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Edit detail for Interval Arithmetic revision 1 of 3

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Time: 2007/11/11 11:27:19 GMT-8
Note: transferred from axiom-developer

Author -- Mike Dewar

Date Created -- November 1996

Description: --
This category is an implementation of interval arithmetic and
transcendental functions over intervals.

**Note:** -- It appears to be nearly identical to the SPAD category


#include "axiom.as"

FUNCAT ==> Join(FloatingPointSystem,TranscendentalFunctionCategory);

define IntervalCategory2(R:FUNCAT): Category ==
 Join(GcdDomain, OrderedSet, TranscendentalFunctionCategory, RadicalCategory,
 with {
  interval : (R,R) -> %;
    ++ interval(inf,sup) creates a new interval, either \axiom{[inf,sup]} if
    ++ \axiom{inf <= sup} or \axiom{[sup,in]} otherwise.
  qinterval : (R,R) -> %;
    ++ qinterval(inf,sup) creates a new interval \axiom{[inf,sup]}, without
    ++ checking the ordering on the elements.
  interval : R -> %;
    ++ interval(f) creates a new interval around f.
  interval : Fraction Integer -> %;
    ++ interval(f) creates a new interval around f.
  inf : % -> R;
    ++ inf(u) returns the infinum of \axiom{u}.
  sup : % -> R;
    ++ sup(u) returns the supremum of \axiom{u}.
  width : % -> R;
    ++ width(u) returns \axiom{sup(u) - inf(u)}.
  positive? : % -> Boolean;
    ++ positive?(u) returns \axiom{true} if every element of u is positive,
    ++ \axiom{false} otherwise.
  negative? : % -> Boolean;
    ++ negative?(u) returns \axiom{true} if every element of u is negative,
    ++ \axiom{false} otherwise.
  contains? : (%,R) -> Boolean;
    ++ contains?(i,f) returns true if \axiom{f} is contained within the interval
    ++ \axiom{i}, false otherwise.

Interval2(R:FUNCAT): IntervalCategory2(R) == add {

  import from Integer;
  import from R;

  Rep ==> Record(Inf:R, Sup:R);

  import from Rep;

  local roundDown(u:R):R == 
    if zero?(u) then float(-1,-(bits() pretend Integer));
                else float(mantissa(u) - 1,exponent(u));

  local roundUp(u:R):R   == 
    if zero?(u) then float(1, -(bits()) pretend Integer);
                else float(mantissa(u) + 1,exponent(u));

  -- Sometimes the float representation does not use all the bits (e.g. when
  -- representing an integer in software using arbitrary-length Integers as
  -- your mantissa it is convenient to keep them exact).  This function 
  -- normalises things so that rounding etc. works as expected.  It is only
  -- called when creating new intervals.
  local normaliseFloat(u:R):R == 
    if zero? u then u else {
    m : Integer := mantissa u;
    b : Integer := bits() pretend Integer;
    l : Integer := length(m);
    if (l < b) then {
      BASE : Integer := base()$R pretend Integer;
      float(m*BASE**((b-l) pretend PositiveInteger),exponent(u)-b+l);

  interval(i:R,s:R):% == {
    i > s =>  per [roundDown normaliseFloat s,roundUp normaliseFloat i];
    per [roundDown normaliseFloat i,roundUp normaliseFloat s];

  interval(f:R):% == { 
    zero?(f) => 0;
    one?(f)  => 1;
    -- This next part is necessary to allow e.g. mapping between Expressions:
    -- AXIOM assumes that Integers stay as Integers!
    import from Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed');
    fnew : R := normaliseFloat f;
    retractIfCan(f)@Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed') case value1 =>
      per [fnew,fnew];
    per [roundDown fnew, roundUp fnew];

  qinterval(i:R,s:R):% ==
    per [roundDown normaliseFloat i,roundUp normaliseFloat s];

  local exactInterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [i,s];
  local exactSupInterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [roundDown i,s];
  local exactInfInterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [i,roundUp s];

  inf(u:%):R == (rep u).Inf;
  sup(u:%):R == (rep u).Sup;
  width(u:%):R == (rep u).Sup - (rep u).Inf;

  contains?(u:%,f:R):Boolean == (f > inf(u)) and (f < sup(u));

  positive?(u:%):Boolean == inf(u) > 0;
  negative?(u:%):Boolean == sup(u) < 0;

