Example for debugging boot code
Insert lines:
PRINT('"Debug:I'm here in putWidth. op=")
(See below.)
To compile and load in Axiom source tree:
)lisp (boottran::boottocl "src/interp/i-output2.boot")
)lisp (load (compile-file "int/interp/i-output2.clisp"))
--Modified JHD February 1993: see files miscout.input for some tests of this
-- General principle is that maprin0 is the top-level routine,
-- which calls maprinChk to print the object (placing certain large
-- matrices on a look-aside list), then calls maprinRows to print these.
-- These prints call maprinChk recursively, and maprinChk has to ensure that
-- we do not end up in an infinite recursion: matrix1 = matrix2 ...
--% Output display routines
EBCDIC( 28), -- upper left corner
EBCDIC( 27), -- upper right corner
EBCDIC( 30), -- lower left corner
EBCDIC( 31), -- lower right corner
EBCDIC( 79), -- vertical bar
EBCDIC( 45), -- horizontal bar
EBCDIC(144), -- APL quad
EBCDIC(173), -- left bracket
EBCDIC(189), -- right bracket
EBCDIC(192), -- left brace
EBCDIC(208), -- right brace
EBCDIC( 59), -- top box tee
EBCDIC( 62), -- bottom box tee
EBCDIC( 63), -- right box tee
EBCDIC( 61), -- left box tee
EBCDIC( 44), -- center box tee
EBCDIC(224) -- back slash
EBCDIC( 78), -- upper left corner (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- upper right corner (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- lower left corner (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- lower right corner (+)
EBCDIC( 79), -- vertical bar
EBCDIC( 96), -- horizontal bar (-)
EBCDIC(111), -- APL quad (?)
EBCDIC(173), -- left bracket
EBCDIC(189), -- right bracket
EBCDIC(192), -- left brace
EBCDIC(208), -- right brace
EBCDIC( 78), -- top box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- bottom box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- right box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- left box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- center box tee (+)
EBCDIC(224) -- back slash
EBCDIC(107), -- upper left corner (,)
EBCDIC(107), -- upper right corner (,)
EBCDIC(125), -- lower left corner (')
EBCDIC(125), -- lower right corner (')
EBCDIC( 79), -- vertical bar
EBCDIC( 96), -- horizontal bar (-)
EBCDIC(111), -- APL quad (?)
EBCDIC(173), -- left bracket
EBCDIC(189), -- right bracket
EBCDIC(192), -- left brace
EBCDIC(208), -- right brace
EBCDIC( 78), -- top box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- bottom box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- right box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- left box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- center box tee (+)
EBCDIC(224) -- back slash
EBCDIC( 79), -- upper left corner (|)
EBCDIC( 79), -- upper right corner (|)
EBCDIC( 79), -- lower left corner (|)
EBCDIC( 79), -- lower right corner (|)
EBCDIC( 79), -- vertical bar
EBCDIC( 96), -- horizontal bar (-)
EBCDIC(111), -- APL quad (?)
EBCDIC(173), -- left bracket
EBCDIC(189), -- right bracket
EBCDIC(192), -- left brace
EBCDIC(208), -- right brace
EBCDIC( 78), -- top box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- bottom box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- right box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- left box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- center box tee (+)
EBCDIC(224) -- back slash
EBCDIC( 96), -- upper left corner (-)
EBCDIC( 96), -- upper right corner (-)
EBCDIC( 96), -- lower left corner (-)
EBCDIC( 96), -- lower right corner (-)
EBCDIC( 79), -- vertical bar
EBCDIC( 96), -- horizontal bar (-)
EBCDIC(111), -- APL quad (?)
EBCDIC(173), -- left bracket
EBCDIC(189), -- right bracket
EBCDIC(192), -- left brace
EBCDIC(208), -- right brace
EBCDIC( 78), -- top box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- bottom box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- right box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- left box tee (+)
EBCDIC( 78), -- center box tee (+)
EBCDIC(224) -- back slash
'_+, -- upper left corner (+)
'_+, -- upper right corner (+)
'_+, -- lower left corner (+)
'_+, -- lower right corner (+)
'_|, -- vertical bar
'_-, -- horizontal bar (-)
'_?, -- APL quad (?)
'_[, -- left bracket
'_], -- right bracket
'_{, -- left brace
'_}, -- right brace
'_+, -- top box tee (+)
'_+, -- bottom box tee (+)
'_+, -- right box tee (+)
'_+, -- left box tee (+)
'_+, -- center box tee (+)
'_\ -- back slash
makeCharacter n == INTERN(STRING(CODE_-CHAR n))
makeCharacter 218, -- upper left corner (+)
makeCharacter 191, -- upper right corner (+)
makeCharacter 192, -- lower left corner (+)
makeCharacter 217, -- lower right corner (+)
makeCharacter 179, -- vertical bar
makeCharacter 196, -- horizontal bar (-)
$quadSymbol, -- APL quad (?)
'_[, -- left bracket
'_], -- right bracket
'_{, -- left brace
'_}, -- right brace
makeCharacter 194, -- top box tee (+)
makeCharacter 193, -- bottom box tee (+)
makeCharacter 180, -- right box tee (+)
makeCharacter 195, -- left box tee (+)
makeCharacter 197, -- center box tee (+)
'_\ -- back slash
SETANDFILEQ($specialCharacterAlist, '(
(ulc . 0)_
(urc . 1)_
(llc . 2)_
(lrc . 3)_
(vbar . 4)_
(hbar . 5)_
(quad . 6)_
(lbrk . 7)_
(rbrk . 8)_
(lbrc . 9)_
(rbrc . 10)_
(ttee . 11)_
(btee . 12)_
(rtee . 13)_
(ltee . 14)_
(ctee . 15)_
(bslash . 16)_
$collectOutput := nil
specialChar(symbol) ==
-- looks up symbol in $specialCharacterAlist, gets the index
-- into the EBCDIC table, and returns the appropriate character
null (code := IFCDR ASSQ(symbol,$specialCharacterAlist)) => '"?"
rbrkSch() == PNAME specialChar 'rbrk
lbrkSch() == PNAME specialChar 'lbrk
quadSch() == PNAME specialChar 'quad
isBinaryInfix x ==
x in '(_= _+ _- _* _/ _*_* _^ "=" "+" "-" "*" "/" "**" "^")
stringApp([.,u],x,y,d) ==
appChar(STRCONC($DoubleQuote,atom2String u,$DoubleQuote),x,y,d)
stringWidth u ==
u is [.,u] or THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
obj2String o ==
atom o =>
STRINGP o => o
o = " " => '" "
o = ")" => '")"
o = "(" => '"("
APPLY('STRCONC,[obj2String o' for o' in o])
APP(u,x,y,d) ==
atom u => appChar(atom2String u,x,y,d)
u is [[op,:.],a] and (s:= GET(op,'PREFIXOP)) =>
GET(op,'isSuffix) => appChar(s,x+WIDTH a,y,APP(a,x,y,d))
u is [[id,:.],:.] =>
fn := GET(id,'APP) => FUNCALL(fn,u,x,y,d)
not NUMBERP id and (d':= appInfix(u,x,y,d))=> d'
atom2String x ==
STRINGP x => x
stringer x
-- General convention in the "app..." functions:
-- Added from an attempt to fix bugs by JHD: 2 Aug 89
-- the first argument is what has to be printed
-- the second - x - is the horizontal distance along the page
-- at which to start
-- the third - y - is some vertical hacking control
-- the foruth - d - is the "layout" so far
-- these functions return an updated "layout so far" in general
appChar(string,x,y,d) ==
if CHARP string then string := PNAME string
line:= LASSOC(y,d) =>
if MAXINDEX string = 1 and char(string.0) = "%" then
string.1="b" =>
bumpDeltaIfTrue:= true
string.0:= EBCDIC 29
string.1:= EBCDIC 200
string.1="d" =>
bumpDeltaIfTrue:= true
string.0:= EBCDIC 29
string.1:= EBCDIC 65
shiftedX:= (y=0 => x+$highlightDelta; x)
--shift x for brightening characters -- presently only if y=0
if bumpDeltaIfTrue=true then $highlightDelta:= $highlightDelta+1
appChar(string,x,y,nconc(d,[[y,:GETFULLSTR(10+$LINELENGTH+$MARGIN," ")]]))
print(x,domain) ==
dom:= devaluate domain
$InteractiveMode: local:= true
$dontDisplayEquatnum: local:= true
mathprintWithNumber x ==
x:= outputTran x
$IOindex => ['EQUATNUM,$IOindex,x]
mathprint x ==
x := outputTran x
$saturn => texFormat1 x
maprin x
sayMath u ==
for x in u repeat acc:= concat(acc,linearFormatName x)
