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Edit detail for QuadraticForm revision 1 of 4

1 2 3 4
Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/09/25 21:22:50 GMT-7
Note: coerce to InputForm

QuadraticForm(n, K): T == Impl where
    n: PositiveInteger
    K: Field
    SM ==> SquareMatrix
    V  ==> DirectProduct

    T ==> AbelianGroup with
        quadraticForm: SM(n, K) -> %
            ++ quadraticForm(m) creates a quadratic form from a symmetric,
            ++ square matrix m.
        matrix: % -> SM(n, K)
            ++ matrix(qf) creates a square matrix from the quadratic form qf.
        elt: (%, V(n, K)) -> K
            ++ elt(qf,v) evaluates the quadratic form qf on the vector v,
            ++ producing a scalar.
        coerce: % -> InputForm

    Impl ==> SM(n,K) add
        Rep := SM(n,K)

        import List InputForm

        coerce(q:%):InputForm ==
            convert(['quadraticForm,algCoerceInteractive(q,SM(n,K),InputForm)$Lisp pretend InputForm])

        quadraticForm m ==
            not symmetric? m =>
                error "quadraticForm requires a symmetric matrix"
        matrix q == q pretend SM(n,K)
        elt(q,v) == dot(v, (matrix q * v))

)show QuadraticForm

parse(s:String):InputForm == ncParseFromString(s)$Lisp pretend InputForm
qf := quadraticForm matrix [[1,2],[2,-1]]
unparse %
parse %
interpret(%)$INFORM1(QuadraticForm(2,Fraction Integer))

QuadraticForm(n, K): T == Impl where
    n: PositiveInteger
    K: Field
    SM ==> SquareMatrix
    V  ==> DirectProduct
T ==> AbelianGroup with quadraticForm: SM(n, K) -> % ++ quadraticForm(m) creates a quadratic form from a symmetric, ++ square matrix m. matrix: % -> SM(n, K) ++ matrix(qf) creates a square matrix from the quadratic form qf. elt: (%, V(n, K)) -> K ++ elt(qf,v) evaluates the quadratic form qf on the vector v, ++ producing a scalar. coerce: % -> InputForm
Impl ==> SM(n,K) add Rep := SM(n,K)
import List InputForm
coerce(q:%):InputForm == convert(['quadraticForm,algCoerceInteractive(q,SM(n,K),InputForm)$Lisp pretend InputForm])
quadraticForm m == not symmetric? m => error "quadraticForm requires a symmetric matrix" m::% matrix q == q pretend SM(n,K) elt(q,v) == dot(v, (matrix q * v))
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/1043127575028836965-25px001.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   processing macro definition SM ==> SquareMatrix 
   processing macro definition V ==> DirectProduct 
   processing macro definition T$ ==> -- the constructor category 
   processing macro definition Impl ==> -- the constructor capsule 
   initializing NRLIB QFORM for QuadraticForm 
   compiling into NRLIB QFORM 
   importing List InputForm
   compiling exported coerce : $ -> InputForm
Time: 0.22 SEC.
compiling exported quadraticForm : SquareMatrix(n,K) -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported matrix : $ -> SquareMatrix(n,K) QFORM;matrix;$Sm;3 is replaced by q Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,DirectProduct(n,K)) -> K Time: 0.11 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |QuadraticForm| REDEFINED
;;; *** |QuadraticForm| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
Warnings: [1] coerce: pretend(InputForm) -- should replace by @
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor QuadraticForm Time: 0.35 seconds
--------------non extending category---------------------- .. QuadraticForm(#1,#2) of cat (|Join| (|AbelianGroup|) (CATEGORY |domain| (SIGNATURE |quadraticForm| ($ (|SquareMatrix| |#1| |#2|))) (SIGNATURE |matrix| ((|SquareMatrix| |#1| |#2|) $)) (SIGNATURE |elt| (|#2| $ (|DirectProduct| |#1| |#2|))) (SIGNATURE |coerce| ((|InputForm|) $)))) has no (|SquareMatrixCategory| |#1| |#2| (|DirectProduct| |#1| |#2|) (|DirectProduct| |#1| |#2|)) finalizing NRLIB QFORM Processing QuadraticForm for Browser database: --------(quadraticForm (% (SM n K)))--------- --------(matrix ((SM n K) %))--------- --------(elt (K % (V n K)))--------- --->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/QFORM.spad-->QuadraticForm((coerce ((InputForm) %))): Not documented!!!! --->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/QFORM.spad-->QuadraticForm(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/QFORM.spad-->QuadraticForm(): Missing Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QuadraticForm is now explicitly exposed in frame initial QuadraticForm will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/QFORM.NRLIB/QFORM

)show QuadraticForm
QuadraticForm(n: PositiveInteger,K: Field) is a domain constructor Abbreviation for QuadraticForm is QFORM This constructor is exposed in this frame. ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- ?*? : (Integer,%) -> % ?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> % ?+? : (%,%) -> % ?-? : (%,%) -> % -? : % -> % ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean 0 : () -> % coerce : % -> InputForm coerce : % -> OutputForm ?.? : (%,DirectProduct(n,K)) -> K hash : % -> SingleInteger latex : % -> String matrix : % -> SquareMatrix(n,K) sample : () -> % zero? : % -> Boolean ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?*? : (NonNegativeInteger,%) -> % quadraticForm : SquareMatrix(n,K) -> % subtractIfCan : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")


parse(s:String):InputForm == ncParseFromString(s)$Lisp pretend InputForm
Function declaration parse : String -> InputForm has been added to workspace.
Type: Void
Compiling function parse with type String -> InputForm
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: InputForm?

qf := quadraticForm matrix [[1,2],[2,-1]]
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: QuadraticForm?(2,Fraction Integer)
LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: InputForm?
unparse %
LatexWiki Image(4)
Type: String
parse %
LatexWiki Image(5)
Type: InputForm?
interpret(%)$INFORM1(QuadraticForm(2,Fraction Integer))
LatexWiki Image(6)
Type: QuadraticForm?(2,Fraction Integer)