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Time: 2011/02/12 21:45:13 GMT-8

Francois Maltey (FM) and Bill Page (BP) wrote::

  How can I persuade Axiom to write out

as a "sum of products"? E.g.

In Axiom, both of these expressions are rendered the same!
<hr />
On Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:20 AM Martin Rubey wrote:

For example:
subst(ex1, kernels ex1, [x1,x2,x3])::DMP([x1,x2,x3], INT)


  Can I substitute theses elementary functions ![kernels] to new variables, make
  transforms over polynoms,



  and substitute the variables back ?

Well, as soon as you go back, you'll loose the transformations you did...

The "deeper" reason why there is no domain 'DistributedExpression' is probably
that 'DMP' defined in 'gdpoly.spad' asks for a 'List Symbol' as variables. It
probably could be in fact any finite 'OrderedSet', but it would need some work
to get it done:
List Kernel Expression Integer has OrderedSet

A simple workaround is:
out(p, kl, vl) == 
  if reductum p = 0 
  then (eval(leadingMonomial(p)::EXPR INT, vl, kl))::OUTFORM
  else (eval(leadingMonomial(p)::EXPR INT, vl, kl))::OUTFORM _
       + out(reductum p, kl, vl)

output ex == 
  kl := kernels ex
  vl := [subscript('x, [i::OutputForm]) for i in 1..#kl]
  out(subst(ex, kl, vl)::DMP(vl, INT), kl, vl)


Note that this returns an element of 'OUTFORM'. This can be circumvented:
highly undebugged, undocumented and all the bad things :-)

)abb domain DEXPR DistributedExpression
DistributedExpression(R: Join(Ring, OrderedSet)): Exports == Implementation where
  EXPRR ==> Expression R
  AN    ==> AlgebraicNumber
  SUP   ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial

  Exports == FunctionSpace R with
    if R has IntegralDomain then
      AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R
      reduce: % -> %
        ++ reduce(f) simplifies all the unreduced algebraic quantities
        ++ present in f by applying their defining relations.
      number?: % -> Boolean
        ++ number?(f) tests if f is rational
      simplifyPower: (%,Integer) -> %
        ++ simplifyPower?(f,n) \undocumented{}
      if R has GcdDomain then
        factorPolynomial : SUP  % -> Factored SUP %
           ++ factorPolynomial(p) \undocumented{}
        squareFreePolynomial : SUP % -> Factored SUP %
           ++ squareFreePolynomial(p) \undocumented{}
      if R has RetractableTo Integer then RetractableTo AN

    coerce: EXPRR -> %

  Implementation == EXPRR add

    Rep := EXPRR

    out: (Polynomial R, List %, List %) -> OutputForm 
-- coerces the polynomial to OutputForm completely expanded and replaces the
-- variables in vl with the kernels in kl
    out(p, kl, vl) == 
      ex := leadingMonomial(p)::%
      if reductum p = 0 
      then coerce(eval(ex, vl, kl))$Rep
      else coerce(eval(ex, vl, kl))$Rep _
           + out(reductum p, kl, vl)

    coerce(ex:%):OutputForm == 
      kl := kernels ex
      vl: List % := [subscript('x, [i::OutputForm])::Symbol::% for i in 1..#kl]
      ex1: % := subst(ex, kl, vl)$%
      kl1 := map(coerce(#1)$%, kl)$ListFunctions2(Kernel %, %)
      if R has IntegralDomain then
        if denominator ex1 = 1 then
          out(retract(numerator ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl)
          out(retract(numerator ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl)
            / out(retract(denominator ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl)
        out(retract(ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl)

    coerce(p:EXPRR):% == p

Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to tell Axiom to take all the exported functions of a given domain and export them. So we have to include the whole 'Exports' section of 'EXPR'...

((1+2*a+3*b)*(4*c+5*d))::DEXPR INT

From BillPage Tue Sep 20 11:45:30 -0500 2005
From: Bill Page
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:45:30 -0500
Subject: duplicate exported functions
Message-ID: <20050920114530-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org>

> Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to tell Axiom to
> take all the exported functions of a given domain and export them.

