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Edit detail for #180 bug #9216 differentiating sums with respect to a bound is wrong revision 1 of 2

1 2
Time: 2007/11/17 22:03:45 GMT-8
Note: applied in patch-41

differentiating sums with respect to a bound is wrong

  The function $$n\mapsto\sum_{k=1}^n f(k,n)$$ is well defined only for integral values of $n$ greater than or equal to zero. There is not even consensus how to define this function for $n<0$. Thus, it is not differentiable. The fix I propose is thus

<a href="dvdpatch2.patch">dvdpatch2.patch</a>

This fix obsoletes the discussion from here on...

Mathematically axiom produces correct output now, however I'm not sure
whether my patch is best possible.

Maybe there should be a function D in OutputForm that displays unevaluated
differentiation. Also, I find it ugly to use the raw %diff operator in COMBF.
Furthermore, is it necessary to substitute a dummy variable for the variable
of differentiation?

Update of Savannah patch # 3148 (project axiom):

Mon 06/21/2004 at 11:15, comment # 1::

  Also, it does not fix bug #9218
  Martin Rubey <kratt6>

Tue 12/28/2004 at 14:35, comment # 2::

  What is the status of this patch?
  Bill Page <billpage1>
  Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.

Continuation of issue #179

Attached Files

  dvdpatch.patch added by kratt6 (2.07KB)

<a href="dvdpatch.patch">dvdpatch.patch</a>

Compile and Test

  SPAD files for the functional world should be compiled in the
  following order::

    op  kl  function  funcpkgs  manip  algfunc
    elemntry  constant  funceval  COMBFUNC  fe

)abbrev category COMBOPC CombinatorialOpsCategory
++ Category for summations and products
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: ???
++ Date Last Updated: 22 February 1993 (JHD/BMT)
++ Description:
++   CombinatorialOpsCategory is the category obtaining by adjoining
++   summations and products to the usual combinatorial operations;
CombinatorialOpsCategory(): Category ==
  CombinatorialFunctionCategory with
    factorials : $ -> $
      ++ factorials(f) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
      ++ in terms of factorials;
    factorials : ($, Symbol) -> $
      ++ factorials(f, x) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
      ++ involving x in terms of factorials;
    summation  : ($, Symbol)            -> $
      ++ summation(f(n), n) returns the formal sum S(n) which verifies
      ++ S(n+1) - S(n) = f(n);
    summation  : ($, SegmentBinding $)  -> $
      ++ summation(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + ... + f(b) as a
      ++ formal sum;
    product    : ($, Symbol)            -> $
      ++ product(f(n), n) returns the formal product P(n) which verifies
      ++ P(n+1)/P(n) = f(n);
    product    : ($, SegmentBinding  $) -> $
      ++ product(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) * ... * f(b) as a
      ++ formal product;

)abbrev package COMBF CombinatorialFunction
++ Provides the usual combinatorial functions
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 2 Aug 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 14 December 1994
++ Description:
++   Provides combinatorial functions over an integral domain.
++ Keywords: combinatorial, function, factorial.
++ Examples:  )r COMBF INPUT

CombinatorialFunction(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
  R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain)
  F: FunctionSpace R

  OP  ==> BasicOperator
  K   ==> Kernel F
  SE  ==> Symbol
  O   ==> OutputForm
  SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
  Z   ==> Integer

  POWER       ==> "%power"::Symbol
  OPEXP       ==> "exp"::Symbol
  SPECIALDIFF ==> "%specialDiff"
  SPECIALDISP ==> "%specialDisp"

  Exports ==> with
    belong?    : OP -> Boolean
      ++ belong?(op) is true if op is a combinatorial operator;
    operator   : OP -> OP
      ++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
      ++ properties appropriate for F;
      ++ error if op is not a combinatorial operator;
    "**"       : (F, F) -> F
      ++ a ** b is the formal exponential a**b;
    binomial   : (F, F) -> F
      ++ binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects
      ++ taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! * (n-r)!);
    permutation: (F, F) -> F
      ++ permutation(n, r) returns the number of permutations of
      ++ n objects taken r at a time, i.e. n!/(n-r)!;
    factorial  : F -> F
      ++ factorial(n) returns the factorial of n, i.e. n!;
    factorials : F -> F
      ++ factorials(f) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
      ++ in terms of factorials;
    factorials : (F, SE) -> F
      ++ factorials(f, x) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
      ++ involving x in terms of factorials;
    summation  : (F, SE) -> F
      ++ summation(f(n), n) returns the formal sum S(n) which verifies
      ++ S(n+1) - S(n) = f(n);
    summation  : (F, SegmentBinding F)  -> F
      ++ summation(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + ... + f(b) as a
      ++ formal sum;
    product    : (F, SE) -> F
      ++ product(f(n), n) returns the formal product P(n) which verifies
      ++ P(n+1)/P(n) = f(n);
    product    : (F, SegmentBinding  F) -> F
      ++ product(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) * ... * f(b) as a
      ++ formal product;
    iifact     : F -> F
      ++ iifact(x) should be local but conditional;
    iibinom    : List F -> F
      ++ iibinom(l) should be local but conditional;
    iiperm     : List F -> F
      ++ iiperm(l) should be local but conditional;
    iipow      : List F -> F
      ++ iipow(l) should be local but conditional;
    iidsum     : List F -> F
      ++ iidsum(l) should be local but conditional;
    iidprod    : List F -> F
      ++ iidprod(l) should be local but conditional;
    ipow       : List F -> F
      ++ ipow(l) should be local but conditional;

