FreeModule implements free module over a ring with generators indexed by a set. Each element can be expressed as a finite linear combination of generators. Only non-zero terms are stored. This domain implements linear combinations of elements from the domain S with coefficients in the domain R where S is a set and R is a ring (which may be non-commutative). Ref: See: [PolySpad]? A FreeModule over a [Field]? is a VectorSpace? unfortunately this is not currently understood by Axiom: fricas (1) -> FreeModule(Fraction Integer, Ref: Add: if R has Field then VectorSpace(R) ... if R has Field then if S has Finite then dimension():CardinalNumber == coerce size()$S else dimension():CardinalNumber == Aleph(0) fricas F2:=FreeModule(Fraction Integer,
Type: Type
fricas F2 has VectorSpace(Fraction Integer) |