fricas -- Category: XFreeAlgebra(vl : OrderedSet, R : Ring) : Category
- ++ Author: Michel Petitot petitot@lifl.fr
-- ++ Date Created: 91
-- should be enough to impl TensorAlgebra(R-Module), R comm. ?
-- see also SandBoxFreeProduct by B.P.
B:=OrderedVariableList [b[i] for i in 1..5]
Type: Type
fricas R:=Expression Integer
Type: Type
fricas X:=XDistributedPolynomial(B,R)
Type: Type
fricas b:=[a::X for a in enumerate()$B]
fricas t0:=0$X
fricas t1:=1$X
fricas t2:=b.1*b.2
fricas t3:=b.3*t2 - t2*b.3
fricas vl:=varList t3
fricas leadingMonomial t3
fricas reductum t3
fricas degree t3
fricas t4:=x*t3+y^2*t2+z^3*t1
fricas degree t4
fricas leadingMonomial t4
fricas degree t4
fricas leadingCoefficient t4
Type: Expression(Integer)
fricas coefficients t4
Type: List(Expression(Integer))
fricas X has XFreeAlgebra(B,R)
Type: Boolean