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Edit detail for SandBoxEcfact revision 6 of 6

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/03/14 20:07:48 GMT-7
Note: replacing output with Lisp FORMAT

Here is one way to replace Axiom's 'output' function
with a Lisp function that can be called from Aldor.

#include "axiom.as"

-- implement output for Aldor

output(x:String):Void == {
import { FORMAT: (Boolean,String,String) -> Void } from Foreign Lisp;

output(x:String,y:OutputForm):Void == {
import { FORMAT: (Boolean,String,String,String) -> Void } from Foreign Lisp;
FORMAT(true,"~a ~a~%",x,unparse(convert(y)$InputForm)$InputForm);

EllipticCurveRationalPoints(x0:Integer, y0:Integer, z0:Integer, n:Integer): ECcat == ECdef where
    Point   ==> Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer)

    ECcat ==> AbelianGroup with
        double: %  -> %
        p0:     %
        HessianCoordinates: % -> Point

    ECdef ==> add
        Rep == Point
        import from Rep
        import from List Integer

        Ex == OutputForm

        default u, v:  %

        apply(u:%,x:'x'):Integer == rep(u).x
        apply(u:%,y:'y'):Integer == rep(u).y
        apply(u:%,z:'z'):Integer == rep(u).z
        import from 'x'
        import from 'y'
        import from 'z'

        coerce(u:%): Ex        == [u.x, u.y, u.z]$List(Integer) :: Ex
        p0:%                   == per [x0 rem n, y0 rem n, z0 rem n]
        HessianCoordinates(u:%):Point  == rep u

        0:%   ==
            per [1, (-1) rem n, 0]
        -(u:%):%  ==
            per [u.y, u.x, u.z]
        (u:%) = (v:%):Boolean ==
            XuZv := u.x * v.z
            XvZu := v.x * u.z
            YuZv := u.y * v.z
            YvZu := v.y * u.z
            (XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0
        (u:%) + (v:%): % ==
            XuZv := u.x * v.z
            XvZu := v.x * u.z
            YuZv := u.y * v.z
            YvZu := v.y * u.z
            (XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0 => double u
            XuYv := u.x * v.y
            XvYu := v.x * u.y
            Xw := XuZv*XuYv - XvZu*XvYu
            Yw := YuZv*XvYu - YvZu*XuYv
            Zw := XvZu*YvZu - XuZv*YuZv
            per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n]
        double(u:%): % ==
            import from PositiveInteger
            X3 := u.x**(3@PositiveInteger)
            Y3 := u.y**(3@PositiveInteger)
            Z3 := u.z**(3@PositiveInteger)
            Xw := u.x*(Y3 - Z3)
            Yw := u.y*(Z3 - X3)
            Zw := u.z*(X3 - Y3)
            per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n]
        (n:Integer)*(u:%): % ==
            n < 0 => (-n)*(-u)
            v := 0
            import from UniversalSegment Integer
            for i in 0..length n - 1 repeat
                if bit?(n,i) then v := u + v
                u := double u

--% EllipticCurveFactorization
--)abbrev package ECFACT EllipticCurveFactorization

EllipticCurveFactorization: with
        LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer)                   -> Integer
        LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Float)         -> Integer
        LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
        LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer)          -> Integer

        lcmLimit: Integer -> Integer
        lcmLimit: Float-> Integer

        solveBound: Float -> Float
        bfloor:     Float -> Integer
        primesTo:   Integer -> List Integer
        lcmTo:      Integer -> Integer
    == add
        import from List Integer
        Ex == OutputForm
        import from Ex
        import from String
        import from Float

        NNI==> NonNegativeInteger
        --import from OutputPackage
        import from Integer, NonNegativeInteger
        import from UniversalSegment Integer

        blather:Boolean := true

        --% Finding the multiplier
        flabs (f: Float): Float == abs f
        flsqrt(f: Float): Float == sqrt f
        nthroot(f:Float,n:Integer):Float == exp(log f/n::Float)

        bfloor(f: Float): Integer == wholePart floor f

        lcmLimit(n: Integer):Integer ==
            lcmLimit nthroot(n::Float, 3)
        lcmLimit(divisorBound: Float):Integer ==
            y := solveBound divisorBound
            lcmLim := bfloor exp(log divisorBound/y)
            if blather then
                output("The divisor bound is", divisorBound::Ex)
                output("The lcm Limit is", lcmLim::Ex)