  (<)(a:%,b:%):Boolean ==
    if inf(a) < inf(b) then
    else if inf(a) > inf(b) then
      sup(a) < sup(b);

  (+)(a:%,b:%):% == {
    -- A couple of blatent hacks to preserve the Ring Axioms!
    if zero?(a) then return(b) else if zero?(b) then return(a);
    if a=b then return qinterval(2*inf(a),2*sup(a));
    qinterval(inf(a) + inf(b), sup(a) + sup(b));

  (-)(a:%,b:%):% ==  {
    if zero?(a) then return(-b) else if zero?(b) then return(a);
    if a=b then 0 else qinterval(inf(a) - sup(b), sup(a) - inf(b));

  (*)(a:%,b:%):% == {
    -- A couple of blatent hacks to preserve the Ring Axioms!
    if one?(a) then return(b) else if one?(b) then return(a);
    if zero?(a) then return(0) else if zero?(b) then return(0);
    prods : List R :=  sort [inf(a)*inf(b),sup(a)*sup(b),
    qinterval(first prods, last prods);

  (*)(a:Integer,b:%):% == {
    if (a > 0) then 
    else if (a < 0) then

  (*)(a:PositiveInteger,b:%):% == qinterval(a*inf(b),a*sup(b));

  (**)(a:%,n:PositiveInteger):% == {
    contains?(a,0) and zero?((n pretend Integer) rem 2) =>

  (^) (a:%,n:PositiveInteger):% ==  {
    contains?(a,0) and zero?((n pretend Integer) rem 2) => 

  (-)(a:%):% == exactInterval(-sup(a),-inf(a));

  (=)(a:%,b:%):Boolean == (inf(a)=inf(b)) and (sup(a)=sup(b));
  (~=)(a:%,b:%):Boolean == (inf(a)~=inf(b)) or (sup(a)~=sup(b));

  1:% == {one : R := normaliseFloat 1; per([one,one])};
  0:% == per([0,0]);

  recip(u:%):Union(value1:%,failed:'failed') == {
   contains?(u,0) => [failed];
   vals:List R := sort[1/inf(u),1/sup(u)];
   [qinterval(first vals, last vals)];

  unit?(u:%):Boolean == contains?(u,0);

  exquo(u:%,v:%):Union(value1:%,failed:'failed') == {
   contains?(v,0) => [failed];
   one?(v) => [u];
   u=v => [1];
   u=-v => [-1];
   vals:List R := sort[inf(u)/inf(v),inf(u)/sup(v),sup(u)/inf(v),sup(u)/sup(v)];
   [qinterval(first vals, last vals)];

  gcd(u:%,v:%):% == 1;

  coerce(u:Integer):% == {
    ur := normaliseFloat(u::R);

  interval(u:Fraction Integer):% == {
    import { log2 : % -> %;
             coerce : Integer -> %;
             retractIfCan : % -> Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed');}
    from Float;
    flt := u::R;

    -- Test if the representation in R is exact
    --den := denom(u)::Float;
    local bin : Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed');
    bin := retractIfCan(log2(denom(u)::Float));
    bin case value1 and length(numer u)$Integer < (bits() pretend Integer) => {
      flt := normaliseFloat flt;


  retractIfCan(u:%):Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed') == {
    not zero? width(u) => [failed];
    retractIfCan inf u;

  retract(u:%):Integer == {
    not zero? width(u) =>
      error "attempt to retract a non-Integer interval to an Integer";
    retract inf u;

  coerce(u:%):OutputForm ==
    bracket([coerce inf(u), coerce sup(u)]$List(OutputForm));

  characteristic():NonNegativeInteger == 0;