sayALGEBRA acc
--% Output transformations
outputTran x ==
x in '("failed" "nil" "prime" "sqfr" "irred") =>
STRINGP x => x
VECP x =>
outputTran ['BRACKET,['AGGLST,:[x.i for i in 0..MAXINDEX x]]]
MINUSP x => ["-",MINUS x]
atom x =>
x=$EmptyMode => specialChar 'quad
x is [c,var,mode] and c in '(_pretend _: _:_: _@) =>
var := outputTran var
if PAIRP var then var := ['PAREN,var]
['CONCATB,var,c,obj2String prefix2String mode]
x is ['ADEF,vars,.,.,body] =>
vars :=
vars is [x] => x
outputTran ["+->", vars, body]
x is ['MATRIX,:m] => outputTranMatrix m
x is ['matrix,['construct,c]] and
c is ['COLLECT,:m,d] and d is ['construct,e] and e is ['COLLECT,:.] =>
outputTran ['COLLECT,:m,e]
x is ['LIST,:l] => outputTran ['BRACKET,['AGGLST,:l]]
x is ['MAP,:l] => outputMapTran l
x is ['brace, :l] =>
['BRACE, ['AGGLST,:[outputTran y for y in l]]]
x is ['return,l] => ['return,outputTran l]
x is ['return,.,:l] => ['return,:outputTran l]
x is ['construct,:l] =>
['BRACKET,['AGGLST,:[outputTran y for y in l]]]
x is [["$elt",domain,"float"], x, y, z] and (domain = $DoubleFloat or
domain is ['Float]) and INTEGERP x and INTEGERP y and INTEGERP z and
z > 0 and (float := getFunctionFromDomain("float",domain,[$Integer,$Integer,$PositiveInteger])) =>
f := SPADCALL(x,y,z,float)
o := coerceInteractive(mkObjWrap(f, domain), '(OutputForm))
objValUnwrap o
[op,:l]:= flattenOps x
--needed since "op" is string in some spad code
if STRINGP op then (op := INTERN op; x:= [op,:l])
op = 'LAMBDA_-CLOSURE => 'Closure
x is ['break,:.] => 'break
x is ['SEGMENT,a] =>
a' := outputTran a
if LISTP a' then a' := ['PAREN,a']
x is ['SEGMENT,a,b] =>
a' := outputTran a
b' := outputTran b
if LISTP a' then a' := ['PAREN,a']
if LISTP b' then b' := ['PAREN,b']
op is ["$elt",targ,fun] or not $InteractiveMode and op is ["elt",targ,fun] =>
-- l has the args
targ' := obj2String prefix2String targ
if 2 = #targ then targ' := ['PAREN,targ']
['CONCAT,outputTran [fun,:l],'"$",targ']
x is ["$elt",targ,c] or not $InteractiveMode and x is ["elt",targ,c] =>
targ' := obj2String prefix2String targ
if 2 = #targ then targ' := ['PAREN,targ']
['CONCAT,outputTran c,'"$",targ']
x is ["-",a,b] =>
a := outputTran a
b := outputTran b
b < 0 => ["+",a,-b]
b is ["-",c] => ["+",a,c]
-- next stuff translates exp(log(foo4)/foo3) into ROOT(foo4,foo3)
(x is ["**", ='"%e",foo1]) and (foo1 is [ ='"/",foo2, foo3]) and
INTEGERP(foo3) and (foo2 is ['log,foo4]) =>
foo3 = 2 => ['ROOT,outputTran foo4]
['ROOT,outputTran foo4,outputTran foo3]
(x is ["**", ='"%e",foo1]) and (foo1 is [op',foo2, foo3]) and
(op' = '"*") and ((foo3 is ['log,foo4]) or (foo2 is ['log,foo4])) =>
foo3 is ['log,foo4] =>
["**", outputTran foo4, outputTran foo2]
foo4 := CADR foo2
["**", outputTran foo4, outputTran foo3]
op = 'IF => outputTranIf x
op = 'COLLECT => outputTranCollect x
op = 'REDUCE => outputTranReduce x
op = 'REPEAT => outputTranRepeat x
op = 'SEQ => outputTranSEQ x
op in '(cons nconc) => outputConstructTran x
l:= [outputTran y for y in l]
op = "*" =>
l is [a] => outputTran a
l is [["-",a],:b] =>
-- now this is tricky because we've already outputTran the list
-- expect trouble when outputTran hits b again
-- some things object to being outputTran twice ,e.g.matrices
-- same thing a bit lower down for "/"
a=1 => outputTran ["-",[op,:b]]
outputTran ["-",[op,a,:b]]
[op,:"append"/[(ss is ["*",:ll] => ll; [ss]) for ss in l]]
op = "+" =>
l is [a] => outputTran a
[op,:"append"/[(ss is ["+",:ll] => ll; [ss]) for ss in l]]
op = "/" =>
if $fractionDisplayType = 'horizontal then op := 'SLASH
else op := 'OVER
l is [["-",a],:b] => outputTran ["-",[op,a,:b]]
[outputTran op,:l]
op="|" and l is [["Tuple",:u],pred] =>
op='Tuple => ['PAREN,['AGGLST,:l]]
op='LISTOF => ['AGGLST,:l]
IDENTP op and ^(op in '(_* _*_*) ) and char("*") = (PNAME op).0 =>
[outputTran op,:l]
-- The next two functions are designed to replace successive instances of
-- binary functions with the n-ary equivalent, cutting down on recursion
-- in outputTran and in partciular allowing big polynomials to be printed
-- without stack overflow. MCD.
flattenOps l ==
[op, :args ] := l
op in ['"+",'"*","+","*"] =>
checkArgs(op,tail) ==
head := []
while tail repeat
term := first tail
atom term =>
head := [term,:head]
tail := rest tail
not LISTP term => -- never happens?
head := [term,:head]
tail := rest tail
op=first term =>
tail := [:rest term,:rest tail]
head := [term,:head]
tail := rest tail
; REVERSIP is a function specific to CCL
outputTranSEQ ['SEQ,:l,exitform] ==
if exitform is ['exit,.,a] then exitform := a
['SC,:[outputTran x for x in l],outputTran exitform]
outputTranIf ['IF,x,y,z] ==
y = 'noBranch =>
['CONCATB,'if,['CONCATB,'not,outputTran x],'then,outputTran z]
z = 'noBranch =>
['CONCATB,'if,outputTran x,'then,outputTran y]
y' := outputTran y
z' := outputTran z
--y' is ['SC,:.] or z' is ['SC,:.] =>
-- ['CONCATB,'if,outputTran x,
-- ['SC,['CONCATB,'then,y'],['CONCATB,'else,z']]]
--['CONCATB,'if,outputTran x,'then,outputTran y,'else,outputTran z]
['CONCATB,'if,outputTran x,
outputMapTran l ==
null l => NIL -- should not happen
-- display subscripts linearly
$linearFormatScripts : local := true
-- get the real names of the parameters
alias := get($op,'alias,$InteractiveFrame)
rest l => -- if multiple forms, call repeatedly
['SC,:[outputMapTran0(ll,alias) for ll in l]]
outputMapTran0(first l,alias)
outputMapTran0(argDef,alias) ==
arg := first argDef
def := rest argDef
[arg',:def'] := simplifyMapPattern(argDef,alias)
arg' := outputTran arg'
if null arg' then arg' := '"()"
['CONCATB,$op,outputTran arg',"==",outputTran def']
outputTranReduce ['REDUCE,op,.,body] ==
['CONCAT,op,"/",outputTran body]
outputTranRepeat ["REPEAT",:itl,body] ==
body' := outputTran body
itl =>
itlist:= outputTranIteration itl
outputTranCollect [.,:itl,body] ==
itlist:= outputTranIteration itl
['BRACKET,['CONCATB,outputTran body,itlist]]
outputTranIteration itl ==
null rest itl => outputTranIterate first itl
['CONCATB,outputTranIterate first itl,outputTranIteration rest itl]
outputTranIterate x ==
x is ['STEP,n,init,step,:final] =>
init' := outputTran init
if LISTP init then init' := ['PAREN,init']
final' :=
final =>
LISTP first final => [['PAREN,outputTran first final]]
[outputTran first final]
['STEP,outputTran n,init',outputTran step,:final']
x is ["IN",n,s] => ["IN",outputTran n,outputTran s]
x is [op,p] and op in '(_| UNTIL WHILE) =>
op:= DOWNCASE op
['CONCATB,op,outputTran p]
throwKeyedMsg("S2IX0008",['outputTranIterate,['"illegal iterate: ",x]])
outputConstructTran x ==
x is [op,a,b] =>
a:= outputTran a
b:= outputTran b
op="cons" =>
b is ['construct,:l] => ['construct,a,:l]
op="nconc" =>
aPart :=
a is ['construct,c] and c is ['SEGMENT,:.] => c
b is ['construct,:l] => ['construct,aPart,:l]
atom x => x
[outputTran first x,:outputConstructTran rest x]
outputTranMatrix x ==
not VECP x =>
-- assume that the only reason is that we've been done before
-- '"improper internal form for matrix found in output routines"])
["MATRIX",nil,:[outtranRow x.i for i in 0..MAXINDEX x]] where
outtranRow x ==
not VECP x =>
'"improper internal form for matrix found in output routines"])
["ROW",:[outputTran x.i for i in 0..MAXINDEX x]]
mkSuperSub(op,argl) ==
$linearFormatScripts => linearFormatForm(op,argl)
-- l := [(STRINGP f => f; STRINGIMAGE f)
-- for f in linearFormatForm(op,argl)]
-- "STRCONC"/l
s:= PNAME op
indexList:= [PARSE_-INTEGER PNAME d for i in 1.. while
(DIGITP (d:= s.(maxIndex:= i)))]
cleanOp:= INTERN ("STRCONC"/[PNAME s.i for i in maxIndex..MAXINDEX s])
-- if there is just a subscript use the SUB special form
#indexList=2 =>
subPart:= ['SUB,cleanOp,:take(indexList.1,argl)]
