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Edit detail for #157 bad call to getdatabase revision 2 of 3

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Editor: kratt6
Time: 2008/01/19 01:28:35 GMT-8

-There is a bug somewhere. Given the sequence:
-)lisp (setq *miss* t)
-x <--- getdatabase gets called with constructor=CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP key=Variable
There is a bug somewhere. Given the sequence::

  )lisp (setq *miss* t)
  x <--- getdatabase gets called with constructor=CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP key=Variable

Submitted by : (unknown) at: 2007-11-17T21:59:34-08:00 (16 years ago)
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)lisp (setq miss t) will cause messages to be output that show the arguments to the getdatabase function. The first argument is the constructor and the second argument is the key.

There is a bug somewhere. Given the sequence:

  )lisp (setq *miss* t)
  x <--- getdatabase gets called with constructor=CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP key=Variable

which is incorrect.

Explicitation --unknown, Wed, 18 May 2005 13:23:10 -0500 reply
)lisp (setq *miss* t) Value = T 1 getdatabase call: --immediateData-- CONSTRUCTOR getdatabase call: --immediateData-- ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: OutputForm ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: OutputForm OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PositiveInteger COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase miss: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat OBJECT getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SingleInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List COSIG getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List COSIG getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List COSIG getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger COSIG getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger COSIG getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: PrimitiveArray CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ConvertibleTo COSIG getdatabase call: InputForm COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OpenMath COSIG getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Evalable COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Evalable COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Evalable COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: Void COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Character COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: StringAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: StringAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: StringAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase miss: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase call: IndexedString COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase call: IndexedString COSIG getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase call: IndexedString COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase call: IndexedString COSIG getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger COSIG getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: LinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND
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getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Void OBJECT getdatabase call: Void CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Void CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Void CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Void CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PositiveInteger ABBREVIATION
Type: PositiveInteger?
1 getdatabase call: --immediateData-- CONSTRUCTOR getdatabase call: --immediateData-- ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PositiveInteger COSIG getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: PositiveInteger CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND
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getdatabase call: PositiveInteger ABBREVIATION
Type: PositiveInteger?
x getdatabase call: x CONSTRUCTOR getdatabase call: x ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: Variable CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ConvertibleTo COSIG getdatabase call: InputForm COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Integer CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Evalable COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Evalable COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Evalable COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: ListAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: StreamAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: StreamAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: StreamAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ExtensibleLinearAggregate& OBJECT getdatabase call: ExtensibleLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ExtensibleLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase call: List COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP getdatabase call: List COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: NonNegativeInteger COSIG getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Boolean COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Boolean COSIG getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Boolean COSIG getdatabase call: Boolean COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Boolean COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: ListAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedList CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: List CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Character COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OrderedSet COSIG getdatabase call: Character CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: SetCategory COSIG getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: FiniteLinearAggregate& CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: Integer COSIG getdatabase call: IndexedString CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: String CONSTRUCTORKIND
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getdatabase call: Variable ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: Variable CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP
Type: Variable x
x getdatabase call: x CONSTRUCTOR getdatabase call: x ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: Variable CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: OutputForm COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: TexFormat OPERATIONALIST getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND getdatabase call: TexFormat COSIG getdatabase call: TexFormat CONSTRUCTORKIND
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getdatabase call: Variable ABBREVIATION getdatabase call: Variable CONSTRUCTORMODEMAP
Type: Variable x
)lisp (setq *miss* nil) Value = NIL