  -- Explicit export from TranscendentalFunctionCategory
  pi():% == qinterval(pi(),pi());

  -- From ElementaryFunctionCategory
  log(u:%):% == {
    positive?(u) => qinterval(log inf u, log sup u);
    error "negative logs in interval";

  exp(u:%):% == qinterval(exp inf u, exp sup u);

  (**)(u:%,v:%):% == {
    zero?(v) => if zero?(u) then error "0**0 is undefined" else 1;
    one?(u)  => 1;
    expts : List R :=  sort [inf(u)**inf(v),sup(u)**sup(v),
    qinterval(first expts, last expts);

  -- From TrigonometricFunctionCategory

  -- This function checks whether an interval contains a value of the form
  -- `offset + 2 n pi'.
  local hasTwoPiMultiple(offset:R,Pi:R,i:%):Boolean == {
    import from Integer;
    next : Integer := retract ceiling( (inf(i) - offset)/(2*Pi) );

  -- This function checks whether an interval contains a value of the form
  -- `offset + n pi'.
  local hasPiMultiple(offset:R,Pi:R,i:%):Boolean == {
    import from Integer;
    next : Integer := retract ceiling( (inf(i) - offset)/Pi );

  sin(u:%):% == {
    import from Integer;
    Pi : R := pi();
    hasOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi/(2::R),Pi,u);
    hasMinusOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(3*Pi/(2::R),Pi,u);

    if hasOne? and hasMinusOne? then 
    else {
      vals : List R := sort [sin inf u, sin sup u];
      if hasOne? then
        exactSupInterval(first vals, 1);
      else if hasMinusOne? then
        exactInfInterval(-1,last vals);
        qinterval(first vals, last vals);

  cos(u:%):% == {
    Pi : R := pi();
    hasOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(0,Pi,u);
    hasMinusOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi,Pi,u);

    if hasOne? and hasMinusOne? then 
    else {
      vals : List R := sort [cos inf u, cos sup u];
      if hasOne? then
        exactSupInterval(first vals, 1);
      else if hasMinusOne? then
        exactInfInterval(-1,last vals);
        qinterval(first vals, last vals);

  tan(u:%):% == {
    Pi : R := pi();
    if width(u) > Pi then
      error "Interval contains a singularity"
    else {
      -- Since we know the interval is less than pi wide, monotonicity implies
      -- that there is no singularity.  If there is a singularity on a endpoint
      -- of the interval the user will see the error generated by R.
      lo : R := tan inf u; 
      hi : R := tan sup u;

      lo > hi => error "Interval contains a singularity";

  csc(u:%):% == {
    Pi : R := pi();
    if width(u) > Pi then
      error "Interval contains a singularity"
    else {
      import from Integer;
      -- singularities are at multiples of Pi
      if hasPiMultiple(0,Pi,u) then error "Interval contains a singularity";
      vals : List R := sort [csc inf u, csc sup u];
      if hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi/(2::R),Pi,u) then 
        exactInfInterval(1,last vals);
      else if hasTwoPiMultiple(3*Pi/(2::R),Pi,u) then
        exactSupInterval(first vals,-1);
        qinterval(first vals, last vals);

  sec(u:%):% == {
    Pi : R := pi();
    if width(u) > Pi then
      error "Interval contains a singularity"
    else {
      import from Integer;
      -- singularities are at Pi/2 + n Pi
      if hasPiMultiple(Pi/(2::R),Pi,u) then
        error "Interval contains a singularity";
      vals : List R := sort [sec inf u, sec sup u];
      if hasTwoPiMultiple(0,Pi,u) then 
        exactInfInterval(1,last vals);
      else if hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi,Pi,u) then
        exactSupInterval(first vals,-1);
        qinterval(first vals, last vals);

  cot(u:%):% == {
    Pi : R := pi();
    if width(u) > Pi then
      error "Interval contains a singularity"
    else {
      -- Since we know the interval is less than pi wide, monotonicity implies
      -- that there is no singularity.  If there is a singularity on a endpoint
      -- of the interval the user will see the error generated by R.
      hi : R := cot inf u; 
      lo : R := cot sup u;

      lo > hi => error "Interval contains a singularity";