l:= drop(indexList.1,argl) => [subPart,:l]
-- otherwise use the SUPERSUB form
superSubPart := NIL
for i in rest indexList repeat
scripts :=
this:= take(i,argl)
argl:= drop(i,argl)
i=0 => ['AGGLST]
i=1 => first this
superSubPart := cons(scripts,superSubPart)
superSub := ['SUPERSUB,cleanOp,:reverse superSubPart]
argl => [superSub,:argl]
timesApp(u,x,y,d) ==
rightPrec:= getOpBindingPower("*","Led","right")
firstTime:= true
for arg in rest u repeat
op:= keyp arg
if ^firstTime and (needBlankForRoot(lastOp,op,arg) or
needStar(wasSimple,wasQuotient,wasNumber,arg,op) or
wasNumber and op = 'ROOT and subspan arg = 1) then
d:= APP(BLANK,x,y,d)
x:= x+1
[d,x]:= appInfixArg(arg,x,y,d,rightPrec,"left",nil) --app in a right arg
wasSimple:= atom arg and not NUMBERP arg or isRationalNumber arg
wasQuotient:= isQuotient op
wasNumber:= NUMBERP arg
lastOp := op
firstTime:= nil
needBlankForRoot(lastOp,op,arg) ==
lastOp ^= "^" and lastOp ^= "**" and not(subspan(arg)>0) => false
op = "**" and keyp CADR arg = 'ROOT => true
op = "^" and keyp CADR arg = 'ROOT => true
op = 'ROOT and CDDR arg => true
stepApp([.,a,init,one,:optFinal],x,y,d) ==
d:= appChar('"for ",x,y,d)
d:= APP(a,w:=x+4,y,d)
d:= appChar('" in ",w:=w+WIDTH a,y,d)
d:= APP(init,w:=w+4,y,d)
d:= APP('"..",w:=w+WIDTH init,y,d)
if optFinal then d:= APP(first optFinal,w+2,y,d)
stepSub [.,a,init,one,:optFinal] ==
m:= MAX(subspan a,subspan init)
optFinal => MAX(m,subspan first optFinal)
stepSuper [.,a,init,one,:optFinal] ==
m:= MAX(superspan a,superspan init)
optFinal => MAX(m,superspan first optFinal)
stepWidth [.,a,init,one,:optFinal] ==
10+WIDTH a+WIDTH init+(optFinal => WIDTH first optFinal; 0)
inApp([.,a,s],x,y,d) == --for [IN,a,s]
d:= appChar('"for ",x,y,d)
d:= APP(a,x+4,y,d)
d:= appChar('" in ",x+WIDTH a+4,y,d)
APP(s,x+WIDTH a+8,y,d)
inSub [.,a,s] == MAX(subspan a,subspan s)
inSuper [.,a,s] == MAX(superspan a,superspan s)
inWidth [.,a,s] == 8+WIDTH a+WIDTH s
centerApp([.,u],x,y,d) ==
d := APP(u,x,y,d)
concatApp([.,:l],x,y,d) == concatApp1(l,x,y,d,0)
concatbApp([.,:l],x,y,d) == concatApp1(l,x,y,d,1)
concatApp1(l,x,y,d,n) ==
for u in l repeat
d:= APP(u,x,y,d)
x:=x+WIDTH u+n
concatSub [.,:l] == "MAX"/[subspan x for x in l]
concatSuper [.,:l] == "MAX"/[superspan x for x in l]
concatWidth [.,:l] == +/[WIDTH x for x in l]
concatbWidth [.,:l] == +/[1+WIDTH x for x in l]-1
exptApp([.,a,b],x,y,d) ==
pren:= exptNeedsPren a
pren => appparu(a,x,y,d)
x':= x+WIDTH a+(pren => 2;0)
y':= 1+y+superspan a+subspan b + (0=superspan a => 0; -1)
exptNeedsPren a ==
atom a and null (INTEGERP a and a < 0) => false
key:= keyp a
key = "OVER" => true -- added JHD 2/Aug/90
(key="SUB") or (null GET(key,"Nud") and null GET(key,"Led")) => false
exptSub u == subspan CADR u
exptSuper [.,a,b] == superspan a+height b+(superspan a=0 => 0;-1)
exptWidth [.,a,b] == WIDTH a+WIDTH b+(exptNeedsPren a => 2;0)
needStar(wasSimple,wasQuotient,wasNumber,cur,op) ==
wasQuotient or isQuotient op => true
wasSimple =>
atom cur or keyp cur="SUB" or isRationalNumber cur or op="**" or op = "^" or
(atom op and ^NUMBERP op and ^GET(op,"APP"))
wasNumber =>
NUMBERP(cur) or isRationalNumber cur or
((op="**" or op ="^") and NUMBERP(CADR cur))
isQuotient op ==
op="/" or op="OVER"
timesWidth u ==
rightPrec:= getOpBindingPower("*","Led","right")
firstTime:= true
w:= 0
for arg in rest u repeat
op:= keyp arg
if ^firstTime and needStar(wasSimple,wasQuotient,wasNumber,arg,op) then
w:= w+1
if infixArgNeedsParens(arg, rightPrec, "left") then w:= w+2
w:= w+WIDTH arg
wasSimple:= atom arg and not NUMBERP arg --or isRationalNumber arg
wasQuotient:= isQuotient op
wasNumber:= NUMBERP arg
firstTime:= nil
plusApp([.,frst,:rst],x,y,d) ==
appSum(rst,x+WIDTH frst,y,APP(frst,x,y,d))
appSum(u,x,y,d) ==
for arg in u repeat
syminusp arg => "-"
opString:= GET(infixOp,"INFIXOP") or '","
d:= APP(opString,x,y,d)
x:= x+WIDTH opString
arg:= absym arg --negate a neg. number or remove leading "-"
rightPrec:= getOpBindingPower(infixOp,"Led","right")
if infixOp = "-" then rightPrec:=rightPrec +1
-- that +1 added JHD 2 Aug 89 to prevent x-(y+z) printing as x-y+z
-- Sutor found the example:
-- )cl all
-- p : P[x] P I := x - y - z
-- p :: P[x] FR P I
-- trailingCoef %
[d,x]:= appInfixArg(arg,x,y,d,rightPrec,"left",nil) --app in a right arg
appInfix(e,x,y,d) ==
op := keyp e
leftPrec:= getOpBindingPower(op,"Led","left")
leftPrec = 1000 => return nil --no infix operator is allowed default value
rightPrec:= getOpBindingPower(op,"Led","right")
#e < 2 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IX0008",['appInfix,
'"fewer than 2 arguments to an infix function"])
opString:= GET(op,"INFIXOP") or '","
opWidth:= WIDTH opString
[.,frst,:rst]:= e
null rst =>
GET(op,"isSuffix") =>
[d,x]:= appInfixArg(frst,x,y,d,leftPrec,"right",opString)
d:= appChar(opString,x,y,d)
[d,x]:= appInfixArg(frst,x,y,d,leftPrec,"right",opString) --app in left arg
for arg in rst repeat
d:= appChar(opString,x,y,d) --app in the infix operator
x:= x+opWidth
[d,x]:= appInfixArg(arg,x,y,d,rightPrec,"left",opString) --app in right arg
appconc(d,x,y,w) == NCONC(d,[[[x,:y],:w]])
infixArgNeedsParens(arg, prec, leftOrRight) ==
prec > getBindingPowerOf(leftOrRight, arg) + 1
appInfixArg(u,x,y,d,prec,leftOrRight,string) ==
insertPrensIfTrue:= infixArgNeedsParens(u,prec,leftOrRight)
insertPrensIfTrue => appparu(u,x,y,d)
x:= x+WIDTH u
if string then d:= appconc(d,x,y,string)
[d,(insertPrensIfTrue => x+2; x)]
getBindingPowerOf(key,x) ==
--binding powers can be found in file NEWAUX LISP
x is ['REDUCE,:.] => (key='left => 130; key='right => 0)
x is ["REPEAT",:.] => (key="left" => 130; key="right" => 0)
x is ["COND",:.] => (key="left" => 130; key="right" => 0)
x is [op,:argl] =>
if op is [a,:.] then op:= a
op = 'SLASH => getBindingPowerOf(key,["/",:argl]) - 1
op = 'OVER => getBindingPowerOf(key,["/",:argl])
(n:= #argl)=1 =>
key="left" and (m:= getOpBindingPower(op,"Nud","left")) => m
key="right" and (m:= getOpBindingPower(op,"Nud","right")) => m
n>1 =>
key="left" and (m:= getOpBindingPower(op,"Led","left")) => m
key="right" and (m:= getOpBindingPower(op,"Led","right")) => m
op="ELT" => 1002
getOpBindingPower(op,LedOrNud,leftOrRight) ==
if op in '(SLASH OVER) then op := "/"
leftOrRight="left" => 0
leftOrRight="left" => leftBindingPowerOf(op,LedOrNud)
bp^=exception => bp
--% Brackets
bracketApp(u,x,y,d) ==
u is [.,u] or THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
d:= appChar(specialChar 'lbrk,x,y,d)
appChar(specialChar 'rbrk,x+1+WIDTH u,y,d)
--% Braces
braceApp(u,x,y,d) ==
u is [.,u] or THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
d:= appChar(specialChar 'lbrc,x,y,d)
appChar(specialChar 'rbrc,x+1+WIDTH u,y,d)
--% Aggregates
aggWidth u ==
rest u is [a,:l] => WIDTH a + +/[1+WIDTH x for x in l]
aggSub u == subspan rest u
aggSuper u == superspan rest u
aggApp(u,x,y,d) == aggregateApp(rest u,x,y,d,",")
aggregateApp(u,x,y,d,s) ==
if u is [a,:l] then
d:= APP(a,x,y,d)
x:= x+WIDTH a
for b in l repeat
d:= APP(s,x,y,d)
d:= APP(b,x+1,y,d)
x:= x+1+WIDTH b
--% Function to compute Width
outformWidth u == --WIDTH as called from OUTFORM to do a COPY
u = $EmptyString => 0
u.0="%" and ((u.1 = char 'b) or (u.1 = char 'd)) => 1
atom u => # atom2String u
WIDTH u ==
u = $EmptyString => 0
u.0="%" and ((u.1 = char 'b) or (u.1 = char 'd)) => 1
if (u < 1) then
negative := 1
u := -u
negative := 0
-- Try and be fairly exact for smallish integers:
u = 0 => 1
u < MOST_-POSITIVE_-LONG_-FLOAT => 1+negative+FLOOR ((LOG10 u) + 0.0000001)
-- Rough guess: integer-length returns log2 rounded up, so divide it by
-- roughly log2(10). This should return an over-estimate, but for objects
-- this big does it matter?
