) neq fm then begin;
            xl:= xm; 
            fl:= fm; 
            xh:= ans; 
            fh:= fnew; 
         else if msign(fl, fnew) neq fl then begin;
            xh:= ans; 
            fh:= fnew;
         else if msign(fh, fnew) neq fh then begin;
            xl:= ans; 
            fl:= fnew; 
         if iterNum >=maxit then rederr "Maximum iterations exceeded";
         %if verbose then write xl, xh, fl, fh;
      end until abs(fnew)<eps or abs(xh-xl) <= eps;
      return ans

symbolic procedure choose(n, x);
   begin scalar total, denom;
    total := 1.0;
    for denom:=1:x do <<
       total:=total/denom*(n-denom+1) >>;
    return total

symbolic procedure dhyper(x, m, n, k);
   choose(m, x) * choose(n, k - x) / choose(m + n, k);
procedure phyper(x, m, n, k, lowerTail); if lowerTail then for i:=1:x sum dhyper(i, m, n, k) else for i:=(x+1):k sum dhyper(i, m, n, k);

symbolic procedure testTolerance(x, y, atol);
   if abs(x-y) <= atol then t else nil;

symbolic procedure test1(); testTolerance(2*ridders(function(cos),0,2),
      cdr reval(algebraic pi),1e-8);
symbolic procedure test2(); testTolerance(choose(100, 5), 75287520, 0);
symbolic procedure test3(); testTolerance(dhyper(5, 10, 7, 8), 0.3628137, 1.0e-7);
symbolic procedure test4(); testTolerance(log(dhyper(5, 10, 7, 8)),-1.013866, 1.0e-7);
symbolic procedure test5(); testTolerance(phyper(5, 10, 7, 8, t),0.7821884, 1.0e-7);
symbolic procedure test6(); testTolerance(phyper(5, 10, 7, 8, nil),0.2178116, 1.0e-7);
symbolic procedure testSet1(); {test1(), test2(), test3(), test4(), test5(), test6()};

(t t t t t t)

symbolic procedure fisherTest(a,b,c,d,alternative,oddsratio,confLevel);
   begin scalar m, n, k, x00, lo, hi, doubleEps,
      m := a+c; % first column
      n := b+d; % second column
      k := a+b; % first row
      x00 := a;
      lo := max(0, k-n);
      hi := min(k, m);
      support := for i:=lo:hi collect i;
      logdc := for each i in support collect log(dhyper(i, m, n, k));
      doubleEps := 1.0e-10; 
      dnhyper := function(lambda ncp;
         begin scalar maxd, sumd2, d, d2;
            d := for i:=1:length(logdc) collect nth(logdc,i)+log(ncp)*nth(support,i);
            maxd := apply(function(max),d);
            d2 :=for each di in d collect exp(di-maxd);
            sumd2 := for each i in d2 sum i;
            return for each d2i in d2 collect d2i/sumd2
      mnhyper := function(lambda ncp;
         begin scalar d, value;
            value := if ncp=0.0 then lo
            %else if ncp equal 'plusInfinity then hi
            else begin;
               d := funcall(dnhyper,ncp);
               return for i:=1:length(d) sum nth(support,i)*nth(d,i)
            return value
      pnhyper := function(lambda(q,ncp,upperTail);
         if ncp=1.0 then 
            (if upperTail then phyper(q-1, m, n, k, nil)
            else phyper(q, m, n, k, t))
         else if ncp=0.0 then
            (if upperTail then 
               (if q<=lo then 1.0 else 0.0)
            else (if q>=lo then 1.0 else 0.0))
         else if ncp equal 'plusInfinity then
            (if upperTail then 
               (if q<=hi then 1.0 else 0.0)
            else (if q>= hi then 1.0 else 0.0))
         begin scalar d, value;
            d := funcall(dnhyper,ncp);
            value := if upperTail then
               for i:=1:length(d) sum (if nth(support,i)>=q then nth(d,i) else 0)
            else for i:=1:length(d) sum (if nth(support,i)<=q then nth(d,i) else 0);
            return value
      ncpL := function(lambda alpha;
         if x00=lo then 0
         else begin scalar p,value,f1,f2;
            f1 := function(lambda y; funcall(pnhyper,x00,y,t) - alpha);
            f2 := function(lambda y; funcall(pnhyper,x00,1/y,t) - alpha);
            p := funcall(pnhyper,x00, 1.0, t);
            value := if p>alpha then 
                  ridders(f1, doubleEps, 1) % zero bound caused problems
               else if p<alpha then 1/ridders(f2, doubleEps, 1)
               else 1;
            return value;
      ncpU := function(lambda alpha;
         if x00=hi then 'plusInfinity
         else begin scalar p,value,f1,f2;
            f1 := function(lambda y; funcall(pnhyper,x00,y,nil) - alpha);
            f2 := function(lambda y; funcall(pnhyper,x00,1/y,nil) - alpha);
            p := funcall(pnhyper,x00, 1.0, nil);
            value := if p<alpha then ridders(f1, 0, 1)
               else if p>alpha then 1/ridders(f2, doubleEps, 1)
               else 1;
            return value;
      pvalue := 
         if alternative equal 'less then funcall(pnhyper,x00,oddsratio,nil)
            else if alternative equal 'greater then funcall(pnhyper,x00,oddsratio,t)
            else if alternative equal 'twosided then
            begin scalar relerr,dstar,dn;
               relErr:= 1+1.0e-7;
               dn:= funcall(dnhyper,oddsratio);
               dstar:= nth(dn,x00-lo+1)*relErr;
               return for each di in dn sum (if di<dstar then di else 0)
            else -1; 
      cInterval :=
         if alternative equal 'less then 
            {0.0, funcall(ncpU,1-confLevel)}
         else if alternative equal 'greater then 
            {funcall(ncpL,1-confLevel), 'plusInfinity}
         else if alternative equal 'twosided then 
            {funcall(ncpL,(1-confLevel)/2), funcall(ncpU,(1-confLevel)/2)}
         else {-1,-1}; % no match
      mle := 
         if x00=lo then 0.0
         else if x00=hi then 'plusInfinity
         begin scalar mu, value, f1, f2;
            f1 := function(lambda y; funcall(mnhyper,y) - x00);
            f2 := function(lambda y; funcall(mnhyper,1/y) - x00);
            mu := funcall(mnhyper,1.0);
            value := if mu>x00 then ridders(f1,0,1)
            else if mu<x00 then
            else 1.0;
            return value;
      return {pvalue,cinterval,mle};