  Implementation ==> add
    ifact     : F -> F
    iiipow    : List F -> F
    iperm     : List F -> F
    ibinom    : List F -> F
    isum      : List F -> F
    idsum     : List F -> F
    iprod     : List F -> F
    idprod    : List F -> F
    ddsum     : List F -> O
    ddprod    : List F -> O
    ddiff     : List F -> O
    fourth    : List F -> F
    dvpow1    : List F -> F
    dvpow2    : List F -> F
    summand   : List F -> F
    dvsum     : (List F, SE) -> F
    dvdsum    : (List F, SE) -> F
    facts     : (F, List SE) -> F
    K2fact    : (K, List SE) -> F
    smpfact   : (SMP, List SE) -> F

    dummy == new()$SE :: F
-- this works if we don't accidently use such a symbol as a bound of summation
-- or product 
    opfact  := operator("factorial"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opperm  := operator("permutation"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opbinom := operator("binomial"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opsum   := operator("summation"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opdsum  := operator("%defsum"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opprod  := operator("product"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opdprod := operator("%defprod"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    oppow   := operator(POWER::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opdiff  := operator("%diff"::Symbol)$CommonOperators

    factorial x          == opfact x
    binomial(x, y)       == opbinom [x, y]
    permutation(x, y)    == opperm [x, y]

    import F
    import Kernel F

    number?(x:F):Boolean ==
      if R has RetractableTo(Z) then
        ground?(x) or
         ((retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction(Z),"failed")) case Fraction(Z))

    x ** y               == 
      -- Do some basic simplifications
      is?(x,POWER) =>
        args : List F := argument first kernels x
        not(#args = 2) => error "Too many arguments to **"
        number?(first args) and number?(y) =>
          oppow [first(args)**y, second args]
        oppow [first args, (second args)* y]
      -- Generic case
      exp : Union(Record(val:F,exponent:Z),"failed") := isPower x
      exp case Record(val:F,exponent:Z) =>
        expr := exp::Record(val:F,exponent:Z)
        oppow [expr.val, (expr.exponent)*y]
      oppow [x, y]

    belong? op           == has?(op, "comb")
    fourth l             == third rest l
    dvpow1 l             == second(l) * first(l) ** (second l - 1)
    factorials x         == facts(x, variables x)
    factorials(x, v)     == facts(x, [v])
    facts(x, l)          == smpfact(numer x, l) / smpfact(denom x, l)
    summand l            == eval(first l, retract(second l)@K, third l)

    product(x:F, i:SE) ==
      dm := dummy
      opprod [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]

    summation(x:F, i:SE) ==
      dm := dummy
      opsum [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]

    dvsum(l, x) ==
      k  := retract(second l)@K
      differentiate(third l, x) * summand l
          + opsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, third l]

    dvdsum(l, x) ==
      x = retract(y := third l)@SE => 0
      if member?(x, variables(h := third rest rest l)) or 
         member?(x, variables(g := third rest l)) then
        dm := dummy
        kernel(opdiff, [eval(opdsum(l), x::F, dm), dm, x::F])
        opdsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, y, g, h]

    ddprod l ==
      prod(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)

    ddsum l ==
      sum(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)
    ddiff l ==
      prefix(sub(D::O, third(l)::O), [eval(first(l), second(l), third(l))::O])

    product(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) ==
      k := kernel(variable s)$K
      dm := dummy
      opdprod [eval(x,k,dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]

    summation(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) ==
      k := kernel(variable s)$K
      dm := dummy
      opdsum [eval(x,k,dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]

    smpfact(p, l) ==
      map(K2fact(#1, l), #1::F, p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(
        IndexedExponents K, K, R, SMP, F)

    K2fact(k, l) ==
      empty? [v for v in variables(kf := k::F) | member?(v, l)] => kf
      empty?(args:List F := [facts(a, l) for a in argument k]) => kf
      is?(k, opperm) =>
        factorial(n := first args) / factorial(n - second args)
      is?(k, opbinom) =>
        n := first args
        p := second args
        factorial(n) / (factorial(p) * factorial(n-p))
      (operator k) args

    operator op ==
      is?(op, "factorial"::Symbol)   => opfact
      is?(op, "permutation"::Symbol) => opperm
      is?(op, "binomial"::Symbol)    => opbinom
      is?(op, "summation"::Symbol)   => opsum
      is?(op, "%defsum"::Symbol)     => opdsum
      is?(op, "product"::Symbol)     => opprod
      is?(op, "%defprod"::Symbol)    => opdprod
      is?(op, POWER)                 => oppow
      error "Not a combinatorial operator"

    iprod l ==
      zero? first l => 0
--      one? first l => 1
      (first l = 1) => 1
      kernel(opprod, l)

    isum l ==
      zero? first l => 0
      kernel(opsum, l)

    idprod l ==
      member?(retract(second l)@SE, variables first l) =>
        kernel(opdprod, l)
      first(l) ** (fourth rest l - fourth l + 1)

    idsum l ==
      member?(retract(second l)@SE, variables first l) =>
        kernel(opdsum, l)
      first(l) * (fourth rest l - fourth l + 1)

    ifact x ==
--      zero? x or one? x => 1
      zero? x or (x = 1) => 1
      kernel(opfact, x)

    ibinom l ==
      n := first l
      ((p := second l) = 0) or (p = n) => 1
--      one? p or (p = n - 1) => n
      (p = 1) or (p = n - 1) => n
      kernel(opbinom, l)

    iperm l ==
      zero? second l => 1
      kernel(opperm, l)

    if R has RetractableTo Z then
      iidsum l ==
        (r1:=retractIfCan(fourth l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
         case "failed" or
          (r2:=retractIfCan(fourth rest l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
            case "failed" or
             (k:=retractIfCan(second l)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed"
               => idsum l
        +/[eval(first l,k::K,i::F) for i in r1::Z .. r2::Z]

      iidprod l ==
        (r1:=retractIfCan(fourth l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
         case "failed" or
          (r2:=retractIfCan(fourth rest l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
            case "failed" or
             (k:=retractIfCan(second l)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed"
               => idprod l
        */[eval(first l,k::K,i::F) for i in r1::Z .. r2::Z]

      iiipow l ==
          (u := isExpt(x := first l, OPEXP)) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l)
          rec := u::Record(var: K, exponent: Z)
          y := first argument(rec.var)
          (r := retractIfCan(y)@Union(Fraction Z, "failed")) case
              "failed" => kernel(oppow, l)
          (operator(rec.var)) (rec.exponent * y * second l)

      if F has RadicalCategory then
        ipow l ==
          (r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(Fraction Z,"failed"))
            case "failed" => iiipow l
          first(l) ** (r::Fraction(Z))
        ipow l ==
          (r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(Z, "failed"))
            case "failed" => iiipow l
          first(l) ** (r::Z)