        -- Solve the bound equation using a Newton iteration.
        -- f = y**2 - log(B)/log(y+1)
        -- f/f' = fdf =
        --    2                 2
        --   y (y + 1)log(y + 1)  - (y + 1)log(y + 1) logB
        --   ---------------------------------------------
        --                                 2
        --              2y(y + 1)log(y + 1)  + logB
        fdf(y: Float, logB: Float): Float ==
            logy  := log(y + 1)
            ylogy := (y + 1)*logy
            ylogy2:= y*logy*ylogy
            (y*ylogy2 - logB*ylogy)/((2@Integer)*ylogy2 + logB)
        solveBound(divisorBound:Float):Float ==
            -- solve               y**2 = log(B)/log(y + 1)
            -- although it may be  y**2 = log(B)/(log(y)+1)
            relerr := (10::Float)**(-5)
            logB := log divisorBound
            y0   := flsqrt log10 divisorBound
            y1   := y0 - fdf(y0, logB)
            while flabs((y1 - y0)/y0) > relerr repeat
                y0 := y1
                y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB)

        -- maxpin(p, n, logn) is max d s.t. p**d <= n
        maxpin(p:Integer,n:Integer,logn:Float): NonNegativeInteger ==
            d: Integer := bfloor(logn/log(p::Float))
            if d < 0 then d := 0

        multiple?(i: Integer, plist: List Integer): Boolean ==
            for p in plist repeat if i rem p = 0 then return true

        primesTo(n:Integer):List Integer ==
            n < 2 => []
            n = 2 => [2]
            plist := [3, 2]
            i:Integer := 5
            while i <= n repeat
                if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist)
                i := i + 2
                if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist)
                i := i + 4
        lcmTo(n:Integer):Integer ==
            plist := primesTo n
            m: Integer := 1
            logn := log(n::Float)
            for p in plist repeat m := m * p**maxpin(p,n,logn)
            if blather then
                output("The lcm of 1..", n::Ex)
                output("            is", m::Ex)
        LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer):Integer ==
            LenstraEllipticMethod(n, flsqrt(n::Float))
        LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, divisorBound: Float):Integer ==
            lcmLim0 := lcmLimit divisorBound
            multer0 := lcmTo lcmLim0
            LenstraEllipticMethod(n, lcmLim0, multer0)
        InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, multer:Integer, 
                             X0:Integer, Y0:Integer, Z0:Integer):Integer ==
            import from EllipticCurveRationalPoints(X0,Y0,Z0,n)
            import from Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer)
            p  := p0
            pn := multer * p
            Zn := HessianCoordinates.pn.z
            gcd(n, Zn)

        LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, multer: Integer):Integer ==
            X0:Integer := random()
            Y0:Integer := random()
            Z0:Integer := random()
            InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer, X0, Y0, Z0)

        LenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, lcmLim0:Integer, multer0:Integer):Integer ==
            nfact: Integer := 1
            for i:Integer in 1.. while nfact = 1 repeat
                output("Trying elliptic curve number", i::Ex)
                X0:Integer := random()
                Y0:Integer := random()
                Z0:Integer := random()
                nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0)
                if nfact = n then
                    lcmLim := lcmLim0
                    while nfact = n repeat
                        output("Too many iterations... backing off")
                        lcmLim := bfloor(lcmLim * 0.6)
                        multer := lcmTo lcmLim
                        nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0)

The output shows that the routine works for some integers

and it fails for others. (But now it gives some hints why. :-)

Subject: aldor/axiom interoperability

From: Gregory Vanuxem

To: Peter Broadbery

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:21:44 +0100

Dear Peter, *

I was waiting for your small Aldor patch and never see it. Did you send it somewhere ? The main concern of this mail is if you are able to compile ecfact.as (attached) and execute the LenstraEllipticMethod?(Integer) function. On my system it fails, a bug somewhere. Am I alone with this issue ? Martin ? I'm still using the old build process and want to switch to the new one but this stops me. I do not want to take your time but maybe you have an idea of what's going on with this issue.

