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On November 19, 2005 10:34 AM Tim Daly (root) wrote:

Axiom conference funding?

One thing we've done in the past, while Axiom was at IBM, would be to apply to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for conference funding. We would ask for a grant amount to cover local costs and some limited travel for students and speakers.

Perhaps we could draft a grant proposal (with the grant money managed by the Axiom foundation) and send it off to Chris DiBona? at Google (the sponsor of the Summer of Code).

Where would it be held?

A reasonable answer is another question: who would be willing to host it.

Frankly i think it'd be a lot of fun to rent a beach house somewhere and spend 3 days code hacking/designing/lang-wars-ing on the front porch. Morning presentations, afternoon debates, evening code hacking. the scratchpad group used to do this in the hamptons, i believe. Nobody said a conf HAS to be in a huge building with cinderblock walls.

On November 19, 2005 1:12 PM Bill Page wrote:

We should also ask when?

I was thinking in terms of April or May - roughly one year from the last meeting that was hosted by City College in New York City last year.

I like Tim's suggestion about the format and location however I would be even more pleased if we could find a venue like this in Europe. Open source Axiom is already supported by an international group of developers and the Axiom web site regularly records frequent access to the web site from more than 80 countries around the world. I think we should try to organize face-to-face meetings in several different parts of the world. But of course we do need a host organization.


I also think that very soon we should advertise for written contributions to the Axiom meeting and plan to publish these papers in some manner - perhaps in co-operation with a recognized journal. Real publications count for a lot of the people who are potential contributors to Axiom.

Organizing Committee

I think we should establish an organizing committee. I am certainly willing to be part of such a committee. Who else would like to volunteer? Or perhaps you might wish it nominate someone else?

On November 21, 2005 9:34 PM Mike Thomas wrote:

Suggested Location

Sounds like you all need to come here to Brisbane (Queensland, Australia, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast available).

It would certainly make a change to have something like this away from the traditional haunts of the computer algebra community ie the North Atlantic fringe.

Bear in mind that a flight to Austalia from those parts of the world is usually about 24 hours worth of travel and hideously expensive.

Sponsorship and Funding Sources

I'm not an expert on organising conferences nor an academic, however, there are three Universities in Brisbane with mathematics departments of varying sizes:

All three of those universities also have the usual IT, engineering and science faculties any of which could be regarded as potential sponsors.

An interesting series of questions is:

  • Does any reader of this mailing list other than myself come from:
    • Brisbane?
    • South-east Queensland?
    • Australia?

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