      ipow l ==
        zero?(x := first l) =>
          zero? second l => error "0 ** 0"
--        one? x or zero?(n := second l) => 1
        (x = 1) or zero?(n: F := second l) => 1
--        one? n => x
        (n = 1) => x
        (u := isExpt(x, OPEXP)) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l)
        rec := u::Record(var: K, exponent: Z)
--        one?(y := first argument(rec.var)) or y = -1 =>
        ((y := first argument(rec.var))=1) or y = -1 =>
            (operator(rec.var)) (rec.exponent * y * n)
        kernel(oppow, l)

    if R has CombinatorialFunctionCategory then
      iifact x ==
        (r:=retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => ifact x

      iiperm l ==
        (r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
          (r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
            => iperm l
        permutation(r1::R, r2::R)::F

      if R has RetractableTo(Z) and F has Algebra(Fraction(Z)) then
         iibinom l ==
           (s:=retractIfCan(first l-second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case R and
             (t:=retractIfCan(s)@Union(Z,"failed")) case Z and s>0=>
              for i in 1..t repeat
                  ans:=ans*(second l+i::R::F)
              (1/factorial t) * ans
           (r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
             (r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
               => ibinom l
           binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F

         iibinom l ==
           (r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
             (r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
               => ibinom l
           binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F

      iifact x  == ifact x
      iibinom l == ibinom l
      iiperm l  == iperm l

    if R has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
      iipow l ==
        (r1:=retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
          (r2:=retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
            => ipow l
        (r1::R ** r2::R)::F
      iipow l == ipow l

    if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
      dvpow2 l == log(first l) * first(l) ** second(l)

    evaluate(opfact, iifact)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
    evaluate(oppow, iipow)
    evaluate(opperm, iiperm)
    evaluate(opbinom, iibinom)
    evaluate(opsum, isum)
    evaluate(opdsum, iidsum)
    evaluate(opprod, iprod)
    evaluate(opdprod, iidprod)
    derivative(oppow, [dvpow1, dvpow2])
    setProperty(opsum,SPECIALDIFF,dvsum@((List F,SE) -> F) pretend None)
    setProperty(opdsum,SPECIALDIFF,dvdsum@((List F,SE)->F) pretend None)
    setProperty(opdsum,  SPECIALDISP,  ddsum@(List F -> O) pretend None)
    setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALDISP, ddprod@(List F -> O) pretend None)
    setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALDISP, ddiff@(List F -> O) pretend None)

)abbrev package FSPECF FunctionalSpecialFunction
++ Provides the special functions
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 18 Apr 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 4 October 1993
++ Description: Provides some special functions over an integral domain.
++ Keywords: special, function.
FunctionalSpecialFunction(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
  R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain)
  F: FunctionSpace R

  OP  ==> BasicOperator
  K   ==> Kernel F
  SE  ==> Symbol

  Exports ==> with
    belong? : OP -> Boolean
      ++ belong?(op) is true if op is a special function operator;
    operator: OP -> OP
      ++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
      ++ properties appropriate for F;
      ++ error if op is not a special function operator
    abs     : F -> F
        ++ abs(f) returns the absolute value operator applied to f
    Gamma   : F -> F
      ++ Gamma(f) returns the formal Gamma function applied to f
    Gamma   : (F,F) -> F
      ++ Gamma(a,x) returns the incomplete Gamma function applied to a and x
    Beta:      (F,F) -> F
        ++ Beta(x,y) returns the beta function applied to x and y
    digamma:   F->F
        ++ digamma(x) returns the digamma function applied to x 
    polygamma: (F,F) ->F
        ++ polygamma(x,y) returns the polygamma function applied to x and y
    besselJ:   (F,F) -> F
        ++ besselJ(x,y) returns the besselj function applied to x and y
    besselY:   (F,F) -> F
        ++ besselY(x,y) returns the bessely function applied to x and y
    besselI:   (F,F) -> F
        ++ besselI(x,y) returns the besseli function applied to x and y
    besselK:   (F,F) -> F
        ++ besselK(x,y) returns the besselk function applied to x and y
    airyAi:    F -> F
        ++ airyAi(x) returns the airyai function applied to x 
    airyBi:    F -> F
        ++ airyBi(x) returns the airybi function applied to x

    iiGamma : F -> F
      ++ iiGamma(x) should be local but conditional;
    iiabs     : F -> F
      ++ iiabs(x) should be local but conditional;

  Implementation ==> add
    iabs     : F -> F
    iGamma:     F -> F

    opabs       := operator("abs"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opGamma     := operator("Gamma"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opGamma2    := operator("Gamma2"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opBeta      := operator("Beta"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opdigamma   := operator("digamma"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    oppolygamma := operator("polygamma"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opBesselJ   := operator("besselJ"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opBesselY   := operator("besselY"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opBesselI   := operator("besselI"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opBesselK   := operator("besselK"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opAiryAi    := operator("airyAi"::Symbol)$CommonOperators
    opAiryBi    := operator("airyBi"::Symbol)$CommonOperators

    abs x         == opabs x
    Gamma(x)      == opGamma(x)
    Gamma(a,x)    == opGamma2(a,x)
    Beta(x,y)     == opBeta(x,y)
    digamma x     == opdigamma(x)
    polygamma(k,x)== oppolygamma(k,x)
    besselJ(a,x)  == opBesselJ(a,x)
    besselY(a,x)  == opBesselY(a,x)
    besselI(a,x)  == opBesselI(a,x)
    besselK(a,x)  == opBesselK(a,x)
    airyAi(x)     == opAiryAi(x)
    airyBi(x)     == opAiryBi(x)

    belong? op == has?(op, "special")

    operator op ==
      is?(op, "abs"::Symbol)      => opabs
      is?(op, "Gamma"::Symbol)    => opGamma
      is?(op, "Gamma2"::Symbol)   => opGamma2
      is?(op, "Beta"::Symbol)     => opBeta
      is?(op, "digamma"::Symbol)  => opdigamma
      is?(op, "polygamma"::Symbol)=> oppolygamma
      is?(op, "besselJ"::Symbol)  => opBesselJ
      is?(op, "besselY"::Symbol)  => opBesselY
      is?(op, "besselI"::Symbol)  => opBesselI
      is?(op, "besselK"::Symbol)  => opBesselK
      is?(op, "airyAi"::Symbol)   => opAiryAi
      is?(op, "airyBi"::Symbol)   => opAiryBi

      error "Not a special operator"