The output is :

  Looking in OutputPackage() for ??349042727  with code 483270060

and an error message : "export not found"


PS : I precise that I applied one of your patchs, sorry I don't remember which one, to be able to use recent versions of Aldor. The problem mentioned here still remains on my machine.

(1) -> <aldor>
Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
#include "axiom.as" #pile
--% Elliptic curve method for integer factorization -- This file implements Lenstra's algorithm for integer factorization. -- A divisor of N is found by computing a large multiple of a rational -- point on a randomly generated elliptic curve in P2 Z/NZ. -- The Hessian model is used for the curve (1) to simplify the selection -- of the initial point on the random curve and (2) to minimize the -- cost of adding points. -- Ref: IBM RC 11262, DV Chudnovsky & GV Chudnovsky -- SMW Sept 86.
--% EllipticCurveRationalPoints --)abbrev domain ECPTS EllipticCurveRationalPoints
EllipticCurveRationalPoints(x0:Integer, y0:Integer, z0:Integer, n:Integer): ECcat == ECdef where Point ==> Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer)
ECcat ==> AbelianGroup with double: % -> % p0: % HessianCoordinates: % -> Point
ECdef ==> add Rep == Point import from Rep import from List Integer
Ex == OutputForm
default u, v: %
apply(u:%,x:'x'):Integer == rep(u).x apply(u:%,y:'y'):Integer == rep(u).y apply(u:%,z:'z'):Integer == rep(u).z import from 'x' import from 'y' import from 'z'
coerce(u:%): Ex == [u.x, u.y, u.z]$List(Integer) :: Ex p0:% == per [x0 rem n, y0 rem n, z0 rem n] HessianCoordinates(u:%):Point == rep u
0:% == per [1, (-1) rem n, 0] -(u:%):% == per [u.y, u.x, u.z] (u:%) = (v:%):Boolean == XuZv := u.x * v.z XvZu := v.x * u.z YuZv := u.y * v.z YvZu := v.y * u.z (XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0 (u:%) + (v:%): % == XuZv := u.x * v.z XvZu := v.x * u.z YuZv := u.y * v.z YvZu := v.y * u.z (XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0 => double u XuYv := u.x * v.y XvYu := v.x * u.y Xw := XuZv*XuYv - XvZu*XvYu Yw := YuZv*XvYu - YvZu*XuYv Zw := XvZu*YvZu - XuZv*YuZv per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n] double(u:%): % == import from PositiveInteger X3 := u.x**(3@PositiveInteger) Y3 := u.y**(3@PositiveInteger) Z3 := u.z**(3@PositiveInteger) Xw := u.x*(Y3 - Z3) Yw := u.y*(Z3 - X3) Zw := u.z*(X3 - Y3) per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n] (n:Integer)*(u:%): % == n < 0 => (-n)*(-u) v := 0 import from UniversalSegment Integer for i in 0..length n - 1 repeat if bit?(n,i) then v := u + v u := double u v
--% EllipticCurveFactorization --)abbrev package ECFACT EllipticCurveFactorization
EllipticCurveFactorization: with LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer) -> Integer LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Float) -> Integer LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
lcmLimit: Integer -> Integer lcmLimit: Float-> Integer
solveBound: Float -> Float bfloor: Float -> Integer primesTo: Integer -> List Integer lcmTo: Integer -> Integer == add import from List Integer Ex == OutputForm import from Ex import from String import from Float
NNI==> NonNegativeInteger import from OutputPackage import from Integer, NonNegativeInteger import from UniversalSegment Integer
blather:Boolean := true
--% Finding the multiplier flabs (f: Float): Float == abs f flsqrt(f: Float): Float == sqrt f nthroot(f:Float,n:Integer):Float == exp(log f/n::Float)
bfloor(f: Float): Integer == wholePart floor f
lcmLimit(n: Integer):Integer == lcmLimit nthroot(n::Float, 3) lcmLimit(divisorBound: Float):Integer == y := solveBound divisorBound lcmLim := bfloor exp(log divisorBound/y) if blather then output("The divisor bound is", divisorBound::Ex) output("The lcm Limit is", lcmLim::Ex) lcmLim
-- Solve the bound equation using a Newton iteration. -- -- f = y**2 - log(B)/log(y+1) -- -- f/f' = fdf = -- 2 2 -- y (y + 1)log(y + 1) - (y + 1)log(y + 1) logB -- --------------------------------------------- -- 2 -- 2y(y + 1)log(y + 1) + logB -- fdf(y: Float, logB: Float): Float == logy := log(y + 1) ylogy := (y + 1)*logy ylogy2:= y*logy*ylogy (y*ylogy2 - logB*ylogy)/((2@Integer)*ylogy2 + logB) solveBound(divisorBound:Float):Float == -- solve y**2 = log(B)/log(y + 1) -- although it may be y**2 = log(B)/(log(y)+1) relerr := (10::Float)**(-5) logB := log divisorBound y0 := flsqrt log10 divisorBound y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB) while flabs((y1 - y0)/y0) > relerr repeat y0 := y1 y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB) y1
-- maxpin(p, n, logn) is max d s.t. p**d <= n maxpin(p:Integer,n:Integer,logn:Float): NonNegativeInteger == d: Integer := bfloor(logn/log(p::Float)) if d < 0 then d := 0 d::NonNegativeInteger
multiple?(i: Integer, plist: List Integer): Boolean == for p in plist repeat if i rem p = 0 then return true false
primesTo(n:Integer):List Integer == n < 2 => [] n = 2 => [2] plist := [3, 2] i:Integer := 5 while i <= n repeat if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist) i := i + 2 if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist) i := i + 4 plist lcmTo(n:Integer):Integer == plist := primesTo n m: Integer := 1 logn := log(n::Float) for p in plist repeat m := m * p**maxpin(p,n,logn) if blather then output("The lcm of 1..", n::Ex) output(" is", m::Ex) m LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer):Integer == LenstraEllipticMethod(n, flsqrt(n::Float)) LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, divisorBound: Float):Integer == lcmLim0 := lcmLimit divisorBound multer0 := lcmTo lcmLim0 LenstraEllipticMethod(n, lcmLim0, multer0) InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, multer:Integer, X0:Integer, Y0:Integer, Z0:Integer):Integer == import from EllipticCurveRationalPoints(X0,Y0,Z0,n) import from Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer) p := p0 pn := multer * p Zn := HessianCoordinates.pn.z gcd(n, Zn)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, multer: Integer):Integer == X0:Integer := random() Y0:Integer := random() Z0:Integer := random() InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer, X0, Y0, Z0)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, lcmLim0:Integer, multer0:Integer):Integer == nfact: Integer := 1 for i:Integer in 1.. while nfact = 1 repeat output("Trying elliptic curve number", i::Ex) X0:Integer := random() Y0:Integer := random() Z0:Integer := random() nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0) if nfact = n then lcmLim := lcmLim0 while nfact = n repeat output("Too many iterations... backing off") lcmLim := bfloor(lcmLim * 0.6) multer := lcmTo lcmLim nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0) nfact</aldor>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
"/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/7214143568811717751-25px001.as", line 32: 
#include "axiom.as"
[L32 C1] #1 (Error) Could not open file `axiom.as'.
The )library system command was not called after compilation.

There are no library operations named LenstraEllipticMethod Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op LenstraEllipticMethod to learn if there is any operation containing " LenstraEllipticMethod " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named LenstraEllipticMethod with argument type(s) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

The problem seems to be related to trying to generate Axiom output from inside an Aldor function. E.g.

#include "axiom.as"
TestOutput: with testOutput: (Integer) -> Integer == add import from String import from OutputPackage
testOutput(x:Integer):Integer == output("help!") x
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
"/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/7970768026816943239-25px003.as", line 1: 
#include "axiom.as"
[L1 C1] #1 (Error) Could not open file `axiom.as'.
The )library system command was not called after compilation.

There are no library operations named testOutput Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op testOutput to learn if there is any operation containing " testOutput " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named testOutput with argument type(s) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

#include "axiom.as"
TestPrint: with testPrint: (Integer) -> Integer == add import from String import from OutputForm
testPrint(x:Integer):Integer == messagePrint("help!")$OutputForm x
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
"/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/1420678903966076930-25px005.as", line 1: 
#include "axiom.as"
[L1 C1] #1 (Error) Could not open file `axiom.as'.
The )library system command was not called after compilation.

There are no library operations named testPrint Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op testPrint to learn if there is any operation containing " testPrint " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named testPrint with argument type(s) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

Here is one way to replace Axiom's output function with a Lisp function that can be called from Aldor.