  -- From ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory

  asin(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if (lo < -1) or (hi > 1) then error "asin only defined on the region -1..1";
    qinterval(asin lo,asin hi);

  acos(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if (lo < -1) or (hi > 1) then error "acos only defined on the region -1..1";
    qinterval(acos hi,acos lo);

  atan(u:%):% == qinterval(atan inf u, atan sup u);

  acot(u:%):% == qinterval(acot sup u, acot inf u);

  acsc(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if ((lo <= -1) and (hi >= -1)) or ((lo <= 1) and (hi >= 1)) then
      error "acsc not defined on the region -1..1";
    qinterval(acsc hi, acsc lo);

  asec(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if ((lo < -1) and (hi > -1)) or ((lo < 1) and (hi > 1)) then
      error "asec not defined on the region -1..1";
    qinterval(asec lo, asec hi);

  -- From HyperbolicFunctionCategory

  tanh(u:%):% == qinterval(tanh inf u, tanh sup u);

  sinh(u:%):% == qinterval(sinh inf u, sinh sup u);

  sech(u:%):% == {
    negative? u => qinterval(sech inf u, sech sup u);
    positive? u => qinterval(sech sup u, sech inf u);
    vals : List R := sort [sech inf u, sech sup u];
    exactSupInterval(first vals,1);

  cosh(u:%):% == {
    negative? u => qinterval(cosh sup u, cosh inf u);
    positive? u => qinterval(cosh inf u, cosh sup u);
    vals : List R := sort [cosh inf u, cosh sup u];
    exactInfInterval(1,last vals);

  csch(u:%):% == {
    contains?(u,0) => error "csch: singularity at zero";
    qinterval(csch sup u, csch inf u);

  coth(u:%):% == {
    contains?(u,0) => error "coth: singularity at zero";
    qinterval(coth sup u, coth inf u);

  -- From ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory

  acosh(u:%):% == {
    inf(u)<1 => error "invalid argument: acosh only defined on the region 1..";
    qinterval(acosh inf u, acosh sup u);

  acoth(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if ((lo <= -1) and (hi >= -1)) or ((lo <= 1) and (hi >= 1)) then
      error "acoth not defined on the region -1..1";
    qinterval(acoth hi, acoth lo);

  acsch(u:%):% == {
    contains?(u,0) => error "acsch: singularity at zero";
    qinterval(acsch sup u, acsch inf u);

  asech(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if  (lo <= 0) or (hi > 1) then 
      error "asech only defined on the region 0 < x <= 1";
    qinterval(asech hi, asech lo);

  asinh(u:%):% == qinterval(asinh inf u, asinh sup u);

  atanh(u:%):% == {
    lo : R := inf(u);
    hi : R := sup(u);
    if  (lo <= -1) or (hi >= 1) then 
      error "atanh only defined on the region -1 < x < 1";
    qinterval(atanh lo, atanh hi);

  -- From RadicalCategory
  (**)(u:%,n:Fraction Integer):% == interval(inf(u)**n,sup(u)**n);


From unknown Fri Sep 2 02:26:28 -0500 2005
From: unknown
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 02:26:28 -0500
Message-ID: <20050902022628-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>

Reason that it looks like interval.spad is that I rewrote interval.as for the SPAD compiler, so that we are able to run Axiom without Aldor. Juergen Weiss

From BillPage Fri Sep 2 22:14:49 -0500 2005
From: Bill Page
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 22:14:49 -0500
Subject: Thanks
Message-ID: <20050902221449-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>

Juergen Weiss wrote:

>  I rewrote interval.as for the SPAD compiler

Oh yes, I am sorry that I forgot. I think your important contribution
should be so noted in the interval.spad.pamphlet file! Here's a

  $ diff -Nar interval.spad.pamphlet.orig interval.spad.pamphlet
  < \author{Mike Dewar}
  > \author{Juergen Weiss}
  > This is a re-write of `interval.as' in SPAD to enable all of
  > Axiom's library to be compiled without the Aldor compiler.
  < +++ Author: Mike Dewar
  > +++ Original Author: Mike Dewar


Mike Dewar
Date Created
November 1996
This category is an implementation of interval arithmetic and transcendental functions over intervals.
It appears to be nearly identical to the SPAD category interval.spad.

