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Edit detail for Jet LUDecomposition revision 3 of 3

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Time: 2013/03/21 21:14:06 GMT+0

-)abb package    LUD     LUDecomposition
-Sy  ==> Symbol
-L   ==> List
-V   ==> Vector
-VD  ==> Vector D
-MD  ==> Matrix D
-FD  ==> Fraction D
-MFD ==> Matrix FD
-I   ==> Integer
-NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
-B   ==> Boolean
-OUT ==> OutputForm
-ROWREC ==> Record(Indices:L C, Entries:L D)
-iter ==> "iterated"::Sy
-rand ==> "random"::Sy
-++ Description:
-++ \axiomType{LUDecomposition} contains procedures to solve linear systems of
-++ equations or to compute inverses using a LU decomposition.
-LUDecomposition(D:Field) : Cat == Def where
-  Cat ==> with 
-    LUDecomp : MD -> Record(LU:MD, Perm:V I, Pivots:L D)
-      ++ \axiom{LUDecomp(A)} computes a LU decomposition of \axiom{A}
-      ++ using the algorithm of Crout. \axiom{LU} contains both triangular
-      ++ matrices; \axiom{Perm} is the permutation used for partial
-      ++ pivoting and \axiom{Pivots} yields the used pivots.
-    LUSolve : (MD, V I, V D) -> V D
-      ++ \axiom{LUSolve(LU,Perm,B)} uses a previously computed LU 
-      ++ decomposition to solve a linear system with right hand side
-      ++ \axiom{B}. \axiom{LU} and \axiom{Perm} are as given by
-      ++ \axiom{LUDecomp}.
-    LUInverse : MD -> Record(Inv:MD, Pivots:L D)
-      ++ \axiom{LUInverse(A)} computes the inverse of \axiom{A} using a LU
-      ++ decomposition.
-  Def ==> add
-    LUDecomp(AA:MD):Record(LU:MD, Perm:V I, Pivots:L D) ==
-      -- LU decomposition using Crout's algorithm with partial pivoting.
-      A := copy AA
-      minR := minRowIndex A; maxR := maxRowIndex A
-      minC := minColIndex A; maxC := maxColIndex A
-      maxR~=maxC => error "LU decomposition only of square matrices"
-      PermV:V I := new((maxR-minR+1)::NNI,0)
-      Pivs:L D := empty
-      for j in minC..maxC repeat
-        for i in minR..(j-1) repeat
-          s := qelt(A,i,j)
-          for k in minR..(i-1) repeat
-            s := s - qelt(A,i,k)*qelt(A,k,j)
-          qsetelt!(A,i,j,s)
-        i0:I := -1
-        for i in j..maxR repeat
-          s := qelt(A,i,j)
-          for k in minC..(j-1) repeat
-            s := s - qelt(A,i,k)*qelt(A,k,j)
-          qsetelt!(A,i,j,s)
-          if not(zero? s) and i0<0 then
-            i0 := i            -- first non-zero pivot
-        i0<0 => error "singular matrix in LUDecomp"
-        if j~=i0 then
-          swapRows!(A,j,i0)
-        qsetelt!(PermV,j,i0)
-        Pivs := cons(qelt(A,j,j),Pivs)
-        if j~=maxC then
-          d := 1/qelt(A,j,j)
-          for k in (j+1)..maxR repeat
-            qsetelt!(A,k,j,d*qelt(A,k,j))
-      [A,PermV,Pivs]
-    LUSolve(LU:MD,Perm:V I,XX:V D):V D ==
-      -- Solves LU decomposed linear system for right hand side XX
-      X := copy XX
-      minR := minRowIndex LU; maxR := maxRowIndex LU
-      maxIndex(X)~=maxR => error "Wrong dimensions in LUSolve"
-      ii:I := -1
-      for i in minR..maxR repeat             -- forward substitution
-        ip := qelt(Perm,i)
-        s := qelt(X,ip)
-        qsetelt!(X,ip,qelt(X,i))
-        if ii>=0 then
-          for j in ii..(i-1) repeat
-            s := s - qelt(LU,i,j)*qelt(X,j)
-        else
-          if not zero? s then ii := i
-        qsetelt!(X,i,s)
-      for i in maxR..minR by -1 repeat       -- back substitution
-        s := qelt(X,i)
-        for j in (i+1)..maxR repeat
-          s := s - qelt(LU,i,j)*qelt(X,j)
-        qsetelt!(X,i,s/qelt(LU,i,i))
-      X
-    LUInverse(A:MD):Record(Inv:MD, Pivots:L D) ==
-      -- Inversion via LU decomposition
-      Alu := LUDecomp A
-      n := ncols A
-      res:MD := new(n,n,0)
-      for i in minRowIndex(A)..maxRowIndex(A) repeat
-        v:V D := new(n,0)
-        qsetelt!(v,i,1)
-        res := setColumn!(res,i,LUSolve(Alu.LU,Alu.Perm,v))
-      [res,Alu.Pivots]

)expose LUDecomposition

LUDecomposition (LUD)

LU decomposition for ordinary matrices.

(1) -> )expose LUDecomposition
LUDecomposition is now explicitly exposed in frame initial A:=matrix [[subscript('a,[10*i+j]) for i in 1..3] for j in 1..3]

Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))
diagProduct(x) == reduce(*,[x(i,i) for i in 1..nrows(x)])
Type: Void
B:=LUDecomp A;
Type: Record(LU: Matrix(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))),Perm: Vector(Integer),Pivots: List(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))

{\frac{a_{12}}{a_{11}}}&{\frac{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}}{a_{11}}}&{\frac{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{32}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{3
{\frac{a_{13}}{a_{11}}}&{\frac{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{23}}}-{{a_{13}}\ {a_{21}}}}{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}}}&{\frac{{{\left({{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}\right)}\ {a_{33}}}+{{\left(-{{a_{11}}\ {a_{23}}}+{{a_{13}}\ {a_{21}}}\right)}\ {a_{32}}}+{{\left({{a_{12}}\ {a_{23}}}-{{a_{13}}\ {a_{22}}}\right)}\ {a_{31}}}}{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}}}
Type: Matrix(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer)))

\label{eq3}\left[ 1, \: 2, \: 3 \right](3)
Type: Vector(Integer)

\left[{\frac{{{\left({{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}\right)}\ {a_{33}}}+{{\left(-{{a_{11}}\ {a_{23}}}+{{a_{13}}\ {a_{21}}}\right)}\ {a_{32}}}+{{\left({{a_{12}}\ {a_{23}}}-{{a_{13}}\ {a_{22}}}\right)}\ {a_{31}}}}{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}}}, \right.
\left.\:{\frac{{{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}}{a_{1
1}}}, \:{a_{11}}\right] 
Type: List(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer)))
diagProduct(B.LU)=determinant A
Compiling function diagProduct with type Matrix(Fraction(Polynomial(
      Integer))) -> Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))

{{\left({{a_{11}}\ {a_{22}}}-{{a_{12}}\ {a_{21}}}\right)}\ {a_{33}}}+{{\left(-{{a_{11}}\ {a_{23}}}+{{a_{13}}\ {a_{21}}}\right)}\ {a_{32}}}+ 
{{\left({{a_{12}}\ {a_{23}}}-{{a_{13}}\ {a_{22}}}\right)}\ {a_{31}}}
Type: Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer)))

\label{eq6} \mbox{\rm true} (6)
Type: Boolean