atom u => # atom2String u
putWidth u is [[.,:n],:.] => n
putWidth u ==
PRINT('"Debug:I'm here in putWidth. op=")
atom u or u is [[.,:n],:.] and NUMBERP n => u
op:= keyp u
--NUMBERP op => nil
leftPrec:= getBindingPowerOf("left",u)
rightPrec:= getBindingPowerOf("right",u)
[firstEl,:l] := u
GET(firstEl,"INFIXOP") => 0
l is [firstArg,:restArg] =>
RPLACA(rest u,putWidth firstArg)
for y in tails restArg repeat RPLACA(y,putWidth first y)
0=interSpace and infixArgNeedsParens(firstArg,leftPrec,"right")=>
2+WIDTH firstArg
WIDTH firstArg
widthFirstArg + +/[interSpace+w for x in restArg] where w ==
0=interSpace and infixArgNeedsParens(x, rightPrec, "left") =>
atom (oldFirst:= first u) =>
fn:= GET(oldFirst,"WIDTH") =>
if l then ll := rest l else ll := nil
[putWidth oldFirst,:2+WIDTH oldFirst+argsWidth]
opWidth(op,has2Arguments) ==
op = "EQUATNUM" => 4
null has2Arguments =>
a:= GET(op,"PREFIXOP") => SIZE a
a:= GET(op,"INFIXOP") => SIZE a
matrixBorder(x,y1,y2,d,leftOrRight) ==
y1 = y2 =>
c :=
leftOrRight = 'left => specialChar('lbrk)
for y in y1..y2 repeat
c :=
y = y1 =>
leftOrRight = 'left => specialChar('llc)
y = y2 =>
leftOrRight = 'left => specialChar('ulc)
d := APP(c,x,y,d)
isRationalNumber x == nil
widthSC u == 10000
--% The over-large matrix package
maprinSpecial(x,$MARGIN,$LINELENGTH) == maprin0 x
-- above line changed JHD 13/2/93 since it used to call maPrin
maprin x ==
if $demoFlag=true then recordOrCompareDemoResult x
CATCH('output,maprin0 x)
maprin0 x ==
$MatrixCount:local :=0
$MatrixList:local :=nil
maprinChk x
if $MatrixList then maprinRows $MatrixList
-- above line moved JHD 28/2/93 to catch all routes through maprinChk
maprinChk x ==
null $MatrixList => maPrin x
ATOM x and (u:= ASSOC(x,$MatrixList)) =>
$MatrixList := delete(u,$MatrixList)
maPrin deMatrix CDR u
x is ["=",arg,y] => --case for tracing with )math and printing matrices
u:=ASSOC(y,$MatrixList) =>
-- we don't want to print matrix1 = matrix2 ...
$MatrixList := delete(u,$MatrixList)
maPrin ["=",arg, deMatrix CDR u]
maPrin x
x is ['EQUATNUM,n,y] =>
$MatrixList is [[name,:value]] and y=name =>
$MatrixList:=[] -- we are pulling this one off
maPrin ['EQUATNUM,n, deMatrix value]
IDENTP y => --------this part is never called
-- Not true: JHD 28/2/93
-- m:=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
-- mm:=[[m,1,0],[0,m,1],[0,1,m]]
-- and try to print mm**5
u := ASSOC(y,$MatrixList)
--$MatrixList := deleteAssoc(first u,$MatrixList)
-- deleteAssoc no longer exists
$MatrixList := delete(u,$MatrixList)
maPrin ['EQUATNUM,n,rest u]
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
maPrin x
maPrin x
-- above line added JHD 13/2/93 since otherwise x gets lost
maprinRows matrixList ==
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI($algebraOutputStream)
while matrixList repeat
y:=NREVERSE matrixList
--Makes the matrices come out in order, since CONSed on backwards
firstName := first first y
for [name,:m] in y for n in 0.. repeat
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI($algebraOutputStream)
andWhere := (name = firstName => '"where "; '"and ")
line := STRCONC(andWhere, PNAME name)
maprinChk ["=",line,m]
-- note that this could place a new element on $MatrixList, hence the loop
deMatrix m ==
:[['BRACKET,['AGGLST,:rest row]] for row in CDDR m]]]
LargeMatrixp(u,width, dist) ==
-- sees if there is a matrix wider than 'width' in the next 'dist'
-- part of u, a sized charybdis structure.
-- NIL if not, first such matrix if there is one
ATOM u => nil
CDAR u <= width => nil
--CDAR is the width of a charybdis structure
op:=CAAR u
op = 'MATRIX => largeMatrixAlist u
--We already know the structure is more than 'width' wide
--Each of these prints the arguments in a width 3 smaller
for v in CDR u repeat
(ans:=LargeMatrixp(v,width,dist)) => return largeMatrixAlist ans
dist:=dist - WIDTH v
dist<0 => return nil
--Relying that falling out of a loop gives nil
MEMQ(op,'(_+ _* )) =>
--Each of these prints the first argument in a width 3 smaller
(ans:=LargeMatrixp(CADR u,width-3,dist)) => largeMatrixAlist ans
for v in CDDR u repeat
(ans:=LargeMatrixp(v,width,dist)) => return largeMatrixAlist ans
dist:=dist - WIDTH v
dist<0 => return nil
--Relying that falling out of a loop gives nil
for v in CDR u repeat
(ans:=LargeMatrixp(v,width,dist)) => return largeMatrixAlist ans
dist:=dist - WIDTH v
dist<0 => return nil
--Relying that falling out of a loop gives nil
largeMatrixAlist u ==
u is [op,:r] =>
op is ['MATRIX,:.] => deMatrix u
largeMatrixAlist op or largeMatrixAlist r
PushMatrix m ==
--Adds the matrix to the look-aside list, and returns a name for it
for v in $MatrixList repeat
EQUAL(m,CDR v) => return CAR v
name => name
quoteApp([.,a],x,y,d) == APP(a,x+1,y,appChar(PNAME "'",x,y,d))
quoteSub [.,a] == subspan a
quoteSuper [.,a] == superspan a
quoteWidth [.,a] == 1 + WIDTH a
SubstWhileDesizing(u,m) ==
-- arg. m is always nil (historical: EU directive to increase argument lists 1991/XGII)
--Replaces all occurrences of matrix m by name in u
--Taking out any outdated size information as it goes
ATOM u => u
--name := RASSOC(u,$MatrixList) => name
-- doesn't work since RASSOC seems to use an EQ test, and returns the
-- pair anyway. JHD 28/2/93
op = 'MATRIX =>
l':=SubstWhileDesizingList(CDR l,m)
u :=
-- CDR l=l' => u
-- this was a CONS-saving optimisation, but it doesn't work JHD 28/2/93
PushMatrix u
-- [op,:l']
ATOM op => [op,:l']
--;SubstWhileDesizingList(u,m) ==
--; -- m is always nil (historical)
--; u is [a,:b] =>
--; a':=SubstWhileDesizing(a,m)
--; b':=SubstWhileDesizingList(b,m)
--;-- MCD & TTT think that this test is unnecessary and expensive
--;-- a=a' and b=b' => u
--; [a',:b']
--; u
SubstWhileDesizingList(u,m) ==
u is [a,:b] =>
ATOM a => [a]
for i in b repeat
if ATOM i then RPLACD(tail,[i]) else RPLACD(tail,[SubstWhileDesizing(i,m)])
tail:=CDR tail
--% Printing of Sigmas , Pis and Intsigns
sigmaSub u ==
--The depth function for sigmas with lower limit only
MAX(1 + height CADR u, subspan CADDR u)
sigmaSup u ==
--The height function for sigmas with lower limit only
MAX(1, superspan CADDR u)
sigmaApp(u,x,y,d) ==
u is [.,bot,arg] or THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
sigma2App(u,x,y,d) ==
bigopWidth(bot,top,arg,kind) ==
kindWidth := (kind = 'pi => 5; 3)
MAX(kindWidth,WIDTH bot,(top => WIDTH top; 0)) + 2 + WIDTH arg
bigopAppAux(bot,top,arg,x,y,d,kind) ==
botWidth := (bot => WIDTH bot; 0)
topWidth := WIDTH top
opWidth :=
kind = 'pi => 5
maxWidth := MAX(opWidth,botWidth,topWidth)
xCenter := (maxWidth-1)/ 2 + x
atom bot and SIZE atom2String bot = 1 => APP(bot,xCenter,y-2,d)
APP(bot,x + (maxWidth - botWidth)/2,y-2-superspan bot,d)
if top then
atom top and SIZE atom2String top = 1 => APP(top,xCenter,y+2,d)
APP(top,x + (maxWidth - topWidth)/2,y+2+subspan top,d)
delta := (kind = 'pi => 2; 1)
opCode :=
kind = 'sigma =>
[['(0 . 0),:'">"],_
['(0 . 1),:specialChar('hbar)],_
['(0 . -1),:specialChar('hbar)],_
['(1 . 1),:specialChar('hbar)],_
['(1 . -1),:specialChar('hbar)],_
['(2 . 1),:specialChar('urc )],_
['(2 . -1),:specialChar('lrc )]]
kind = 'pi =>
[['(0 . 1),:specialChar('ulc )],_
['(1 . 0),:specialChar('vbar)],_
['(1 . 1),:specialChar('ttee)],_
['(1 . -1),:specialChar('vbar)],_
['(2 . 1),:specialChar('hbar)],_
['(3 . 0),:specialChar('vbar)],_
['(3 . 1),:specialChar('ttee)],_
['(3 . -1),:specialChar('vbar)],_
['(4 . 1),:specialChar('urc )]]
xLate(opCode,xCenter - delta,y,d)
sigmaWidth [.,bot,arg] == bigopWidth(bot,nil,arg,'sigma)