    -- Could put more unconditional special rules for other functions here
    iGamma x ==
--      one? x => x
      (x = 1) => x
      kernel(opGamma, x)

    iabs x ==
      zero? x => 0
      is?(x, opabs) => x
      x < 0 => kernel(opabs, -x)
      kernel(opabs, x)

    -- Could put more conditional special rules for other functions here

    if R has abs : R -> R then
      iiabs x ==
        (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction Polynomial R, "failed"))
          case "failed" => iabs x
        f := r::Fraction Polynomial R
        (a := retractIfCan(numer f)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed" or
          (b := retractIfCan(denom f)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iabs x
        abs(a::R)::F / abs(b::R)::F

    else iiabs x == iabs x

    if R has SpecialFunctionCategory then
      iiGamma x ==
        (r:=retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iGamma x

      if R has RetractableTo Integer then
        iiGamma x ==
          (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case Integer
            and (r::Integer >= 1) => factorial(r::Integer - 1)::F
          iGamma x
        iiGamma x == iGamma x

    -- Default behaviour is to build a kernel
    evaluate(opGamma, iiGamma)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
    evaluate(opabs, iiabs)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)

    import Fraction Integer
    ahalf:  F    := recip(2::F)::F
    athird: F    := recip(2::F)::F
    twothirds: F := 2*recip(3::F)::F

    lzero(l: List F): F == 0

    iBesselJGrad(l: List F): F ==
        n := first l; x := second l
        ahalf * (besselJ (n-1,x) - besselJ (n+1,x))
    iBesselYGrad(l: List F): F ==
        n := first l; x := second l
        ahalf * (besselY (n-1,x) - besselY (n+1,x))
    iBesselIGrad(l: List F): F ==
        n := first l; x := second l
        ahalf * (besselI (n-1,x) + besselI (n+1,x))
    iBesselKGrad(l: List F): F ==
        n := first l; x := second l
        ahalf * (besselK (n-1,x) + besselK (n+1,x))
    ipolygammaGrad(l: List F): F ==
        n := first l; x := second l
        polygamma(n+1, x)
    iBetaGrad1(l: List F): F ==
        x := first l; y := second l
        Beta(x,y)*(digamma x - digamma(x+y))
    iBetaGrad2(l: List F): F ==
        x := first l; y := second l
        Beta(x,y)*(digamma y - digamma(x+y))

    if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
      iGamma2Grad(l: List F):F ==
        a := first l; x := second l
        - x ** (a - 1) * exp(-x)
      derivative(opGamma2, [lzero, iGamma2Grad])

    derivative(opabs,       abs(#1) * inv(#1))
    derivative(opGamma,     digamma #1 * Gamma #1)
    derivative(opBeta,      [iBetaGrad1, iBetaGrad2])
    derivative(opdigamma,   polygamma(1, #1))
    derivative(oppolygamma, [lzero, ipolygammaGrad])
    derivative(opBesselJ,   [lzero, iBesselJGrad])
    derivative(opBesselY,   [lzero, iBesselYGrad])
    derivative(opBesselI,   [lzero, iBesselIGrad])
    derivative(opBesselK,   [lzero, iBesselKGrad])

)abbrev package SUMFS FunctionSpaceSum
++ Top-level sum function
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: ???
++ Date Last Updated: 19 April 1991
++ Description: computes sums of top-level expressions;
FunctionSpaceSum(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
  R: Join(IntegralDomain, OrderedSet,
          RetractableTo Integer, LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
  F: Join(FunctionSpace R, CombinatorialOpsCategory,
          AlgebraicallyClosedField, TranscendentalFunctionCategory)

  SE  ==> Symbol
  K   ==> Kernel F

  Exports ==> with
    sum: (F, SE) -> F
      ++ sum(a(n), n) returns A(n) such that A(n+1) - A(n) = a(n);
    sum: (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F
      ++ sum(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + f(a+1) + ... + f(b);

  Implementation ==> add
    import ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage(R, F)
    import GosperSummationMethod(IndexedExponents K, K, R,
                                 SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K), F)

    innersum: (F, K) -> Union(F, "failed")
    notRF?  : (F, K) -> Boolean
    newk    : () -> K

    newk() == kernel(new()$SE)

    sum(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) ==
      k := kernel(variable s)@K
      (u := innersum(x, k)) case "failed" => summation(x, s)
      eval(u::F, k, 1 + hi segment s) - eval(u::F, k, lo segment s)

    sum(x:F, v:SE) ==
      (u := innersum(x, kernel(v)@K)) case "failed" => summation(x,v)

    notRF?(f, k) ==
      for kk in tower f repeat
        member?(k, tower(kk::F)) and (symbolIfCan(kk) case "failed") =>
          return true

    innersum(x, k) ==
      zero? x => 0
      notRF?(f := normalize(x / (x1 := eval(x, k, k::F - 1))), k) =>
      (u := GospersMethod(f, k, newk)) case "failed" => "failed"
      x1 * eval(u::F, k, k::F - 1)
)lib COMBF
f:=operator 'f

From kratt6 Thu Jun 23 03:28:23 -0500 2005
From: kratt6
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 03:28:23 -0500
Subject: Old Discussion
Message-ID: <20050623032823-0500@page.axiom-developer.org>

> >  > #3148:  bug #9216 differentiating sums with respect to a 
> > bound is wrong [A]
> > 
> > in my opinion correct beyond doubt.
> In the patch report you wrote:
> "Mathematically axiom produces correct output now, however
> I'm not sure whether my patch is best possible.
> Maybe there should be a function D in OutputForm that displays
> unevaluated differentiation. Also, I find it ugly to use the
> raw %diff operator in COMBF. Furthermore, is it necessary to
> substitute a dummy variable for the variable of differentiation?"
> I am concerned that this is another case of a "quick fix" for
> which we should consider a more general solution of the kind
> that you suggest above.

In this case the situation is a tiny little bit different, since here also 
Axioms internal representation is wrong. Worse: the design of Axioms Algebra 
currently doesn't provide "unevaluated differentiation". Obviously, it was 
thought that anything can be differentiated. In fact, I'm almost sure that 
attempting to differentiate a sum by one of its bound should signal an error, 
because it is impossible to assign a mathematically correct meaning to it. In 
this sense, I'd suggest that we aim to reach consensus until end of January.