#include "axiom.as" FUNCAT ==> Join(FloatingPointSystem,TranscendentalFunctionCategory); define IntervalCategory2(R:FUNCAT): Category == Join(GcdDomain, OrderedSet, TranscendentalFunctionCategory, RadicalCategory, RetractableTo(Integer)) with { approximate; interval : (R,R) -> %; ++ interval(inf,sup) creates a new interval, either \axiom{[inf,sup]} if ++ \axiom{inf <= sup} or \axiom{[sup,in]} otherwise. qinterval : (R,R) -> %; ++ qinterval(inf,sup) creates a new interval \axiom{[inf,sup]}, without ++ checking the ordering on the elements. interval : R -> %; ++ interval(f) creates a new interval around f. interval : Fraction Integer -> %; ++ interval(f) creates a new interval around f. inf : % -> R; ++ inf(u) returns the infinum of \axiom{u}. sup : % -> R; ++ sup(u) returns the supremum of \axiom{u}. width : % -> R; ++ width(u) returns \axiom{sup(u) - inf(u)}. positive? : % -> Boolean; ++ positive?(u) returns \axiom{true} if every element of u is positive, ++ \axiom{false} otherwise. negative? : % -> Boolean; ++ negative?(u) returns \axiom{true} if every element of u is negative, ++ \axiom{false} otherwise. contains? : (%,R) -> Boolean; ++ contains?(i,f) returns true if \axiom{f} is contained within the interval ++ \axiom{i}, false otherwise. } Interval2(R:FUNCAT): IntervalCategory2(R) == add { import from Integer; import from R; Rep ==> Record(Inf:R, Sup:R); import from Rep; local roundDown(u:R):R == if zero?(u) then float(-1,-(bits() pretend Integer)); else float(mantissa(u) - 1,exponent(u)); local roundUp(u:R):R == if zero?(u) then float(1, -(bits()) pretend Integer); else float(mantissa(u) + 1,exponent(u)); -- Sometimes the float representation does not use all the bits (e.g. when -- representing an integer in software using arbitrary-length Integers as -- your mantissa it is convenient to keep them exact). This function -- normalises things so that rounding etc. works as expected. It is only -- called when creating new intervals. local normaliseFloat(u:R):R == if zero? u then u else { m : Integer := mantissa u; b : Integer := bits() pretend Integer; l : Integer := length(m); if (l < b) then { BASE : Integer := base()$R pretend Integer; float(m*BASE**((b-l) pretend PositiveInteger),exponent(u)-b+l); } else u; } interval(i:R,s:R):% == { i > s => per [roundDown normaliseFloat s,roundUp normaliseFloat i]; per [roundDown normaliseFloat i,roundUp normaliseFloat s]; } interval(f:R):% == { zero?(f) => 0; one?(f) => 1; -- This next part is necessary to allow e.g. mapping between Expressions: -- AXIOM assumes that Integers stay as Integers! import from Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed'); fnew : R := normaliseFloat f; retractIfCan(f)@Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed') case value1 => per [fnew,fnew]; per [roundDown fnew, roundUp fnew]; } qinterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [roundDown normaliseFloat i,roundUp normaliseFloat s]; local exactInterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [i,s]; local exactSupInterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [roundDown i,s]; local exactInfInterval(i:R,s:R):% == per [i,roundUp s]; inf(u:%):R == (rep u).Inf; sup(u:%):R == (rep u).Sup; width(u:%):R == (rep u).Sup - (rep u).Inf; contains?(u:%,f:R):Boolean == (f > inf(u)) and (f < sup(u)); positive?(u:%):Boolean == inf(u) > 0; negative?(u:%):Boolean == sup(u) < 0; (<)(a:%,b:%):Boolean == if inf(a) < inf(b) then true else if inf(a) > inf(b) then false else sup(a) < sup(b); (+)(a:%,b:%):% == { -- A couple of blatent hacks to preserve the Ring Axioms! if zero?