#include "axiom.as"
-- implement output for Aldor
output(x:String):Void == { import { FORMAT: (Boolean,String,String) -> Void } from Foreign Lisp; FORMAT(true,"~a~%",x); }
output(x:String,y:OutputForm):Void == { import { FORMAT: (Boolean,String,String,String) -> Void } from Foreign Lisp; FORMAT(true,"~a ~a~%",x,unparse(convert(y)$InputForm)$InputForm); }
EllipticCurveRationalPoints(x0:Integer, y0:Integer, z0:Integer, n:Integer): ECcat == ECdef where Point ==> Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer)
ECcat ==> AbelianGroup with double: % -> % p0: % HessianCoordinates: % -> Point
ECdef ==> add Rep == Point import from Rep import from List Integer
Ex == OutputForm
default u, v: %
apply(u:%,x:'x'):Integer == rep(u).x apply(u:%,y:'y'):Integer == rep(u).y apply(u:%,z:'z'):Integer == rep(u).z import from 'x' import from 'y' import from 'z'
coerce(u:%): Ex == [u.x, u.y, u.z]$List(Integer) :: Ex p0:% == per [x0 rem n, y0 rem n, z0 rem n] HessianCoordinates(u:%):Point == rep u
0:% == per [1, (-1) rem n, 0] -(u:%):% == per [u.y, u.x, u.z] (u:%) = (v:%):Boolean == XuZv := u.x * v.z XvZu := v.x * u.z YuZv := u.y * v.z YvZu := v.y * u.z (XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0 (u:%) + (v:%): % == XuZv := u.x * v.z XvZu := v.x * u.z YuZv := u.y * v.z YvZu := v.y * u.z (XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0 => double u XuYv := u.x * v.y XvYu := v.x * u.y Xw := XuZv*XuYv - XvZu*XvYu Yw := YuZv*XvYu - YvZu*XuYv Zw := XvZu*YvZu - XuZv*YuZv per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n] double(u:%): % == import from PositiveInteger X3 := u.x**(3@PositiveInteger) Y3 := u.y**(3@PositiveInteger) Z3 := u.z**(3@PositiveInteger) Xw := u.x*(Y3 - Z3) Yw := u.y*(Z3 - X3) Zw := u.z*(X3 - Y3) per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n] (n:Integer)*(u:%): % == n < 0 => (-n)*(-u) v := 0 import from UniversalSegment Integer for i in 0..length n - 1 repeat if bit?(n,i) then v := u + v u := double u v
--% EllipticCurveFactorization --)abbrev package ECFACT EllipticCurveFactorization
EllipticCurveFactorization: with LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer) -> Integer LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Float) -> Integer LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
lcmLimit: Integer -> Integer lcmLimit: Float-> Integer
solveBound: Float -> Float bfloor: Float -> Integer primesTo: Integer -> List Integer lcmTo: Integer -> Integer == add import from List Integer Ex == OutputForm import from Ex import from String import from Float
NNI==> NonNegativeInteger --import from OutputPackage import from Integer, NonNegativeInteger import from UniversalSegment Integer
blather:Boolean := true
--% Finding the multiplier flabs (f: Float): Float == abs f flsqrt(f: Float): Float == sqrt f nthroot(f:Float,n:Integer):Float == exp(log f/n::Float)
bfloor(f: Float): Integer == wholePart floor f
lcmLimit(n: Integer):Integer == lcmLimit nthroot(n::Float, 3) lcmLimit(divisorBound: Float):Integer == y := solveBound divisorBound lcmLim := bfloor exp(log divisorBound/y) if blather then output("The divisor bound is", divisorBound::Ex) output("The lcm Limit is", lcmLim::Ex) lcmLim
-- Solve the bound equation using a Newton iteration. -- -- f = y**2 - log(B)/log(y+1) -- -- f/f' = fdf = -- 2 2 -- y (y + 1)log(y + 1) - (y + 1)log(y + 1) logB -- --------------------------------------------- -- 2 -- 2y(y + 1)log(y + 1) + logB -- fdf(y: Float, logB: Float): Float == logy := log(y + 1) ylogy := (y + 1)*logy ylogy2:= y*logy*ylogy (y*ylogy2 - logB*ylogy)/((2@Integer)*ylogy2 + logB) solveBound(divisorBound:Float):Float == -- solve y**2 = log(B)/log(y + 1) -- although it may be y**2 = log(B)/(log(y)+1) relerr := (10::Float)**(-5) logB := log divisorBound y0 := flsqrt log10 divisorBound y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB) while flabs((y1 - y0)/y0) > relerr repeat y0 := y1 y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB) y1