From kratt6 Thu Jun 23 05:15:30 -0500 2005
From: kratt6
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 05:15:30 -0500
Subject: property change
Message-ID: <20050623051530-0500@page.axiom-developer.org>

Category:  => Axiom Compiler 
Severity:  => critical 
Status:  => fix proposed 

From kratt6 Thu Jun 23 05:16:25 -0500 2005
From: kratt6
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 05:16:25 -0500
Subject: Mail from Manuel Bronstein
Message-ID: <20050623051625-0500@page.axiom-developer.org>


I finally took at look at your patch 3148 on dvdsum.
Your changes to dvdsum are fine, however the lines::

  +    ddiff l ==
  +      prefix(sub(D::O, third(l)::O), [eval(first(l), second(l), third(l))::O])


  +    setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALDISP, ddiff@(List F -> O) pretend None)

should be removed from the code: this property is being set in fspace.spad
already, and you are duplicating that code (with differences). Each source
file initializes the properties of the operators that it is particularly
responsible for. CommonOperators() ensures that the operators are shared by 
the clients, so the opdiff you are getting in combfunc.spad will have its
SPECIALDISP property set by fspace.spad at some point before it ever gets

Sorry that I don't know how to update your patch on savannah, I would have
done so directly otherwise.


-- mb

From kratt6 Tue Oct 4 05:54:32 -0500 2005
From: kratt6
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 05:54:32 -0500
Subject: applied in patch-41
Message-ID: <20051004055432-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org>

Status: fix proposed => closed 

Submitted by : (unknown) at: 2007-11-17T22:03:45-08:00 (16 years ago)
Name :
Axiom Version :
Category : Severity : Status :
Optional subject :  
Optional comment :

differentiating sums with respect to a bound is wrong

The function

LatexWiki Image 
is well defined only for integral values of LatexWiki Image greater than or equal to zero. There is not even consensus how to define this function for LatexWiki Image. Thus, it is not differentiable. The fix I propose is thus


This fix obsoletes the discussion from here on...

Mathematically axiom produces correct output now, however I'm not sure whether my patch is best possible.

Maybe there should be a function D in OutputForm? that displays unevaluated differentiation. Also, I find it ugly to use the raw %diff operator in COMBF. Furthermore, is it necessary to substitute a dummy variable for the variable of differentiation?

Update of Savannah patch # 3148 (project axiom):

Mon 06/21/2004 at 11:15, comment # 1:

  Also, it does not fix bug #9218
  Martin Rubey <kratt6>

Tue 12/28/2004 at 14:35, comment # 2:

  What is the status of this patch?
  Bill Page <billpage1>
  Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.

Continuation of issue #179

Attached Files

dvdpatch.patch added by kratt6 (2.07KB)


Compile and Test

SPAD files for the functional world should be compiled in the following order:

    op  kl  function  funcpkgs  manip  algfunc
    elemntry  constant  funceval  COMBFUNC  fe

)abbrev category COMBOPC CombinatorialOpsCategory
++ Category for summations and products
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: ???
++ Date Last Updated: 22 February 1993 (JHD/BMT)
++ Description:
++   CombinatorialOpsCategory is the category obtaining by adjoining
++   summations and products to the usual combinatorial operations;
CombinatorialOpsCategory(): Category ==
  CombinatorialFunctionCategory with
    factorials : $ -> $
      ++ factorials(f) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
      ++ in terms of factorials;
    factorials : ($, Symbol) -> $
      ++ factorials(f, x) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
      ++ involving x in terms of factorials;
    summation  : ($, Symbol)            -> $
      ++ summation(f(n), n) returns the formal sum S(n) which verifies
      ++ S(n+1) - S(n) = f(n);
    summation  : ($, SegmentBinding $)  -> $
      ++ summation(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + ... + f(b) as a
      ++ formal sum;
    product    : ($, Symbol)            -> $
      ++ product(f(n), n) returns the formal product P(n) which verifies
      ++ P(n+1)/P(n) = f(n);
    product    : ($, SegmentBinding  $) -> $
      ++ product(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a)  ...  f(b) as a
      ++ formal product;

)abbrev package COMBF CombinatorialFunction ++ Provides the usual combinatorial functions ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 2 Aug 1988 ++ Date Last Updated: 14 December 1994 ++ Description: ++ Provides combinatorial functions over an integral domain. ++ Keywords: combinatorial, function, factorial. ++ Examples: )r COMBF INPUT

CombinatorialFunction(R, F): Exports == Implementation where R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain) F: FunctionSpace R

OP ==> BasicOperator K ==> Kernel F SE ==> Symbol O ==> OutputForm SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K) Z ==> Integer

POWER ==> %power OPEXP ==> exp SPECIALDIFF ==> "%specialDiff" SPECIALDISP ==> "%specialDisp"

Exports ==> with belong? : OP -> Boolean ++ belong?(op) is true if op is a combinatorial operator; operator : OP -> OP ++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent ++ properties appropriate for F; ++ error if op is not a combinatorial operator; "" : (F, F) -> F ++ a b is the formal exponential a*b; binomial : (F, F) -> F ++ binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects ++ taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! (n-r)!); permutation: (F, F) -> F ++ permutation(n, r) returns the number of permutations of ++ n objects taken r at a time, i.e. n!/(n-r)!; factorial : F -> F ++ factorial(n) returns the factorial of n, i.e. n!; factorials : F -> F ++ factorials(f) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f ++ in terms of factorials; factorials : (F, SE) -> F ++ factorials(f, x) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f ++ involving x in terms of factorials; summation : (F, SE) -> F ++ summation(f(n), n) returns the formal sum S(n) which verifies ++ S(n+1) - S(n) = f(n); summation : (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F ++ summation(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + ... + f(b) as a ++ formal sum; product : (F, SE) -> F ++ product(f(n), n) returns the formal product P(n) which verifies ++ P(n+1)/P(n) = f(n); product : (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F ++ product(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) ... f(b) as a ++ formal product; iifact : F -> F ++ iifact(x) should be local but conditional; iibinom : List F -> F ++ iibinom(l) should be local but conditional; iiperm : List F -> F ++ iiperm(l) should be local but conditional; iipow : List F -> F ++ iipow(l) should be local but conditional; iidsum : List F -> F ++ iidsum(l) should be local but conditional; iidprod : List F -> F ++ iidprod(l) should be local but conditional; ipow : List F -> F ++ ipow(l) should be local but conditional;