Isn't this a case where one should define a category relevant to
both Expression and DistributedExpression in order to avoid
duplication of the list of exports?

From kratt6 Mon Sep 26 08:14:17 -0500 2005
From: kratt6
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 08:14:17 -0500
Message-ID: <20050926081417-0500@page.axiom-developer.org>

Yes, but since Spad doesn't support Aldor's keyword 'extend', this cannot be done post factum...

Francois Maltey (FM) and Bill Page (BP) wrote:

  How can I persuade Axiom to write out


\label{eq1}{{\left({8 \ {\log \left({x}\right)}}+{{12}\ {{e}^{y}}}\right)}\ {\sin \left({z}\right)}}+{4 \ {{\log \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}+{6 \ {{e}^{y}}\ {\log \left({x}\right)}}(1)
Type: Expression(Integer)

as a "sum of products"? E.g.


\label{eq2}{{\left({8 \ {\log \left({x}\right)}}+{{12}\ {{e}^{y}}}\right)}\ {\sin \left({z}\right)}}+{4 \ {{\log \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}+{6 \ {{e}^{y}}\ {\log \left({x}\right)}}(2)
Type: Expression(Integer)

In Axiom, both of these expressions are rendered the same!

On Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:20 AM Martin Rubey wrote:

For example:

subst(ex1, kernels ex1, [x1,x2,x3])::DMP([x1,x2,x3], INT)

\label{eq3}{8 \  x 1 \  x 2}+{{12}\  x 1 \  x 3}+{4 \ {{x 2}^{2}}}+{6 \  x 2 \  x 3}(3)
Type: DistributedMultivariatePolynomial?([x1,x2,x3],Integer)


  Can I substitute theses elementary functions [kernels] to new variables, make
  transforms over polynoms,



  and substitute the variables back ?

Well, as soon as you go back, you'll loose the transformations you did...

The "deeper" reason why there is no domain DistributedExpression is probably that DMP defined in gdpoly.spad asks for a List Symbol as variables. It probably could be in fact any finite OrderedSet, but it would need some work to get it done:

List Kernel Expression Integer has OrderedSet

\label{eq4} \mbox{\rm true} (4)
Type: Boolean

A simple workaround is:

out(p, kl, vl) == 
  if reductum p = 0 
  then (eval(leadingMonomial(p)::EXPR INT, vl, kl))::OUTFORM
  else (eval(leadingMonomial(p)::EXPR INT, vl, kl))::OUTFORM _
       + out(reductum p, kl, vl)
Type: Void
output ex == 
  kl := kernels ex
  vl := [subscript('x, [i::OutputForm]) for i in 1..#kl]
  out(subst(ex, kl, vl)::DMP(vl, INT), kl, vl)
Type: Void

Cannot compile conversion for types involving local variables. In particular, could not compile the expression involving :: DMP(vl, INT) FriCAS will attempt to step through and interpret the code.
Compiling function out with type (DistributedMultivariatePolynomial(
      List(Symbol)) -> OutputForm

\label{eq5}{8 \ {\log \left({x}\right)}\ {\sin \left({z}\right)}}+{{12}\ {{e}^{y}}\ {\sin \left({z}\right)}}+{4 \ {{\log \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}+{6 \ {{e}^{y}}\ {\log \left({x}\right)}}(5)
Type: OutputForm?

Note that this returns an element of OUTFORM. This can be circumvented: highly undebugged, undocumented and all the bad things :-)