(0.25754924281098 (0.53839938167829 7.4363408387441) 1.9716269432603)
(0.92948113166106 (0.0 6.1438085831682) 1.9716269432603)
(0.18830137576992 (0.6459937819479 plusinfinity) 1.9716269432603)

symbolic procedure testSet2;
   begin scalar fit1;
      fit1 := fishertest(10,10,10,20,'twosided,1,0.95);
      return {testTolerance(first(fit1), 0.2575, 1.0e-3),
         testTolerance(caadr(fit1),0.5383996, 1.0e-6),
         testTolerance(cadadr(fit1),7.4363242, 1.0e-4),
         testTolerance(third(fit1),1.971640, 1.0e-4)}

(t t t t)

The implementation in Common Lisp was a more direct translation of the R code:

;; from cl-statistics.lisp
(defun safe-exp (x)
  "Eliminates floating point underflow for the exponential function.
Instead, it just returns 0.0d0"
  (setf x (coerce x 'double-float))
  (if (< x (log least-positive-double-float))
      (exp x)))
(defun ridder (func x1 x2 &key (eps 1.0d-16) (maxit 30) (verbose nil))
  (let (
        (fl (funcall func x1))
        (fh (funcall func x2))
        (xl x1)
        (xh x2)
        (ans -1.11d30)
        (xnew 0.0d0)
        (iter-num 0)
     ((= fl 0) x1)
     ((= fh 0) x2)
     ((> (* fl fh) 0.0d0) 
      (error "Functions of the start points are not either side of zero."))
     ((< (* fl fh) 0.0d0) 
       (let* (
              (xm (* 0.5d0 (+ xl xh)))
              (fm (funcall func xm))
              (ss (sqrt (- (* fm fm) (* fl fh))))
         (if (= ss 0.0d0) (return ans))
         (setf xnew (+ xm (/ (* (- xm xl) (if (> fl fh) 1.0d0 -1.0d0) fm) ss)))
         (if (<= (abs (- xnew ans)) eps) (return ans))
         (setf ans xnew fnew (funcall func ans))
         (if (= fnew 0.0d0) (return ans))
         (cond ((not (= (msign fm fnew) fm))
                (setf xl xm fl fm xh ans fh fnew))
               ((not (= (msign fl fnew) fl))
                (setf xh ans fh fnew))
               ((not (= (msign fh fnew) fh))
                (setf xl ans fl fnew)))
         (incf iter-num)
         (if (>= iter-num maxit) 
             (return (values nil "Maximum iterations exceeded"))) ;; (error)?
         (if verbose (format t "~,8f ~,8f ~,8f ~,8f~%" xl xh fl fh))
         (if (<= (abs (- xh xl)) eps) (return ans))))))))
(defun msign (x y)
  (* (abs x) (cond ((> y 0.0d0) 1.0d0) ((< y 0.0d0) -1.0d0) (t 0.0d0))))
;;(- (* (ridder #'cos 0.0d0 2.0d0) 2.0d0) pi)
(defun choose (n x) (loop for denom from 1 to x and numerator from n downto (- n (1- x)) and total = 1 then (* total (/ numerator denom)) finally (return total))) (defun dhyper (x m n k &key (log nil)) (let ((val (/ (* (choose m x) (choose n (- k x))) (choose (+ m n) k)))) (if log (log (coerce val 'double-float)) val))) (defun phyper (x m n k &key (lower-tail t)) (if lower-tail (loop for i from 1 to x summing (dhyper i m n k)) (loop for i from (1+ x) to k summing (dhyper i m n k))))
