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Submitted by : (unknown) at: 2007-11-17T22:02:23-08:00 (16 years ago)
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From functions's declaration:

    UpTriBddDenomInv: (M,R) -> M
      ++ UpTriBddDenomInv(B,d) returns M, where
      ++ B is a non-singular upper triangular matrix and d is an
      ++ element of R such that \spad{M = d * inv(B)} has entries in R.

Here, it's false, but may be use another error message

(1) -> a:=matrix ([[1,2],[0,9]])

1 & 2 
0 & 9 
Type: Matrix(NonNegativeInteger?)

1 & -{\frac{2}{9}}
0 &{\frac{1}{9}}
Type: Union(Matrix(Fraction(Integer)),...)
)expose TriangularMatrixOperations
TriangularMatrixOperations is now explicitly exposed in frame initial UpTriBddDenomInv(a,9)

9 & - 2 
0 & 1 
Type: Matrix(Integer)
>> Error detected within library code: "failed" of mode Union(Integer,"failed") cannot be coerced to mode Integer

a:=matrix ([[1,2],[0,9]])

1 & 2 
0 & 9 
Type: Matrix(NonNegativeInteger?)

1 & 0 
2 & 9 
Type: Matrix(NonNegativeInteger?)

1 & 0 
Type: Union(Matrix(Fraction(Integer)),...)

9 & 0 
- 2 & 1 
Type: Matrix(Integer)
>> Error detected within library code: "failed" of mode Union(Integer,"failed") cannot be coerced to mode Integer

what's wrong with that? --unknown, Fri, 01 Jul 2005 03:05:23 -0500 reply
From the package:
  ++ This package provides functions that compute "fraction-free"
  ++ inverses of upper and lower triangular matrices over a integral
  ++ domain. By "fraction-free inverse" we mean the following:
  ++ given a matrix B with entries in R and an element d of R such that
  ++ d* inv(B) also has entries in R, we return d * inv(B).

So if you enter B and d such that d * inv(B) does not have entries in R, it is an error. The package is for internal use (that why it is not exposed) where d is always divisible by the determinant of B.

I know it is false but... --unknown, Sun, 10 Jul 2005 10:02:41 -0500 reply
But I don't like computer error. I prefer some mathematical message for example:
d is not an element of R such that \spad{M = d * inv(B)} has entries in R.

Severity: normal => wishlist

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