sigma2Width [.,bot,top,arg] == bigopWidth(bot,top,arg,'sigma)
sigma2Sub u ==
--The depth function for sigmas with 2 limits
MAX(1 + height CADR u, subspan CADDDR u)
sigma2Sup u ==
--The depth function for sigmas with 2 limits
MAX(1 + height CADDR u, superspan CADDDR u)
piSub u ==
--The depth function for pi's (products)
MAX(1 + height CADR u, subspan CADDR u)
piSup u ==
--The height function for pi's (products)
MAX(1, superspan CADDR u)
piApp(u,x,y,d) ==
u is [.,bot,arg] or THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
piWidth [.,bot,arg] == bigopWidth(bot,nil,arg,'pi)
pi2Width [.,bot,top,arg] == bigopWidth(bot,top,arg,'pi)
pi2Sub u ==
--The depth function for pi's with 2 limits
MAX(1 + height CADR u, subspan CADDDR u)
pi2Sup u ==
--The depth function for pi's with 2 limits
MAX(1 + height CADDR u, superspan CADDDR u)
pi2App(u,x,y,d) ==
overlabelSuper [.,a,b] == 1 + height a + superspan b
overlabelWidth [.,a,b] == WIDTH b
overlabelApp([.,a,b], x, y, d) ==
underApp:= APP(b,x,y,d)
endPoint := x + WIDTH b - 1
middle := QUOTIENT(x + endPoint,2)
h := y + superspan b + 1
d := APP(a,middle,h + 1,d)
apphor(x,x+WIDTH b-1,y+superspan b+1,d,"|")
overbarSuper u == 1 + superspan u.1
overbarWidth u == WIDTH u.1
overbarApp(u,x,y,d) ==
underApp:= APP(u.1,x,y,d)
apphor(x,x+WIDTH u.1-1,y+superspan u.1+1,d,UNDERBAR)
indefIntegralSub u ==
-- form is INDEFINTEGRAL(expr,dx)
MAX(1,subspan u.1,subspan u.2)
indefIntegralSup u ==
-- form is INDEFINTEGRAL(expr,dx)
MAX(1,superspan u.1,superspan u.2)
indefIntegralApp(u,x,y,d) ==
-- form is INDEFINTEGRAL(expr,dx)
d := APP(expr,x+4,y,d)
d := APP(dx,x+5+WIDTH expr,y,d)
xLate( [['(0 . -1),:specialChar('llc) ],_
['(1 . -1),:specialChar('lrc) ],_
['(1 . 0),:specialChar('vbar)],_
['(1 . 1),:specialChar('ulc) ],_
['(2 . 1),:specialChar('urc) ]], x,y,d)
indefIntegralWidth u ==
-- form is INDEFINTEGRAL(expr,dx)
# u ^= 3 => THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
5 + WIDTH u.1 + WIDTH u.2
intSub u ==
MAX(1 + height u.1, subspan u.3)
intSup u ==
MAX(1 + height u.2, superspan u.3)
intApp(u,x,y,d) ==
d:=APP(arg,x+4+MAX(-4 + WIDTH bot, WIDTH top),y,d)
d:=APP(bot,x,y-2-superspan bot,d)
d:=APP(top,x+3,y+2+subspan top,d)
xLate( [['(0 . -1),:specialChar('llc) ],_
['(1 . -1),:specialChar('lrc) ],_
['(1 . 0),:specialChar('vbar)],_
['(1 . 1),:specialChar('ulc) ],_
['(2 . 1),:specialChar('urc) ]], x,y,d)
intWidth u ==
# u < 4 => THROW('outputFailure,'outputFailure)
MAX(-4 + WIDTH u.1, WIDTH u.2) + WIDTH u.3 + 5
xLate(l,x,y,d) ==
for [[a,:b],:c] in l repeat
d:= appChar(c,x+a,y+b,d)
concatTrouble(u,d,start,lineLength,$addBlankIfTrue) ==
[x,:l] := splitConcat(u,lineLength,true)
null l =>
sayALGEBRA ['%l,'%b,'" Too wide to Print",'%d]
charybdis(fixUp x,start,lineLength)
for y in l repeat
if d then prnd(start,d)
if lineLength > 2 then
charybdis(fixUp y,start+2,lineLength-2) -- JHD needs this to avoid lunacy
else charybdis(fixUp y,start,1) -- JHD needs this to avoid lunacy
fixUp x ==
rest x =>
$addBlankIfTrue => ['CONCATB,:x]
first x
splitConcat(list,maxWidth,firstTimeIfTrue) ==
null list => nil
-- split list l into a list of n lists, each of which
-- has width < maxWidth
totalWidth:= 0
oneOrZero := ($addBlankIfTrue => 1; 0)
l := list
maxW:= (firstTimeIfTrue => maxWidth; maxWidth-2)
maxW < 1 => [[x] for x in l] -- JHD 22.8.95, otherwise things can break
for x in tails l
while (width := oneOrZero + WIDTH first x + totalWidth) < maxW repeat
l:= x
totalWidth:= width
x:= rest l
RPLAC(rest l,nil)
spadPrint(x,m) ==
m = $NoValueMode => x
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
formulaFormat expr ==
sff := '(ScriptFormulaFormat)
formatFn := getFunctionFromDomain("coerce",sff,[$OutputForm])
displayFn := getFunctionFromDomain("display",sff,[sff])
if ^$collectOutput then
TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
FORCE_-OUTPUT $formulaOutputStream
texFormat expr ==
tf := '(TexFormat)
formatFn :=
displayFn := getFunctionFromDomain("display",tf,[tf])
TERPRI $texOutputStream
FORCE_-OUTPUT $texOutputStream
texFormat1 expr ==
tf := '(TexFormat)
formatFn := getFunctionFromDomain("coerce",tf, [$OutputForm])
displayFn := getFunctionFromDomain("display",tf,[tf])
TERPRI $texOutputStream
FORCE_-OUTPUT $texOutputStream
output(expr,domain) ==
if isWrapped expr then expr := unwrap expr
isMapExpr expr =>
if $formulaFormat then formulaFormat expr
if $texFormat then texFormat expr
if $algebraFormat then mathprintWithNumber expr
categoryForm? domain or domain in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain))) =>
if $algebraFormat then
mathprintWithNumber outputDomainConstructor expr
if $texFormat then
texFormat outputDomainConstructor expr
T := coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(expr,domain),$OutputForm) =>
x := objValUnwrap T
if $formulaFormat then formulaFormat x
if $fortranFormat then
dispfortexp x
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $fortranOutputStream
FORCE_-OUTPUT $fortranOutputStream
if $algebraFormat then
mathprintWithNumber x
if $texFormat then texFormat x
(FUNCTIONP(opOf domain)) and
(printfun := compiledLookup("<<",'(TextWriter TextWriter $), evalDomain domain))
and (textwrit := compiledLookup("print", '($), TextWriter())) =>
sayMSGNT [:bright '"AXIOM-XL",'"output: "]
SPADCALL(SPADCALL textwrit, expr, printfun)
sayMSGNT '%l
-- big hack for tuples for new compiler
domain is ['Tuple, S] => output(asTupleAsList expr, ['List, S])
sayALGEBRA [:bright '"LISP",'"output:",'%l,expr or '"NIL"]
outputNumber(start,linelength,num) ==
if start > 1 then blnks := fillerSpaces(start-1,'" ")
else blnks := '""
if linelength>2 then
while SIZE(num) > linelength repeat
if $collectOutput then
$outputLines := [CONCAT(blnks, SUBSTRING(num,0,linelength),under),
sayALGEBRA [blnks,
num := SUBSTRING(num,linelength,NIL)
if firsttime then
blnks:=CONCAT(blnks,'" ")
if $collectOutput then
$outputLines := [CONCAT(blnks, num), :$outputLines]
sayALGEBRA [blnks, num]
outputString(start,linelength,str) ==
if start > 1 then blnks := fillerSpaces(start-1,'" ")
else blnks := '""
while SIZE(str) > linelength repeat
if $collectOutput then
$outputLines := [CONCAT(blnks, SUBSTRING(str,0,linelength)),
sayALGEBRA [blnks, SUBSTRING(str,0,linelength)]
str := SUBSTRING(str,linelength,NIL)
if $collectOutput then
$outputLines := [CONCAT(blnks, str), :$outputLines]
sayALGEBRA [blnks, str]
outputDomainConstructor form ==
if VECTORP CAR form then form := devaluate form
atom (u:= prefix2String form) => u
v:= [object2String(x) for x in u]
return INTERNL eval ['STRCONC,:v]
getOutputAbbreviatedForm form ==
form is [op,:argl] =>
op in '(Union Record) => outputDomainConstructor form
op is "Mapping" => formatMapping argl
u:= constructor? op or op
null argl => u
ml:= getPartialConstructorModemapSig(op)
argl:= [fn for x in argl for m in ml] where fn ==
categoryForm?(m) => outputDomainConstructor x
x' := coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(x,m),$OutputForm)
x' => objValUnwrap x'
outputOp x ==
x is [op,:args] and (GET(op,"LED") or GET(op,"NUD")) =>
GET(op,"NARY") => 2
[newop,:[outputOp y for y in args]]
printMap u ==
printBasic specialChar 'lbrk
initialFlag:= isInitialMap u
if u is [x,:l] then
printMap1(x,initialFlag and x is [[n],:.] and n=1)
for y in l repeat (printBasic " , "; printMap1(y,initialFlag))
printBasic specialChar 'rbrk
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
isInitialMap u ==
u is [[[n],.],:l] and INTEGERP n and
(and/[x is [[ =i],.] for x in l for i in n+1..])