)abb domain DEXPR DistributedExpression
DistributedExpression(R: Join(Ring, OrderedSet)): Exports == Implementation where
  EXPRR ==> Expression R
  AN    ==> AlgebraicNumber
  SUP   ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
Exports == FunctionSpace R with if R has IntegralDomain then AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R TranscendentalFunctionCategory CombinatorialOpsCategory LiouvillianFunctionCategory SpecialFunctionCategory reduce: % -> % ++ reduce(f) simplifies all the unreduced algebraic quantities ++ present in f by applying their defining relations. number?: % -> Boolean ++ number?(f) tests if f is rational simplifyPower: (%,Integer) -> % ++ simplifyPower?(f,n) \undocumented{} if R has GcdDomain then factorPolynomial : SUP % -> Factored SUP % ++ factorPolynomial(p) \undocumented{} squareFreePolynomial : SUP % -> Factored SUP % ++ squareFreePolynomial(p) \undocumented{} if R has RetractableTo Integer then RetractableTo AN
coerce: EXPRR -> %
Implementation == EXPRR add
Rep := EXPRR
out: (Polynomial R, List %, List %) -> OutputForm -- coerces the polynomial to OutputForm completely expanded and replaces the -- variables in vl with the kernels in kl out(p, kl, vl) == ex := leadingMonomial(p)::% if reductum p = 0 then coerce(eval(ex, vl, kl))$Rep else coerce(eval(ex, vl, kl))$Rep _ + out(reductum p, kl, vl)
coerce(ex:%):OutputForm == kl := kernels ex vl: List % := [subscript('x, [i::OutputForm])::Symbol::% for i in 1..#kl] ex1: % := subst(ex, kl, vl)$% kl1 := map(coerce(#1)$%, kl)$ListFunctions2(Kernel %, %) if R has IntegralDomain then if denominator ex1 = 1 then out(retract(numerator ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl) else out(retract(numerator ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl) / out(retract(denominator ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl) else out(retract(ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl)
coerce(p:EXPRR):% == p
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   DEXPR abbreviates domain DistributedExpression 
   initializing NRLIB DEXPR for DistributedExpression 
   compiling into NRLIB DEXPR 
****** Domain: R already in scope
   compiling local out : (Polynomial R,List $,List $) -> OutputForm
Time: 0.07 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : $ -> OutputForm ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (IntegralDomain) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (TranscendentalFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (CombinatorialOpsCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (LiouvillianFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (SpecialFunctionCategory) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ reduce ($ $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ number? ((Boolean) $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer))) Time: 0.09 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Expression R -> $ DEXPR;coerce;E$;3 is replaced by p Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (RetractableTo (Integer)) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (IntegralDomain) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (TranscendentalFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (CombinatorialOpsCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (LiouvillianFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (SpecialFunctionCategory) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ reduce ($ $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ number? ((Boolean) $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer))) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (GcdDomain) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (IntegralDomain) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (TranscendentalFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (CombinatorialOpsCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (LiouvillianFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (SpecialFunctionCategory) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ reduce ($ $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ number? ((Boolean) $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer))) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer)) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (LinearlyExplicitRingOver (Integer)) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (RetractableTo (Integer)) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (CharacteristicNonZero) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (CommutativeRing) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (InputForm)) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern (Float))) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern (Integer))) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (Group) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (IntegralDomain) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (TranscendentalFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (CombinatorialOpsCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (LiouvillianFunctionCategory) ****** Domain: $ already in scope augmenting $: (SpecialFunctionCategory) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ reduce ($ $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ number? ((Boolean) $)) augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer))) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (PatternMatchable (Float)) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (PatternMatchable (Integer)) ****** Domain: R already in scope augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer)) (time taken in buildFunctor: 190)
;;; *** |DistributedExpression| REDEFINED
;;; *** |DistributedExpression| REDEFINED Time: 0.51 SEC.
Warnings: [1] coerce: $$ has no value [2] not known that (IntegralDomain) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer)))) [3] not known that (Comparable) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer)))) [4] not known that (Ring) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE simplifyPower ($ $ (Integer))))
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor DistributedExpression Time: 0.67 seconds
--------------non extending category---------------------- .. DistributedExpression(#1) of cat (|Join| (|FunctionSpace| |#1|) (CATEGORY |domain| (IF (|has| |#1| (|IntegralDomain|)) (PROGN (ATTRIBUTE (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace| |#1|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|CombinatorialOpsCategory|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|LiouvillianFunctionCategory|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|SpecialFunctionCategory|)) (SIGNATURE |reduce| ($ $)) (SIGNATURE |number?| ((|Boolean|) $)) (SIGNATURE |simplifyPower| ($ $ (|Integer|))) (IF (|has| |#1| (|GcdDomain|)) (PROGN (SIGNATURE |factorPolynomial| ((|Factored| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $))) (SIGNATURE |squareFreePolynomial| ((|Factored| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)))) |noBranch|) (IF (|has| |#1| (|RetractableTo| (|Integer|))) (ATTRIBUTE (|RetractableTo| (|AlgebraicNumber|))) |noBranch|)) |noBranch|) (SIGNATURE |coerce| ($ (|Expression| |#1|))))) has no (IF (|has| |#1| (|IntegralDomain|)) (PROGN (ATTRIBUTE (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace| |#1|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|CombinatorialOpsCategory|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|LiouvillianFunctionCategory|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|SpecialFunctionCategory|)) (SIGNATURE |reduce| ($ $)) (SIGNATURE |number?| ((|Boolean|) $)) (SIGNATURE |simplifyPower| ($ $ (|Integer|))) (IF (|has| |#1| (|GcdDomain|)) (PROGN (SIGNATURE |factorPolynomial| ((|Factored| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $))) (SIGNATURE |squareFreePolynomial| ((|Factored| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| $)))) |noBranch|) (IF (|has| |#1| (|RetractableTo| (|Integer|))) (ATTRIBUTE (|RetractableTo| (|AlgebraicNumber|))) |noBranch|) (SIGNATURE |setSimplifyDenomsFlag| ((|Boolean|) (|Boolean|))) (SIGNATURE |getSimplifyDenomsFlag| ((|Boolean|)))) |noBranch|) finalizing NRLIB DEXPR Processing DistributedExpression for Browser database: --->-->DistributedExpression(constructor): Not documented!!!! --------(reduce (% %))--------- --------(number? ((Boolean) %))--------- --------(simplifyPower (% % (Integer)))--------- --->-->DistributedExpression((simplifyPower (% % (Integer)))): Improper first word in comments: simplifyPower? "simplifyPower?(\\spad{f},{}\\spad{n}) \\undocumented{}" --------(factorPolynomial ((Factored (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)) (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)))--------- --------(squareFreePolynomial ((Factored (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)) (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)))--------- --->-->DistributedExpression((coerce (% (Expression R)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->DistributedExpression(): Missing Description ; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/DEXPR.NRLIB/DEXPR.lsp" (written 19 SEP 2014 09:22:21 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/DEXPR.NRLIB/DEXPR.fasl written ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DistributedExpression is now explicitly exposed in frame initial DistributedExpression will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/DEXPR.NRLIB/DEXPR

Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to tell Axiom to take all the exported functions of a given domain and export them. So we have to include the whole Exports section of EXPR...


\label{eq6}{6 \ {x_{2}}\ {\sin \left({z}\right)}}+{{12}\ {x_{1}}\ {\sin \left({z}\right)}}+{4 \ {{x_{2}}^{2}}}+{8 \ {x_{1}}\ {x_{2}}}(6)
Type: DistributedExpression?(Integer)
((1+2*a+3*b)*(4*c+5*d))::DEXPR INT

\label{eq7}{8 \ {x_{2}}\ {x_{4}}}+{{10}\ {x_{1}}\ {x_{4}}}+{{12}\ {x_{2}}\  d}+{{15}\ {x_{1}}\  d}+{4 \ {x_{2}}}+{5 \ {x_{1}}}(7)
Type: DistributedExpression?(Integer)

\label{eq8}{{\left({{15}\  b}+{{10}\  a}+ 5 \right)}\  d}+{{\left({{12}\  b}+{8 \  a}+ 4 \right)}\  c}(8)
Type: Polynomial(Integer)

duplicate exported functions --Bill Page, Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:45:30 -0500 reply
Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to tell Axiom to take all the exported functions of a given domain and export them.

Isn't this a case where one should define a category relevant to both Expression and DistributedExpression? in order to avoid duplication of the list of exports?

Yes, but since Spad doesn't support Aldor's keyword extend, this cannot be done post factum...