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Edit detail for #288 seriesSolve cannot find fixedPointExquo revision 1 of 2

1 2
Time: 2007/11/17 22:21:41 GMT-8
Note: noticed possible duplicate

For some reason
y:=operator 'y
seriesSolve(-1+(1-2*x)*y(x)-(1-4*x)*D(y(x),x)=0, y, x = 0, [1])

fails. We need to expose 'UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver' first:
)expose UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver
seriesSolve(-1+(1-2*x)*y(x)-(1-4*x)*D(y(x),x)=0, y, x = 0, [1])

Furthermore, the documentation of 'seriesSolve' is not quite clear to me. Why does::

  seriesSolve(-1+(1-2*x)*y(x)+x*(1-4*x)*D(y(x),x)=0, y, x = 0, [1])

fail - it should give the Catalan numbers.


From kratt6 Wed Dec 13 06:41:06 -0600 2006
From: kratt6
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:41:06 -0600
Subject: noticed possible duplicate
Message-ID: <20061213064106-0600@wiki.axiom-developer.org>

This one is at least related, if not identical? to #301

Submitted by : (unknown) at: 2007-11-17T22:21:41-08:00 (16 years ago)
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For some reason

y:=operator 'y
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: BasicOperator?
seriesSolve(-1+(1-2*x)*y(x)-(1-4*x)*D(y(x),x)=0, y, x = 0, [1])
There are no exposed library operations named fixedPointExquo but there is one unexposed operation with that name. Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )display op fixedPointExquo to learn more about the available operation. Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named fixedPointExquo with argument type(s) UnivariateTaylorSeries(Expression Integer,x,0) Polynomial Integer
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need. FriCAS will attempt to step through and interpret the code.
Compiling function %B with type List UnivariateTaylorSeries(
      Expression Integer,x,0) -> UnivariateTaylorSeries(Expression 
   There are no exposed library operations named fixedPointExquo but 
      there is one unexposed operation with that name. Use HyperDoc 
      Browse or issue
                         )display op fixedPointExquo
      to learn more about the available operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named fixedPointExquo with argument type(s) UnivariateTaylorSeries(Expression Integer,x,0) Polynomial Integer
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

fails. We need to expose UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver first:

)expose UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver
UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver is now explicitly exposed in frame initial seriesSolve(-1+(1-2*x)*y(x)-(1-4*x)*D(y(x),x)=0, y, x = 0, [1])
Compiling function %D with type List UnivariateTaylorSeries(
      Expression Integer,x,0) -> UnivariateTaylorSeries(Expression 
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: UnivariateTaylorSeries?(Expression Integer,x,0)

Furthermore, the documentation of seriesSolve is not quite clear to me. Why does:

  seriesSolve(-1+(1-2*x)*y(x)+x*(1-4*x)*D(y(x),x)=0, y, x = 0, [1])

fail - it should give the Catalan numbers.


noticed possible duplicate --kratt6, Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:41:06 -0600 reply
This one is at least related, if not identical? to #301