printMap1(x,initialFlag) ==
initialFlag => printBasic CADR x
if CDAR x then printBasic first x else printBasic CAAR x
printBasic " E "
printBasic CADR x
printBasic x ==
x='(One) => PRIN1(1,$algebraOutputStream)
x='(Zero) => PRIN1(0,$algebraOutputStream)
IDENTP x => PRINTEXP(PNAME x,$algebraOutputStream)
atom x => PRIN1(x,$algebraOutputStream)
charybdis(u,start,linelength) ==
EQ(keyp u,'EQUATNUM) and ^(CDDR u) =>
charyTop(u,start,linelength) ==
u is ['SC,:l] or u is [['SC,:.],:l] =>
for a in l repeat charyTop(a,start,linelength)
'" "
u is [['CONCATB,:.],:m,[['SC,:.],:l]] =>
u is ['CENTER,a] =>
b := charyTopWidth a
(w := WIDTH(b)) > linelength-start => charyTop(a,start,linelength)
v := charyTopWidth u
EQ(keyp u,'ELSE) => charyElse(u,v,start,linelength)
WIDTH(v) > linelength => charyTrouble(u,v,start,linelength)
d := APP(v,start,0,nil)
n := superspan v
m := - subspan v
$testOutputLineFlag =>
$testOutputLineList :=
[:ASSOCRIGHT SORTBY('CAR,d),:$testOutputLineList]
until n < m repeat
n := n - 1
'" "
charyTopWidth u ==
atom u => u
atom first u => putWidth u
putWidth u
charyTrouble(u,v,start,linelength) ==
al:= LargeMatrixp(u,linelength,2*linelength) =>
--$MatrixList =>
--[[m,:m1]] := al
--maPrin sublisMatAlist(m,m1,u)
--above three lines commented out JHD 25/2/93 since don't work
--u := SubstWhileDesizing(u,first first al)
u := SubstWhileDesizing(u,nil)
maprinChk u
sublisMatAlist(m,m1,u) ==
u is [op,:r] =>
op is ['MATRIX,:.] and u=m => m1
op1 := sublisMatAlist(m,m1,op)
r1 := [sublisMatAlist(m,m1,s) for s in r]
op = op1 and r1 = r => u
charyTrouble1(u,v,start,linelength) ==
NUMBERP u => outputNumber(start,linelength,atom2String u)
atom u => outputString(start,linelength,atom2String u)
EQ(x:= keyp u,'_-) => charyMinus(u,v,start,linelength)
MEMQ(x,'(_+ _* AGGLST)) => charySplit(u,v,start,linelength)
EQ(x,'EQUATNUM) => charyEquatnum(u,v,start,linelength)
d := GET(x,'INFIXOP) => charyBinary(d,u,v,start,linelength)
x = 'OVER =>
EQ(3,LENGTH u) and GET(x,'Led) =>
d:= PNAME first GET(x,'Led)
EQ(x,'CONCAT) =>
concatTrouble(rest v,d,start,linelength,nil)
(rest v) is [loop, 'repeat, body] =>
(rest v) is [wu, loop, 'repeat, body] and
(keyp wu) is ['CONCATB,wu',.] and wu' in '(while until) =>
concatTrouble(rest v,d,start,linelength,true)
GET(x,'INFIXOP) => charySplit(u,v,start,linelength)
EQ(x,'PAREN) and
(EQ(keyp u.1,'AGGLST) and (v:= ",") or EQ(keyp u.1,'AGGSET) and
(v:= ";")) => bracketagglist(rest u.1,start,linelength,v,"_(","_)")
EQ(x,'PAREN) and EQ(keyp u.1,'CONCATB) =>
bracketagglist(rest u.1,start,linelength," ","_(","_)")
EQ(x,'BRACKET) and (EQ(keyp u.1,'AGGLST) and (v:= ",")) =>
bracketagglist(rest u.1,start,linelength,v,
specialChar 'lbrk, specialChar 'rbrk)
EQ(x,'BRACE) and (EQ(keyp u.1,'AGGLST) and (v:= ",")) =>
bracketagglist(rest u.1,start,linelength,v,
specialChar 'lbrc, specialChar 'rbrc)
EQ(x,'EXT) => longext(u,start,linelength)
EQ(x,'ELSE) => charyElse(u,v,start,linelength)
EQ(x,'SC) => charySemiColon(u,v,start,linelength)
if rest u then charybdis(['ELSE,:rest u],start,linelength)
-- changed from charybdis(...) by JHD 2 Aug 89, since rest u might be null
'" "
charySemiColon(u,v,start,linelength) ==
for a in rest u repeat
charyMinus(u,v,start,linelength) ==
'" "
charyBinary(d,u,v,start,linelength) ==
d in '(" := " "= ") =>
'" "
if d then prnd(start,d)
'" "
charyEquatnum(u,v,start,linelength) ==
'" "
charySplit(u,v,start,linelength) ==
v:= [first v.0,:rest v]
m:= rest v
WIDTH v.1 > linelength-2 =>
^(CDDR v) => '" "
dm:= CDDR v
ddm:= rest dm
for i in 0.. repeat
dm := rest m
ddm := rest dm
WIDTH v > linelength - 2 => return nil
RPLAC(first v, first v.0)
m := rest m
RPLAC(first v,first v.0)
charybdis(v,start + 2,linelength - 2)
split2(u,dm,ddm,start,linelength) ==
--prnd(start,(d:= GET(keyp u,'INFIXOP) => d; opSrch(keyp u,OPLIST)))
prnd(start,(d:= GET(keyp u,'INFIXOP) => d; '","))
m:= WIDTH [keyp u,:dm]<linelength-2
charybdis([keyp u,:dm],(m => start+2; start),(m => linelength-2; linelength))
'" "
charyElse(u,v,start,linelength) ==
^(CDDR u) => '" "
charybdis(['ELSE,:CDDR v],start,linelength)
'" "
scylla(n,v) ==
y := LASSOC(n,v)
null y => nil
if $collectOutput then
$outputLines := [y, :$outputLines]
TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
keyp(u) ==
atom u => nil
atom first u => first u
absym x ==
(NUMBERP x) and (MINUSP x) => -x
^(atom x) and (keyp(x) = '_-) => CADR x
agg(n,u) ==
(n = 1) => CADR u
agg(n - 1, rest u)
aggwidth u ==
null u => 0
null rest u => WIDTH first u
1 + (WIDTH first u) + (aggwidth rest u)
argsapp(u,x,y,d) == appargs(rest u,x,y,d)
subspan u ==
atom u => 0
NUMBERP rest u => subspan first u
(not atom first u and_
atom CAAR u and_
not NUMBERP CAAR u and_
MAX(subspan first u, subspan rest u)
agggsub u == subspan rest u
superspan u ==
atom u => 0
NUMBERP rest u => superspan first u
(not atom first u and_
atom CAAR u and_
not NUMBERP CAAR u and_
MAX(superspan first u, superspan rest u)
agggsuper u == superspan rest u
agggwidth u == aggwidth rest u
appagg(u,x,y,d) == appagg1(u,x,y,d,'",")
appagg1(u,x,y,d,s) ==
null u => d
null rest u => APP(first u,x,y,d)
temp := x + WIDTH first u
temparg1 := APP(first u,x,y,d)
temparg2 := APP(s,temp,y,temparg1)
appagg1(rest u, 1 + temp, y, temparg2,s)
--Note the similarity between the definition below of appargs and above
--of appagg. (why?)
appargs(u,x,y,d) == appargs1(u,x,y,d,'";")
--Note that the definition of appargs1 below is identical to that of
--appagg1 above except that the former calls appargs and the latter
--calls appagg.
appargs1(u,x,y,d,s) ==
null u => d
null rest u => APP(first u,x,y,d)
temp := x + WIDTH first u
temparg1 := APP(first u,x,y,d)
temparg2 := APP(s,temp,y,temparg1)
true => appargs(rest u, 1 + temp, y, temparg2)
apprpar(x, y, y1, y2, d) ==
(^(_*TALLPAR) or (y2 - y1 < 2)) => APP('")", x, y, d)
true => APP('")", x, y2, apprpar1(x, y, y1, y2 - 1, d))
apprpar1(x, y, y1, y2, d) ==
(y1 = y2) => APP('")", x, y2, d)
true => APP('")", x, y2, apprpar1(x, y, y1, y2 - 1, d))
applpar(x, y, y1, y2, d) ==
(^(_*TALLPAR) or (y2 - y1 < 2)) => APP('"(", x, y, d)
true => APP('"(", x, y2, applpar1(x, y, y1, y2 - 1, d))
applpar1(x, y, y1, y2, d) ==
(y1 = y2) => APP('"(", x, y2, d)
true => APP('"(", x, y2, applpar1(x, y, y1, y2 - 1, d))
--The body of the function appelse assigns 6 local variables.
--It then finishes by calling apprpar.
appelse(u,x,y,d) ==
b := y - subspan rest u
p := y + superspan rest u
temparg1 := APP(keyp u, x, y, d)
temparg2 := applpar(x + w, y, b, p, temparg1)
temparg3 := appagg(rest u, x + 1 + w, y, temparg2)
apprpar(x + 1 + w + aggwidth rest u, y, b, p, temparg3)
appext(u,x,y,d) ==
xptr := x
yptr := y - (subspan CADR u + superspan agg(3,u) + 1)
d := APP(CADR u,x,y,d)
d := APP(agg(2,u),xptr,yptr,d)
xptr := xptr + WIDTH agg(2,u)
d := APP('"=", xptr, yptr,d)
d := APP(agg(3,u), 1 + xptr, yptr, d)
yptr := y + 1 + superspan CADR u + SUBSPAD agg(4,u)
d := APP(agg(4,u), x, yptr, d)
temp := 1 + WIDTH agg(2,u) + WIDTH agg(3,u)
n := MAX(WIDTH CADR u, WIDTH agg(4,u), temp)
if EQCAR(first(z := agg(5,u)), 'EXT) and
(EQ(n,3) or (n > 3 and ^(atom z)) ) then
n := 1 + n
d := APP(z, x + n, y, d)
apphor(x1,x2,y,d,char) ==
temp := (x1 = x2 => d; apphor(x1, x2 - 1, y, d,char))
APP(char, x2, y, temp)
syminusp x ==
^(atom x) and EQ(keyp x,'_-)
appsum(u, x, y, d) ==
null u => d
ac := absym first u
sc :=
syminusp first u => '"-"
true => '"+"
dp := MEMBER(keyp absym first u, '(_+ _-))
tempx := x + WIDTH ac + (dp => 5; true => 3)
tempdblock :=
temparg1 := APP(sc, x + 1, y, d)
dp =>
bot := y - subspan ac
top := y + superspan ac
temparg2 := applpar(x + 3, y, bot, top, temparg1)
temparg3 := APP(ac, x + 4, y, temparg2)
apprpar(x + 4 + WIDTH ac, y, bot, top, temparg3)
true => APP(ac, x + 3, y, temparg1)
appsum(rest u, tempx, y, tempdblock)
appneg(u, x, y, d) ==
appsum(LIST u, x - 1, y, d)
appparu(u, x, y, d) ==
bot := y - subspan u
top := y + superspan u
temparg1 := applpar(x, y, bot, top, d)
temparg2 := APP(u, x + 1, y, temparg1)
apprpar(x + 1 + WIDTH u, y, bot, top, temparg2)
appparu1(u, x, y, d) ==
appparu(CADR u, x, y, d)
appsc(u, x, y, d) ==
appagg1(rest u, x, y, d, '";")
appsetq(u, x, y, d) ==
w := WIDTH first u
temparg1 := APP(CADR u, x, y, d)
temparg2 := APP('":", x + w, y, temparg1)
APP(CADR rest u, x + 2 + w, y, temparg2)
appsub(u, x, y, d) ==
temparg1 := x + WIDTH CADR u
temparg2 := y - 1 - superspan CDDR u
temparg3 := APP(CADR u, x, y, d)
appagg(CDDR u, temparg1, temparg2, temparg3)
starstarcond(l, iforwhen) ==
null l => l
EQ((a := CAAR l), 1) =>
starstarcond(CONS(transcomparg(CADR a), rest l), iforwhen)
null rest l =>
LIST('CONCAT, iforwhen, CAAR l))
true => LIST('VCONCAT,
starstarcond(CONS(first l, nil), iforwhen),
starstarcond(rest l, iforwhen)))
eq0(u) == 0
height(u) ==
superspan(u) + 1 + subspan(u)
extsub(u) ==
MAX(subspan agg(5, u), height(agg(3, u)), subspan CADR u )
extsuper(u) ==
MAX(superspan CADR u + height agg(4, u), superspan agg(5, u) )
extwidth(u) ==
WIDTH agg(4, u),
1 + WIDTH agg(2, u) + WIDTH agg(3, u) )
nil or
(EQCAR(first(z := agg(5, u)), 'EXT) and _
(EQ(n, 3) or ((n > 3) and null atom z) ) =>
n := 1 + n)
true => n + WIDTH agg(5, u)
appfrac(u, x, y, d) ==
-- Added "1+" to both QUOTIENT statements so that when exact centering is
-- not possible, expressions are offset to the right rather than left.