(a) then return(b) else if zero?(b) then return(a); if a=b then return qinterval(2*inf(a),2*sup(a)); qinterval(inf(a) + inf(b), sup(a) + sup(b)); } (-)(a:%,b:%):% == { if zero?(a) then return(-b) else if zero?(b) then return(a); if a=b then 0 else qinterval(inf(a) - sup(b), sup(a) - inf(b)); } (*)(a:%,b:%):% == { -- A couple of blatent hacks to preserve the Ring Axioms! if one?(a) then return(b) else if one?(b) then return(a); if zero?(a) then return(0) else if zero?(b) then return(0); prods : List R := sort [inf(a)*inf(b),sup(a)*sup(b), inf(a)*sup(b),sup(a)*inf(b)]; qinterval(first prods, last prods); } (*)(a:Integer,b:%):% == { if (a > 0) then qinterval(a*inf(b),a*sup(b)); else if (a < 0) then qinterval(a*sup(b),a*inf(b)); else 0; } (*)(a:PositiveInteger,b:%):% == qinterval(a*inf(b),a*sup(b)); (**)(a:%,n:PositiveInteger):% == { contains?(a,0) and zero?((n pretend Integer) rem 2) => interval(0,max(inf(a)**n,sup(a)**n)); interval(inf(a)**n,sup(a)**n); } (^) (a:%,n:PositiveInteger):% == { contains?(a,0) and zero?((n pretend Integer) rem 2) => interval(0,max(inf(a)**n,sup(a)**n)); interval(inf(a)**n,sup(a)**n); } (-)(a:%):% == exactInterval(-sup(a),-inf(a)); (=)(a:%,b:%):Boolean == (inf(a)=inf(b)) and (sup(a)=sup(b)); (~=)(a:%,b:%):Boolean == (inf(a)~=inf(b)) or (sup(a)~=sup(b)); 1:% == {one : R := normaliseFloat 1; per([one,one])}; 0:% == per([0,0]); recip(u:%):Union(value1:%,failed:'failed') == { contains?(u,0) => [failed]; vals:List R := sort[1/inf(u),1/sup(u)]; [qinterval(first vals, last vals)]; } unit?(u:%):Boolean == contains?(u,0); exquo(u:%,v:%):Union(value1:%,failed:'failed') == { contains?(v,0) => [failed]; one?(v) => [u]; u=v => [1]; u=-v => [-1]; vals:List R := sort[inf(u)/inf(v),inf(u)/sup(v),sup(u)/inf(v),sup(u)/sup(v)]; [qinterval(first vals, last vals)]; } gcd(u:%,v:%):% == 1; coerce(u:Integer):% == { ur := normaliseFloat(u::R); exactInterval(ur,ur); } interval(u:Fraction Integer):% == { import { log2 : % -> %; coerce : Integer -> %; retractIfCan : % -> Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed');} from Float; flt := u::R; -- Test if the representation in R is exact --den := denom(u)::Float; local bin : Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed'); bin := retractIfCan(log2(denom(u)::Float)); bin case value1 and length(numer u)$Integer < (bits() pretend Integer) => { flt := normaliseFloat flt; exactInterval(flt,flt); } qinterval(flt,flt); } retractIfCan(u:%):Union(value1:Integer,failed:'failed') == { not zero? width(u) => [failed]; retractIfCan inf u; } retract(u:%):Integer == { not zero? width(u) => error "attempt to retract a non-Integer interval to an Integer"; retract inf u; } coerce(u:%):OutputForm == bracket([coerce inf(u), coerce sup(u)]$List(OutputForm)); characteristic():NonNegativeInteger == 0; -- Explicit export from TranscendentalFunctionCategory pi():% == qinterval(pi(),pi()); -- From ElementaryFunctionCategory log(u:%):% == { positive?(u) => qinterval(log inf u, log sup u); error "negative logs in interval"; } exp(u:%):% == qinterval(exp inf u, exp sup u); (**)(u:%,v:%):% == { zero?(v) => if zero?(u) then error "0**0 is undefined" else 1; one?(u) => 1; expts : List R := sort [inf(u)**inf(v),sup(u)**sup(v), inf(u)**sup(v),sup(u)**inf(v)]; qinterval(first expts, last expts); } -- From TrigonometricFunctionCategory -- This function checks whether an interval contains a value of the form -- `offset + 2 n pi'. local hasTwoPiMultiple(offset:R,Pi:R,i:%):Boolean == { import from Integer; next : Integer := retract ceiling( (inf(i) - offset)/(2*Pi) ); contains?