(defun fisher-test (x &key (alternative 'two-sided) (or 1.0d0) (conf-int t) (conf-level 0.95d0) (uniroot #'ridder)) "Fisher's exact test for a 2x2 integer array. This is a hand translation of R's fisher.test() making use of CL's large integers for the hypergeometric distribution" (let* ((m (loop for i upto 1 summing (aref x i 0))) (n (loop for i upto 1 summing (aref x i 1))) (k (loop for i upto 1 summing (aref x 0 i))) (x00 (aref x 0 0)) ; cf replacing x by (aref x 0 0) (lo (max 0 (- k n))) (hi (min k m)) (support (loop for i from lo to hi collect i)) (log-dc (loop for i in support collect (dhyper i m n k :log t))) (double-eps 1.0d-50)) (labels ((dnhyper (ncp) (setf ncp (coerce ncp 'double-float)) (let* ((d (loop for i in log-dc and j in support collect (+ i (* (log ncp) j)))) (max-d (apply #'max d)) (d2 (loop for i in d collect (safe-exp (- i max-d)))) ;; NB: safe-exp used here (sum-d2 (reduce #'+ d2))) (loop for i in d2 collect (/ i sum-d2)))) (mnhyper (ncp) (cond ((= ncp 0) lo) ((equal ncp 'infinity) hi) (t (loop for i in support and j in (dnhyper ncp) summing (* i j))))) (pnhyper (q ncp &key (upper-tail nil)) (cond ((= ncp 1) (if upper-tail (coerce (phyper (1- x00) m n k :lower-tail nil) 'double-float) (coerce (phyper x00 m n k) 'double-float))) ((= ncp 0) (if upper-tail (if (<= q lo) 1 0) (if (>= q lo) 1 0))) ((equal ncp 'infinity) (if upper-tail (if (<= q hi) 1 0) (if (>= q hi) 1 0))) (t (let ((d (dnhyper ncp))) (if upper-tail (loop for d-i in d and support-i in support when (>= support-i q) summing d-i) (loop for d-i in d and support-i in support when (<= support-i q) summing d-i)))))) (mle (x) (cond ((= x lo) 0) ((= x hi) 'infinity) (t (let ((mu (mnhyper 1))) (cond ((> mu x) (funcall uniroot (lambda (u) (- (mnhyper u) x)) 0 1)) ((< mu x) (/ (funcall uniroot (lambda (u) (- (mnhyper (/ u)) x)) double-eps 1))) (t 1)))))) (ncp-u (x alpha) (and (= x hi) 'infinity) (let ((p (pnhyper x 1))) (cond ((< p alpha) (funcall uniroot (lambda (u) (- (pnhyper x u) alpha)) 0 1)) ((> p alpha) (/ (funcall uniroot (lambda (u) (- (pnhyper x (/ u)) alpha)) double-eps 1))) (t 1)))) (ncp-l (x alpha) (and (= x lo) 0) (let ((p (pnhyper x 1 :upper-tail t))) (cond ((> p alpha) (funcall uniroot (lambda (u) (- (pnhyper x u :upper-tail t) alpha)) 0 1)) ((< p alpha) (/ (funcall uniroot (lambda (u) (- (pnhyper x (/ u) :upper-tail t) alpha)) double-eps 1))) (t 1))))) (let ((p-value (ecase alternative (less (pnhyper x00 or)) (greater (pnhyper x00 or :upper-tail t)) (two-sided (let* ((relErr (1+ 1.0d-7)) (d (dnhyper or)) (dstar (* (elt d (- x00 lo)) relErr))) (loop for di in d when (< di dstar) summing di))))) (c-interval (if conf-int (ecase alternative (less (list 0 (ncp-u x00 (- 1 conf-level)))) (greater (list (ncp-l x00 (- 1 conf-level)) 'infinity)) (two-sided (let ((alpha (/ (- 1 conf-level) 2))) (list (ncp-l x00 alpha) (ncp-u x00 alpha))))) nil)) (estimate (mle x00))) (values p-value c-interval estimate))))) ;;(fisher-test #2a((10 10) (10 20)))
; (DEFUN RIDDER ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable FNEW is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.
Value = 17624

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