Implementation ==> add ifact : F -> F iiipow : List F -> F iperm : List F -> F ibinom : List F -> F isum : List F -> F idsum : List F -> F iprod : List F -> F idprod : List F -> F ddsum : List F -> O ddprod : List F -> O ddiff : List F -> O fourth : List F -> F dvpow1 : List F -> F dvpow2 : List F -> F summand : List F -> F dvsum : (List F, SE) -> F dvdsum : (List F, SE) -> F facts : (F, List SE) -> F K2fact : (K, List SE) -> F smpfact : (SMP, List SE) -> F

dummy == new()$SE :: F
this works if we don't accidently use such a symbol as a bound of summation -- or product opfact := operator(factorial)$CommonOperators opperm := operator(permutation)$CommonOperators opbinom := operator(binomial)$CommonOperators opsum := operator(summation)$CommonOperators opdsum := operator(%defsum)$CommonOperators opprod := operator(product)$CommonOperators opdprod := operator(%defprod)$CommonOperators oppow := operator(POWER::Symbol)$CommonOperators opdiff := operator(%diff)$CommonOperators

factorial x == opfact x binomial(x, y) == opbinom [x, y] permutation(x, y) == opperm [x, y]

import F import Kernel F

number?(x:F):Boolean == if R has RetractableTo(Z) then ground?(x) or ((retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction(Z),"failed")) case Fraction(Z)) else ground?(x)

x ** y ==
Do some basic simplifications is?(x,POWER) => args : List F := argument first kernels x not(#args = 2) => error "Too many arguments to **" number?(first args) and number?(y) => oppow [first(args)**y, second args] oppow [first args, (second args)* y] -- Generic case exp : Union(Record(val:F,exponent:Z),"failed") := isPower x exp case Record(val:F,exponent:Z) => expr := exp::Record(val:F,exponent:Z) oppow [expr.val, (expr.exponent)*y] oppow [x, y]

belong? op == has?(op, "comb") fourth l == third rest l dvpow1 l == second(l) first(l) * (second l - 1) factorials x == facts(x, variables x) factorials(x, v) == facts(x, [v]) facts(x, l) == smpfact(numer x, l) / smpfact(denom x, l) summand l == eval(first l, retract(second l)@K, third l)

product(x:F, i:SE) == dm := dummy opprod [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]

summation(x:F, i:SE) == dm := dummy opsum [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]

dvsum(l, x) == k := retract(second l)@K differentiate(third l, x) * summand l + opsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, third l]

dvdsum(l, x) == x = retract(y := third l)@SE => 0 if member?(x, variables(h := third rest rest l)) or member?(x, variables(g := third rest l)) then dm := dummy kernel(opdiff, [eval(opdsum(l), x::F, dm), dm, x::F]) else opdsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, y, g, h]

ddprod l == prod(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)

ddsum l == sum(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)

ddiff l == prefix(sub(D::O, third(l)::O), [eval(first(l), second(l), third(l))::O])

product(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) == k := kernel(variable s)$K dm := dummy opdprod [eval(x,k,dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]

summation(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) == k := kernel(variable s)$K dm := dummy opdsum [eval(x,k,dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]

smpfact(p, l) == map(K2fact(#1, l), #1::F, p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting( IndexedExponents K, K, R, SMP, F)

K2fact(k, l) == empty? [v for v in variables(kf := k::F) | member?(v, l)] => kf empty?(args:List F := [facts(a, l) for a in argument k]) => kf is?(k, opperm) => factorial(n := first args) / factorial(n - second args) is?(k, opbinom) => n := first args p := second args factorial(n) / (factorial(p) * factorial(n-p)) (operator k) args

operator op == is?(op, factorial) => opfact is?(op, permutation) => opperm is?(op, binomial) => opbinom is?(op, summation) => opsum is?(op, %defsum) => opdsum is?(op, product) => opprod is?(op, %defprod) => opdprod is?(op, POWER) => oppow error "Not a combinatorial operator"

iprod l == zero? first l => 0 -- one? first l => 1 (first l = 1) => 1 kernel(opprod, l)

isum l == zero? first l => 0 kernel(opsum, l)

idprod l == member?(retract(second l)@SE, variables first l) => kernel(opdprod, l) first(l) ** (fourth rest l - fourth l + 1)

idsum l == member?(retract(second l)@SE, variables first l) => kernel(opdsum, l) first(l) * (fourth rest l - fourth l + 1)

ifact x ==
zero? x or one? x => 1 zero? x or (x = 1) => 1 kernel(opfact, x)

ibinom l == n := first l ((p := second l) = 0) or (p = n) => 1 -- one? p or (p = n - 1) => n (p = 1) or (p = n - 1) => n kernel(opbinom, l)

iperm l == zero? second l => 1 kernel(opperm, l)

if R has RetractableTo Z then iidsum l == (r1:=retractIfCan(fourth l)@Union(Z,"failed")) case "failed" or (r2:=retractIfCan(fourth rest l)@Union(Z,"failed")) case "failed" or (k:=retractIfCan(second l)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed" => idsum l +/[eval(first l,k::K,i::F) for i in r1::Z .. r2::Z]

iidprod l == (r1:=retractIfCan(fourth l)@Union(Z,"failed")) case "failed" or (r2:=retractIfCan(fourth rest l)@Union(Z,"failed")) case "failed" or (k:=retractIfCan(second l)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed" => idprod l */[eval(first l,k::K,i::F) for i in r1::Z .. r2::Z]

iiipow l == (u := isExpt(x := first l, OPEXP)) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l) rec := u::Record(var: K, exponent: Z) y := first argument(rec.var) (r := retractIfCan(y)@Union(Fraction Z, "failed")) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l) (operator(rec.var)) (rec.exponent y second l)

if F has RadicalCategory then ipow l == (r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(Fraction Z,"failed")) case "failed" => iiipow l first(l) (r::Fraction(Z)) else ipow l == (r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(Z, "failed")) case "failed" => iiipow l first(l) (r::Z)