-- MCD 16-8-95
w := WIDTH u
tempx := x + QUOTIENT(1+w - WIDTH CADR rest u, 2)
tempy := y - superspan CADR rest u - 1
temparg3 := APP(CADR rest u, tempx, tempy, d)
temparg4 := apphor(x, x + w - 1, y, temparg3,specialChar('hbar))
x + QUOTIENT(1+w - WIDTH CADR u, 2),
y + 1 + subspan CADR u,
fracsub(u) == height CADR rest u
fracsuper(u) == height CADR u
fracwidth(u) ==
numw := WIDTH (num := CADR u)
denw := WIDTH (den := CADDR u)
if num is [[op,:.],:.] and op = 'OVER then numw := numw + 2
if den is [[op,:.],:.] and op = 'OVER then denw := denw + 2
slashSub u ==
MAX(1,subspan(CADR u),subspan(CADR rest u))
slashSuper u ==
MAX(1,superspan(CADR u),superspan(CADR rest u))
slashApp(u, x, y, d) ==
-- to print things as a/b as opposed to
-- a
-- -
-- b
temparg1 := APP(CADR u, x, y, d)
temparg2 := APP('"/", x + WIDTH CADR u, y, temparg1)
APP(CADR rest u,
x + 1 + WIDTH CADR u, y, temparg2)
slashWidth(u) ==
-- to print things as a/b as opposed to
-- a
-- -
-- b
1 + WIDTH CADR u + WIDTH CADR rest u
longext(u, i, n) ==
x := REVERSE u
y := first x
u := remWidth(REVERSEWOC(CONS('" ", rest x)))
charybdis(u, i, n)
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
charybdis(CONS('ELSE, LIST y), i, n)
'" "
appvertline(char, x, yl, yu, d) ==
yu < yl => d
temparg := appvertline(char, x, yl, yu - 1, d)
true => APP(char, x, yu, temparg)
appHorizLine(xl, xu, y, d) ==
xu < xl => d
temparg := appHorizLine(xl, xu - 1, y, d)
true => APP(MATBORCH, xu, y, temparg)
rootApp(u, x, y, d) ==
widB := WIDTH u.1
supB := superspan u.1
subB := subspan u.1
if #u > 2 then
widR := WIDTH u.2
subR := subspan u.2
d := APP(u.2, x, y - subB + 1 + subR, d)
widR := 1
d := APP(u.1, x + widR + 1, y, d)
d := apphor(x+widR+1, x+widR+widB, y+supB+1, d, specialChar('hbar))
d := appvertline(specialChar('vbar), x+widR, y - subB, y + supB, d)
d := APP(specialChar('ulc), x+widR, y + supB+1, d)
d := APP(specialChar('urc), x + widR + widB + 1, y + supB+1, d)
d := APP(specialChar('bslash), x + widR - 1, y - subB, d)
boxApp(u, x, y, d) ==
CDDR u => boxLApp(u, x, y, d)
a := 1 + superspan u.1
b := 1 + subspan u.1
w := 2 + WIDTH u.1
d := appvertline(specialChar('vbar), x,y - b + 1, y + a - 1, d)
d := appvertline(specialChar('vbar), x + w + 1, y - b,y + a,d)
d := apphor(x + 1, x + w, y - b, d, specialChar('hbar))
d := apphor(x + 1, x + w, y + a, d, specialChar('hbar))
d := APP(specialChar('ulc), x, y + a, d)
d := APP(specialChar('urc), x + w + 1, y + a, d)
d := APP(specialChar('llc), x, y - b, d)
d := APP(specialChar('lrc), x + w + 1, y - b, d)
d := APP(u.1, 2 + x, y, d)
boxLApp(u, x, y, d) ==
la := superspan u.2
lb := subspan u.2
lw := 2 + WIDTH u.2
lh := 2 + la + lb
a := superspan u.1+1
b := subspan u.1+1
w := MAX(lw, 2 + WIDTH u.1)
-- next line used to have h instead of lh
top := y + a + lh
d := appvertline(MATBORCH, x, y - b, top, d)
d := appHorizLine(x + 1, x + w, top, d)
d := APP(u.2, 2 + x, y + a + lb + 1, d)
d := appHorizLine(x + 1, x + lw, y + a, d)
nil or
lw < w => d := appvertline(MATBORCH, x + lw + 1, y + a, top - 1, d)
d := APP(u.1, 2 + x, y, d)
d := appHorizLine(x + 1, x + w, y - b, top, d)
d := appvertline(MATBORCH, x + w + 1, y - b, top, d)
boxSub(x) ==
subspan x.1+1
boxSuper(x) ==
null CDR x => 0
hl :=
null CDDR x => 0
true => 2 + subspan x.2 + superspan x.2
true => hl+1 + superspan x.1
boxWidth(x) ==
null CDR x => 0
wl :=
null CDDR x => 0
true => WIDTH x.2
true => 4 + MAX(wl, WIDTH x.1)
nothingWidth x ==
nothingSuper x ==
nothingSub x ==
nothingApp(u, x, y, d) ==
zagApp(u, x, y, d) ==
w := WIDTH u
denx := x + QUOTIENT(w - WIDTH CADR rest u, 2)
deny := y - superspan CADR rest u - 1
d := APP(CADR rest u, denx, deny, d)
numx := x + QUOTIENT(w - WIDTH CADR u, 2)
numy := y+1 + subspan CADR u
d := APP(CADR u, numx, numy, d)
a := 1 + zagSuper u
b := 1 + zagSub u
d := appvertline(specialChar('vbar), x, y - b, y - 1, d)
d := appvertline(specialChar('vbar), x + w - 1, y + 1, y + a, d)
d := apphor(x, x + w - 2, y, d, specialChar('hbar))
d := APP(specialChar('ulc), x, y, d)
d := APP(specialChar('lrc), x + w - 1, y, d)
zagSub(u) ==
height CADR rest u
zagSuper(u) ==
height CADR u
zagWidth(x) ==
#x = 1 => 0
#x = 2 => 4 + WIDTH x.1
4 + MAX(WIDTH x.1, WIDTH x.2)
rootWidth(x) ==
#x <= 2 => 3 + WIDTH x.1
2 + WIDTH x.1 + WIDTH x.2
rootSub(x) ==
subspan x.1
rootSuper(x) ==
normal := 1 + superspan x.1
#x <= 2 => normal
(radOver := height x.2 - height x.1) < 0 => normal
normal + radOver
appmat(u, x, y, d) ==
rows := CDDR u
p := matSuper u
q := matSub u
d := matrixBorder(x, y - q, y + p, d, 'left)
x := 1 + x
yc := 1 + y + p
w := CADR u
wl := CDAR w
subl := rest CADR w
superl := rest CADR rest w
null rows => return(matrixBorder(x + WIDTH u - 2,
y - q,
y + p,
xc := x
yc := yc - 1 - first superl
w := wl
row := CDAR rows
if flag = '"ON" then
flag := '"OFF"
null row =>
yc := yc - 1 - first subl
subl := rest subl
superl := rest superl
rows := rest rows
return(flag := '"ON"; nil)
d := APP(first row,
xc + QUOTIENT(first w - WIDTH first row, 2),
xc := xc + 2 + first w
row := rest row
w := rest w
matSuper(x) ==
(x := x.1) => -1 + QUOTIENT(first x.1 + first x.2, 2)
true => ERROR('MAT)
matSub(x) ==
(x := x.1) => QUOTIENT(-1 + first x.1 + first x.2, 2)
true => ERROR('MAT)
matWidth(x) ==
y := CDDR x -- list of rows, each of form ((ROW . w) element element ...)