(i,offset+2*next*Pi); } -- This function checks whether an interval contains a value of the form -- `offset + n pi'. local hasPiMultiple(offset:R,Pi:R,i:%):Boolean == { import from Integer; next : Integer := retract ceiling( (inf(i) - offset)/Pi ); contains?(i,offset+next*Pi); } sin(u:%):% == { import from Integer; Pi : R := pi(); hasOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi/(2::R),Pi,u); hasMinusOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(3*Pi/(2::R),Pi,u); if hasOne? and hasMinusOne? then exactInterval(-1,1); else { vals : List R := sort [sin inf u, sin sup u]; if hasOne? then exactSupInterval(first vals, 1); else if hasMinusOne? then exactInfInterval(-1,last vals); else qinterval(first vals, last vals); } } cos(u:%):% == { Pi : R := pi(); hasOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(0,Pi,u); hasMinusOne? : Boolean := hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi,Pi,u); if hasOne? and hasMinusOne? then exactInterval(-1,1); else { vals : List R := sort [cos inf u, cos sup u]; if hasOne? then exactSupInterval(first vals, 1); else if hasMinusOne? then exactInfInterval(-1,last vals); else qinterval(first vals, last vals); } } tan(u:%):% == { Pi : R := pi(); if width(u) > Pi then error "Interval contains a singularity" else { -- Since we know the interval is less than pi wide, monotonicity implies -- that there is no singularity. If there is a singularity on a endpoint -- of the interval the user will see the error generated by R. lo : R := tan inf u; hi : R := tan sup u; lo > hi => error "Interval contains a singularity"; qinterval(lo,hi); } } csc(u:%):% == { Pi : R := pi(); if width(u) > Pi then error "Interval contains a singularity" else { import from Integer; -- singularities are at multiples of Pi if hasPiMultiple(0,Pi,u) then error "Interval contains a singularity"; vals : List R := sort [csc inf u, csc sup u]; if hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi/(2::R),Pi,u) then exactInfInterval(1,last vals); else if hasTwoPiMultiple(3*Pi/(2::R),Pi,u) then exactSupInterval(first vals,-1); else qinterval(first vals, last vals); } } sec(u:%):% == { Pi : R := pi(); if width(u) > Pi then error "Interval contains a singularity" else { import from Integer; -- singularities are at Pi/2 + n Pi if hasPiMultiple(Pi/(2::R),Pi,u) then error "Interval contains a singularity"; vals : List R := sort [sec inf u, sec sup u]; if hasTwoPiMultiple(0,Pi,u) then exactInfInterval(1,last vals); else if hasTwoPiMultiple(Pi,Pi,u) then exactSupInterval(first vals,-1); else qinterval(first vals, last vals); } } cot(u:%):% == { Pi : R := pi(); if width(u) > Pi then error "Interval contains a singularity" else { -- Since we know the interval is less than pi wide, monotonicity implies -- that there is no singularity. If there is a singularity on a endpoint -- of the interval the user will see the error generated by R. hi : R := cot inf u; lo : R := cot sup u; lo > hi => error "Interval contains a singularity"; qinterval(lo,hi); } } -- From ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory asin(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if (lo < -1) or (hi > 1) then error "asin only defined on the region -1..1"; qinterval(asin lo,asin hi); } acos(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if (lo < -1) or (hi > 1) then error "acos only defined on the region -1..1"; qinterval(acos hi,acos lo); } atan(u:%):% == qinterval(atan inf u, atan sup u); acot(u:%):% == qinterval(acot sup u, acot inf