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Try this

draw(5*besselJ(0,sqrt(x^2+y^2)), x=-20..20, y=-20..20);
Compiling function %B with type (DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> 
   Transmitting data...
Type: ThreeDimensionalViewport?

Not clear why latex is not rendered properly ...

The reason why this did not originally render properly was because I had not defined \axiomType as a valid LaTeX command in the LatexTemplate page. The output of the draw command generates this as part of it's LaTeX output.

Anticipating the next question:

  Where is the graphic??

Although graphics is available in the most recent version of Axiom from the Savannah CVS (see AxiomBinaries?), the problem is that graphics has not yet been integrated into MathAction. Doing so will require solving some problems about using X-windows on the MathAction server.

gnuplot on mathaction --page, Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:33:03 -0700 reply
It is possible now to use commands similar to Axiom's draw function to produce graphics from and Axiom and display it on the MathAction web page. Eg.

First load the library

)lib GDRAW
OldGnuDraw is now explicitly exposed in frame initial OldGnuDraw will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/GDRAW.NRLIB/GDRAW

Now include a file name in the draw command::

gnuDraw(5*besselJ(0,sqrt(x^2+y^2)), x=-20..20, y=-20..20,"GraphicsOnMathAction1.dat")
Compiling function %C with type (DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) -> 
Type: Void

Refer to this file name when calling gnuplot:

  set parametric
  set hidden
  set view 20,30
  set xlabel "x"
  set ylabel "y"
  set zrange [-3:3]
  set mxtics
  set pm3d depthorder
  load "GraphicsOnMathAction1.dat"

set parametric
set hidden
set view 20,30
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
set zrange [-3:3]
set mxtics
set pm3d depthorder
load "GraphicsOnMathAction1.dat"

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