numOfColumns := LENGTH CDAR y
widthList := matLSum2 matWList(y, NLIST(numOfColumns, 0))
--returns ["max width of entries in column i" for i in 1..numberOfRows]
subspanList := matLSum matSubList y
superspanList := matLSum matSuperList y
RPLAC(x.1,[widthList, subspanList, superspanList])
CAAR x.1
matLSum(x) ==
CONS(sumoverlist x + LENGTH x, x)
matLSum2(x) ==
CONS(sumoverlist x + 2*(LENGTH x), x)
matWList(x, y) ==
null x => y
true => matWList(rest x, matWList1(CDAR x, y) )
matWList1(x, y) ==
null x => nil
true => CONS(MAX(WIDTH first x, first y), matWList1(rest x, rest y) )
matSubList(x) == --computes the max/[subspan(e) for e in "row named x"]
null x => nil
true => CONS(matSubList1(CDAR x, 0), matSubList(rest x) )
matSubList1(x, y) ==
null x => y
true => matSubList1(rest x, MAX(y, subspan first x) )
matSuperList(x) == --computes the max/[superspan(e) for e in "row named x"]
null x => nil
true => CONS(matSuperList1(CDAR x, 0), matSuperList(rest x) )
matSuperList1(x, y) ==
null x => y
true => matSuperList1(rest x, MAX(y, superspan first x) )
minusWidth(u) ==
-1 + sumWidthA rest u
-- opSrch(name, x) ==
-- LASSOC(name, x) or '","
bracketagglist(u, start, linelength, tchr, open, close) ==
u := CONS(LIST('CONCAT, open, first u),
[LIST('CONCAT, '" ", y) for y in rest u] )
s := 0
for x in tails u repeat
lastx := x
((s := s + WIDTH first x + 1) >= linelength) => return(s)
null rest x => return(s := -1)
nil or
EQ(s, -1) => (nextu := nil)
EQ(lastx, u) => ((nextu := rest u); RPLACD(u, nil) )
true => ((nextu := lastx); RPLACD(PREDECESSOR(lastx, u), nil))
for x in tails u repeat
RPLACA(x, LIST('CONCAT, first x, tchr))
if null nextu then RPLACA(CDDR LAST u, close)
charybdis(ASSOCIATER('CONCAT, u), start, linelength)
if $collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
ichr := '" "
u := nextu
null u => return(nil)
prnd(start, op) ==
$testOutputLineFlag =>
string := STRCONC(fillerSpaces MAX(0,start - 1),op)
$testOutputLineList := [string,:$testOutputLineList]
PRINTEXP(fillerSpaces MAX(0,start - 1),$algebraOutputStream)
$collectOutput =>
string := STRCONC(fillerSpaces MAX(0,start - 1),op)
$outputLines := [string, :$outputLines]
TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
qTSub(u) ==
subspan CADR u
qTSuper(u) ==
superspan CADR u
qTWidth(u) ==
remWidth(x) ==
atom x => x
true => CONS( (atom first x => first x; true => CAAR x),
MMAPCAR(remWidth, rest x) )
subSub(u) ==
height CDDR u
subSuper u ==
superspan u.1
letWidth u ==
5 + WIDTH u.1 + WIDTH u.2
sumoverlist(u) == +/[x for x in u]
sumWidth u ==
WIDTH u.1 + sumWidthA CDDR u
sumWidthA u ==
^u => 0
( MEMBER(keyp absym first u,'(_+ _-)) => 5; true => 3) +
WIDTH absym first u +
sumWidthA rest u
superSubApp(u, x, y, di) ==
a := first (u := rest u)
b := first (u := rest u)
c := first (u := KDR u) or '((NOTHING . 0))
d := KAR (u := KDR u) or '((NOTHING . 0))
e := KADR u or '((NOTHING . 0))
aox := MAX(wd := WIDTH d, we := WIDTH e)
ar := superspan a
ab := subspan a
aw := WIDTH a
di := APP(d, x + (aox - wd), 1 + ar + y + subspan d, di)
di := APP(a, x + aox, y, di)
di := APP(c, aox + aw + x, 1 + y + ar + subspan c, di)
di := APP(e, x + (aox - we), y - 1 - MAX(superspan e, ab), di)
di := APP(b, aox + aw + x, y - 1 - MAX(ab, superspan b), di)
return di
stringer x ==
STRINGP x => x
RPLACSTR(s, 0, 1, "", nil, nil)
superSubSub u ==
a:= first (u:= rest u)
b:= KAR (u := KDR u)
return subspan a + MAX(height b, height e)
binomApp(u,x,y,d) ==
[num,den] := rest u
ysub := y - 1 - superspan den
ysup := y + 1 + subspan num
wden := WIDTH den
wnum := WIDTH num
w := MAX(wden,wnum)
d := APP(den,x+1+(w - wden)/2,ysub,d)
d := APP(num,x+1+(w - wnum)/2,ysup,d)
hnum := height num
hden := height den
w := 1 + w
for j in 0..(hnum - 1) repeat
d := appChar(specialChar 'vbar,x,y + j,d)
d := appChar(specialChar 'vbar,x + w,y + j,d)
for j in 1..(hden - 1) repeat
d := appChar(specialChar 'vbar,x,y - j,d)
d := appChar(specialChar 'vbar,x + w,y - j,d)
d := appChar(specialChar 'ulc,x,y + hnum,d)
d := appChar(specialChar 'urc,x + w,y + hnum,d)
d := appChar(specialChar 'llc,x,y - hden,d)
d := appChar(specialChar 'lrc,x + w,y - hden,d)
binomSub u == height CADDR u
binomSuper u == height CADR u
binomWidth u == 2 + MAX(WIDTH CADR u, WIDTH CADDR u)
altSuperSubApp(u, x, y, di) ==
a := first (u := rest u)
ar := superspan a
ab := subspan a
aw := WIDTH a
di := APP(a, x, y, di)
x := x + aw
sublist := everyNth(u := rest u, 2)
suplist := everyNth(IFCDR u, 2)
ysub := y - 1 - APPLY('MAX, [ab, :[superspan s for s in sublist]])
ysup := y + 1 + APPLY('MAX, [ar, :[subspan s for s in sublist]])
for sub in sublist for sup in suplist repeat
wsub := WIDTH sub
wsup := WIDTH sup
di := APP(sub, x, ysub, di)
di := APP(sup, x, ysup, di)
x := x + 1 + MAX(wsub, wsup)
everyNth(l, n) ==
[(e := l.0; for i in 1..n while l repeat l := rest l; e) while l]
altSuperSubSub u ==
span := subspan CADR u
sublist := everyNth(CDDR u, 2)
for sub in sublist repeat
h := height sub
if h > span then span := h
altSuperSubSuper u ==
span := superspan CADR u
suplist := everyNth(IFCDR CDDR u, 2)
for sup in suplist repeat
h := height sup
if h > span then span := h
altSuperSubWidth u ==
suplist := everyNth(IFCDR CDDR u, 2)
sublist := everyNth(CDDR u, 2)
for sup in suplist for sub in sublist repeat
wsup := WIDTH sup
wsub := WIDTH sub
w := w + 1 + MAX(wsup, wsub)
superSubWidth u ==
a := first (u := rest u)
b := first (u := rest u)
c := first (u := KDR u) or '((NOTHING . 0))
d := KAR (u := KDR u) or '((NOTHING . 0))
e := KADR u or '((NOTHING . 0))
return MAX(WIDTH d, WIDTH e) + MAX(WIDTH b, WIDTH c) + WIDTH a
superSubSuper u ==
a:= first (u := rest u)
c:= KAR (u := KDR KDR u)
d:= KADR u
return superspan a + MAX(height c, height d)
suScWidth u ==
WIDTH u.1 + aggwidth CDDR u
transcomparg(x) ==
y := first x
args := first _*NTH(STANDARGLIST, 1 + LENGTH y)
if true then
null y => return(nil)
(atom first y) and MEMBER(first y, FRLIS_*) =>
conds := CONS(LIST('EQUAL1, first args, first y), conds)
y := SUBST(first args, first y, y)
x := SUBST(first args, first y, x)
(first y = first args) => nil
true => conds := CONS(LIST('EQUAL1, first args, first y), conds)
y := rest y
args := rest args
conds :=
null conds => rest CADR x
LIST(rest CADR x) ) ) )
LIST((conds => conds; true => 1), CADR rest x)
vconcatapp(u, x, y, d) ==
w := vConcatWidth u
y := y + superspan u.1 + 1
for a in rest u repeat
y := y - superspan a - 1
xoff := QUOTIENT(w - WIDTH a, 2)
d := APP(a, x + xoff, y, d)
y := y - subspan a
binomialApp(u, x, y, d) ==
[.,b,a] := u
w := vConcatWidth u
d := APP('"(",x,y,d)
x := x + 1
y1 := y - height a
xoff := QUOTIENT(w - WIDTH a, 2)
d := APP(a, x + xoff, y1, d)
y2 := y + height b
xoff := QUOTIENT(w - WIDTH b, 2)
d := APP(b, x + xoff, y2, d)
x := x + w
vConcatSub u ==
subspan u.1 + +/[height a for a in CDDR u]
vConcatSuper u ==
superspan u.1
vConcatWidth u ==
w := 0
for a in rest u repeat if (wa := WIDTH a) > w then w := wa
binomialSub u == height u.2 + 1
binomialSuper u == height u.1 + 1
binomialWidth u == 2 + MAX(WIDTH u.1, WIDTH u.2)
mathPrint u ==
if ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
(u := STRINGP mathPrint1(mathPrintTran u, nil) =>
PSTRING u; nil)
mathPrintTran u ==
atom u => u
true =>
for x in tails u repeat
RPLAC(first x, mathPrintTran first x)
mathPrint1(x,fg) ==
if fg and ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
maPrin x
if fg and ^$collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
maPrin u ==
null u => nil
if $runTestFlag or $mkTestFlag then
$mkTestOutputStack := [COPY u, :$mkTestOutputStack]
$highlightDelta := 0
c := CATCH('outputFailure,charybdis(u, $MARGIN, $LINELENGTH))
c ^= 'outputFailure => c
u is ['EQUATNUM,num,form] or u is [['EQUATNUM,:.],num,form] =>
charybdis(['EQUATNUM,num], $MARGIN, $LINELENGTH)
if ^$collectOutput then
TERPRI $algebraOutputStream
if ^$collectOutput then PRETTYPRINT(u,$algebraOutputStream)
>> System error:
invalid number of arguments: 1
>> System error:
failed to find the TRUENAME of 902877298093501193-25px001.clisp:
No such file or directory
There are no library operations named **
Use HyperDoc Browse or issue
)what op **
to learn if there is any operation containing " ** " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named **
with argument type(s)
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
On November 26, 2006 2:58 PM Vanuxem Gregory and Gabriel Dos Reis
suggested the following commmand:
)lisp (boot "src/interp/i-output2.boot")
to compile and load Boot code in one step.