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Edit detail for AxServer revision 3 of 3

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Editor: alfredo
Time: 2008/03/16 21:22:01 GMT-7

-  (si::open path :direction :input :if-exists nil :if-does-not-exist nil)
-  )
 (si::open path :direction :input :if-exists nil :if-does-not-exist nil)

(defun |WriteLine| (string &optional (outstream *standard-output*))
 (write-line string outstream)
 (finish-output outstream) )

-             (function
-              (lambda (w) (SPADCALL w spadfn) )
-              )
-             :daemon nil)
- )
             (lambda (w) (SPADCALL w spadfn) )
            :daemon nil)

-     ((eq c '#\Space))
-     (setq get (concat get (string c)))
-     )
    ((eq c '#\Space))
    (setq get (concat get (string c)))

-     ((eq c '#\Space))
-     (setq pathvar (concat pathvar (string c)))
-     )
    ((eq c '#\Space))
    (setq pathvar (concat pathvar (string c)))

-   (if (pathname-name (pathname pathvar))
-       (with-open-file (q pathvar) (si::copy-stream q s))
-     (dolist (l (directory pathvar)) (format s "~a~%" (namestring l)))
-     )
-   )
  (if (pathname-name (pathname pathvar))
      (with-open-file (q pathvar) (si::copy-stream q s))
    (dolist (l (directory pathvar)) (format s "~a~%" (namestring l)))

-       (tagbody l
-               (when (si::listen s)
-                       (let ((w (si::accept s)))
-                               (foo w)))
-               (sleep 10000)
-               (go l))))
      (tagbody l
              (when (si::listen s)
                      (let ((w (si::accept s)))
                              (foo w)))
              (sleep 10000)
              (go l))))

-   axServer: (Integer, SExpression->Void) -> Void
-   multiServ: SExpression -> Void
  axServer: (Integer, SExpression->Void) -> Void
  multiServ: SExpression -> Void

-   getFile: (SExpression,String) -> Void
-   getCommand: (SExpression,String) -> Void
-   lastStep: () -> String
-   lastType: () -> String
-   formatMessages: String -> String
-   getContentType: String -> String
-   axServer(port:Integer,serverfunc:SExpression->Void):Void ==
-     WriteLine("socketServer")$Lisp
-     s := SiSock(port,serverfunc)$Lisp
-     -- To listen for just one connection and then close the socket
-     -- uncomment i := 0.
-     i:Integer := 1
-     while (i > 0) repeat
-       if not null?(SiListen(s)$Lisp)$SExpression then
-         w := SiAccept(s)$Lisp
-         serverfunc(w)
  getFile: (SExpression,String) -> Void
  getCommand: (SExpression,String) -> Void
  lastStep: () -> String
  lastType: () -> String
  formatMessages: String -> String
  getContentType: String -> String

  axServer(port:Integer,serverfunc:SExpression->Void):Void ==
    s := SiSock(port,serverfunc)$Lisp
    -- To listen for just one connection and then close the socket
    -- uncomment i := 0.
    i:Integer := 1
    while (i > 0) repeat
      if not null?(SiListen(s)$Lisp)$SExpression then
        w := SiAccept(s)$Lisp

-   multiServ(s:SExpression):Void ==
-         WriteLine("multiServ begin")$Lisp
-         headers:String := ""
-         char:String
-         -- read in the http headers
-         while (char := STRING(READ_-CHAR_-NO_-HANG(s,NIL$Lisp,'EOF)$Lisp)$Lisp) ^= "EOF" repeat
-             headers := concat [headers,char]
-         sayTeX$Lisp headers
-         StringMatch("([^ ]*)", headers)$Lisp
-         u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
-         u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
-         reqtype:String := headers.u
-         sayTeX$Lisp  concat ["request type: ",reqtype]
-         if  reqtype = "GET" then
-             StringMatch("GET ([^ ]*)",headers)$Lisp
-             u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
-             u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
-             getFile(s,headers.u)
-         if reqtype = "POST" then
-             StringMatch("command=(.*)$",headers)$Lisp
-             u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
-             u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
-             getCommand(s,headers.u)
-         WriteLine("multiServ end")$Lisp
-         WriteLine("")$Lisp
-   getFile(s:SExpression,pathvar:String):Void ==
-       WriteLine("")$Lisp
-       WriteLine("getFile")$Lisp
-       if not null? PATHNAME_-NAME(PATHNAME(pathvar)$Lisp)$Lisp then
-       -- display contents of file
-       --first determine Content-Type from file extension
-           contentType:String := getContentType(pathvar)
-           q:=Open(pathvar)$Lisp
-	   if null? q then
-	     q := MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("File doesn't exist")$Lisp
-	     WriteLine("File does not exist.")$Lisp
-       else
-           q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("Problem with file path")$Lisp
-       file:String := ""
-       WriteLine("begin reading file")$Lisp
-       r := MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp
-       SiCopyStream(q,r)$Lisp
-       filestream:String := GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(r)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(r)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(q)$Lisp
-       WriteLine("end reading file")$Lisp
-       filelength:String := string(#filestream)
-       file := concat ["Content-Length: ",filelength,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
-       file := concat ["Connection: close",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
-       file := concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
-       file := concat ["HTTP/1.1 200 OK",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
-       file := concat [file,filestream]
-       f:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(file)$Lisp
-       SiCopyStream(f,s)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(f)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(s)$Lisp
-       WriteLine("getFile end")$Lisp
-       WriteLine("")$Lisp
-   getCommand(s:SExpression,command:String):Void ==
-       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getCommand: ",command]
-       SETQ(tmpmathml$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(tmpalgebra$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(savemathml$Lisp, _$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(savealgebra$Lisp, _$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,tmpmathml$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
  multiServ(s:SExpression):Void ==
        WriteLine("multiServ begin")$Lisp
        headers:String := ""
        -- read in the http headers
        while (char :=
        STRING(READ_-CHAR_-NO_-HANG(s,NIL$Lisp,'EOF)$Lisp)$Lisp) ^= "EOF" and
         char ^= "NIL" repeat
--           WriteLine$Lisp "multiServ while"char
            headers := concat [headers,char]
        WriteLine$Lisp headers
        StringMatch("([^ ]*)", headers)$Lisp
        u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
        reqtype:String := headers.u
        WriteLine$Lisp  concat ["request type: ",reqtype]
        if  reqtype = "GET" then
            StringMatch("GET ([^ ]*)",headers)$Lisp
            u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
        if reqtype = "POST" then
            u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
        WriteLine("multiServ end")$Lisp

  getFile(s:SExpression,pathvar:String):Void ==
      if not null? PATHNAME_-NAME(PATHNAME(pathvar)$Lisp)$Lisp then
      -- display contents of file
      --first determine Content-Type from file extension
          contentType:String := getContentType(pathvar)
          if null? q then
            q := MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("File doesn't exist")$Lisp
            WriteLine("File does not exist.")$Lisp
          q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("Problem with file path")$Lisp
      file:String := ""
      WriteLine("begin reading file")$Lisp
      r := MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp
      filestream:String := GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(r)$Lisp
      WriteLine("end reading file")$Lisp
      filelength:String := string(#filestream)
      file := concat ["Content-Length: ",filelength,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
      file := concat ["Connection: close",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
      file := concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType,STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
      file := concat ["HTTP/1.1 200 OK",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
      file := concat [file,filestream]
      WriteLine("getFile end")$Lisp

  getCommand(s:SExpression,command:String):Void ==
      WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getCommand: ",command]
      SETQ(tmpmathml$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
      SETQ(tmpalgebra$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
      SETQ(savemathml$Lisp, _$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
      SETQ(savealgebra$Lisp, _$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp

-       ans := string parseAndEvalToStringEqNum$Lisp command
-       SETQ(resultmathml$Lisp,GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(resultalgebra$Lisp,GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,savemathml$Lisp)$Lisp
-       SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,savealgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(tmpmathml$Lisp)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
-       -- Since strings returned from axiom are going to be displayed in html I
-       -- should really check for the characters &,<,> and replace them with
-       -- &amp;,&lt;,&gt;.  At present I only check for ampersands in formatMessages.
-       mathml:String := string(resultmathml$Lisp)
-       algebra:String := string(resultalgebra$Lisp)
-       algebra := formatMessages(algebra)
-       -- At this point mathml contains the mathml for the output but does not
-       -- include step number or type information.  We should also save the command.
-       -- I get the type and step number from the $internalHistoryTable
      ans := string parseAndEvalToStringEqNum$Lisp command
      -- Since strings returned from axiom are going to be displayed in html I
      -- should really check for the characters &,<,> and replace them with
      -- &amp;,&lt;,&gt;.  At present I only check for ampersands in formatMessages.
      mathml:String := string(resultmathml$Lisp)
      algebra:String := string(resultalgebra$Lisp)
      algebra := formatMessages(algebra)
      -- At this point mathml contains the mathml for the output but does not
      -- include step number or type information.  We should also save the command.
      -- I get the type and step number from the $internalHistoryTable

-       axans:String := concat ["<div class=_"stepnum_">", lastStep(), "</div><div class=_"command_">", command, "</div><div class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div><div class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div><div class=_"type_">",lastType(),"</div>"]       
-       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["mathml answer: ",mathml]
-       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["algebra answer: ",algebra]
-       q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(axans)$Lisp
-       SiCopyStream(q,s)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(q)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(s)$Lisp
-   lastType():String ==
---  The last history entry is the first item in the $internalHistoryTable list so
---  car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp) selects it.  Here's an example:
---  (3 (x+y)**3 (% (value (Polynomial (Integer)) WRAPPED 1 y (3 0 . 1) (2 1 x (1 0 . 3)) (1 1 x (2 0 . 3)) (0 1 x (3 0 . 1)))))
---  This corresponds to the input "(x+y)**3" being issued as the third command after
---  starting axiom.  The following line selects the type information.
-       string car(cdr(car(cdr(car(cdr(cdr(car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
-   lastStep():String ==
-       string car(car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
-   formatMessages(str:String):String ==
-       WriteLine("formatMessages")$Lisp
-       -- I need to replace any ampersands with &amp; and may also need to
-       -- replace < and > with &lt; and &gt;
-       strlist:List String
-       WriteLine(str)$Lisp
-       strlist := split(str,char "&")
-       str := ""
-       -- oops, if & is the last character in the string this method
-       -- will eliminate it.  Need to redo this.
-       for s in strlist repeat
-           str := concat [str,s,"&amp;"]
-       strlen:Integer := #str
-       str := str.(1..(#str - 5))
-       WriteLine(str)$Lisp
-       -- Here I split the string into lines and put each line in a "div".
-       strlist := split(str, char string NewlineChar$Lisp)
-       str := ""
-       WriteLine("formatMessages1")$Lisp
-       WriteLine(concat strlist)$Lisp
-       for s in strlist repeat
-           WriteLine(s)$Lisp
-           str := concat [str,"<div>",s,"</div>"]
-       str
-   getContentType(pathvar:String):String ==
-       WriteLine("getContentType begin")$Lisp
-       -- set default content type
-       contentType:String := "text/plain"
-       -- need to test for successful match?
-       StringMatch(".*\.(.*)$", pathvar)$Lisp
-       u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
-       u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
-       extension:String := pathvar.u
-       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["file extension: ",extension]
-       -- test for extensions: html, htm, xml, xhtml, js, css
-       if extension = "html" then
-           contentType:String := "text/html"
-       else if extension = "htm" then
-           contentType:String := "text/html"
-       else if extension = "xml" then
-           contentType:String := "text/xml"
-       else if extension = "xhtml" then
-           contentType:String := "application/xhtml+xml"
-       else if extension = "js" then
-           contentType:String := "text/javascript"
-       else if extension = "css" then
-           contentType:String := "text/css"
-       else if extension = "png" then
-           contentType:String := "image/png"
-       else if extension = "jpg" then
-           contentType:String := "image/jpeg"
-       else if extension = "jpeg" then
-           contentType:String := "image/jpeg"
-       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType]
-       WriteLine("getContentType end")$Lisp
-       contentType
      axans:String := concat ["<div class=_"stepnum_">", lastStep(), "</div><div class=_"command_">", command, "</div><div class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div><div class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div><div class=_"type_">",lastType(),"</div>"]
      WriteLine$Lisp concat ["mathml answer: ",mathml]
      WriteLine$Lisp concat ["algebra answer: ",algebra]

