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Edit detail for Mathaction2Input revision 2 of 5

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/06/21 19:25:08 GMT-7
Note: background


*On Thu, Jul 5, 2007 at 8:56 AM David Cyganski wrote:

I have attached two perl scripts that I wrote to make instantaneous
transitions to/from MathAction and Axiom input files. I attached
the example file quatsandbox which was copy/pasted from your
sandbox and used in the demo executed below::

  ~/axiom/perl$ ./mathaction2input quatsandbox quat.input
  ~/axiom/perl$ ./input2mathaction quat.input quat.math
  ~/axiom/perl$ diff quatsandbox quat.math

As usual, you may have the edit the first line of the scripts to
point to your system's perl binary. Or you can instead invoke with::

  perl mathaction2input quatsandbox quat.input

These are relatively simple and do just what is needed for the translation.
I admit that with another hour or two of "optimization" I could make
them have half as many lines of code and half as readable, in the classic
perl style, but I don't see the point.

Please feel free to attach to the MathAction site where appropriate
and otherwise distribute.

<a href="http://axiom-wiki.newsynthesis.org/uploads/input2mathaction">input2mathaction</a>

Download: pdf dvi ps src tex log

*On Thu, Jul 5, 2007 at 8:56 AM David Cyganski wrote:

I have attached two perl scripts that I wrote to make instantaneous transitions to/from MathAction? and Axiom input files. I attached the example file quatsandbox which was copy/pasted from your sandbox and used in the demo executed below:

  ~/axiom/perl$ ./mathaction2input quatsandbox quat.input
  ~/axiom/perl$ ./input2mathaction quat.input quat.math
  ~/axiom/perl$ diff quatsandbox quat.math

As usual, you may have the edit the first line of the scripts to point to your system's perl binary. Or you can instead invoke with:

  perl mathaction2input quatsandbox quat.input

These are relatively simple and do just what is needed for the translation. I admit that with another hour or two of "optimization" I could make them have half as many lines of code and half as readable, in the classic perl style, but I don't see the point.

Please feel free to attach to the MathAction? site where appropriate and otherwise distribute.