-- maxpin(p, n, logn) is max d s.t. p**d <= n maxpin(p:Integer,n:Integer,logn:Float): NonNegativeInteger == d: Integer := bfloor(logn/log(p::Float)) if d < 0 then d := 0 d::NonNegativeInteger
multiple?(i: Integer, plist: List Integer): Boolean == for p in plist repeat if i rem p = 0 then return true false
primesTo(n:Integer):List Integer == n < 2 => [] n = 2 => [2] plist := [3, 2] i:Integer := 5 while i <= n repeat if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist) i := i + 2 if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist) i := i + 4 plist lcmTo(n:Integer):Integer == plist := primesTo n m: Integer := 1 logn := log(n::Float) for p in plist repeat m := m * p**maxpin(p,n,logn) if blather then output("The lcm of 1..", n::Ex) output(" is", m::Ex) m LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer):Integer == LenstraEllipticMethod(n, flsqrt(n::Float)) LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, divisorBound: Float):Integer == lcmLim0 := lcmLimit divisorBound multer0 := lcmTo lcmLim0 LenstraEllipticMethod(n, lcmLim0, multer0) InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, multer:Integer, X0:Integer, Y0:Integer, Z0:Integer):Integer == import from EllipticCurveRationalPoints(X0,Y0,Z0,n) import from Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer) p := p0 pn := multer * p Zn := HessianCoordinates.pn.z gcd(n, Zn)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, multer: Integer):Integer == X0:Integer := random() Y0:Integer := random() Z0:Integer := random() InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer, X0, Y0, Z0)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, lcmLim0:Integer, multer0:Integer):Integer == nfact: Integer := 1 for i:Integer in 1.. while nfact = 1 repeat output("Trying elliptic curve number", i::Ex) X0:Integer := random() Y0:Integer := random() Z0:Integer := random() nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0) if nfact = n then lcmLim := lcmLim0 while nfact = n repeat output("Too many iterations... backing off") lcmLim := bfloor(lcmLim * 0.6) multer := lcmTo lcmLim nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0) nfact
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
"/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/8598620176429485019-25px007.as", line 1: 
#include "axiom.as"
[L1 C1] #1 (Error) Could not open file `axiom.as'.
The )library system command was not called after compilation.

The output shows that the routine works for some integers

There are no library operations named LenstraEllipticMethod Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op LenstraEllipticMethod to learn if there is any operation containing " LenstraEllipticMethod " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named LenstraEllipticMethod with argument type(s) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

and it fails for others. (But now it gives some hints why. :-)

There are no library operations named LenstraEllipticMethod Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op LenstraEllipticMethod to learn if there is any operation containing " LenstraEllipticMethod " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named LenstraEllipticMethod with argument type(s) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.