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Edit detail for NumericalQuadrature revision 1 of 3

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2015/06/02 20:48:25 GMT+0

)sh NumericalQuadrature

f(x) == sin(x)
aromberg(f, -%pi, %pi, 0.0001, 0.001, 2, 5, 20)

)sh NumericalQuadrature
NumericalQuadrature is a package constructor Abbreviation for NumericalQuadrature is NUMQUAD This constructor is exposed in this frame. ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- aromberg : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) asimpson : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) atrapezoidal : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) romberg : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) rombergo : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) simpson : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) simpsono : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) trapezoidal : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean) trapezoidalo : ((Float -> Float),Float,Float,Float,Float,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean)

f(x) == sin(x)
Type: Void
aromberg(f, -%pi, %pi, 0.0001, 0.001, 2, 5, 20)
Compiling function f with type Float -> Float

\left[{value = -{0.8 E - 20}}, \:{error ={0.1993526932 \_ 47 E - 8}}, \: \right.
\left.{totalpts ={161}}, \:{success =  \mbox{\rm true} }\right] (1)
Type: Record(value: Float,error: Float,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean)