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Edit detail for #325 Severe bug in 'normalize$EFSTRUC' revision 1 of 21

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Time: 2007/11/17 22:26:44 GMT-8
Note: escape $

Unfortunately there is a severe bug in 'normalize\$EFSTRUC', which affects  summation ('innersum\$SUMFS'), maybe also integration.

T := t^(n^2)*(sqrt(1+t))^n
S := T/eval(T, n=n-1)
normalize S

The result of 'normalize' should really be equivalent to 'S'. 
This should be fixed as soon as possible,


Submitted by : (unknown) at: 2007-11-17T22:26:44-08:00 (16 years ago)
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Unfortunately there is a severe bug in normalize$EFSTRUC, which affects summation (innersum$SUMFS), maybe also integration.

T := t^(n^2)*(sqrt(1+t))^n
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: Expression Integer
S := T/eval(T, n=n-1)
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: Expression Integer
normalize S
LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: Expression Integer

The result of normalize should really be equivalent to S. This should be fixed as soon as possible,
