(1) -> <spad>
--)lisp (defvar |$inclAssertions| nil)
-- in principle d:V[k]->V[k+1], then what is d d = 0?
-- each vector space V[k] has its own zero! But we will
-- only use one zero form for all. ZeroChain()?
)abbrev category CCHNCAT CoChainCategory
CoChainCategory() : Category == SetCategory with
degree : % -> Polynomial Integer
mainType : % -> String -- trick: get the type
)abbrev category ZCHNCAT ZeroChainCategory
ZeroChainCategory() : Category == SetCategory with
null : %
)abbrev domain ZCHN ZeroChain
ZeroChain : Exports == Implementation where
BOP ==> BasicOperator
PINT ==> Polynomial Integer
Exports == Join(CoChainCategory,ZeroChainCategory) with
degree : % -> PINT
d : % -> %
--null : %
Implementation == BOP add
Rep := BOP
null == operator("0"::Symbol)
degree x == 0::PINT
d x == null()
mainType x == "ZeroChain"
)abbrev domain COCHN CoChain
CoChain(p) : Exports == Implementation where
p:Polynomial Integer
BOP ==> BasicOperator
CTOF ==> CoercibleTo OutputForm
CVTS ==> ConvertibleTo String
PINT ==> Polynomial Integer
Exports == Join(CTOF, CVTS, CoChainCategory) with
coerce : Symbol -> %
degree : % -> PINT
Implementation == BOP add
Rep := BOP
coerce(s:Symbol):% == operator s
degree x == p
mainType x == "CoChain"
)abbrev domain WEDGE WedgeProduct
WedgeProduct(a,b) : Exports == Implementation where
CCCAT ==> CoChainCategory
OF ==> OutputForm
CTOF ==> CoercibleTo OutputForm
CVTS ==> ConvertibleTo String
PINT ==> Polynomial Integer
Exports == Join(CTOF, CVTS, CoChainCategory) with
if a has ZeroChainCategory or b has ZeroChainCategory then
_* : (a,b) -> ZeroChain
_* : (a,b) -> %
degree : % -> PINT
Implementation == add
if a has ZeroChainCategory or b has ZeroChainCategory then
Rep := ZeroChain
(x:a * y:b):ZeroChain == null()$ZeroChain
Rep := Record(left:a,right:b)
x * y == [x,y]@Rep
degree x == degree(x.left)$a + degree(x.right)$b
mainType x == "WedgeProduct"
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == tensor(x.left::OF,x.right::OF)
------ temp using tensor, lack of wedge symbol
)abbrev domain EXTDF ExteriorDerivative
ExteriorDerivative(a) : Exports == Implementation where
CCCAT ==> CoChainCategory
OF ==> OutputForm
CTOF ==> CoercibleTo OutputForm
CVTS ==> ConvertibleTo String
PINT ==> Polynomial Integer
Exports == Join(CTOF, CVTS, CoChainCategory) with
d : % -> ZeroChain
d : a -> %
degree : % -> PINT
Implementation == add
if a has ZeroChainCategory then
Rep := ZeroChain
Rep := Record(arg:a)
d(x:%):ZeroChain == null()$ZeroChain
d(x:a):% == [x]@Rep
degree x == 1 + degree(x.arg)$a
mainType x == "ExteriorDerivative"
coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
mainType(x.arg)$a = "CoChain" => hconcat(dsym,x.arg::OF)
)abbrev domain HODGE HodgeStar
HodgeStar(a) : Exports == Implementation where
CCCAT ==> CoChainCategory
OF ==> OutputForm
CTOF ==> CoercibleTo OutputForm
CVTS ==> ConvertibleTo String
PINT ==> Polynomial Integer
Exports == Join(CTOF, CVTS, CoChainCategory) with
hodge : a -> %
degree : % -> PINT
Implementation == add
Rep := Record(arg:a)
degree x == n - degree(x.arg)$a
hodge x == [x]@Rep
mainType x == "HodgeStar"
coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
mT ~= "WedgeProduct" => hconcat(dsym,x.arg::OF)
+ fricas
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
CCHNCAT abbreviates category CoChainCategory
initializing NRLIB CCHNCAT for CoChainCategory
compiling into NRLIB CCHNCAT
;;; *** |CoChainCategory| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB CCHNCAT
Processing CoChainCategory for Browser database:
--->-->CoChainCategory(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->CoChainCategory((degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->CoChainCategory((mainType ((String) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->CoChainCategory(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/CCHNCAT.NRLIB/CCHNCAT.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/CCHNCAT.NRLIB/CCHNCAT.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
CoChainCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CoChainCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
ZCHNCAT abbreviates category ZeroChainCategory
initializing NRLIB ZCHNCAT for ZeroChainCategory
compiling into NRLIB ZCHNCAT
;;; *** |ZeroChainCategory| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB ZCHNCAT
Processing ZeroChainCategory for Browser database:
--->-->ZeroChainCategory(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ZeroChainCategory((null (%) constant)): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ZeroChainCategory(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ZCHNCAT.NRLIB/ZCHNCAT.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ZCHNCAT.NRLIB/ZCHNCAT.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
ZeroChainCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ZeroChainCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
