This routine provides Simpson's method for numerical integration. Although FriCAS already provides a Simpson's method, this version has a syntax that will be intuitive to anyone who has used the integrate() function.
(1) -> <spad>
)abbrev package SIMPINT SimpsonIntegration
SimpsonIntegration(): Exports == Implementation where
F ==> Float
SF ==> Segment F
EF ==> Expression F
SBF ==> SegmentBinding F
Ans ==> Record(value:F, error:F)
Exports ==> with
simpson : (EF,SBF,F) -> Ans
simpson : (EF,SBF) -> Ans
Implementation ==> add
simpson(func:EF, sbf:SBF, tol:F) ==
a : F := low(segment(sbf))
b : F := high(segment(sbf))
x : EF := variable(sbf) :: EF
h : F
k : Integer
n : Integer
simps : F
newsimps : F
oe : F
ne : F
err : F
sumend : F := retract(eval(func, x, a::EF) + eval(func, x, b::EF))
sumodd : F := 0.0 :: F
sumeven : F := 0.0 :: F
-- First base case -- 2 intervals ----------------
n := 2
h := (b-a)/n
sumeven := sumeven + sumodd
sumodd := 0.0 :: F
for k in 1..(n-1) by 2 repeat
sumodd := sumodd + retract(eval( func, x, (k*h+a)::EF ))
simps := ( sumend + 2.0*sumeven + 4.0*sumodd )*(h/3.0)
-- Second base case -- 4 intervals ---------------
n := n*2
h := (b-a)/n
sumeven := sumeven + sumodd
sumodd := 0.0 :: F
for k in 1..(n-1) by 2 repeat
sumodd := sumodd + retract(eval( func, x, (k*h+a)::EF ))
newsimps := ( sumend + 2.0*sumeven + 4.0*sumodd )*(h/3.0)
oe := abs(newsimps-simps) -- old error
simps := newsimps
-- general case -----------------------------------
while true repeat
n := n*2
h := (b-a)/n
sumeven := sumeven + sumodd
sumodd := 0.0 :: F
for k in 1..(n-1) by 2 repeat
sumodd := sumodd + retract(eval( func, x, (k*h+a)::EF ))
newsimps := ( sumend + 2.0*sumeven + 4.0*sumodd )*(h/3.0)
-- This is a check of Richardson's error estimate.
-- Usually p is approximately 4 for Simpson's rule, but
-- occasionally convergence is slower
ne := abs( newsimps - simps ) -- new error
if ( (ne<oe*2.0) and (oe<ne*16.5) ) then -- Richardson should be ok
-- p := log(oe/ne)/log(2.0)
err := ne/(oe/ne-1.0::F) -- ne/(2^p-1)
err := ne -- otherwise estimate crudely
oe := ne
simps := newsimps
if( err < tol ) then
[ newsimps, err ]
simpson(func:EF, sbf:SBF) ==
simpson( func, sbf, 1.e-6::F )</spad>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
SIMPINT abbreviates package SimpsonIntegration
initializing NRLIB SIMPINT for SimpsonIntegration
compiling into NRLIB SIMPINT
compiling exported simpson : (Expression Float,SegmentBinding Float,Float) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float)
Time: 1.46 SEC.
compiling exported simpson : (Expression Float,SegmentBinding Float) -> Record(value: Float,error: Float)
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |SimpsonIntegration| REDEFINED
;;; *** |SimpsonIntegration| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor SimpsonIntegration
Time: 1.46 seconds
finalizing NRLIB SIMPINT
Processing SimpsonIntegration for Browser database:
--->-->SimpsonIntegration(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->SimpsonIntegration((simpson ((Record (: value (Float)) (: error (Float))) (Expression (Float)) (SegmentBinding (Float)) (Float)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->SimpsonIntegration((simpson ((Record (: value (Float)) (: error (Float))) (Expression (Float)) (SegmentBinding (Float))))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->SimpsonIntegration(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SIMPINT.NRLIB/SIMPINT.lsp" (written 03 DEC 2024 08:42:37 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SIMPINT.NRLIB/SIMPINT.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.140
SimpsonIntegration is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SimpsonIntegration will be automatically loaded when needed from
This simpson() function overloads the already existing function and either may be used. To see available simpson() functions, do:
)display op simpson
There are 3 exposed functions called simpson :
[1] (Expression(Float),SegmentBinding(Float),Float) -> Record(value
: Float,error: Float)
from SimpsonIntegration
[2] (Expression(Float),SegmentBinding(Float)) -> Record(value: Float
,error: Float)
from SimpsonIntegration
[3] ((D3 -> D3),D3,D3,D3,D3,Integer,Integer) -> Record(value: D3,
error: D3,totalpts: Integer,success: Boolean)
from NumericalQuadrature(D3) if D3 has FPS
To compute an integral using Simpson's rule, pass an expression and a BindingSegment? with the limits. Optionally, you may include a third argument to specify the acceptable error.
The exact integral:
integrate( sin(x), x=0..1 ) :: Expression Float
Type: Expression(Float)
Our approximations:
simpson( sin(x), x=0..1 )
Type: Record(value: Float,error: Float)
simpson( sin(x), x=0..1, 1.e-10 )
Type: Record(value: Float,error: Float)