else ipow l == zero?(x := first l) => zero? second l => error "0 * 0" 0 -- one? x or zero?(n := second l) => 1 (x = 1) or zero?(n: F := second l) => 1 -- one? n => x (n = 1) => x (u := isExpt(x, OPEXP)) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l) rec := u::Record(var: K, exponent: Z) -- one?(y := first argument(rec.var)) or y = -1 => ((y := first argument(rec.var))=1) or y = -1 => (operator(rec.var)) (rec.exponent y * n) kernel(oppow, l)

if R has CombinatorialFunctionCategory then iifact x == (r:=retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => ifact x factorial(r::R)::F

iiperm l == (r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or (r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iperm l permutation(r1::R, r2::R)::F

if R has RetractableTo(Z) and F has Algebra(Fraction(Z)) then iibinom l == (s:=retractIfCan(first l-second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case R and (t:=retractIfCan(s)@Union(Z,"failed")) case Z and s>0=> ans:=1::F for i in 1..t repeat ans:=ans(second l+i::R::F) (1/factorial t) ans (r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or (r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => ibinom l binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F

else iibinom l == (r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or (r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => ibinom l binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F

else iifact x == ifact x iibinom l == ibinom l iiperm l == iperm l

if R has ElementaryFunctionCategory then iipow l == (r1:=retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or (r2:=retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => ipow l (r1::R ** r2::R)::F else iipow l == ipow l

if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then dvpow2 l == log(first l) first(l) * second(l)

evaluate(opfact, iifact)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F) evaluate(oppow, iipow) evaluate(opperm, iiperm) evaluate(opbinom, iibinom) evaluate(opsum, isum) evaluate(opdsum, iidsum) evaluate(opprod, iprod) evaluate(opdprod, iidprod) derivative(oppow, [dvpow1, dvpow2]) setProperty(opsum,SPECIALDIFF,dvsum@((List F,SE) -> F) pretend None) setProperty(opdsum,SPECIALDIFF,dvdsum@((List F,SE)->F) pretend None) setProperty(opdsum, SPECIALDISP, ddsum@(List F -> O) pretend None) setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALDISP, ddprod@(List F -> O) pretend None) setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALDISP, ddiff@(List F -> O) pretend None)

)abbrev package FSPECF FunctionalSpecialFunction ++ Provides the special functions ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 18 Apr 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 4 October 1993 ++ Description: Provides some special functions over an integral domain. ++ Keywords: special, function. FunctionalSpecialFunction(R, F): Exports == Implementation where R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain) F: FunctionSpace R

OP ==> BasicOperator K ==> Kernel F SE ==> Symbol

Exports ==> with belong? : OP -> Boolean ++ belong?(op) is true if op is a special function operator; operator: OP -> OP ++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent ++ properties appropriate for F; ++ error if op is not a special function operator abs : F -> F ++ abs(f) returns the absolute value operator applied to f Gamma : F -> F ++ Gamma(f) returns the formal Gamma function applied to f Gamma : (F,F) -> F ++ Gamma(a,x) returns the incomplete Gamma function applied to a and x Beta: (F,F) -> F ++ Beta(x,y) returns the beta function applied to x and y digamma: F->F ++ digamma(x) returns the digamma function applied to x polygamma: (F,F) ->F ++ polygamma(x,y) returns the polygamma function applied to x and y besselJ: (F,F) -> F ++ besselJ(x,y) returns the besselj function applied to x and y besselY: (F,F) -> F ++ besselY(x,y) returns the bessely function applied to x and y besselI: (F,F) -> F ++ besselI(x,y) returns the besseli function applied to x and y besselK: (F,F) -> F ++ besselK(x,y) returns the besselk function applied to x and y airyAi: F -> F ++ airyAi(x) returns the airyai function applied to x airyBi: F -> F ++ airyBi(x) returns the airybi function applied to x

iiGamma : F -> F ++ iiGamma(x) should be local but conditional; iiabs : F -> F ++ iiabs(x) should be local but conditional;

Implementation ==> add iabs : F -> F iGamma: F -> F

opabs := operator(abs)$CommonOperators opGamma := operator(Gamma)$CommonOperators opGamma2 := operator(Gamma2)$CommonOperators opBeta := operator(Beta)$CommonOperators opdigamma := operator(digamma)$CommonOperators oppolygamma := operator(polygamma)$CommonOperators opBesselJ := operator(besselJ)$CommonOperators opBesselY := operator(besselY)$CommonOperators opBesselI := operator(besselI)$CommonOperators opBesselK := operator(besselK)$CommonOperators opAiryAi := operator(airyAi)$CommonOperators opAiryBi := operator(airyBi)$CommonOperators

abs x == opabs x Gamma(x) == opGamma(x) Gamma(a,x) == opGamma2(a,x) Beta(x,y) == opBeta(x,y) digamma x == opdigamma(x) polygamma(k,x)== oppolygamma(k,x) besselJ(a,x) == opBesselJ(a,x) besselY(a,x) == opBesselY(a,x) besselI(a,x) == opBesselI(a,x) besselK(a,x) == opBesselK(a,x) airyAi(x) == opAiryAi(x) airyBi(x) == opAiryBi(x)

belong? op == has?(op, "special")

operator op == is?(op, abs) => opabs is?(op, Gamma) => opGamma is?(op, Gamma2) => opGamma2 is?(op, Beta) => opBeta is?(op, digamma) => opdigamma is?(op, polygamma)=> oppolygamma is?(op, besselJ) => opBesselJ is?(op, besselY) => opBesselY is?(op, besselI) => opBesselI is?(op, besselK) => opBesselK is?(op, airyAi) => opAiryAi is?(op, airyBi) => opAiryBi

error "Not a special operator"

-- Could put more unconditional special rules for other functions here iGamma x == -- one? x => x (x = 1) => x kernel(opGamma, x)

iabs x == zero? x => 0 is?(x, opabs) => x x < 0 => kernel(opabs, -x) kernel(opabs, x)

-- Could put more conditional special rules for other functions here

if R has abs : R -> R then iiabs x == (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction Polynomial R, "failed")) case "failed" => iabs x f := r::Fraction Polynomial R (a := retractIfCan(numer f)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed" or (b := retractIfCan(denom f)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iabs x abs(a::R)::F / abs(b::R)::F

else iiabs x == iabs x

if R has SpecialFunctionCategory then iiGamma x == (r:=retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iGamma x Gamma(r::R)::F

else if R has RetractableTo Integer then iiGamma x == (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case Integer and (r::Integer >= 1) => factorial(r::Integer - 1)::F iGamma x else iiGamma x == iGamma x