u); acsc(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if ((lo <= -1) and (hi >= -1)) or ((lo <= 1) and (hi >= 1)) then error "acsc not defined on the region -1..1"; qinterval(acsc hi, acsc lo); } asec(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if ((lo < -1) and (hi > -1)) or ((lo < 1) and (hi > 1)) then error "asec not defined on the region -1..1"; qinterval(asec lo, asec hi); } -- From HyperbolicFunctionCategory tanh(u:%):% == qinterval(tanh inf u, tanh sup u); sinh(u:%):% == qinterval(sinh inf u, sinh sup u); sech(u:%):% == { negative? u => qinterval(sech inf u, sech sup u); positive? u => qinterval(sech sup u, sech inf u); vals : List R := sort [sech inf u, sech sup u]; exactSupInterval(first vals,1); } cosh(u:%):% == { negative? u => qinterval(cosh sup u, cosh inf u); positive? u => qinterval(cosh inf u, cosh sup u); vals : List R := sort [cosh inf u, cosh sup u]; exactInfInterval(1,last vals); } csch(u:%):% == { contains?(u,0) => error "csch: singularity at zero"; qinterval(csch sup u, csch inf u); } coth(u:%):% == { contains?(u,0) => error "coth: singularity at zero"; qinterval(coth sup u, coth inf u); } -- From ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory acosh(u:%):% == { inf(u)<1 => error "invalid argument: acosh only defined on the region 1.."; qinterval(acosh inf u, acosh sup u); } acoth(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if ((lo <= -1) and (hi >= -1)) or ((lo <= 1) and (hi >= 1)) then error "acoth not defined on the region -1..1"; qinterval(acoth hi, acoth lo); } acsch(u:%):% == { contains?(u,0) => error "acsch: singularity at zero"; qinterval(acsch sup u, acsch inf u); } asech(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if (lo <= 0) or (hi > 1) then error "asech only defined on the region 0 < x <= 1"; qinterval(asech hi, asech lo); } asinh(u:%):% == qinterval(asinh inf u, asinh sup u); atanh(u:%):% == { lo : R := inf(u); hi : R := sup(u); if (lo <= -1) or (hi >= 1) then error "atanh only defined on the region -1 < x < 1"; qinterval(atanh lo, atanh hi); } -- From RadicalCategory (**)(u:%,n:Fraction Integer):% == interval(inf(u)**n,sup(u)**n); }
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/interval2.as using AXIOM-XL compiler and
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
   Compiling Lisp source code from file ./interval2.lsp
   Issuing )library command for interval2
   Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/interval2.asy
   Interval2 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Interval2 will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   IntervalCategory2 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   IntervalCategory2 will be automatically loaded when needed from 

LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: Interval2 Float
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: Interval2 Float

Reason that it looks like interval.spad is that I rewrote interval.as for the SPAD compiler, so that we are able to run Axiom without Aldor. Juergen Weiss

Juergen Weiss wrote:
I rewrote interval.as for the SPAD compiler

Oh yes, I am sorry that I forgot. I think your important contribution should be so noted in the interval.spad.pamphlet file! Here's a patch:

  $ diff -Nar interval.spad.pamphlet.orig interval.spad.pamphlet
  < \author{Mike Dewar}
  > \author{Juergen Weiss}
  > This is a re-write of `interval.as' in SPAD to enable all of
  > Axiom's library to be compiled without the Aldor compiler.
  < +++ Author: Mike Dewar
  > +++ Original Author: Mike Dewar