ZCHN abbreviates domain ZeroChain
initializing NRLIB ZCHN for ZeroChain
compiling into NRLIB ZCHN
compiling exported null : () -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported degree : % -> Polynomial Integer
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported d : % -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported mainType : % -> String
ZCHN;mainType;%S;4 is replaced by ZeroChain
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |ZeroChain| REDEFINED
;;; *** |ZeroChain| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor ZeroChain
Time: 0.03 seconds
--------------non extending category----------------------
.. ZeroChain of cat
(|Join| (|CoChainCategory|) (|ZeroChainCategory|)
(CATEGORY |domain| (SIGNATURE |degree| ((|Polynomial| (|Integer|)) %))
(SIGNATURE |d| (% %)))) has no
(|OrderedSet|) finalizing NRLIB ZCHN
Processing ZeroChain for Browser database:
--->-->ZeroChain(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ZeroChain((degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ZeroChain((d (% %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ZeroChain(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ZCHN.NRLIB/ZCHN.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ZCHN.NRLIB/ZCHN.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.008
ZeroChain is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ZeroChain will be automatically loaded when needed from
COCHN abbreviates domain CoChain
initializing NRLIB COCHN for CoChain
compiling into NRLIB COCHN
compiling exported coerce : Symbol -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported degree : % -> Polynomial Integer
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported mainType : % -> String
COCHN;mainType;%S;3 is replaced by CoChain
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |CoChain| REDEFINED
;;; *** |CoChain| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor CoChain
Time: 0 seconds
--------------non extending category----------------------
.. CoChain(#1) of cat
(|Join| (|CoercibleTo| (|OutputForm|)) (|ConvertibleTo| (|String|))
(CATEGORY |domain| (SIGNATURE |coerce| (% (|Symbol|)))
(SIGNATURE |degree| ((|Polynomial| (|Integer|)) %)))) has no
(|OrderedSet|) finalizing NRLIB COCHN
Processing CoChain for Browser database:
--->-->CoChain(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->CoChain((coerce (% (Symbol)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->CoChain((degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->CoChain(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/COCHN.NRLIB/COCHN.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/COCHN.NRLIB/COCHN.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
CoChain is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CoChain will be automatically loaded when needed from
WEDGE abbreviates domain WedgeProduct
initializing NRLIB WEDGE for WedgeProduct
compiling into NRLIB WEDGE
****** Domain: a already in scope
augmenting a: (ZeroChainCategory)
Local variable Rep type redefined: (Join (CoChainCategory) (ZeroChainCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %)) (SIGNATURE d (% %)))) to (Join (OrderedSet) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE name ((Symbol) %)) (SIGNATURE properties ((AssociationList (Symbol) (None)) %)) (SIGNATURE copy (% %)) (SIGNATURE operator (% (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE operator (% (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE arity ((Union (NonNegativeInteger) failed) %)) (SIGNATURE nullary? ((Boolean) %)) (SIGNATURE unary? ((Boolean) %)) (SIGNATURE nary? ((Boolean) %)) (SIGNATURE weight ((NonNegativeInteger) %)) (SIGNATURE weight (% % (NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE equality (% % (Mapping (Boolean) % %))) (SIGNATURE comparison (% % (Mapping (Boolean) % %))) (SIGNATURE display ((Union (Mapping (OutputForm) (List (OutputForm))) failed) %)) (SIGNATURE display (% % (Mapping (OutputForm) (List (OutputForm))))) (SIGNATURE display (% % (Mapping (OutputForm) (OutputForm)))) (SIGNATURE input (% % (Mapping (InputForm) (List (InputForm))))) (SIGNATURE input ((Union (Mapping (InputForm) (List (InputForm))) failed) %)) (SIGNATURE is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE has? ((Boolean) % (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE assert (% % (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE deleteProperty! (% % (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE property ((Union (None) failed) % (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE setProperty (% % (Symbol) (None))) (SIGNATURE setProperties (% % (AssociationList (Symbol) (None))))))
compiling exported * : (a,b) -> ZeroChain
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: b already in scope
augmenting b: (ZeroChainCategory)
compiling exported * : (a,b) -> ZeroChain
Time: 0 SEC.
