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Edit detail for SandBoxCombinat revision 1 of 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2007/11/13 18:33:34 GMT-8
Note: transferred from axiom-developer.org

#include "axiom.as"

macro CCC == CombinatorialClassCategory;
import from Integer;
import from List Integer;
import from OutputForm;

CombinatorialClassCategory: Category == with {        
        list: Integer -> List %;
	count: Integer -> Integer;
        import from NonNegativeInteger;
        default count(i: Integer): Integer == (#list(i))::Integer;
        coerce: % -> OutputForm;

Primitive(n: Integer): CombinatorialClassCategory == add {
        Rep == Integer;
        count(i: Integer): Integer == if i=n then 1 else 0;
        list(i: Integer): List % == if i=n then [per 1] else [];
        coerce(x: %): OutputForm == message(" ")

Epsilon: CombinatorialClassCategory == Primitive(0) add;

Atom: CombinatorialClassCategory == Primitive(1) add;

UnionClass(S1: CCC, S2: CCC): CCC == add {
        Rep == Union(s1: S1, s2: S2);
	count(i: Integer): Integer == count(i)$S1 + count(i)$S2;
        import from Rep;
        import from List S1;
        import from List S2;
        list(i: Integer): List % == {
                result: List % := [];
                for a in list(i)$S1 repeat result := cons(per union a, result);
                for b in list(i)$S2 repeat result := cons(per union b, result);
        coerce(x: %): OutputForm == {
                (rep x) case s1 => ((rep x).s1)::OutputForm;
                ((rep x).s2)::OutputForm;

CrossClass(S1: CCC, S2: CCC): with {
} == add {
        Rep == Record(t1: S1, t2: S2);
	count(i: Integer): Integer == {
		result := 0;
		for k in 1 .. i-1 repeat {
			result := result + count(k)$S1 * count(i-k)$S2;
        import from Rep;
        import from List S1;
        import from List S2;
        list(i: Integer): List % == {
                result: List % := [];
                for k in 1..i-1 repeat {
                  for a in list(k)$S1 repeat {
                    for b in list(i-k)$S2 repeat {
                      result := cons(per record(a, b), result);
        coerce(x: %): OutputForm == {
                a := ((rep x).t1)::OutputForm;
                b := ((rep x).t2)::OutputForm;
                c: List OutputForm := [a, b];
                vconcat [hconcat [hspace 1, message("o")], hconcat [hspace 1, message("/"), hspace 1, message("\")], hconcat [a,hspace 3,b]]

TreeClass: CombinatorialClassCategory == UnionClass(Atom, CrossClass(TreeClass, TreeClass)
) add;

[count(i)$TreeClass for i in 1..7]

)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
(list(5)$TreeClass)::List OutputForm

#include "axiom.as" macro CCC == CombinatorialClassCategory; import from Integer; import from List Integer; import from OutputForm; CombinatorialClassCategory: Category == with { list: Integer -> List %; count: Integer -> Integer; import from NonNegativeInteger; default count(i: Integer): Integer == (#list(i))::Integer; coerce: % -> OutputForm; } Primitive(n: Integer): CombinatorialClassCategory == add { Rep == Integer; count(i: Integer): Integer == if i=n then 1 else 0; list(i: Integer): List % == if i=n then [per 1] else []; coerce(x: %): OutputForm == message(" ") } Epsilon: CombinatorialClassCategory == Primitive(0) add; Atom: CombinatorialClassCategory == Primitive(1) add; UnionClass(S1: CCC, S2: CCC): CCC == add { Rep == Union(s1: S1, s2: S2); count(i: Integer): Integer == count(i)$S1 + count(i)$S2; import from Rep; import from List S1; import from List S2; list(i: Integer): List % == { result: List % := []; for a in list(i)$S1 repeat result := cons(per union a, result); for b in list(i)$S2 repeat result := cons(per union b, result); result; } coerce(x: %): OutputForm == { (rep x) case s1 => ((rep x).s1)::OutputForm; ((rep x).s2)::OutputForm; } } CrossClass(S1: CCC, S2: CCC): with { CombinatorialClassCategory } == add { Rep == Record(t1: S1, t2: S2); count(i: Integer): Integer == { result := 0; for k in 1 .. i-1 repeat { result := result + count(k)$S1 * count(i-k)$S2; } result; } import from Rep; import from List S1; import from List S2; list(i: Integer): List % == { result: List % := []; for k in 1..i-1 repeat { for a in list(k)$S1 repeat { for b in list(i-k)$S2 repeat { result := cons(per record(a, b), result); } } } result; } coerce(x: %): OutputForm == { a := ((rep x).t1)::OutputForm; b := ((rep x).t2)::OutputForm; c: List OutputForm := [a, b]; vconcat [hconcat [hspace 1, message("o")], hconcat [hspace 1, message("/"), hspace 1, message("\")], hconcat [a,hspace 3,b]] } } TreeClass: CombinatorialClassCategory == UnionClass(Atom, CrossClass(TreeClass, TreeClass) ) add;
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/386348539091125073-25px001.as using 
      AXIOM-XL compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
   Compiling Lisp source code from file 
   Issuing )library command for 386348539091125073-25px001
   Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/386348539091125073-25px001.asy
   TreeClass is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   TreeClass will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   CombinatorialClassCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame 
   CombinatorialClassCategory will be automatically loaded when needed 
      from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/386348539091125073-25px001
   UnionClass is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   UnionClass will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Atom is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Atom will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   CrossClass is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   CrossClass will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Primitive is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Primitive will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Epsilon is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Epsilon will be automatically loaded when needed from 

[count(i)$TreeClass for i in 1..7]
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: List Integer

)set output tex off )set output algebra on (list(5)$TreeClass)::List OutputForm (2) [ o , o , o , o , / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o o / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o o o / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o / \ / \ / \ o , o , o , o , / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o o o o o / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o o / \ / \ / \ / \ o / \ o , o , o , o , / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o o o / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ o o o o o / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ o o / \ / \ o , o ] / \ / \ o o / \ / \ o o / \ / \ o o / \ / \
Type: List OutputForm?