-- Default behaviour is to build a kernel evaluate(opGamma, iiGamma)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F) evaluate(opabs, iiabs)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)

import Fraction Integer ahalf: F := recip(2::F)::F athird: F := recip(2::F)::F twothirds: F := 2*recip(3::F)::F

lzero(l: List F): F == 0

iBesselJGrad(l: List F): F == n := first l; x := second l ahalf (besselJ (n-1,x) - besselJ (n+1,x)) iBesselYGrad(l: List F): F == n := first l; x := second l ahalf (besselY (n-1,x) - besselY (n+1,x)) iBesselIGrad(l: List F): F == n := first l; x := second l ahalf (besselI (n-1,x) + besselI (n+1,x)) iBesselKGrad(l: List F): F == n := first l; x := second l ahalf (besselK (n-1,x) + besselK (n+1,x)) ipolygammaGrad(l: List F): F == n := first l; x := second l polygamma(n+1, x) iBetaGrad1(l: List F): F == x := first l; y := second l Beta(x,y)(digamma x - digamma(x+y)) iBetaGrad2(l: List F): F == x := first l; y := second l Beta(x,y)(digamma y - digamma(x+y))

if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then iGamma2Grad(l: List F):F == a := first l; x := second l - x * (a - 1) exp(-x) derivative(opGamma2, [lzero, iGamma2Grad])

derivative(opabs, abs(#1) inv(#1)) derivative(opGamma, digamma #1 Gamma #1) derivative(opBeta, [iBetaGrad1, iBetaGrad2]) derivative(opdigamma, polygamma(1, #1)) derivative(oppolygamma, [lzero, ipolygammaGrad]) derivative(opBesselJ, [lzero, iBesselJGrad]) derivative(opBesselY, [lzero, iBesselYGrad]) derivative(opBesselI, [lzero, iBesselIGrad]) derivative(opBesselK, [lzero, iBesselKGrad])

)abbrev package SUMFS FunctionSpaceSum ++ Top-level sum function ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: ??? ++ Date Last Updated: 19 April 1991 ++ Description: computes sums of top-level expressions; FunctionSpaceSum(R, F): Exports == Implementation where R: Join(IntegralDomain, OrderedSet, RetractableTo Integer, LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer) F: Join(FunctionSpace R, CombinatorialOpsCategory, AlgebraicallyClosedField, TranscendentalFunctionCategory)

SE ==> Symbol K ==> Kernel F

Exports ==> with sum: (F, SE) -> F ++ sum(a(n), n) returns A(n) such that A(n+1) - A(n) = a(n); sum: (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F ++ sum(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + f(a+1) + ... + f(b);

Implementation ==> add import ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage(R, F) import GosperSummationMethod(IndexedExponents K, K, R, SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K), F)

innersum: (F, K) -> Union(F, "failed") notRF? : (F, K) -> Boolean newk : () -> K

newk() == kernel(new()$SE)

sum(x:F, s:SegmentBinding F) == k := kernel(variable s)@K (u := innersum(x, k)) case "failed" => summation(x, s) eval(u::F, k, 1 + hi segment s) - eval(u::F, k, lo segment s)

sum(x:F, v:SE) == (u := innersum(x, kernel(v)@K)) case "failed" => summation(x,v) u::F

notRF?(f, k) == for kk in tower f repeat member?(k, tower(kk::F)) and (symbolIfCan(kk) case "failed") => return true false

innersum(x, k) == zero? x => 0 notRF?(f := normalize(x / (x1 := eval(x, k, k::F - 1))), k) => "failed" (u := GospersMethod(f, k, newk)) case "failed" => "failed" x1 * eval(u::F, k, k::F - 1) \end{axiom}

)lib COMBF )library cannot find the file COMBF. f:=operator 'f
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: BasicOperator?
D(sum(f(i),i=a..x),x) >> Error detected within library code: a sum cannot be differentiated with respect to a bound

Old Discussion --kratt6, Thu, 23 Jun 2005 03:28:23 -0500 reply
> #3148: bug #9216 differentiating sums with respect to a bound is wrong [A]?

in my opinion correct beyond doubt.

In the patch report you wrote:

"Mathematically axiom produces correct output now, however I'm not sure whether my patch is best possible.

Maybe there should be a function D in OutputForm? that displays unevaluated differentiation. Also, I find it ugly to use the raw %diff operator in COMBF. Furthermore, is it necessary to substitute a dummy variable for the variable of differentiation?"

I am concerned that this is another case of a "quick fix" for which we should consider a more general solution of the kind that you suggest above.

In this case the situation is a tiny little bit different, since here also Axioms internal representation is wrong. Worse: the design of Axioms Algebra currently doesn't provide "unevaluated differentiation". Obviously, it was thought that anything can be differentiated. In fact, I'm almost sure that attempting to differentiate a sum by one of its bound should signal an error, because it is impossible to assign a mathematically correct meaning to it. In this sense, I'd suggest that we aim to reach consensus until end of January.

property change --kratt6, Thu, 23 Jun 2005 05:15:30 -0500 reply
Category: => Axiom Compiler Severity: => critical Status: => fix proposed

Mail from Manuel Bronstein --kratt6, Thu, 23 Jun 2005 05:16:25 -0500 reply

I finally took at look at your patch 3148 on dvdsum. Your changes to dvdsum are fine, however the lines:

  +    ddiff l ==
  +      prefix(sub(D::O, third(l)::O), [eval(first(l), second(l), third(l))::O])


  +    setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALDISP, ddiff@(List F -> O) pretend None)

should be removed from the code: this property is being set in fspace.spad already, and you are duplicating that code (with differences). Each source file initializes the properties of the operators that it is particularly responsible for. CommonOperators?() ensures that the operators are shared by the clients, so the opdiff you are getting in combfunc.spad will have its SPECIALDISP property set by fspace.spad at some point before it ever gets displayed.

Sorry that I don't know how to update your patch on savannah, I would have done so directly otherwise.


-- mb

applied in patch-41 --kratt6, Tue, 04 Oct 2005 05:54:32 -0500 reply
Status: fix proposed => closed