  lastType():String ==
  -- to examine the $internalHistoryTable uncomment the following lines
      WriteLine$Lisp "lastType begin"
  --  WriteLine$Lisp string _$internalHistoryTable$Lisp
  -- need to pick out first member of internalHistoryTable and then pick out
  -- the element with % as first element, here's an example showing just
  -- the first element of the list, which correponds to the last command.
  -- Note that the last command does not necessarily correspond to the last
  -- element of the first element of $internalHistoryTable as it is in this
  -- example.
  -- (4 NIL
  -- (x (value (BasicOperator) WRAPPED . #<vector 09a93bd0>))
  -- (y (value (BasicOperator) WRAPPED . #<vector 09a93bb4>))
  -- (% (value (Matrix (Polynomial (Integer))) WRAPPED . #<vector 0982e0e0>))
  -- )
  -- Also need to check for input error in which case the $internalHistoryTable
  -- is not changed and the type retrieved would be that for the last correct
  -- input.
      count:Integer := 0
      hisLength:Integer := LIST_-LENGTH(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp
      length:Integer := LIST_-LENGTH(first$Lisp)$Lisp
      -- This initializes stepSav.  The test is a bit of a hack, maybe I'll
      -- figure out the right way to do it later.
      if string stepSav$Lisp = "#<OBJNULL>" then SETQ(stepSav$Lisp, 0$Lisp)$Lisp
      -- If hisLength = 0 then the history table has been reset to NIL
      -- and we're starting numbering over
      if hisLength = 0 then SETQ(stepSav$Lisp, 0$Lisp)$Lisp
      if hisLength > 0 and
        CAR(CAR(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp ^= stepSav$Lisp then
          SETQ(stepSav$Lisp, CAR(CAR(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
          while count < length  repeat
              position(char "%",string FIRST(first$Lisp)$Lisp) = 2 => count := length+1
              count := count +1
      count = length + 1 => string SECOND(SECOND(FIRST(first$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp

  lastStep():String ==
      string CAR(CAR(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp

  formatMessages(str:String):String ==
      -- I need to replace any ampersands with &amp; and may also need to
      -- replace < and > with &lt; and &gt;
      strlist:List String
      WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages1"
      strlist := split(str,char "&")
      str := ""
      -- oops, if & is the last character in the string this method
      -- will eliminate it.  Need to redo this.
      for s in strlist repeat
          str := concat [str,s,"&amp;"]
      strlen:Integer := #str
      str := str.(1..(#str - 5))
      WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages2"
--       WriteLine(str)$Lisp
      -- Here I split the string into lines and put each line in a "div".
      WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages2.1"
      strlist := split(str, char string NewLine$Lisp)
      WriteLine$Lisp "formatMessages3"
      str := ""
      WriteLine(concat strlist)$Lisp
      for s in strlist repeat
          str := concat [str,"<div>",s,"</div>"]


  getContentType(pathvar:String):String ==
      WriteLine("getContentType begin")$Lisp
      -- set default content type
      contentType:String := "text/plain"
      -- need to test for successful match?
      StringMatch(".*\.(.*)$", pathvar)$Lisp
      u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
      extension:String := pathvar.u
      WriteLine$Lisp concat ["file extension: ",extension]
      -- test for extensions: html, htm, xml, xhtml, js, css
      if extension = "html" then
          contentType:String := "text/html"
      else if extension = "htm" then
          contentType:String := "text/html"
      else if extension = "xml" then
          contentType:String := "text/xml"
      else if extension = "xhtml" then
          contentType:String := "application/xhtml+xml"
      else if extension = "js" then
          contentType:String := "text/javascript"
      else if extension = "css" then
          contentType:String := "text/css"
      else if extension = "png" then
          contentType:String := "image/png"
      else if extension = "jpg" then
          contentType:String := "image/jpeg"
      else if extension = "jpeg" then
          contentType:String := "image/jpeg"
      WriteLine$Lisp concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType]
      WriteLine("getContentType end")$Lisp

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