Local variable Rep type redefined: (Join (SetCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE construct ((Record (: left a) (: right b)) a b)) (SIGNATURE ~= ((Boolean) (Record (: left a) (: right b)) (Record (: left a) (: right b)))) (SIGNATURE coerce ((OutputForm) (Record (: left a) (: right b)))) (SIGNATURE elt (a (Record (: left a) (: right b)) left)) (SIGNATURE elt (b (Record (: left a) (: right b)) right)) (SIGNATURE setelt! (a (Record (: left a) (: right b)) left a)) (SIGNATURE setelt! (b (Record (: left a) (: right b)) right b)) (SIGNATURE copy ((Record (: left a) (: right b)) (Record (: left a) (: right b)))))) to (Join (CoChainCategory) (ZeroChainCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %)) (SIGNATURE d (% %))))
compiling exported * : (a,b) -> %
WEDGE;*;ab%;3 is replaced by CONS
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported degree : % -> Polynomial Integer
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported mainType : % -> String
WEDGE;mainType;%S;5 is replaced by WedgeProduct
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |WedgeProduct| REDEFINED
;;; *** |WedgeProduct| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] *: signature of lhs not unique: ab chosen
[2] degree: left has no value
[3] degree: right has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor WedgeProduct
Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB WEDGE
Processing WedgeProduct for Browser database:
--->-->WedgeProduct(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->WedgeProduct((* ((ZeroChain) a b))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->WedgeProduct((* (% a b))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->WedgeProduct((degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->WedgeProduct(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/WEDGE.NRLIB/WEDGE.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/WEDGE.NRLIB/WEDGE.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.012
WedgeProduct is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
WedgeProduct will be automatically loaded when needed from
EXTDF abbreviates domain ExteriorDerivative
initializing NRLIB EXTDF for ExteriorDerivative
compiling into NRLIB EXTDF
****** Domain: a already in scope
augmenting a: (ZeroChainCategory)
Local variable Rep type redefined: (Join (CoChainCategory) (ZeroChainCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %)) (SIGNATURE d (% %)))) to (Join (SetCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE construct ((Record (: left a) (: right b)) a b)) (SIGNATURE ~= ((Boolean) (Record (: left a) (: right b)) (Record (: left a) (: right b)))) (SIGNATURE coerce ((OutputForm) (Record (: left a) (: right b)))) (SIGNATURE elt (a (Record (: left a) (: right b)) left)) (SIGNATURE elt (b (Record (: left a) (: right b)) right)) (SIGNATURE setelt! (a (Record (: left a) (: right b)) left a)) (SIGNATURE setelt! (b (Record (: left a) (: right b)) right b)) (SIGNATURE copy ((Record (: left a) (: right b)) (Record (: left a) (: right b))))))
Local variable Rep type redefined: (Join (SetCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE construct ((Record (: arg a)) a)) (SIGNATURE ~= ((Boolean) (Record (: arg a)) (Record (: arg a)))) (SIGNATURE coerce ((OutputForm) (Record (: arg a)))) (SIGNATURE elt (a (Record (: arg a)) arg)) (SIGNATURE setelt! (a (Record (: arg a)) arg a)) (SIGNATURE copy ((Record (: arg a)) (Record (: arg a)))))) to (Join (CoChainCategory) (ZeroChainCategory) (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %)) (SIGNATURE d (% %))))
compiling exported d : % -> ZeroChain
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported d : a -> %
EXTDF;d;a%;2 is replaced by LIST
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported degree : % -> Polynomial Integer
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported mainType : % -> String
EXTDF;mainType;%S;4 is replaced by ExteriorDerivative
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |ExteriorDerivative| REDEFINED
;;; *** |ExteriorDerivative| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] degree: arg has no value
[2] coerce: arg has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor ExteriorDerivative
Time: 0.01 seconds
finalizing NRLIB EXTDF
Processing ExteriorDerivative for Browser database:
--->-->ExteriorDerivative(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ExteriorDerivative((d ((ZeroChain) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ExteriorDerivative((d (% a))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ExteriorDerivative((degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->ExteriorDerivative(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EXTDF.NRLIB/EXTDF.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EXTDF.NRLIB/EXTDF.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.008
ExteriorDerivative is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExteriorDerivative will be automatically loaded when needed from
HODGE abbreviates domain HodgeStar
initializing NRLIB HODGE for HodgeStar
compiling into NRLIB HODGE
compiling exported degree : % -> Polynomial Integer
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported hodge : a -> %
HODGE;hodge;a%;2 is replaced by LIST
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported mainType : % -> String
HODGE;mainType;%S;3 is replaced by HodgeStar
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |HodgeStar| REDEFINED
;;; *** |HodgeStar| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] degree: arg has no value
[2] coerce: arg has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor HodgeStar
Time: 0.02 seconds
finalizing NRLIB HODGE
Processing HodgeStar for Browser database:
--->-->HodgeStar(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->HodgeStar((hodge (% a))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->HodgeStar((degree ((Polynomial (Integer)) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->HodgeStar(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/HODGE.NRLIB/HODGE.lsp" (written 27 JAN 2025 08:36:25 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/HODGE.NRLIB/HODGE.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.012
HodgeStar is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
HodgeStar will be automatically loaded when needed from
Type: WedgeProduct
degree h
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
Type: WedgeProduct
degree k
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
-- car dom (d f) --> ExteriorDerivative
-- symbol car dom (d f) = 'ExteriorDerivative::Symbol => ok
degree d f --> p+1
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
hodge d h --> *d(f # g)
Type: HodgeStar
r:=degree hodge h
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
eval(r,[p=7,q=3,'spacedim=15]) --> notice the quote!
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
-->degree % --> spacedim - q - p - 1
z:=d d f
CoChain(p) has ZeroChainCategory
Type: Boolean
ZeroChain has ZeroChainCategory
Type: Boolean