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)lib FPROD
FreeProduct is now explicitly exposed in frame initial FreeProduct will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FPROD.NRLIB/FPROD
)lib FSUM
FreeSum is now explicitly exposed in frame initial FreeSum will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FSUM.NRLIB/FSUM

)abbrev domain FRING FreeRing
++ Description:
++ One can construct the free algebra R<E> on any set A of generators.
++ Since rings may be regarded as Z-algebras, a free ring on A can be
++ defined as the free algebra Z<E>
++ Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_ring
FreeRing(A:SetCategory):Ring with
    if A has Comparable then Comparable
  == add
    RepSum ==> FreeSum(FreeAbelianGroup A,FreeAbelianGroup %)
    RepPrd ==> FreeProduct(FreeMonoid A,FreeMonoid %)
    Rep ==> Union(sum:RepSum,prd:RepPrd)
    rep(x:%):Rep == x pretend Rep
    per(x:Rep):% == x pretend %
    coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
      if x=0 or x=1 then return coerce(r)
      if r case sum then infix('+::OutputForm, [ _
        if is2(s) then _
          infix('+::OutputForm, [ _
           if t.exp=1 then coerce(t.gen) _
           else if t.gen=1 then coerce(t.exp)
           else coerce(t.exp)*coerce(t.gen) _
           for t in terms(retract(s)@FreeAbelianGroup(%)) ]) _
        else coerce(s)
        for s in terms(r.sum)])
      else blankSeparate [ _
        if is2(s) then _
          blankSeparate [ _
           if t.exp=1 then paren(coerce(t.gen)) _
           else paren(coerce(t.gen)^coerce(t.exp)) _
           for t in factors(retract(s)@FreeMonoid(%)) ] _
        else coerce(s)
        for s in factors(r.prd)]
--coerce(x:A):% == per [in1(coerce x)$RepSum] coerce(x:A):% == per [in1(coerce x)$RepPrd]
Zero():% == per [0$RepSum] One():% == per [1$RepPrd] (x:% = y:%):Boolean == (rep(x) = rep(y))$Rep (x1:% + x2:%):% == if x1=0 then return x2 if x2=0 then return x1 r1:=rep(x1); r2:=rep(x2) if r1 case sum then s1:=r1.sum else s1:=in2(coerce x1)$RepSum if r2 case sum then s2:=r2.sum else s2:=in2(coerce x2)$RepSum per [s1+s2] (x1:% * x2:%):% == if x1=0 then return 0 if x2=0 then return 0 if x1=1 then return x2 if x2=1 then return x1 r1:=rep(x1); r2:=rep(x2) if r1 case prd then p1:=r1.prd else p1:=in2(coerce x1)$RepPrd if r2 case prd then p2:=r2.prd else p2:=in2(coerce x2)$RepPrd per [p1*p2] _-(x:%):% == if x=0 then return 0 r:=rep(x) if r case sum then s:=r.sum else s:=in2(coerce x)$RepSum per [-s] (x:% - y:%):% == x + (-y) (n:Integer * x:%):% == if x=0 then return 0 if n>0 then return (n-1) * x + x if n<0 then return (n+1) * x - x return 0 coerce(x:Integer):% == x*1
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   FRING abbreviates domain FreeRing 
   initializing NRLIB FRING for FreeRing 
   compiling into NRLIB FRING 
   processing macro definition RepSum ==> FreeSum(FreeAbelianGroup A,FreeAbelianGroup $) 
   processing macro definition RepPrd ==> FreeProduct(FreeMonoid A,FreeMonoid $) 
   processing macro definition Rep ==> Union(sum: FreeSum(FreeAbelianGroup A,FreeAbelianGroup $),prd: FreeProduct(FreeMonoid A,FreeMonoid $)) 
   compiling local rep : $ -> Union(sum: FreeSum(FreeAbelianGroup A,FreeAbelianGroup $),prd: FreeProduct(FreeMonoid A,FreeMonoid $))
      FRING;rep is replaced by x 
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local per : Union(sum: FreeSum(FreeAbelianGroup A,FreeAbelianGroup $),prd: FreeProduct(FreeMonoid A,FreeMonoid $)) -> $ FRING;per is replaced by x Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : $ -> OutputForm Internal Error Error while instantiating type FreeAbelianGroupA

FreeRing is an unknown constructor and so is unavailable. Did you mean to use -> but type something different instead?

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